
JANU:   Once again, we journey into the Larger Life, portraying life as it is and as it can be. The subject this time is ‘Nurturing.” And what does that mean, in today’s stage of evolution?  It varies greatly, depending upon maturity of consciousness. At times, an element of nurturing is patience or the natural development and expression of the steps chosen by the journeyer.

It is tempting to let ego motivate one’s response to the condition of another, wishing to demonstrate advantage over another, not considering one’s own difference is no wiser than that of another. The wisdom of understanding and judgement has many faces. One does not take the place of another, and at times can confuse the other in their own natural awakening. The healthy alternative is allowing one’s own insight to see the merit of another. Many times wisdom is to say nothing, or be an example.

The cumulative wisdom of the many experiences of others is quite vast. When counseling or evaluating or judging the merit of what you observe, this is the time to draw more and more deeply on your own evolution and inspiration. Also true, when dissatisfied with one’s own judgement. Life is larger than you know, in any circumstance. Part of listening to your own comments and point of view is to hear yourself as an observer of your own processes, being open to clarity. Be patient with yourself, forgiving and encouraging. Namaste.
Mar. 13, 2024                                                                                               Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Awakening 32: Freedom

JANU: We are encouraging then at this time the reason to be free. This speaks to awakening and the true lawlessness of life.

The purpose of natural and man-made laws is to organize experiences, expressions, manifestations that unfoldments and developments are understood. Make sense, if you will. But where do these come from, and why do they exist, and why do humans perceive life as only made of these? Maturity of consciousness through awakening can see beyond these, through these, into larger view of life that includes these, understanding their merit, the wisdom of their existence, the nature of their presence. Awakening is not a path to escape them but to own them, not be owned by them. For relationships to work between people, each must understand their relationships, making sense to them, with outcomes that are logical and sensible. Awakening reveals a deeper understanding of these, the layers of reality, the interactions, the currents of life.

Life is as a symphony, our brother, melodies within melodies. Each one is an instrument, orchestration, timing, interplay, with a growing common understanding of the melody of life. Not just for themselves, but others can enjoy as well, adding to their symphony.

And what of life beyond laws and rules and so-called order? Beingness without form or borders. What potential exists or can exist beyond these? Some think it is pure thought, but what’s the nature of the thought? Awakening to the truth of this allows one to be free to observe all creation, all rules and order from any perspective, with unobstructed understanding, and free to engage creation in any way. Not just one point but many simultaneously, in any progression or order desired. Great wisdom comes from this, and peace not found when limited to one truth to the exclusion of others. Find peace when in harmony with all of life. Namaste.
May 30, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see right sidebar.