Self-forgiveness and self-love

JANU:    Many have within their consciousness memories, present and past, what they call regrettable conduct, interactions. Lingering, condemning oneself, to varying degrees, as unworthy of loving oneself.

Self-forgiveness is part of the art of self-loving. The larger, more powerful reality in everyone’s nature is self-love. Allow the compassion that Life has for you, which is eternal and all forgiving, to be your own. Emulate that reality. Be the channel of this quality of being that is your nature. Be the instrument of inspiration to others confused in this area. Be what they have within them that seems unattainable through self-forgiveness and self-loving. There is nothing in your memory that condemns you.

Awakening to the larger reality of who you are and why you are and your potential to create beauty is available to everyone. Self-forgiveness and self-love go hand in hand. Allow the experience. Own it. And feel renewed. A fresh start, if you will, that is valid. Some use the phrase “born again.”

Be a living example of the freedom of renewal through these two experiences. Let your inner sight reveal to you this model for living. Stand in the truth of this and encourage others by example. Love each other in a new and deeper way that brings true freedom to the consciousness. Namaste.
Apr.6, 2017 B                                          Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 20 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Learning to walk in truth and integrity

JANU: We are conditioning then, if you will, the social movement in consciousness, in the sense of interpretation and progression. Social media, our brother, is a good barometer of the trends in social consciousness, which is a composite of individual consciousnesses. To clean up social media, it is accomplished at the root of it, which is the collective consciousness of humanity. Awakening once again, you see, being a catalyst for this.

Let us move then from this scenario to that of religious dogma and philosophy, theosophy, scripture, all of these. This whole venue is colored by the movement in the collective human consciousness. Social things of this nature have a tendency to degrade over time for it is easier than to maintain ever higher standards of integrity. The change is almost too slow to perceive and, after time, it is all that is known or experienced and becomes the norm, you see.

Awakening is a refresher course, if you will, into the Truth of Life, a way to remind oneself of their integrity, which includes attitudes and relationships with others and social behavior. The true integrity of people already exists and is evolving. Being conscious of it is reconnection and letting go of the drifting away into ignorance and confusion. Be not in despair. Humanity’s destiny includes these experiences but also includes victory over and through them.

Life will never give up on you. There is always recourse, another opportunity. Forgiveness is alive and well, for Life perceives nothing to forgive but only that which is to be loved. One does not punish their child for falling, but encourages them to arise once more and gain wisdom from the experience, for self-monitoring, appraisal, and determination.

You have been encouraged again and again, our brother, to rise once more, to take the reins of your life and continue on. All of this you have benefited from, gained wisdom from, and seen more clearly. Let not your clarity be confused or dimmed by the decisions of others. Be an example of clarity for them. No condemnation here, no judgment, no diminishing of intrinsic worth. Everyone is learning to stand and walk in their truth and in their integrity. Allow each other to do so. Help where life leads you to help. Namaste.
Nov. 16, 2016                                             Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 10 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Becoming aware

JANU: Becoming aware of each other, no longer limited to the humanity of another but becoming aware of their essential nature, their integrity, their capacity to be loving and understanding, their contributions and commitments, their heritage, and their true power. Of course, all of this applies to becoming aware of who you are, our brother. Who you truly are is not a separate thing from the incarnate life. Long and deep histories are recorded in the memory of the True Nature, which can enrich the incarnate journey. Those having difficulty and trouble, if you will, with society are in some ways lost to this, but not permanently. The redemption is in the spirit, the True Nature, of each one. Inspiring redemption, in yourself and in others, goes a long ways towards becoming more aware. Employing those qualities in the incarnate life, salvation and redemption, forgiveness and acceptance, beginning anew is a prime feature of awakening.

Becoming aware that you’re already free beyond social traditions, becoming aware of that in others is the leadership we refer to, to lead a nation into freedom. There have been those in Earth’s history who have accomplished this, and they return from time to time, to begin again and to inspire. Several have already returned to the incarnate Earth life to lead once more in different ways. They have the capacity to be aware of what lives in the heart of individuals that want to serve. They can be met in consciousness to participate. The reckoning we spoke of earlier is useful here. Life is not dormant, our brother, and is rich with opportunity. Namaste.
Aug. 15, 2016 B                                                                            Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 3 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Love—fundamental to awakening

JANU: We are portraying, then, a model of excellence in human awakening. The first order of business, if you will, in this model is truly loving yourself and even one other person. This is a monumental achievement for many. The love exists within their being, although not conscious of it, for love is based upon many externals in their lives, reasons for loving. Love needs no reason, our brother, not the love that we speak of. Then, one might say, “But look what I have done in my life: selfishness, cruelty, self-centeredness, untruthfulness.” These are not valid reasons for not loving who you are, for these behaviors are not who you are.

Awakening is coming to terms with this and moving your identity to your True Nature. The human journey is only a small part of this and does not define you. It is an experiment in experiences, causalities, and choices. Being a loving being as your True Nature, walking through life in this way, puts a different perspective on every situation, every relationship, everything you say and do, whether you agree with it later or not.

Your news media focuses upon sensationalism and mayhem and cruelty. What does this tell you about the current human social condition? They give energy to these things by focusing upon them. What gets more notoriety? The mayhem or the beauty of life, the good works of people, generosity, sacrifice, and loving gestures? You ask, “What would it take to change this?” It takes what we have spoken of this morning, our brother.

What does it mean, then, to love oneself? Can this be described? It is a sense of acceptance, of ‘okay-ness,’ of forgiveness, of confidence in your next adventure or decision or relationship or service. It is a faith and a trust in basic beauty of life, the miracle of it. Loving yourself is experiencing a basic connection with life, a life that loves you as well.

Moving in this way of consciousness opens you to an awareness of the larger life of loving reality, the strength that brings, the core values, and the realization that all of this is available to you and always will be. You see life then with new eyes, new perceptions, new depth, new understanding. No longer viewing challenges superficially, but the reason for them and the strength they bring. You begin to see deeper and deeper into life, your own as well, and nothing lies beyond what you can achieve. For you are life itself achieving its potential, not just as a separate individual but as part of a larger reality.

No matter your condition, your circumstance, your memories, or your history, or your patterns, love yourself. Be at peace and happy with who you are. And the true power of life is yours as well. This is a grand step on this journey, our brother, of awakening. Namaste.
Aug. 4, 2016                                                                                   Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 2 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Loving all of life

JANU:    We welcome again the opportunity to journey as one into the Truth of Life. As you can see, our brother, being of a loving, forgiving, and agreeable nature brings peace and freedom to be. Experiencing the application of this without limitation or qualification is the path of expansion and pleasant return to that which you have known. Living as a human can be challenging to this point of view, but only if this point of view is unexplored.

Witnessing the experiences you had without regret, as you head into the future and embrace these opportunities, is liberating. Confrontation need no longer be a battle, so to speak, but the fulfillment of opportunity to embrace life in freedom and with peace, with insight and wisdom. You have been told that everyone is already perfect. Embracing life in this way reveals the truth of this. No longer blinded by the perception of deficiencies and mistakes, but seeing the potential of success in everything and everyone. Walking this path in life, you will find good company. Namaste.

Jan. 29, 2016 B                                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Life Purpose

JANU: How many long to answer that question, “What is my purpose in life?”

The primary purpose is to explore life and be enriched by it, which in turn enriches life. Guiding you is discovering what interests you, what elicits your inner strengths, your inner genius, and your love to be. Some imagine their purpose is something grand. All of life is grand, our brother. Compare not your embrace of life with that of another. They cannot live your path, and neither can you live theirs.

All of life is of equal worth. Can you observe others, no matter their station in life, and see them worthy? Moreover, encourage them to see themselves in this way, for they are. Truly loving yourself and all that you are is a worthy beginning for any purpose. Many are unaccustomed to this and, in a world filled with competition to survive, they are not encouraged.

Does your self-worth depend upon the approval of others? Can you be at peace and love life, find joy in it, without the love of self? Living in this way encourages others to forgive and love themselves, demonstrating it is possible to do so. Peace opens the door for the creative genius within. It includes understanding to find its way into the Light. Encourage this in the children. They are ready for this. Namaste.


Feb. 3, 2016 B                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Ongoing life: a mix of stumbles and victories

JANU: While many have a main focus of survival physically and the care of their families, for many, spiritual survival, presence, involvement is theirs.

What does this mean then, ‘spiritual survival?’ It means the manifestation of their true integrity in their lives. An infallible guide to how they live and think, make decisions, and relate to each other. Being true to their core being. This can seem illusive, hit and miss if you will, and at times futile. But they are always drawn back to the ideal.

The lessons and strengths gained on this journey give testimony to the wisdom of incarnating and the veil and the spirit within. Life is discovery and incarnate life is rich with this. Stumbles, so-called mistakes, reversals, confusion, misunderstandings are part of the journey. They are testimony to the forgiving nature of life itself. And the promise remains, and the fulfillment, and the new journeys and opportunities still come.

Some perceive that some mistakes, so to speak, are too big to forgive. Life is bigger than any mistake you can make. They are all allowed. But the victories over and through them are always present and available.

As you are blessed by these, be understanding of others as they struggle. Be glad for their victories and their service. Namaste.

Dec. 30, 2015                                    Coyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


“Go forth and sin no more”

JANU: We are concerned with many of life’s situations, including peaceful co-existence. Life allows what you call outrageous behavior by humanity. Temporary moments in time within the larger picture of life. Wars and battles and conflicts seem never ending, unless you can see through them and beyond them. They continue within the parameters of existence, within the limits of free will. And there are limits, our brother. Humanity is allowed to police itself, to discover the truth of its choices, to re-organize, rebuild, rejuvenate, process choices and behaviors, to learn what it may. Humanity is still exploring, testing its limits, understanding its view of life, its vision. Even if humanity destroyed itself on the Earth, life continues. The spiritual reality of human beings continues. So all is not lost, our brother, with outrageous behavior, except opportunities to realize the Truth of Life and serve it.

So, even with the existence of suffering, life is ongoing and precious. The moments of joy, loving relationships, endearing children shine a light upon the so-called darker side of humanity, revealing it for what it is so that others may see and understand the alternative, free to choose the life they desire with opportunities to see the difference. Two sides of the coin, so to speak. When one chooses to own their choices and the results of these, life is enriched.

“Go forth and sin no more” is a great revelation, speaks of forgiveness and the freedom to rebuild, restore, and start anew. This is a blessing of life. Be at peace and begin again. What a grand answer to life’s challenges. Namaste.

Dec. 9, 2015                                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Forgiveness and beginning anew

JANU: Elements of this evening’s journey deal with perception of accountability for the life you live. The only accountability for any lifetime is to your own consciousness. It seems to many, who embrace the concept of right and wrong, good and bad, such dichotomies only as dichotomies, that forgiveness within their concept of life seems unjustified. Remember this, our brother, that life has the innate capability, through the reality of change which is a constant, to forgive without remorse or recrimination and begin again anew. This is a fundamental element of the flow of life. It is the capability completely for each individual to begin a new life and move on. Fairness and justice, compensation, retribution, retaliation, debt are irrelevant in the larger life.

Now, it is true: knowingly serving two masters brings confusion in every way. So, choosing a new life and its integrity does not include living the old one with its integrity. The confusion begins. Life is not designed to eliminate itself but to fulfill itself and realize its potential in harmony with itself.

Renew your life as you will. Draw on the genius of your True Nature that is who you are. Add to your wisdom. Lift the consciousness of others. Serve life. Be renewed. Born again, as some might say. It is life’s gift to continue. Namaste.

Oct. 8, 2015 B                                                                                Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Finding balance in the incarnate life

JANU: We are aware of the struggles of humanity in the midst of an incarnate life filled with wide ranging experiences of brutality and beauty and wonder. We understand this, the path of life that seems to have too many potholes, ruts, hurdles, and reversals. This tempers the experience, broadens the resource of experience to develop the ability to see through situations, attitudes, behaviors, to the beauty of the life that allows this. They are minor in the larger view of life. All of these have beginning and end, temporary. But the love that allows this expression is permanent and, yes, eternal.

So choose wisely what you hang your hat on, so to speak, as a reference for stability in your life, solid foundation, and determination to continue the path to wisdom, peace, and enlightened service. The balance here is to be conscious of everything, understand its existence, and be steadfast with the truth within you. All is forgiven in the larger life. Misinterpretations, misperceptions, misunderstandings. It’s as a child learning to walk, behave in relationships, absorb the falls, rise up again and move on.

Be mindful of the path of improvement in the midst of reversals. The patterns of life exist simultaneously, our brother. They co-exist. But consciousness appraises them and chooses. Be conscious of the truth behind everything, including your being, and cherish the wisdom that comes. Difficult to do within the midst of challenge of pain and suffering, but choose to return to the balanced life. Find your equilibrium and continue. Help others understand this, as you may. Namaste.

Aug. 14, 2015                                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross