Choosing to be more conscious

JANU: Welcome to our world, so to speak, that door being always open. The central theme of our journeys is the awakening of humanity, supporting the process, inspiring change, the regaining of freedom. So much of what humanity reaches for is conditioned by past and present incarnate experience. Many would say the only evidence to go on. This is true when unaware of more of the larger life.

“So how does one gain that evidence?” you ask. By opening to it by way of the gifts, the capabilities of the larger you. Being unaware, consciously, of that reality does not mean it doesn’t exist, you see. You’re just unaware. But the connection is there. Where do you think the decision to incarnate originates? And where do you return to, when leaving the body? Some would say, “That is the end of everything.” This is living in darkness, our brother, and misses the point of the journey through incarnate life. Nothing in life is wasted or forgotten or dissipates into nothingness.

The evidence resides in your True Nature, our brother, through memory and record and wisdom gained. But it resides in the incarnate reality as well, the patterns of existence of physical life are imbued with these mysteries of life. When observing another, or any living thing, or any part of nature, there is an energy, a kind of consciousness, a presence of life, including your own. Some speak of wars, one type of energy emanation. There are others as well. There are organs in your body that respond to these, that participate in generating these. The evidence of the larger life is in every cell of your body, every energy structure, every intuition, every sense of presence, every idea, the insight that seems to appear from nowhere, every miracle large or small you are hard pressed to explain. It is so close, so near, yet so far away for many. But that is only perception, dear one.

What we are reaching for here is a sense of reality about how intertwined your existence, your consciousness, and your being is with the rest of life. Let not ignorance be the master of your consciousness. Choose awareness. Choose to live more fully. Choose to know and to understand whatever interests you. You are a Light Being experiencing physical life, but even that has its roots in so much more. Allow oneness to be your foundation for awakening more fully. Namaste, our brother.
Sept. 9, 2016 B                                                                                              Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 5 contains all prior attunements in this series.


The larger life includes the Earth experience

JANU: Could it be that the term ‘larger life,’ through awakening, can be focused upon that that exists in the incarnate Earth experience? Awakening to larger life, aware of where and when you are, can be explored much more fully. Yes, there are other worlds and universes and realities but make no mistake, our brother: The Earth is a vast complex of life on many levels and many realities. What you can learn and master where you are can be applied reliably on other worlds and in other realities. The Earth is a treasure of these possibilities.

So, leaving incarnate life or the Earth to expand your consciousness can be a limited point of view, ignoring what’s in front of you. How much are people aware, and to what degree, with: species communication; the energy fields and patterns, movements, sounds, that exist and are utilized; the magnetic global reckoning of birds who migrate, sea creatures who migrate, the animals who migrate? The dance of life exists everywhere. How sensitive are you to Earth’s energy patterns? Interaction of weather, Earth’s atmosphere, temperatures. Interactions of the Earth to solar radiation. The communication between worlds in your own system, and with the Sun. The changes the flower moves through from seedling to blossom to its own regeneration through its seeds. And the collaborations between all creatures, all life forms that promote continuation, mutual benefit, that develop the atmosphere. The footprints of everything, our brother, are intertwined. Living systems, all of the Earth.

The Earth is a rich example of the diversity and continuation, purpose of life. Even the people with their spiritual natures are part of this. You study systems of government and social order. How thoroughly do you understand those that exist throughout nature? Ancient traditions, successful for millions of years. With humanity’s wars and conflicts, does it not suggest there is much to learn in their own borders, attitudes, philosophies, and behaviors? Solutions to imbalances in life abound everywhere, to be benefited from with those who are awakened to this. The Earth is a vast untapped resource of life. Look not elsewhere only, to understand. Life is ever present and connected with all of its richness.

Awakening, our brother, includes the larger life that you are already part of. How could you exist at all without it? As you discover the Truth of Life on the Earth become more comfortable in the knowledge that the Earth, and all that it is, is a vital part of all that is. And so are you. Awakening, our brother, is the realization of the Truth of Life including your own. Namaste.
Aug. 23, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 4contains all prior attunements in this series.


“The Staff” serving the awakening of humanity

JANU:    Assembled then here is what you would call the ‘staff’ of an organization to, as you put it, serve the awakening of humanity. More then a proposal, a welcoming of those who have incarnated back into the family of the larger life. Most of these beings have been incarnate on the Earth and serve on other worlds. They understand through experience the reality of this. Some have mastered this while incarnate. Their qualifications, then, you see, are sound. At your request, they have opened to communication in support of this process. They would speak at this time, our brother.

JR:            Welcome. May we proceed?

THE STAFF:            Yes, brother, we speak. We speak as one and we speak as you. For desiring this service to humanity makes you a partner in this and welcome. We perform in this way not just for the Earth, but other worlds as well. Significant thresholds in consciousness are on the horizon and being accomplished here and there in the universe.

Understand that the awakening of humanity is part of a transition in consciousness wherever it exists. We encourage humanity to become aware of their connection with this larger reality of awakening, of returning home so to speak, a home which in reality they never left. We as group consciousness have never lost connection with those who have ventured into this journey of life called incarnation.

We welcome attunement to what we are attuned to, which is all that lies beyond the veil in either direction. “Welcome home” does not mean leaving incarnate life, but means becoming aware of that life and its place in the flow of life. At first, just be open to experiencing the presence of the Family of Life and the comradeship. The rest will come. The movement into awakening is much larger than the Earth experience. And as each one achieves more and more of this, we all become one consciously.

Serve well, our brother. We are with you.
Aug. 17, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.Awakening II set 3 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Understanding the journey of awakening

JANU: Awakening, our brother, is an inclusive journey. It is not a choice against incarnate life, but a choice to expand it. Your interests and desires become more diverse, with greater depth, layers of reality, and a greater capacity for well-being on every level. All of your resources at play. The integration of the incarnate life into the larger life, being already a part of it, but in consciousness, you see. The larger life seems a mystery, but the incarnate life has mystery as well, yet to be understood and experienced. We tell you these things to broaden your view. As you embrace another truth that broadens your view, life responds by connecting you with that view that you may explore it more fully and in ways that open you to other realities. A mystery, our brother, is only something unknown to the one observing. But everything is known.

Building a foundation in this way of understanding draws you closer to the realities you consider and are drawn to you. In time, the distinction between incarnate and larger life fades as all that you are, integrated in your consciousness once more, becomes your identity and your world. And by ‘world’ we mean the sphere of your understanding, the reality of your consciousness. It seems, in your memory, that much of your being beyond the physical life, and including it, you have been what some would call a ‘loner.’ There are episodes of this in your experience, whether incarnate or not, but it is your way of focusing without distraction. Once understanding is achieved, you share it with others. This is your path of awakening and you hold no patent on this, so to speak, you see. Just one of many approaches to observation, listening, and contribution.

So, you see, awakening is not just the purview of discarnate life. Its potential is present always. You ask if there is awakening in the larger life. There is, our brother, for why wouldn’t there be, if life is constantly evolving, expanding, and creating. So this journey of awakening while incarnate, and the lessons learned and achieved, serve well in the larger life as well, you see.

So the journey of awakening is ongoing, as is the journey of life. Making the transition from the body is not the end of anything, except that particular incarnate experience, and even the essence and memory of it lives on within you. So passing on is not a tragedy, in that sense, just life changing. As the commercial in your media says, or asks we should say, with a light touch here, “What’s in your wallet?” What is your perspective? What is your take on life, on your life? Namaste.
Aug. 10, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. (Add appropriate set) contains all prior attunements in this series.


Elements of consciousness and the nature of realities

JANU: We are piecing together again, so to speak, the elements of consciousness and the nature of realities. We have spoken of the Orders of Life, but within these Orders, our brother, their elements are apparently non-linear in arrangement. Life is a simultaneous reality of countless options, creations, interactions, and outcomes.

What we attempt to do in these journeys is to pick and choose these elements in groupings that make sense to the logical binary mind of human consciousness. Access to these in orders of practicality of usefulness is based in part on the desire to know, to connect, to contribute. This is why, when projecting a lifetime’s possibilities, it seems to be random, a bit chaotic, and definitely not ordered. So, when embracing the moment, the future, and the memories, consider this, to make sense of it with groupings of reality that seem related.

Your interests and desires, especially when carefully, truthfully focused, are the catalyst of your revelations, the motivator for the groupings of the elements of life into understandable patterns. This contributes to awakening to what we have called the larger life, that seems even more unpredictable than the incarnate one. But those who exhibit miraculous management of these elements do so with very focused desires and commitments, to the point where belief systems are left behind and the experience of the moment, the intent and desires, are very real and there is no doubt as to the efficacy of possibilities.

The picture we are painting here, our brother, is one of the nature of existence and the life that allows it. A larger and deeper way of thinking and appraising the moment and fulfilling possibilities. Consider this carefully, our brother, and namaste.
July 28, 2016 B                                                                              Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 2 contains all prior attunements in this series.


The nature of everything

JANU: The light is beginning to dawn on a new perspective of life while incarnate. In the search for the larger realities of life, the more insightful, the more liberating, the more eternal are being found or discovered through the realities of the human experience. This perspective, our brother, exists on other worlds as well, where the experiences are not human but something else.

The path here is becoming conscious of the nature of life, the nature of creation, the nature of manifestation, the nature of experience, of thought, of emotion. What is reality, then, but the co-existence of all of this? The so-called veil on the human journey has its nature as well. Ignorance of these things has its nature, as well. Reality is shaped by opportunity. And the opportunities, not only of discovery but of becoming, are unlimited.

Reaching for opportunities beyond and outside of current circumstance is an illusion, dear one. They only exist in the moment and are ever-present, no matter where and when you are, for the nature of your own being and of all these is eternal, present, ongoing, yet changing. For all of life is in motion, including opportunities, relationships, perspectives. Life cannot be defined by one creation or another, one limit or another, even one opportunity or another. Life is all of these, and the nature of all of these.

So, then, what is a realistic perspective when considering incarnate life in the presence of all of this? The challenge and the opportunity is to experience all opportunities and the nature of everything. To perceive creation only as the creation is to miss the larger truth. So what is the nature, our brother, of a sunrise? The reality is vast. Simultaneously, so many realities are in play, interacting, combining to support that sunrise. Even the perception of it, you see, by your own consciousness and incarnate experience reflect, for a moment, on all that is involved. That is the magic of life, our brother. It is an example of the nature of everything, the object of every inquiry, including the one inquiring, you see.

Life is so much more than a word. The nature of existence is so much more than a word. Being human, incarnate, and all the potential, cannot be encompassed in these words. So, when we speak of the larger life, our brother, it isn’t in a reality separate from incarnate life, or the Earth, or being human. It is the nature of everything. That is the larger life.

Engaging life in this way, no matter your circumstance, ultimately reveals the natures of everything, whether on this world or another, whether in this dimension or another. For even though these natures have different parameters, they all lead to one Life that is ever changing and expanding. No matter what world, what universe. That is the magic of it all. So let each moment of wonder, inquiry, and discovery open to the nature of the wonder, our brother. Consciousness and experience is not limited to any one reality, but can roam life gaining and giving what it may. Living in the Now embraces this. Namaste, our brother.
July 28, 2016                                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 2 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Why awaken?

JANU: We are welcoming again this opportunity to proceed with the journey into the larger life. Some may say the incarnate life is large enough, as they attempt to master it, based on their perceptions. Awakening to the larger life is the resumption of consciousness beyond the veiled incarnate existence and is a return.

Which still begs the question, “How does this journey, this awakening, benefit or enhance incarnate existence in a practical way?” It does, our brother, because solutions to the queries of incarnate life are larger, at times, than veiled understandings. Life is so much vaster and complex, with wisdom, understanding, and experience, it can’t help but bring clarity to unanswered questions.

Human nature is a study in itself, not easy to master for even it is in flux. Imagine the depth and breadth of your True Nature, which has experienced this sojourn and so many other realities. Not only this, our brother. An awakened consciousness has available to it the truth of the past, the present, and the future, anywhere, any time, any Now. How many times must you walk a path to re-invent your experiences, your understandings, but not retaining these consciously? Yes, each journey has its nuances, for nothing is exactly the same no matter how many times it exists.

These questions persist with many and, with patience and repetition, we hope to inspire victories over ignorance. The larger life exists, our brother, and always has. The veiled life is part of it but not all of it. It isn’t just other beings that welcome you home, in a sense, but your own True Nature. Namaste, our brother.
July 27, 2016 B                                                                                             Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 2 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Awakening includes all realities

JANU: The overwhelming desire by most to develop their lives into something satisfying and fulfilling has always been there, on the human journey. This calling within, this motivator is born of the True Nature. For the True Nature, our brother, that who you truly are, desired this human journey and it is reflected in this inner compulsion to fulfill a destiny. Returning to a conscious association with the larger you is a theme on this journey of awakening that is compelling. These discourses into understanding the larger truths, the truths within, are not arbitrarily imposed or inspired but come from your own True Nature.

Avoiding this by hiding within the smaller demands of living, the societal encumbrances, is a temporary distraction and is not the fulfillment of motivations to realize destiny. Yes, there are achievements in this course of living and have become companions on the journey. These societal encumbrances are temporary in the larger picture of the truth of who you are.   Enjoy them as you may, but be aware that the deeper satisfactions, the deeper fulfillments that not only are more lasting and more enriching, remain with you.

These journeys into awakening are not meant to be a distraction from the human journey but a larger perspective for the human journey to be part of. Allowing physicality and the larger life to be consciously one in your understanding and your experience is a worthy desire. In time, you see, you perceive the natural essence of everything in the so-called ordinary endeavors. It is all Life, our brother. There is truth to be revealed in the nature of everything and is a key element on the journey of awakening, especially while incarnate.

But this is true for other realities of existence as well. Everything is connected, oneness a fundamental reality. Consciousness transcends and includes all of these. Taking the larger view of life includes the lesser views. Namaste, our brother.
July 27, 2016                                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 2 contains all prior attunements in this series.


The value of the incarnate life

JANU: We are arranging then this meeting or gathering of the minds, if you will, the thoughts and consciousness of those connected with the promulgation of what you call ‘awakening’ but what they see as ‘quickening.’ The larger life, compared to the incarnate life, is very active, many layers of reality, opportunity, evolutionary support, contributions to the flow of life. And there is interest in those to quicken the consciousness of many to contribute, to be part of, to be one with life. They understand that it takes all of us, all of the elements of life to accomplish the endless availability of ongoing creation.

You ask from the human point of view, “Why the imperative?” As one becomes more attuned to the True Nature of life, one realizes that the imperative to realize potential is unlimited. The reward of engagement in this imperative is beyond description.

So let us address directly these that gather and tune to this understanding. These who gather welcome you, not as just an incarnate human consciousness but as a member of the larger life, with a heritage of understanding and contribution. The heritage of those who incarnate into the human journey have similar backgrounds and the veil, as experienced, is not designed to be an endless journey of ‘unquickened’ consciousness. However, be it understood that the nature of the human journey is significant and brings with it appreciation of the larger understanding of temporary experiences that bring clarity to larger truths.

These who have gathered, our brother, drawn to this journey, speak not in words but with their presence. A coupling of knowingness shared between you brings familiarity to the truth of this. The truth of your consciousness, of your being is known. As you experience their presence and the memory of association, a clarity of understanding as to the value of the incarnate journey to the evolving consciousness, no longer as separate, as most perceive.

Allow these associations to become your experience consciously and walk the human journey more aware, with greater wisdom and purpose. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.
July 26, 2016                                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 2 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Larger life and incarnate life are one

JANU: We are rejoicing with you at the prospect of resumption of associations, involvements if you will, in the human consciousness expanded to meet that of the True Nature. Your involvements, our brother, in this larger life have never ceased and continue to this moment. Such it is with the True Nature. The incarnate life is not your only interest.

When we approach these journeys, we do so paying homage, so to speak, to many traditions of life, patterns of living, and the nature of being. The many contacts that have been made over the years are testimony to this. The legitimacy of these is founded in the reasonableness of the wisdom that is displayed. Grandness of awakening is only realized as it takes place, yet it speaks to the continued calling from within to be part of the consciousness. The human journey is a rich one but not all there is to understand and experience.

Now, this does not suggest that one walk their day in incarnate life with their head in the clouds, so to speak, but a gentle blending of insight and manifest life as needed and as desired, realizing this integration with balance and measure. This is a gentle and beautiful journey, not only a way of life but a way to live. Many journeys of awakening include more than one sojourn, for the achievement of the awakening, you see, is a marriage of incarnate opportunities. Options, if you will, to blend the vast variety of possibilities with the realities of the larger than incarnate lives. They are linked and co-exist and evolve with each other.

The evolving of consciousness into this reality of co-existence is fundamental. In due course, the realization occurs that incarnate life and the larger life are one. Namaste.
July 25, 2016 B                                                                              Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.