An enhancement of opportunities

JANU: We are assembling the beginnings of a pronounced advancement in the opportunities for the awakening of humanity as determined by its evolution and desire.

You ask what the nature of these opportunities is. They are focused upon introspection with enlightenment, an enhancement of the joy of serving others, the ability to experience healing through the understanding and resolution of behavior and misperceptions. An example of this is the movement of humanity towards a more natural diet, exercise, the requirement of fresh air, and economic stability, bringing peace and a foundation for expressing creativity.

The movement away from, gradually, religious dogma, rituals, and requirements to an inner responsibility in harmony with life and the True Nature. Communication with other worlds for broadening understanding and the challenges and opportunities available. Opportunity of perception that is revealing and clarifies so many other misperceptions. Opportunities to focus attention and desires and abilities for greater and deeper results. Opportunities to communicate with understanding beyond words, leaving ambiguities behind, deception, dishonesty, and manipulation. Allowing each other to find peace with each other and confidence. And opportunities to love themselves, to love life, and to know their True Natures. All of these opportunities are real, our brother, and, as understanding and experience grows, will be more widely accepted and desired.

These are the paths to peace and well-being. It is remarkable, indeed, the longevity of the human body in the presence of these human conditions of ignorance. To experience oneness with the reality of life is liberating, expanding, and a blessing. Namaste.

May 19, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


What inspires humanity to look within?

JANU: The question is: What motivates humanity in so many areas of its existence? The obvious motivations: survival, power, comfort, health, freedom, control. There is a concern that religion is waning in society. More and more, people long for true insight, wisdom, understanding, and the power to re-create their lives. Not finding it in the organized religions and not yet certain as to a more viable alternative, they become compelled to look within and discover their truth for themselves, thereby owning it. No longer dependent upon others that seem not to have their answers.

You ask, “What is within them that holds so much magic and inspiration?” It is their own True Nature, our brother, the consciousness that is in harmony with the deeper, more essential nature of life and the qualities that it contains. Living the outer life without a growing and firm grasp of the truth behind that life seems to leave it at the mercy of misperceptions, misunderstanding, and a certain lack of innate cooperation and reasonableness. The outer life seems more real, more immediate, more consequential. A fuller understanding of the nature of life and their own existence has to come from within through a merging of the inner and outer life, that they become more and each demonstrating the proof of each other. A fuller, richer life includes the incarnate life.

Those who ponder the existence of life elsewhere, and its nature, see no possibility at such great distances and certainly not in their lifetime. But the fuller life, you see, is already there, wherever the interest lies. There are no secrets in life, only occlusions through self-imposed lack of awareness, of consciousness.

How does one move, then, from this to the confidence that more is available should they choose it? The pattern of achievement for the smallest thing is the same for everything. So when one considers achievements on a grand scale as more difficult, they apply that pattern of perception to everything. The smallest gains in awakening prove the achievement of the so-called larger ones.

Confidence is transferable to embracing all of life. Do not paint the moment with the anticipations of the next. Claim with confidence your birthright to know and to be all that you are. It’s always been with you and it is how you got here into this physical life. Your existence is proof of the larger you. Namaste.

May 16, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross



JANU:    We are walking away, so to speak, for the moment, from the drama of human existence to the lighter side of life. From the human perspective, awakening is serious business. But on the lighter side of life, there is much playfulness, enjoying life as it come, playful manipulation of energies, bringing amusement and a joy in association. The sobering drama of human society tends to block these from view.

There is a time for pursuing changes in the drama of life and a balancing time for lightheartedness, playfulness, easy banter if you will, and a joy of observing the miracles of life, its beauty, its symmetry, its creativity, its beingness. Art and music, the child dressing up to be an adult in its imagination, and yes, even the games people play to amuse themselves. Playfulness with animals and small children.

Playfulness serves life everywhere. Are you free enough from seriousness for a moment of playfulness, to lighten the heart, unburden the mind and emotions, and allow the systems of the body to find equilibrium and enjoy each other? Strolling barefoot in the sand at the waters edge. Smelling the flower. The hues in your aura change during playfulness, softer and dancing.

It is not difficult to notice these changes in someone or yourself. Always find time for playfulness and yes, even silliness. Nurture your sense of humor. Allow its freedom and, above all, be kind and you will have a wonderful day and lift those around you. Namaste.

May 12, 2015                                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Heaven and Hell

JANU:    Some labor under the notion that their path in life leads to eventual bliss or eternal damnation. What a narrow, unloving, and limited choice people are presented with by pronouncements of faith and an unforgiving authority. We say this to that: the only truth in this is what you believe to be so. And even that runs its course after passing from the body. The larger truth here is one of a loving process of freedom from such limitations. Think you then that life condemns part of itself, meaning you, your spirit, your consciousness, your True Nature, to an existence of permanent separation from the grace that life is?

Your True Nature is a grand example of what we speak. Punishment is not the theme. Loving association, deep understanding, your own forgiveness for everything and the freedom to enjoy the love and the truth that awaits you. However, the veil was dropped for your sojourn for your benefit by your True Nature. Your path is full of your choices, whether incarnate or not. You have always been loved, and always will be. You are a Light Being, with the capacity for forgiveness, service, wisdom, True Peace, and the power of life itself to create. Your master is your own True Nature. You serve the truth of who you are. Allow yourself to experience that Light and that love that is your heritage and your destiny. Love each other in the spirit of that freedom. Namaste.

Apr. 28, 2015 B                                                                     Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Discovering beauty

JANU: We are enjoying with you this moment of reverie induced by the music that runs through your mind and your being. Encouraging moments of beauty in your life is not only therapeutic but raises the consciousness, harmonizes the systems, and is revelatory. Beauty is appreciated in different forms and it matters not which. Filling your life with beauty and what it brings does not mean to turn your back on serving life that it find beauty as well, meaning others. What a worthy starting point in relating to another and exploring what they find beautiful.

Beauty fosters the True Peace we speak of, with its amazing benefits. Beauty opens the paths of communication into ideals and values and your integrity. Much of life’s beauty goes unnoticed, unappreciated, unengaged. Encourage this reverie in others and the beauty that inspires one brings out the beauty in the one appreciating it. Complete being is a thing of beauty, including the incarnate experience. Allow yourself to see the beauty in others and in yourself.

Yes, there is what you would say as violence in nature, destructive, which is nature recycling itself into new life, new expressions. But there is beauty in this as well, our brother. Life in motion, process, interactions, creation, the closing and opening of cycles.

Music, our brother, is not limited to the incarnate life. Great symphonies are performed in the consciousness of many and, when so attuned, shared. Do you think composers of beautiful music while incarnate do not continue composing? Only less limited. Allow yourself the experience of a symphony in spirit. Grand compositions. Where do you think inspiration comes from for those who compose great symphonies while incarnate? The so-called ‘Music of the Spheres’ is a natural reality.

The beauty of a sunset, immaculate in detail, composition, color, and movement. Can one avoid being filled with gratitude to experience such? Think you not this gratitude, deeply felt, is not therapeutic and balancing and loving? Discover beauty in life, our brother, heretofore unnoticed, and be at peace. Namaste.

Apr. 23, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

Prayer and blessings

JANU: We are exploring the reality that attuned prayer is powerful indeed. Prayer evolves in its potential and its service, in its capability, according to many things, including the commitment and understanding of the one praying, the receptivity of the one receiving, and the wisdom behind it all. To initiate or call for a prayer does not require a profound understanding of the need of another, but a growing sense of the presence of life, capable of such, and through that sense leaving all doubt behind. The call for a blessing allows for the elements of life to constitute the blessing in a perfect way. So why not initiate a blessing when there’s an inner call to do so, as one observes life around them? Now, observation, our brother, is not limited to eyesight but includes inner knowing, empathy and connection, sensitivity to the challenges of living.

Specific blessing can occur when attuned with understanding to a specific need. But even then acknowledges the source of the blessing is larger. You ask, “Can one effectively ask a blessing for themselves?” The answer is yes, our brother, still acknowledging the source of the blessing is larger than themselves, which may include insights into changes in lifestyle, attitude and consciousness, emotions, and self-appraisal. Or may observe the presence of a being or beings appearing in different ways as involved with the blessing, but allowing your consciousness that these beings are part of a larger life, a larger wisdom, and are well suited to the blessing. And always let there be a foundation of gratitude that life is in motion and responds to prayer.

So, don’t hesitate to pray for blessings. For prayed for in this way, no harm can come. Namaste.

May 1, 2015                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The passion to be

JANU:    The natural path of human consciousness, individually and collectively, is to become. Without a sense of that, the human becomes despondent, lacking hope, faith in the future, and any true peace of mind. The passion to be is the realization of potential, no matter the potential.

When asked, what would some say they wish to become? There is the obvious: health; prosperity; for some, power; for others, enlightenment; and for others, to serve life in some way; for some, to teach; for some, to build; for others, to explore the universe. The point of all of this is not “to be what?” but to evolve, to grow, to expand, to enrich and be enriched. To return in consciousness to the reality of their True Nature, what some call ‘the Divine,’ the Sacred within, a loving being. And freedom. All of these can manifest in different forms, if you will, different levels of reality and expressions of life. The passion to know and become the truth of their reality.

A valid question, our brother, is: What is your true passion in life? What would fulfill you? What would give you joy and peace? The answers change, evolve, but the passion remains. What is your passion? Ask the question, listen deeply for the understanding, find a way to fulfill. Namaste.

Apr. 10, 2015 B                                                                     Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Overcoming self-loathing

JANU: We are examining your inquiry as to the nature of the inhumanity heaped upon each other by humanity. One by one, the consciousness of those doing harm upon each other comes from self-loathing. Some attempt to relieve the pressure of this on others, and some on themselves. When one truly loves who they are, how can they not love another? Loving your power over others is not what we speak of. Loving in harmony with your True Nature and the flow of life is.

So how does one inspire humanity to truly love themselves? By showing they are worthy of love, our brother. By loving them in an unending variety of ways, in your consciousness, in your deeds. Self-love is not selfish. It is generosity, patience, and peace, the value placed upon your existence. Honor the life that you are, through self-love and caring for others. Not carrying them but inspiring them with small things that can reach deeply, turning their attention on their worthiness and not on you. Support their journey in life with encouragement. Focus on their strengths, the sources of creativity bringing strength of character when confronting challenges. See what they see as ‘weaknesses’ as challenges to become stronger, by way of the strengths they already possess.

Richness from within overcomes self-loathing and any need to visit this on another. No matter the depravity, these victories are possible. Namaste, our brother.

Mar. 25, 2015 B                                                                     Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The human condition and the flow of life

JANU:    Why not include the current human condition within the framework of assessing all that life can be?

One has a tendency to see the human condition as deplorable, misguided, brutal, and unloving. The human condition, our brother, is the flow of life, no matter what its condition, character, peacefulness or lack thereof. How does one judge, then, what is enough and what is not? Where is the dividing line between failure and success? There is none for this reason: humanity is loved, no matter its condition or history or future. It is life in motion.

If life gave up on humanity because of its current condition, what else would it give up on? So giving up on humanity is rejecting the flow of life, for even in its current condition it has a future, which is life’s future. And life is vast and profound and timeless and diverse beyond imagination, and all-powerful and knowing, and patient beyond time. Never give up on humanity or yourself, for the flow of life moves on. And what is not life, to be left behind?

So move into the future through the present, no matter the condition. A more peaceful appraisal of reality, don’t you agree? Anticipate the future by opening to humanity’s potential in the present, and all it has achieved. Remember, our brother, do this no matter the condition. Namaste.

Apr. 5, 2015                                                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The human journey

JANU:    We are surveying then at this time the opportunities to understand and proceed with humanity’s journey of awakening. Collectively speaking, humanity’s journey of awakening is proceeding but not automatically. The collective desire is awakening to know the truth of their existence, create a better life, free themselves from the darkness, and subliminally including the ones who perpetuate it. The True Natures of individuals are not isolated one from another. They are a collective as well and form a union, a bright light, inspiring the path of human awakening.

As we have said before, the human journey is an experiment and the dynamics of it are a constant study and revelation for many, including those beyond the human experiment. It is in the interest of the Larger Life to observe this journey. Generally speaking, humanity is unaware of the vast interest in their journey. There are factions of life that will benefit from and serve the human experience in time to come. Humanity is part of a vast network of life with many dynamics playing out, so to speak. Embracing the larger life in human consciousness provides many insights into resolving issues in the current journey.

And, yes, there are other experiments in life, other than that of the Earth. Life recycles itself with one experiment after another, always gaining from the recyclings, beginnings, and the completions. Relatively speaking, humanity is just beginning its journey, the Larger Life looming on its doorstep, frontiers yet to be imagined. Many chapters to come in the Book of Life.

We inspire humanity not to be faint of heart or to lose hope in anticipation of change. Humanity is not alone and never has been. Namaste.

Mar. 27, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross