The Council of Corrections and Alignments

JANU: The Council of Corrections and Alignments exists to ensure the purity and quality of life’s creations, in the sense of honoring protocols of integrity in the flow of life. For many who come to these understandings, there is much confusion and uncertainty as to proceeding in a beneficial manner in the natural order of life. This Council endeavors to bring clarity to decision-making, intention, and influences upon other integrities that co-exist. Our arrangement of service is subject to this, and we always endeavor to meet these protocols. In a very real sense, this Council is formed by and maintained by life’s natural integrity. Do not misunderstand. The opportunities of life, your choices and experiences, are relatively unlimited but do not include the loss of integrity of life itself.

This Council does not make itself known, directly. But understanding its contribution to the Family of Life has merit. Its influence is not unlike each one’s ‘still small voice’ of inner conscience, that so-called sense of right and wrong, acceptable/unacceptable, creative/destructive. And it goes much deeper than that, our brother. Your very existence is part of the flow of life. Their well-being, on all levels, is part of your integrity, in harmony with the source of your being.

Consciousness and conscience are not necessarily the same. The first is ‘being aware of.’ The second is your True Nature. Honor them both with your perceptions of life, your choices, and your contribution. Awaken continuously and become all you can be. Namaste.

Dec. 29, 2014                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross



JANU: For this morning’s journey, may we instill in this relationship a sense of belonging. This theme, missing for many in their lives, is the connection and unity desired by so many, yet seemingly elusive and out of reach. The sense, a knowing, of belonging brings peace of mind and a greater ease of engaging life’s challenges. As we have said before, the root of all fear is the sense of being alone in life, totally on your own, surviving only by your wits and good fortune.

Now, a sense of belonging, for success, is based upon a knowingness and experience of who you truly are, how you came to be, your eternal nature, and a growing sense of connection with the Family of Life. Individuality and family go hand in hand, as they do in Earth families of incarnate beings. Incarnation, spirit, etheric reality, and all the realms are part of the Family of Life. Individual integrity and belonging reveal the reality that your existence contributes to the Family of Life, and it contributes to the success of individuality and creativity. Personal profit through a perception of individual achievement at the expense of others is a limited truth. A greater truth is that everyone benefits from individual achievement and creativity, as any family would.

The seemingly synchronistic opportunities of life are a product of universal consciousness and intimacy with the Family of Life, even though unconscious of specific source, you see. Oneness connection makes all of this possible. Yet to be understood fully. Allow bonding across realities. Experience the love of life. You have always belonged. Be more open to your True Nature and your connection with everything everywhere, whether physical or not makes no difference. Let your consciousness expand to include more and more of life and your creativity will deepen, your vision become more clear, your capacities to love and be loved more unlimited. We all belong to the Family of Life, our brother, and are blessed by it. Namaste.

Dec. 19, 2014                                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


The game of life

JANU:    We are happy to announce the progression of that which belongs to the ‘game of life’ in the sense of the miracle of drama, enlightenment, and manifestation of potential. Let there be seen then, at this time, an inclination of humanity towards sorting out its differences, conflicts, ideologies, and perception of needs and desires. The game of life is played out everywhere. The rules of this game are created by the participants, more than one might realize, for even though individual destinies and potentials exist and are at play, the true nature of all of life expressions is the One Life. As one becomes more aware, through the path of awakening, one is presented with the opportunity of a balancing of, a merging of, individual integrity with the universal Oneness, the One Life. For there is always a larger and more fundamental reality than which you’re aware of, what you function in and as.

Be mindful that the challenges of the moment are couched in the larger understanding, a piece of the larger puzzle of life to be assembled in your consciousness, filling your vision and the gaps it contains. But as the puzzle pieces find their place, the greater vision allows the finding and placing of more. Realizing that no matter how complete your vision of the puzzle of life, there is always more.

Yes, the game of life is like a dance, of movement in symmetry and balance and creativity. Even as the musical notes are rearranged for new patterns and symphony and experience, so are the elements of life, the puzzle pieces of creation, for they are dynamic and changing. What a symphony life is, and can be! Playing the game of life benefits from perception, commitment, understanding, passion, and love and respect for all of the pieces of the puzzle for what they reveal when assembled. And even that is changing, our brother, constantly.

Pigeonholing life, so to speak, is a fruitless endeavor. It is a constant journey of change, revelation, and understanding. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.

Dec. 16, 2014                                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


The foundation of humanity

JANU:    For this morning’s journey, let us embrace the foundation of humanity and its many struggles through thresholds of awakening. We are not speaking of individuals here but of the collective. Humanity’s path to awakening has not been one that is linear. There have been strides forward and reversals, collectively. There have been frequent times of a co-existence of advancements and reversals. Such is the case at this time. Some of those in their darkest period at this time were part of the advancements at other times.

Let us be mindful of the reality that humanity’s consciousness on other worlds, and this one, are connected. For the collective of humanity is not just of the Earth, you see, and the collective human consciousness of other worlds is wide-ranging in ability and maturity and, yes, advancements. And humans from other worlds have visited the Earth and are keenly aware of the human condition on Earth. By thoroughly understanding their own evolutionary path, they are very cautious with their influence, mainly here to observe and learn from the Earth’s journey. And there is much communication and observation with journeys such as ours.

There is a trinity of Earth worlds whose desire is to include the Earth, eventually. Yes, we are close to communicating directly with one or more of these worlds. Re-connecting with these worlds is a beginning step towards direct communication with non-human worlds. Much to learn along this path of discovery, from mutually beneficial connection and exchange.

As we have said before, life is coming together during a process you call ‘time.’ Many, many realms to explore, and Earth is being explored as well. Previously isolated enrichments of life are merging. Namaste, our brother.

Dec. 15, 2014                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


A life of service

JANU: We are organizing, if you will, the legions that serve humanity that their focus is flexible, to blend well with many needs and conditions of humanity, human consciousness. A natural element of service is joy, and the legion of servers have this joy and evolve through their service to life. The tradition of service, the nature and content of it, is endless in variety, variety of form, of ability, gifts if you will. Those who participate look for, and are aware of, the opportunities to serve that match their ability, their interests.

As we have mentioned before, the Family of Life is vast. Many times the results of those who serve are new additions to the life of service. Many who serve humanity and others are as what you would call “multi-taskers,” their involvement simultaneously occurs. There are those of other worlds, not necessarily human, who serve life as we have done on occasion. An interesting opportunity to serve those who are convinced they are alone in life without interfering with their perceptions of choice. The wisdom of the True Natures of each must be understood and respected, for each one is on the path they have chosen. So much of service, our brother, is unknown by those who are served. Impatience has no place in this, for impatience runs roughshod over people’s destiny, experience, and timing.
The life of service on all levels is rich indeed. A worthy study, for service does not just include people, or beings. It includes all of life, all of creation, and beyond. So what is it you have to give to life? Consider this carefully and what is needed. Listen while observing life around you and you will know. Namaste.
Dec. 23, 2014 Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross



Awakening is achieved with patience, love and peace

JANU: Be it known that we have a vested interest in the success of humanity in this endeavor. Awakening is a term we use to describe or identify expanding consciousness, becoming more aware of life, its realities, including each one’s own life. Awakening is a relative term indicating the direction of movement, no matter how small or large, of becoming more conscious, more aware, more sensitive to the changes in life, the cycles of life, the depth and scope of reality.

Humanity is awakening. We are not here to measure degrees of awakening or categorize them, just to inspire and encourage an expanding consciousness, resulting in a love for each other, service to each other, peace of mind while living life. The vested interest we mentioned has to do with fulfilling our potential and destiny as well as humanity’s. We have grown in consciousness through long service invested in humanity, and not just of the Earth, you see. We are not all knowing and at the end of any path of awakening. But the awakening of humanity is part of our path.

The wonder and beauty of this path is not fully described with words, you see. The mother’s love for her newborn, and patience and understanding as it grows and evolves and matures is not unlike this experience. You have spoken of our patience with humanity’s foibles, including your own. This is no burden, our brother, for we understand this service to life as we have benefited from it as well. Every step one takes in life is never done without the presence of care and nurturing. It just seems so at times. The message this morning is that your life is observed, nurtured, cared for, guided, in a loving way that empowers, respects your sovereignty, your integrity, your identity. And timeless patience is a natural part of this, our brother. And we are one in ways you are yet to become aware of.

Find peace in this understanding, the peace that has always been, a peace that is sanctuary for rejuvenation, well-being, as one is walking the path of life. Be at peace, our brother, and namaste.

Dec. 17, 2014                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Humanity’s bond with the Earth

JANU: We are encouraging at this time a domain of peace for a restless world. There is a bond not understood by many between the peace of the Earth and the peace of humanity. Incarnating into a world has many levels of reality, and one is the bond between the world and those incarnating. There are many unspoken agreements between the two, and even beyond the two.

Understand this, our brother, that the bond cannot be broken, the commitments, the relationship while incarnate. This bond includes an opportunity to be responsible for the well-being of the world and the bodies incarnated into, for they are of that world. The interface between the spiritual being and the world is rich with connections that evolve both the being and the world and, as we have called them, the vehicles of expression. The development of this bond and its potential are directly related to the bonds of other worlds.

Yes, a world is an entity of its own nature, whether geologically active or not, for there is more to these worlds than physicality as there is more than physicality to the human experience. The Earth has intelligence and wisdom, experience far older than humanity, on many levels, including all of those who have visited Earth, invested in it, and benefited from it. It is well for humanity to grow in its awareness of its bond with the Earth, so let there be a growth in understanding and behavior in this area.

The bond between humanity and the Earth creates a signature of reality that can be observed and known. That is part of the human identity, you see, and there are many in the universe that can attune to that relationship and the implementation of that bond. There are those in the human family that take advantage of this. They serve it and are growing in their understanding. The creatures of the Earth have an instinctual relationship with this bond. It is part of their way of life. They cannot explain this, but they live it. Humanity would do well to observe the creatures of the Earth, attune to them, and get to know this bond, for they are a grand example, demonstration, of its reality, its presence, and the strength it offers.

Being in the Earth does not mean being of the Earth, but while here fulfill the relationship and prosper from it. Incarnate life has a unique opportunity to interface with the world. Be it known, our brother, and namaste.

Dec. 12, 2014                                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Moving beyond doubt and overcoming fears

Fear is a primary motivator for unawakened humanity. These two journeys address the means to move beyond these fears, and what lies beyond.

Overcoming fear for survival
Moving beyond doubt and fear



Overcoming fear for survival

JANU: We welcome this opportunity to cancel all doubts and fears as to the future of humanity. When we speak of humanity, we speak of the manifested being. The spirit, or souls if you prefer, live on but the human experience is a journey of great value to these, for they gain so much and evolve. Another cornerstone of confidence in this understanding is that humanity as such exists on other worlds as well. So, even if the Earth ended, humanity continues, so the spirits or souls if you will have ample opportunity to continue. The unawakened mind perceives only one basket to hold the treasure of existence; therefore the fear for survival.

Making the most of your existence is still wise, cherishing the moments, the relationships, the discoveries of your own nature and potentials. This fear tends to cause projections into the future of what will be; yet your power in those thoughts is in the moment. The moment is the source of the future. And even if humanity did not exist but it were beneficial, it would be created, our brother, as it was in the beginning. So what is there to fear, in terms of existence and survival, opportunity, and the joy of living?

As much as you find possible, live in the moment. Enrich it. Value it. Understand and explore it. There is the power of existence, the power to be, the power to manifest, and the power to live. Grow in your awareness of what living is, and what it can create. Be at peace, yet full of life. Namaste.
Dec. 3, 2014                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross




Moving beyond doubt and fear

JANU: What we bring into focus this morning represents the finale of lingering doubts as to the reality of subtler realms and subtler faculties of the individual.
Experience is a great teacher in everything. When one opens to possibilities that are uncommon, the teacher arrives and reveals the truth through experience. It is difficult to deny the truthfulness of direct experience. What is ‘normal’ and what is ‘common’ in the experiences of humanity is not the same thing, although both are in flux and the scales move towards the ‘normal.’ That journey has many rewards, not only the revelation of mysteries but the discovery that they are even there. Life becomes measurably more interesting, inspiring, and richer in securing the consciousness—and by this we mean the life and the heart of everything.

We are not suggesting here that doubt serves no purpose. It does, but as experience unfolds, the need for doubt changes into the desire to experience more through a greater degree of openness to possibilities. Life is a grand journey filled with unknowns becoming known, the challenge and opportunity to let go of the old and embrace the new. Now, we did not say dismiss the old, for it is the foundation of your discoveries, and completes your awareness, your consciousness.

Fear serves survival but it must be allowed to be replaced by discovery and understanding. Loving life opens the door to more of life. It was always thus and will be. Why not begin this very moment to open to new adventures, new understandings, and a richer relationship with life?
Be at peace on this journey, for you are loved and understood and valued. Namaste.
Dec. 5, 2014                              Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Serving the Awakening process

JANU: First of all, our brother, awakening for humanity is a natural process, which includes countless elements of awakening. The nature and character, timing, and path of unfoldment are unique to each one. Awakening is not one thing but countless moments of realization. Exploration and ownership of one’s own consciousness tested on each other. Humanity is not the first species to walk this path. In fact, humanity has always been walking this path.

At the moment of first consciousness, awakening begins. How to survive? What works and what doesn’t? And, in some ways, being together and needing each other is part of the formula of survival. Imagining all sorts of explanations for what is observed. Humanity has always wanted the answers immediately, for immediate relief from the pressure and challenge of not knowing. But becoming aware of anything is life, understanding it and making it practical is a process. Life, in its wisdom, does not reveal everything at once, even though you ask for it.
And you ask, “Why does it take so long to understand and master anything?” From the larger perspective of Life, it takes no time at all. So even that desire is relative to what? When you put timeframes on such matters, you imprison them, so to speak, that they no longer be free to ‘just be.’ Quest mightily on your path of awakening but allow Life its timing and wisdom for each revelation, that these revelations can process into your life, your experience. Be fueled with confidence that every desire, every quest is known. Being at peace, our brother, does not mean inactivity from questing or engaging life and embracing its opportunities. But you do these things in harmony with life and the natural ability of your existence.
Awakening is an unending process worthy of contribution and care. Continue to serve, our brother, without limiting requirements, but a joy in the service, for life is enriched by it, all of life. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.
Nov. 24, 2014 B                                  Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


A balanced life

JANU: As we survey the landscape of human consciousness and destiny, let us summarize, painting with one brush, that all is well. Now, you say, “How can this be said, in the face of the conflicts and turmoil of the day?” It can, our brother, because they are minor compared to the power, the true power of life, potential, destiny, and love of life. For, yes, even in humanity’s protestations, angers, and arguments, humanity would rather live than not. And where life is unbearable for a few, their heart’s desire is for life to be better, that it might be enjoyed. So the quest continues to live as fully as possible.

For this morning’s journey, let us consider the larger view when challenged by the lesser moments of struggle and confusion. This balance in perspective is a true strength and must be encouraged for the engagement of living to continue. For even those who entertain taking their lives, there is still hope that after transition there lies Heaven, and peace, love, light, friendship, and life everlasting. Understand, our brother, that transition called death is not required to experience that beauty. It will always exist and is part of the one life and can be known and embraced, whether incarnate or not, bringing much relief, perspective, inner strength, and enduring patience for the natural evolution of life.

Remember that the larger view of reality is one with, inherent in, any lesser view. It is all one, all redeemable, and all of value. It is wise to endeavor to place your observations and concerns in a larger perspective for balance, for equilibrium for each day. Humanity considers its existence as relatively private and alone in the universe. It depends on your perspective, our brother, the view taken, and the balance. And the balanced approach to embracing life considers everything, not just a moment of challenge or confusion.
This reality is within your being and has always been there, while you continue to grow into it. A balanced life, our brother, is wondrous indeed. Namaste.
Nov. 25, 2014 Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross