Consciousness & opportunities to awaken

JANU:   Incumbent upon us, meaning your entire being, is the task at hand: to assist in dominating human potential with opportunities to become one with their own True Natures in many ways. The future of humanity has this in its description. Not imposed, but inspired. Initiated, our brother, by each one’s True Nature. No one human consciousness can anticipate the many models of awakening and the elements therein, but that is the mission here. Leading you by example, not with doctrine or special language but by example.

People will example to each other as awakening continues. But the focus is the relationships for their own True Natures, for much is coming to the future of humanity. And these opportunities are best employed by growing consciousness. This is one reason why we are about these journeys, our brother, to make them available for each one to come to their own understanding and motivations. This takes commitment and patience. Let us continue with these. Destiny, you see. Namaste.

May 17, 2018 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


Enhancing the evolution of life

JANU: This tradition of serving the awakening of humanity incorporates many modalities, these journeys being but one. Many are contributing in a private way, unannounced. All forms of service are part of the larger picture and are considered in this network of understanding.

There are those who compose literature with themes in this direction. There are those who create artworks of many kinds to inspire awakening. There are those who serve the poor and the ill to inspire individual insight into their true nature, the nature of their existence. Many discarnate inspire those who serve that are incarnate. Awakening is a vast network of like-minded.

Yes, there are aspects of human society and behavior that try dearly these commitments. But life presses on, for human potential is known. Enhancing life in its evolution gives reason to persist in awakening. There are many who pray for peace and goodwill and their voices are heard. And the results of these are substantial. Many can see, in the young children, the hope of the future, the peace, love, and forgiveness, and open-mindedness, simple joy that they radiate.

The evidence of better life is everywhere. Never lose sight of this. Namaste.
Apr. 17, 2018 B                                                                              Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 14 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Colonizing a new world

JANU: Seldom has there been more vigorous attempt to colonize a world filled with new adventures of potential and possibilities. This world we speak of belongs to a group, a cluster if you will, of stars and worlds 3.9 parsecs from the Earth. This world has been habitable for some time.

All of the beings who will populate, who will colonize this world are being transported there. Much of what has been learned from the human experience of the Earth will benefit this colony. We see an acceleration in evolution that will occur quickly compared to other worlds. The reason for this, our brother, is those who are awakening on other worlds will migrate there with a head start, so to speak.

Population density will be in the mere thousands to begin with but will soon grow, but not to the density of the Earth. The population will grow by design. This will be a population of enlightened beings, a kind of laboratory. Spontaneous pregnancy and birthing will eventually occur. These co-creators will manifest what they need, simply at first. Conscious beings outgrowing the need for the veil, you see. Much to be learned here. Namaste.
Apr. 18, 2018 B                                                                              Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


Seek larger view to gain perspective

JANU: We are once more embracing the ideal of the awakening of humanity. ‘Ideal’ in the sense that humanity’s potential as an expression of life will become a focus of light for so many, now and in the future, for life transcends time and distance, but includes it. It is difficult for many to perceive this in the present circumstance of human society, but the potential is there, our brother, and Life is nurturing it. Our journeys are but a part of a vast network serving this awakening.

The awakening of humanity on the Earth is linked subtly to that of many other worlds, other lifeforms, other destinies. Confidence is high, as we serve. Always embrace the larger truth. It helps put everything in perspective. Namaste.
Apr. 12, 2018 B                                                                              Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


Examining your core destiny

JANU: It looks, our brother, that the general movement of attention by those who are shaping the evolution of human consciousness has settled upon a rounding off, so to speak. What this means is the edges, the uneven edges of collective human consciousness can now form a more definite destiny to ascertain a core reality of human evolution. Societal changes are coming but they will require a definite introduction to new possibilities belonging to human potential.

Let there be manifest, then, these avenues of opportunity created by those who serve humanity’s destiny. Be one such, our brother, with these journeys. One of many. Reach into the core of your destiny and see its truth, as do we.

This discipline or approach to enlightenment in one form or another will be accomplished by more and more people. One benefit of these journeys made available to the public is to encourage such a personal journey. Namaste.
Apr. 3, 2018 B                                                                              Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


A threshold for human awakening

JANU:    We are calling this meeting at this time to pursue an interest of affiliation with the contingency designed to facilitate the mastering of new thresholds for human consciousness. This contingency elevates vast numbers of worlds into timely thresholds of awakening.

The Earth is on such a threshold, you see. This contingency is responding. It utilizes automatically the consciousness of those aligned significantly with human awakening, to benefit everyone. We are part of this. How could it be otherwise with the theme of our journeys being ‘the awakening of humanity?’ This truly is a blessing for humanity. Namaste.
Nov. 22, 2017 B                                                Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.  Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 4 contains all prior attunements in this series.


The transition into awareness

JANU: We are easing into, then, this transition to the larger life. A seeming fantasy to many and a known reality to many more, but part of everyone’s nature. Becoming aware of something you are completely unaware of is an interesting transition in consciousness. The insight, the revelation that begins such a journey is allowed by your True Nature for it is always conscious with a vast resource of awareness.

So the focus here, you see, is the transition into larger consciousness. Sensing its presence is one thing; embracing it is another. But the process is the same for both, allowing the memory of, the presence of, the reality of who and what you are to be your awareness. These journeys are a portion of that.

We are not speaking of altered states of consciousness but the expansion of consciousness to include more of everything. Remember, awakening is inclusive, not deferential to any one part of reality, any one state of consciousness. There is much the human consciousness isn’t aware of that the True Nature is at one with. Both of these are who you are.

Conscious union with the larger life reveals its expressions, its creations, its relationships, its purpose, its realities. Even the human experience has far greater depth than many realize. Being part of life, it is rich with history, tradition, principle, creations, and potential. Allow yourself to remember. Open your consciousness to the Truth of Life, for you are part of it. Namaste.
Oct. 25, 2017                                                            Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 2 contains all prior attunements in this series.


The symphony of governing

JANU: Welshing on agreements in the U.S. government will seem to be the agenda of this administration. It is not intentional but the result of an inability to understand the many nuances and subtleties of cooperation with all involved in decision-making. This will continue for some time, our brother, for the wiser model of governing continues to elude, for the old themes of management of business is the foundation of understanding that dominates.

Governing is like a symphony. Many instruments operating in concert with a clear understanding of the goal of harmony. We continue to encourage this in those who will listen. The conductor of such a body needs to be highly skilled in the nuances of performance, for the symphony of the moment has a beginning and an end but also leaves a legacy for the next episode of harmonious achievement.

Now, the details of this are many but the theme carries the day. In our journeys, our brother, this area of service has far reaching implications. Inspiration must possess wisdom and clarity and vision. Continue at peace, and namaste.
Oct. 3, 2017 B                                                                                Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross


The collective genius of humanity

JANU:    We are portraying for you, if you will, the scenario of heredity. The dreams and hopes and visions of so many will coalesce into a future quite unlike the entanglements of the moment. Part of the key to this is the awakening of humanity to their true power, their true genius, their capabilities as co-creators led from within, creating from that wisdom their destiny.

Many are concerned as to the future of humanity’s existence on another world. With time and distance being insurmountable, there is more than one way to travel, you see. Humanity has the potential to overcome these physical realities, but moving to another world to start over, so to speak, is not the reprieve anticipated. Awakening is. Where will you find the wisdom to make these changes successfully? You will find it within you, the larger you that already knows your potential. Researching existence only within the framework of time/space will limit you to it. Reality is so much larger than that.

Humanity has all the resources it needs from the Earth to create a bright future, once it awakens to use those resources more wisely. What seems like insurmountable obstacle can turn around in a moment when a different path is understood and a more conscious humanity moves with it. Life patterns do not have to run their course, so to speak. They can be replaced with a vision and understanding of a better way. The collective genius of humanity awaits. Namaste.
Sept. 25, 2017 B                                                                            Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a new series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.   (Add appropriate set) contains all prior attunements in this series.


Wise counsel

JANU:    Reaching into the depths of the so-called mystery of life, let us turn our attention to the cauldron of life, stirring the pot, so to speak, and exploring what is brewing. Many changes coming, many creations, many modifications. Life re-creating itself, on many levels.

The pot stirring, so to speak, is done by the consciousness of so much of life and its creations, beings if you will, interacting, experimenting, exploring, creating. The function of this stirring is to activate potential into manifestation. Even those at peace, with a growing divine understanding and involvement stir the pot, if you will, in many different ways.

Attempting to disabuse people of their perceptions, what some might call misperceptions, interferes with their freedom to explore their own potential. So finding points of agreement, with sensitivity and caring, one can gently inspire a deeper understanding of their experience. This is wise counseling, our brother, helping Life fulfill itself by way of its many creations and elements of consciousness. Sharing your growing understandings in this way, with care and patience, is part of the oneness that is the Truth of Life. Namaste.
Sept. 6, 2017 B                                                                               Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross