Wonderful changes to come

JANU:    What we see here, our brother, is a coming together of many interested beings, if you will, consciousnesses involved in a number of adventures, or projects if you prefer, to include the union of purposes relating to different species of intelligent life. The development of co-creative powers and abilities; the coordination of wisdoms gained, across vast regions of life, the universe if you will, with more than that; the ability to create the future wisely and not just wait for it to unfold; the mastering of well-being and peace of mind, clearing the path for steady advancements in the conditions of living and exploration; the coming together of life, as we have said, in so many new ways. The beings we speak of cherish this and have already accomplished much.

The cycles of life come and go, but life continues. The advancements we speak of continue. The physical dimension is one of many platforms for demonstrating and gaining wisdom from the application of new understandings. Life is far richer and filled with opportunity, not just to learn and understand, but to become more than you thought you could be. As spirit, humanity is already of great value and ability, demonstrating this, gaining wisdom through this, and the physical world is challenging but the benefit is beyond measure.

We will be exploring new horizons for life has so much to offer, not just through what exists already, but what can be. All our communications as such, our brother, are a small portion of this and they will continue as needed. But they are not all we will accomplish as we open to more possibilities. Be patient, steadfast, and open to many changes to come. Namaste.

Jan. 23, 2015                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


A larger view of life in the moment

JANU: We present this morning a tribute to the unlimited potential of life for creativity and evolution. What we speak of this morning has to do with the resemblance of patterns of life to the potential of each individual.

The perception that the universe in the future where strangers of unknown reality and experience gives way to the realization that all of this is in harmony with who you are and what you will be, for everyone. You and the future are designed as one life for the purpose of realization. In a sense, all of life is on the same path of becoming all that it is capable of. As a divine being, how can you go anywhere that is not a part of the destiny of life? For you are that life, and that life is you. With more wondrous surprises, opportunities, and rewards than you will ever imagine.

Life is not designed, our brother, to be miserable. It is designed to be wondrous and rich and everlasting. And our journeys in the past and in the future will reflect this, will speak to this, and will fulfill this. Having faith and understanding in this will serve everyone very well indeed. Walk with the larger view of life in the midst of the moment, and the two become one. Namaste.

Jan. 15, 2015                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Inspiring humanity to larger realities

JANU: We move into the long-term commitment to the preparation of humanity for an off-world encounter with someone not of the Earth, but on the Earth. The appearance is unremarkable. The identity, knowledge, and intelligence are not flaunted. The perception into the depth of the human experience grows constantly. Communication of understanding is more telepathic for the purpose of sharing information. This one comes and goes as well, but always through or by means of normal transportation, which is time consuming. This one lives in Ireland at the moment and has spent time in Wales, yet to visit America.

This one has been on the Earth for approximately seven years, and is scheduled to leave in two years, or be replaced. This next one will be female in appearance and will be here for ten years. The purpose here is to normalize a relationship with humanity, for better understanding when other worlds are discovered, which is already happening, leading to ‘first contact’ which will trigger deep introspections into the human identity by humanity.

This activity has been continuing for many years and is done for the benefit of humanity, as it discovers the larger family of life and its own nature. Our own journeys through the site you have created are designed to accomplish this as well, slowly, piece by piece. People who are ready for this information will find their way to these.

Jan. 13, 2015 B                                      Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Respecting life

JANU: Many changes are coming in Earth’s relationship to the Sun and all the energy patterns involved. The energetic relationship between the Sun and the planets is complex indeed and in flux. The Earth’s communication structure with the Sun has been changing for some time. We are speaking mostly of non-physical energies, the balance of forces throughout the planet of undulating currents that result in the integrity of the Earth’s configuration. To a degree, gravitational patterns. Certainly, weather patterns. Tectonics as such may be slowing down and then speeding up again.

The solar system is changing as well, as the planets in their changes destabilize their orbital paths and stabilize the orbits of their moons. The Earth’s moon, tugging on the Earth gravitationally, to a small degree is absorbing Earth’s atmosphere but, more importantly, influences Earth’s energetic relationship with the Sun with each orbit. The Moon’s surface appears devoid of life but energetically far from the truth of being a ‘dead’ body. The Moon radiates subtle signals that can be monitored, revealing its energetic disposition and changes. This is important for the reason that the Moon, in some ways, is part of the Earth’s energetic structure. As humanity populates, to a degree, the Moon, it needs to grow in awareness of these things and not disturb them.

Collective human consciousness is far more influential to the Earth than one realizes, especially the severity of energy releases and formations through warring, through the testing of weapons. The use of energy by humanity for various reasons does not occur without residual side effects on the subtle energy fields belonging to Earth’s radiations and the energy it receives from the Sun.

Humanity needs to grow in awareness of the subtle energies of its environment. The collective forces of subtle realities of the Earth are not unaware of these disturbances and abuses. Its natural systems that function in balance have natural corrective needs to maintain these balances and they will come into play the more humanity crosses the line, so to speak. Once again, the awakening of human consciousness is important. For now, it is important for humanity to consider these realities and understand them and their dynamics, less than how they can be utilized, taken advantage of, and manipulated.

Humanity relies upon the assumption that many things in nature will always be as they are, leaving humanity free to discover and exploit. The more one discovers the reality of life, and understands it, the more the need to respect it. For what you do to the ship of life can affect your reality and humanity’s survival. Continue to explore, discover, and understand. Do so softly, with respect, a responsible part of life. Namaste.

Dec. 31, 2014                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The awakening human explorer

JANU: We have before us this evening a survey that was begun long ago having to do with humanity’s relationship to the flow of life. This survey reveals a predisposition to explore. Human exploration can be less destructive when engaging new opportunities, new realities, new capabilities.

There are many who serve the Earth, who serve humanity, capable of revealing wisdom resulting in mature exploration. Observing and understanding with commitment to honoring the gifts of discovering will find life revealing far more, that also includes safer passage. Focusing only upon an element of discovery but not the larger picture, you see, is an invitation to undesirable results. The awakening explorer is not limited to so-called science and technology but includes profound insight, direct knowing, and an honesty and integrity with life, garnering support and opportunity.

So you see, our brother, the suggestion to awakening encourages a holistic approach in discovery and a holistic application of what is gained. This we encourage and this we support. Namaste.

Dec. 31, 2014 B                                                     Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The coming together of humanity

JANU: We are catalyzing, if you will, the coming together of humanity, a wondrous journey with joyous results. The gnashing of teeth, if you will, of those yet to embrace out of fear and sense of loss of control as an independent individual, isolated from any power or reality larger than themselves. The coming together of humanity is part of its destiny, for the Larger Family of Life already is demonstrating this change. ‘Partners on the journey of life’ is the perception that will gain a foothold in the new reality. The consciousness already exists and manifests in small communities and groups.

What does ‘coming together’ mean for the daily life and the individual? It means that more and more your decisions, your perceptions, your values include those of others, eventually seeing them as your own through the process of refinement and application. Even individual well-being and health is a shared relationship and each one becomes the stronger for it. No longer the sense of isolated accomplishment and failure. Demonstrating this physically in the incarnate life will grow into a conscious ownership and become part of the identity of the individual. What this prepares humanity for is encountering other species, other worlds. And this quality in human consciousness will be received well by others, knowing that their society and being are respected and enhanced by human contact, whether physically or in consciousness.

The coming together of humanity will make wars and conflict and mutual abuse obsolete. In fact, these attitudes will be largely forgotten for the lives will be filled with the alternative of mutual caring and support. People will look forward to the first meeting of each other, with nothing to fear. Disputes or conflicts will be resolved in a new way, both parties desiring harmonious solution, for the experience of being in harmony with each other is comforting and enriching and conflict is not. You ask of individual sovereignty and creativity. They will be enhanced, our brother, for the creativity and sovereignty will be richer.

And, in time, an appreciation of the Family of Life will include discarnate life, which is vast and rich. For understand this, our brother: this is your experience as well, when not incarnate. Much to remember of who you are, what you’ve been, and what you’re becoming. Only part of this is described by physical experience. A more universal consciousness is occurring and this is welcomed in the Family of Life. Namaste.

Jan. 6, 2015                                                            Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Life patterns

JANU: There is in life a vast array of what you might call ‘life patterns’ to draw upon. Many established by other species, other worlds, and other realities. One pattern is direct knowing, on any subject. Another life pattern is the ability to roam the universe, and more, at will in consciousness. Another life pattern is to manifest whatever is needed, and not just physical items but energies, ‘mock ups’ if you will, or grids for virtually any purpose. Another life pattern is to be free enough, open enough, to love all of life. Another life pattern is the Now consciousness, which is an opportunity to visit any part of the past or the future. Another life pattern is the ability to manipulate physicality, including levitation, transformation, and reality shifting by manipulating vibratory rate, to include invisibility, relocation of items from dematerialization and manifestation, to become conscious of more of life, its truths and its realities.

Being incarnate does not mean you are limited to the physical experience, but can experience more than one reality simultaneously. Consider the term ‘unlimited mind’ and what that can mean: Consciousness that can touch any part of life, anywhere, at any time. The protocols of life carry the wisdom to allow these things, the freedom to be and the wisdom to choose, in harmony with the natural flow of life that humanity is capable of.   Namaste.

Jan. 9, 2015 B                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The path of awakening is not linear

JANU: We are sublimating the notion that humanity has a collective consciousness that has a seemingly insurmountable path of awakening. The truth is that humanity is not far away from major insights, key changes in philosophy, behavior, and awareness of much more of life. The path of awakening for humanity is not linear or constant in its pace, but there are many opportunities for humanity to achieve large gains rapidly. When one considers the path of awakening as incredibly slow and questionable, it bypasses hope and belief in miracles by comparison, and the power of life to achieve. The pace of awakening in the past does not describe the pace of awakening in the future.

Generally speaking, once humanity begins to consciously be aware of and connect with the subtle life, the interest and desire will move rapidly forward, accelerating the experience. It is well to view the path of human awakening as one filled with significant opportunities and what some would call miraculous changes. When an individual focuses on a new endeavor with passion and commitment, that endeavor reveals itself through manifestation and the ownership of experience, realizing that the individual, when passing from the body, continues on with even greater freedom to explore life. The fear of so-called death takes a backseat to living. When one becomes awakened to and in ownership of their larger true faculties, overcoming obstacles, including ill health, become only an opportunity to demonstrate to themselves the power of their larger truth. Accepting nothing as permanent, as far as limitations are concerned.

A true moment of insight can change a life, especially when one is open to exploring the insight and manifesting it. Expect miracles of awakening and a richer life. No longer seeing the self as a victim walking through their life, subject to whatever happens, but as a powerful co-creator with insight into opportunity and the path in front of them with clarity, making choices in advance of circumstance, recognizing when the flow of life is freely moving through their experience. And gratitude fills your perception, realizing you were never alone walking your life and meeting it.

See your awakening as an integral part of your life, which it is. Enjoy the power of True Peace and its dynamic reality. Namaste.

Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Becoming more self-aware

JANU: We are surveying the notion that humanity is ready for significant change. Change in the area of understanding that each one is more than they see and in doing so realize that each one they observe is more than they see. A greater awareness of self in this manner brings awareness of their condition of being, and by ‘condition’ we mean personality and ego, emotions and circumstance as a result of their choices. Greater understanding of these things individually brings about forgiveness of self, freeing one to move on in new directions unencumbered, in a growing generosity when observing others, no longer condemning them and in so doing contribute to their continuing in their circumstance. In time, becoming clear enough in their perceptions to begin to become aware of the larger Family of Life, and begin supporting each other in more meaningful ways. Self-recrimination is replaced with understanding, patience, and the freedom to move on in new directions.

Yes, many humans are generous with each other but many more to follow. And in time people will grow in understanding and appreciating their links to each other.

The reality of oneness is a profound journey of its own. The co-existence of individuality and oneness can seem impossible to resolve, but that will all come with understanding your True Nature and how the larger life functions. This understanding will revolutionize human relations and society. So, let us support this threshold, this change for the awakening of humanity, that each become more self-aware to the truth of their nature and their circumstance. Namaste.

Jan. 3, 2015                                            Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Perpetual life

JANU: We are welcoming this opportunity to discover, if you will, the meaning of perpetual life. There is reality, our brother, larger than, more inclusive than what you understand as life. Difficult for many to grasp that this reality has always been. There is existence in this sense not described by time and space, or dimension, or energy, or manifestation of any kind. All of these things are what you would call ‘the thought’ that has always been this reality we speak of.

All creations have cycles of existence, from the infinitesimal to the scale beyond imagination, but the reality we speak of is not described in this manner. More the capacity of understanding is in the area of awareness of such a reality. Not separate from what you understand or are aware of, but included within it, in a sense within it. An understanding of oneness, only more profound. The importance of understanding this is that it places in perspective all of creation and the question of beginning and end. These terms have no meaning, do not apply to the reality we speak of, but they are put to rest, so to speak, for peace of mind that pursues the meaning of life and its duration.

So find a foundation in your perceptions when viewing the conflicts you see around you, that they are in no way a permanent reality, that all have cycles. For life is much larger than these, including your physical existence and individual identity and traditions of life experience. And all these co-exist simultaneously as one. Yet the integrity of each element of life, of creation, is supported, is maintained for its cycle of existence and contribution to life.

Dec. 30, 2014                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross