Peace: the journey of many realities

JANU:    As you can see and experience, peace is a reality of many layers, many nuances, many expressions, and many revelations. Peace, the harmonious relationship of all systems of being, connects with everything in a natural harmonious way, lending understanding and coexistence into the Light, the Truth of Life. Peace rejuvenates, heals if you will, and is a journey of exploration and understanding.
Aug. 20, 2022  B                                                          Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Elements of beneficial exchange with others

JANU:    Being a mirror for others finds harmony with them being a mirror for you. Exchange of understanding without condemnation, judgement, or preference. No right or wrong, no agree or disagree, just the isness of being. Consistency in the consciousness, in the integrity, in the clarity of perception and understanding supports the freedom of both. Love is the foundation for allowing the freedom to be and explore life in one’s own way, to perceive in their own way. To understand, in their own way, your existence and you theirs, where the exchange enriches life and each other. Finding fault with another is finding fault with yourself and your life patterns that are part of evolving.

Be conscious of the reality that life is always present. One is never alone. Each walks their path with their True Nature. Life records everything, but loves as well. Life is patient but also in motion, is evolving and responding to the evolution of each one’s desires. Connecting with another consciously and spiritually is a profound opportunity to grow in consciousness. Namaste.
July 27, 2022                                                 Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross

 Editor’s Note: This came after reviewing some of the material available from Ramtha, who speaks of being mirrors for each other. 


More on mastering challenges

JANU:    Protuberances outline our focus of harmony. Challenges such as these coexist with the ideals you strive for. Distractions have their purpose. They provide opportunities to exercise clarity and focus. Welcoming them is wise. They are opportunities for exercise in disciplines and desires, to be free and master your nature. Blessings in disguise, to see more clearly the nature of everything, including your own Nature on all levels. A Master maintains peace in the midst of these. Wisdom gained through experience guides the life. Namaste.
July 8, 2022 B                                                     Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross

Editor’s Note: This was first discussed in Mastering Challenges.  For a more ‘current events’ approach, see journey taken on Jan. 6, 2022


Exploring life, including your own

JANU:   Transitional powers belong to the era of post-apocalyptic times. In the formation of worlds, these realities spring to the fore when attempting to understand the larger scope of life. We have walked some of these earths and they bring to the fore that which can be seen as springboards of progress in the awakening of life potential. Freedom to explore these, even as they are repeated in some ways, is an exercise in the flow of life and its eddies and currents. Life is not linear or sequential. It is coexisting and co-influential. We strongly encourage the formation of personal disciplines of balance, even-mindedness, and non-reactive results when these connections are made. Inner strength is in harmony with the evolution of life.

You seek for understanding of the nature of existence. Choose to understand your own life, mastering that in the process, for it is not separate from the Larger Life. Namaste.
June 9, 2022                                                             Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


A beneficial exchange with another

JANU:    The moments of enlightenment during today’s exchange are encouraging to both of you. It’s rewarding to observe and experience and own the path of wonder and discovery of another. It is also their path to freedom, discovery, enlightenment, and growth. Both benefit, in different ways. Life is enriched and the results can spread to others, for the field of discovery, the energy patterns, are not confined. Life touches life. Be alert for other opportunities. Grow in consciousness, in harmony with others. Namaste.
June 1, 2022 B                                           Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross

 Note: This followed an open and enlightening exchange with a repairman, not someone I would usually have expected to think along these lines.


The nature of a blessing

JANU:    Savor, then, what a blessing is, the harmony it brings to the troubled consciousness. It brings inner strength, confidence. It brings the will to survive and help each other. It brings clarity and insight and opportunity. It unites people and fosters kindness. It accepts forgiveness and freedom to move on. Blessings are never interference. They are guided with wisdom and love.

An archetype of blessing is love. It’s peaceful in nature, clearly understood and experienced, powerful in its freedom, a sustainer of life, a unifier and a liberator, not negotiable but always available. What could be more natural, in harmony with life and all of your Nature? So be it.
Apr. 25 & 26, 2022                                                                                      Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


The gifts of life

JANU: Being attracted to this world by moments of human kindness and sacrifice and love for one another is a strong magnet for the passer-by, so to speak. That has grown over the millennia. There have been snags in its progress for evolution but still remains. Be one with these virtues, not only in yourself but in others. Kindness, love, patience, understanding. It is a gift for everyone. Choose to see these and support them. They are in harmony with the flow of life and its potential. These are creative forces that enrich life. Be one with these. Namaste.
May 18, 2022                                             Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Coexistence of all realities

JANU:      What you ask for is a transitional experience beyond the incarnate, not separate from but in addition to, experiencing their coexistence and meaning to each other as one. As with parameters of existence, see this as not so much one order of life from another, but more parameters in the one life. Not a border between the two, but the coexistence as one larger reality.

Such is the nature of your own existence. So relate to this reality by exploring your own coexistence of realities, and that’s what this is: many realities coexisting as one. Not isolating one from another with mutual influence and response. All realities coexisting. The consciousness is capable of being aware in this way. Gradually the veil becomes unnecessary and no longer useful. So be not against the veil, just no longer needed, its purpose fulfilled.

Coexistence is the theme now. Harmony, mutual benefit, mutual service. Let the understanding come. Let the experience you seek become yours. Sense it in you and around you. It is the nature of existence. Do so in peace, with patience and commitment. Allow life to reveal itself to itself. Namaste.
May 12, 2022                           Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross

 Editor’s note: This follows directly upon the preceding attunement.


Peace is a natural state—allow it

JANU:     Peace is a natural state of being. It is fundamental, a foundation of existence. Allow peace. It does not need to be ‘made.’ It is in harmony with the core of your being. And the experience of it is the understanding that you seek. Allow peace. It is your natural state.

Love peace. It has its own power pattern. Become peace. Freedom, happiness, joy, clarity change perspective about everything. Seize the True Nature of everything. It is without effort.
Apr. 6, 2022 B                                  Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Life patterns to resolve conflicts

JANU:    Dressing the wound, so to speak, of injuries between human beings takes forgiveness most are unused to. Peace is not the solution of violence for wars still fester in the emotions and thoughts of many, for various reasons. Inner peace and the beauty of life heal these wounds. Inspiring people into this understanding is a service that enriches life. The times are right for change and what motivate change between people becoming weary of the challenges brought by anger and pain. People bring these challenges to themselves, not understanding True Peace and True Power in harmony with Life. Those who begin to understand and experience this change serve by creating this life pattern and maintaining it.

Consider this carefully on our journeys. We have many more life patterns to build and maintain. Namaste.
Apr. 8, 2022 B                                                                                              Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross