The anointed ones

JANU:    For this evening’s journey, may we educate ourselves as to the veracity of public announcements that pertain to the human condition. Why not anoint those members of society that embrace their world in the spirit of human potential and achievement? The strength of the evolution of humanity, now and in the near future, is based upon these anointed ones.

They are in all ages, on all continents. Some are known for their good works. Many more are not. They work quietly. Their power lies in the depth of their conviction and understanding. Many are unaware of who they are as their True Natures but they answer the call in their hearts and in their minds for a better world. They are in all walks of life, from the humblest to some in powerful social circles.

You ask what we see in humanity that calls for constant service, constant uplifting and guidance, encouragement? We see it in those anointed ones, our brother. They are living the evolution of humanity. Their minds are open. Their hearts are rich with love. And they see depth of meaning in simple life and the nature around them. And these are unknown by those unenlightened in this way, what some might call the ‘troublemakers’ in society, in nations. We support the anointed ones. Namaste.

Aug. 28, 2015 B                                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Peace: a position of strength and a rich life

JANU: We are addressing the concerns of the day for humanity. Virtually every aspect of human society, with all its cultural elements, is changing in the direction of being at peace with each other.

When looked at globally, the disturbances that seem to dominate the media will be of less and less interest to humanity, with a preference for peaceful alternatives, creative alternatives, enriching alternatives, productive alternatives, more efficient and less wasteful alternatives. These changes are slowly becoming a theme of interest for individuals and organizations, for they are beginning to see that cooperation is far more productive than competition. Vast resources are consumed by competition for power, influence, possessions, and the domination of nations. The genius of many are lost in wars and other activities.

More peaceful pursuits are richer, more durable, more universally beneficial in their productivity and the well-being of people. Generations of children brought up in this way, learning methods and systems of cooperation, peaceful but powerful pursuits, are needed. Social and business activities designed with this in mind is the best teaching example for young minds.

Remember, people are connected to whatever their attention is on. And they give energy and life to the continuation of these disharmonies. As we have spoken of before, life is made up of many systems that survive and flourish when in harmony with each other. Being at peace in this way is a position of power and is far richer. So, yes, choose wisely what your attention is upon and learn the power of True Peace. Namaste.

Aug. 26, 2015 B                                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The answers to humanity’s questions

JANU: We are bringing to the surface of human consciousness that which belongs to the Archives of the Truth of Life, the questions humanity has been asking: The purpose of life? The meaning? What is love?

Many ponder these questions with what they believe to be God, uncertain as to what that means as well. Mainly, something greater than themselves, that knows all, is everywhere, and loves them. The Truth of all of this, and much more, lies within each one. The God that humanity has created to hold to high standards and guide them through life and its mysteries, but the source of this desire and creation is what lies within humanity’s consciousness and True Nature. And is very real, very present, and intimate with your existence.

Yes, humanity was created by a reality more profound than itself, even the Divine within. Let there be a stepping up, so to speak, to owning who you truly are and what you are capable of becoming as you co-create the manifestation of, the realization of, life’s potential. This addresses all of these questions, our brother. You are here to co-create and be representative of Life realizing all of its potential, the non-stop flow of life.

This is not an insignificant truth, our brother. You need not wonder if Life knows who you are, what you are doing and thinking and feeling, your performance in life, your conduct. Even the God that you hope for, pray to, and bow to, which is the Truth that lives within you, a being of profound potential, love and compassion, wisdom gained by being one with Life, part of it with integrity. Every moment, you are part of Life realizing all it can be. You are one with that Life. It is you and you are it. No one, our brother, is insignificant or lesser or greater.

Your purpose in life is to be all you can be, in whatever way you choose, whatever Life allows. Your interests from within and what you observe will draw you into your path, and your True Nature is a resource that can touch any part of Life. Awaken to a larger life and you will understand. Namaste, our brother.

Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The nature and function of creating

JANU: We are beginning this new episode of journeying called The Power to Create. Many elements of reality here to understand. First being “What is meant by creating, and creating what?”

Creation in this sense is life itself manifesting its potential through the power of creation and the implementation of a growing reality of resources and inspiration. Creating after its own kind, its potential, which can be perceived in any part of its creation. For any creation has in its essence the DNA, if you will, of what it can realize, what it can be. So, in a certain sense, certain levels of life are as a DNA for what is created and what will be created. And, yes, even these patterns of so-called DNA are evolving, for they are not the source of life. They are its potential.

How does a manifestation that appears to be original, new, come to be? The point here, brother, is that its pattern as manifested is not new to the potential of life. It is the product of a reality that has already patterned it. And even that reality is a creation, you see. The inquiry to pursue the source of anything, original thought, original being, at the current moment of evolution of consciousness can be a futile pursuit. For can any creation describe its creator? And even a creator is created, you see, so the subtlety of this is beyond current terminology.

So, you see, our brother, every reality is part of creation. When you create an object out of materials available and understanding at hand, is it your intent to form a creation that knows you, that is you? Or is your intent to have a life of its own, in terms of function and existence, allowing it to be all it can be? The universe is a creation and so are you. You are intended and allowed to be all of your potential, with a consciousness that can choose, explore, and understand as an agent, so to speak, of the life that allowed it to realize its potential.

You cherish independence, individuality, a sense of unique being. There is a larger truth to all of that, our brother. You may create, even as life creates, for you hold some of that pattern as an agent, so to speak, for the larger life. So, on this path of discovery, let us explore many levels of realities of creating, their relationships, their potential, and their connection with the larger life. And we will be creating with you, along this path. Namaste.

Aug. 18, 2015                                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Introducing another exploration: The Power to Create

JANU: We are summarizing then the recent journeys on the human condition. May we say that there occurs to us that this body of information is a journey of information of return to what humanity has known before, this being a reminder. As awakening is a process, the process must include the patience to allow for balance in the psyche to be maintained during the awakening to these truths. There is much more that humanity has owned before, as to its origin and the larger life, which we will speak of from time to time. The summary of this journey so far speaks to humanity with a bright future, many challenges, and the inner strength and wisdom to meet them well. Moving past the sense that one is alone in the world will bring strides forward of greater confidence in life and in one’s existence.

Remembering what you already know can be confusing at times, for one has a tendency to hang on to what they think they know, not wanting to change it. For one finds comfort in stability and tomorrow looking a lot like today. Embracing change as a way of living is yet to come, but it is facing everyone. That does not mean that all change is around the corner, so to speak. Sometimes it is lifetimes long, to where the incarnate mind does not perceive it. But the change is coming, our brother. It is wise to be open to it, for it is life in motion, and life cannot expand or continue without it.

So this cycle of exploring the human condition is changing. Next we will explore the power, the capacity to create. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.

Aug. 17, 2015 B                                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

(Be sure to check the next two posts.)


A far better life for humanity

JANU:    What we are achieving in our oneness and communication and service to life is one form of which many will be achieving. Imagine for a moment, our brother, the content and character of a humanity growing in this way of merging into the oneness they already are with their True Natures.

Communication, cooperation, unity, collaboration, on a level unheard of, between people, awakened to the larger life, their larger being, their larger faculties, capacity, and wisdom. This oneness, this closeness, will not be limited to a moment of attunement unique from the day’s experience, but more constantly becoming the norm for living, understanding, and relating to each other. Questions no longer left to the unknown, but answered and understood and applied in the life. Health and well-being understood and achieved with no harmful side effects, natural to the body and the rest of the vehicles. And the ability to lend support to each other, when energies are low and there is confusion in the systems.

So much of today’s society is designed to protect each other from each other. Your Internet is a good example of this. Your police forces attempt this but they are no solution to inner enlightenment and discipline, and values, courage and commitment. Trust between nations and other peoples will form new alliances and eventually eliminate the justification for wars and other conflicts.

So much of humanity’s future is riding upon this change. And so many are yet unaware of who and what they are. Much to be accomplished in this area. The results cannot be measured. Continue your efforts, our brother. Namaste.

Aug. 15, 2015                                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Understanding destiny

JANU: We are agreeing once more to embrace more of the Truth of Life. For this morning’s journey, let us pursue the interest in that which belongs to so-called destiny.

What is destiny, then, but the capacity to live and create and to be? So destiny is not the destination in the limited sense, but the whole path of living, experiencing, creating, manifesting, and serving life. Loving is part of destiny, but love with vast understanding in meaning. Even when coupling in incarnate life, the passion for each other evolves and deepens into a larger reality than just the partner, you see.

Destiny is potential fulfilled and the creation of new potential. So destiny is better understood when seen as a moment to moment reality. Grow in your awareness of your growing potential as a being of consciousness and intimacy with your becoming. There is no stopping point, for life moves on, as does your destiny. Your destiny, our brother, is not separate from the rest of life. They are one, with mutual benefit every moment.

Understanding the nature of your destiny and its evolution reveals purpose and meaning and even that is changing. Observing another in their life is limited by recognizing a trait or pattern and defining them by it, for even that is changing. Understand, your life is a path of destiny that cannot be defined by one moment of it. Everything is flowing and in motion, changing and growing, evolving, embracing a new expression of oneness and of being. The more you understand your own life, the more you appreciate the uniqueness of another and their destiny.

Endeavor to be at peace as a foundation for accepting and embracing all your destiny can be and the changes that occur in others, whether they understand them or not. You are the Truth of Life. Live it as well as you may. Allow happiness and joy to find you, live within you, and encourage you to continue. Namaste.

Aug. 6, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

For previous journeys on this subject, see Destiny of Humanity


Living a graceful life

JANU:    This morning’s journey sees humanity in a larger way, not just in personalities, behavior, egos, and the self-created conflicts, but in the peace and freedom to be they nurture within. Humanity has within their potential graceful living, generosity, the capacity to transcend all the limitations of incarnate life, many of which are perceived in a very limited way. Humanity has the capacity for perfect health at all times, a longevity of their choosing. Their True Natures are eternal, so can the thoughts be, also.

Needs for living can be met in a more profound way through creative manifesting, postulation, and the nurturing of the Earth, not by altering Nature, but by allowing the body to adapt to it harmoniously. The processing of foods leaves much to be desired. The understanding that natural vitality in vegetation is what needs preserving on the way to the marketplace, you see. Unpolluted air and, yes, pure water, these are not miracles of understanding. They are well-known but ignored for the sake of profits. The obsession with power, by way of economics, is an illusion of power.

A larger view of life, destiny, potential, and its wonders is within the capability of humanity. The sharing of those who can perceive a brighter future can change perspective for those who may need a nudge into their greatness. Loving all you can be and the life that affords it is a worthy focus. Humanity’s destiny includes all of this. Reflect this in each day and the changes will come. There is genius within you. Embrace it. Namaste.

Aug. 8, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


A larger understanding of humanity

JANU: Reaching then into the flow of life called humanity, we would convey an understanding that humanity as such has a long history and the current human experiment in life is not the first. And there will be others to come. Much planning and building and service to the human journey on the Earth has occurred. The source of human existence and therefore the reason it will continue is from the architects of life of which humanity is a part.

A lengthy and strong tradition of life is humanity’s background. It has overcome many obstacles and crises and thresholds of achievement long forgotten. And in every instance, humanity has demonstrated its mettle and this is part of the reason the architects of humanity are committed to its survival and its evolution. Its service to life has always existed and will reach new thresholds in times to come. As humanity awakens, the understanding opens and the command of its faculties, its capabilities, will bring much into play. The current unrest and warring, conflicts and struggles, are a small part of human history, and even a smaller part of its future.

And as humanity of the Earth discovers and connects with humanity of other worlds, this network of life will become more profound in the flow of life. Humanity has demonstrated it is a survivor with capabilities yet to be realized. Base not your bonding to human destiny, and the destiny of those who incarnate, the beings of Light, the eternal natures, on only one sojourn. Understand the larger reality of humanity and, through that, the larger Family of Life. Many are involved with human destiny that are not human. The Family of Life is vast, diverse, and in motion.

Think in an unlimited way. Live in an unlimited way. Understand in an unlimited way. And be unlimited. Namaste.

June 5, 2015                                                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The veil and beyond

JANU: Incarnating without the veil has its own set of challenges. It leads to a tendency to avoid challenge, take the ‘high road’ so to speak, and be more the observer than the participant. The veil is an option. The challenge is to apply it wisely and to find the conditions for its presence and its release. Without the veil, it is possible to discover answers to the questions about life without having to invest in life. So the benefit is different, the experience diminished, the depth of wisdom limited.

You ask, “What is the source of this so-called third dimension, that requires and offers so much?” It was created, our brother, and is still being created, modified, evolved to experience more of life’s potential and gain the wisdom to mature. Created initially as a manifestation of life’s potential. Other universes have a different take, if you will, on this potential. Yes, physicality exists beyond this universe but not all with the same parameters of existence. The so-called Laws of Nature can be modified, seemingly in defiance of the perception of permanence. Everything is transmutable and temporary.

So the veil, you see, is only a part of the process of life. A tool, if you will, to engage in new experience and own the understanding by way of experience. The veil can be lifted to varying degrees and re-established by its creator, the True Nature. Learning that it isn’t just you having a True Nature, but you are part of who you truly are in this larger way. And your destiny is to become one in consciousness, more and more. Namaste.
May 7, 2015                                                                 Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross