
JANU:    Grace speaks to many levels of consciousness having to do with style, character, compatibility, peace, forgiveness, balance, and tolerance, allowing for understanding that transcends any judgement. It is through grace that you are created. It is through grace that you continue. It is through grace that love exists.

What we are suggesting here is to allow for the reality of grace to modify your thoughts, emotions, desires, decisions. Get to know and sense the presence of this reality of life. There is nothing that can’t be accomplished through grace. Dwell on this. Love it into your life. It is the true power of peace.

Let there be an understanding that the law of grace is the reality of kindness that life has for all of its creation. Not to be seen as a layer of something added to experience, but more as part of the True Nature of life. Now, kindness is a limited term. It is a product of pure love. Namaste.
Aug. 27, 2018 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


The desire of the True Nature

JANU:   Overcoming any regret for having lived the incarnate life frees the consciousness to rise above and own it all. Owning your experiences gains you the wisdom of them. And through wisdom comes clearer choices that benefit the journeyer and their associations.

Integrity exists whether incarnate or not, whether awakening or not, and all of life has integrity, or it wouldn’t continue. Yes, all creations can be manipulated, modified, altered, transformed, but life’s integrity allows this. The so-called Laws of Life are fluid. Integrity allows this, for the purpose of expression, creativity, and wisdom gaining.

The Middle Way that you endeavor to understand is one with everything, is the source of all dichotomies, and is ‘living in the Now.’

The desire of any True Nature is to be, which is fulfilled by engaging more and more of life. Awakening is part of this, our brother. Even the True Nature is awakening.

Be at peace, without regret. Honor your integrity. Namaste.
Feb. 13, 2018                                                                                 Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 10 contains all prior attunements in this series.


What is reality?

JANU: Once upon a time is a favorite phrase when beginning a story. The story of life, our brother, is beyond time and space and limitations. Reality beckons to the inquiring mind and the soul that longs for the truth and the adventure of ongoing life. Realities are created, our brother, through desire, commitment, and a loving spirit.

What is reality, then? Everything is reality, every possibility, every imagination, every created impulse. When aware of life beyond the limitations of so-called laws of nature, so-called scientific principles and truths, so much more is opened up to you. That is part of reality and adventure without limits. The unawakened experience in incarnate life makes excuses for ignorance by imagining that life has secrets the mind is unable to know or fathom. This is true for a limited state of consciousness, you see. Awakening changes all of this. Life does not keep secrets from itself. Nor does it destroy itself. The changes that occur in understanding and experience and the constructs of existence are accessible and your creativity can be part of this. So the question is not so much “What is reality?” but “What realities are there?” and “What can they be?”

Yes, there are so-called relationships in life, some call laws, principles, requirements to understand and explain reality. They are all mutable, our brother. Creativity, the life you choose to experience, participate in, and create, is not limited. The awakening consciousness slowly grows into unlimited thinking, understanding, and participation in life’s potential. Some would say that without these so-called laws, these rules of life, there would be chaos, no order, no structure, no predictable outcomes. The nature of life is not predictable absolutely, other than it continues, evolves, recreates, and is one. Even so-called physicality, the illusion of substance with borders and limits and relationships, is a limited truth.

Your own True Nature is testimony to unlimited life, unlimited possibility. Even love is vaster in scope than any understanding of it. So ponder this question. Listen to the truth of it. What is reality? There will always be more to understand and experience as you awaken. Namaste, our brother.
Feb. 6, 2017 B                             Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 16 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Awakening 51: The laws of life

JANU: We are presenting at this time that which belongs to the service of the anomalies of life, the so-called apparent realities, as they begin their trek through the life of an individual. Now, by ‘anomalies’ we mean those features of life experience that pertain to so-called nature, laws of physics, and other sciences. These are referred to as ‘surface realities’ for they seldom reach the truth behind them. They are as masks to the purity of being. And this is why miracles are called miracles, for on the surface nature of things miracles are unexplainable.

This is why analysis of these so-called surface structures of life, attempting to explain and understand what lies behind them as primary source cannot be explained. They are structured ways of understanding to maintain their integrity for the human journey of experience into relationships, the more mechanical nature of the human journey in the physical life. They serve a purpose, our brother. They are revelatory on the one hand, and conceal much more on the other, until the consciousness has evolved to the point where it is no longer owned by these perceptions, these fixed realities so to speak, and the True Nature reality can finally emerge even while incarnate.

What takes place here is a change in perception, an understanding that transcends limited points of view, the so-called surface structures of physicality and its laws, its order, its inflexibility. Time and space, our brother, are misunderstood. They are more fluid than you realize. The fixed appearance of their nature is a surface reality, superficial. Wise is the consciousness that opens to the so-called laws of life and nature as mutable, with layers of reality, serving a temporary purpose for limited points of view but in truth they are free to be expressed in so many different ways.

This is part of the path of awakening, our brother, the many different realities of the so-called laws of life, of natural law, structure and form, a time/space perspective, seemingly rock solid, from a limited point of view. Life is so much more than this, adaptable, changing.

You ask, “Where is the sanity in all of this?” The sanity, our brother, is who you are and life itself, the life that can be anything. Manifesting, creating, is not the source of life but the journey of it. We speak of ‘freedom of being,’ not pigeon-holing life so to speak into one reality or another. The journey of awakening is not easy for one who requires structure, ironclad order, but is for one who is willing to explore and experience their True Nature. The ultimate journeyer in harmony with life. Namaste, our brother.
June 20, 2016 B                                                                            Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the process and experience of awakening in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see right sidebar.


Awakening 33: The co-existence of many realities

JANU: Transmutation and mutation of the laws of life is the subject this morning. Some might say that our arrangement of communication is a violation of the physical laws of nature. Understand this, our brother, that with the so-called ‘laws of life’ and the transmutation of these, the alternatives co-exist. Unawakened, you choose to agree to these, without exception. As you awaken, you become conscious of the co-existence of many realities and free to engage what you choose.

Sometimes this is accomplished without understanding as to how and why, but as awakening occurs and deepens, the understanding arrives and the accessibility to these alternatives of co-existence. Proof of this lies in the demonstrations of two individuals you have observed. Their abilities in this area come from beyond the limits of their current sojourns. The elements of their consciousness and being embrace these alternatives and, as with our communications, make them available to incarnate life. So the lesson here, in awakening, is that what seem to be true and permanent in the ‘laws of life’ are mutable. The co-existence of many realities is the theme here. As you awaken, you become conscious of them and what your attention is on, you are connected to.

Understanding is one of these realities. See understanding as something within the mix of your being, and not separate from you. Put your attention on understanding and it will become yours. Think larger than your human experience and identity. Be at peace with being one with all of life. It is natural, even though uncommon. But times are changing, our brother, and you will see more and more of individuals with the capabilities of these two, and more. The proof in this is the nature of our journeys and the understandings that come. This is the path of humanity, the reason for a bright future. It will contribute to the end of any need for conflicts and warring. Namaste.
May 31, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see right sidebar.


Awakening 32: Freedom

JANU: We are encouraging then at this time the reason to be free. This speaks to awakening and the true lawlessness of life.

The purpose of natural and man-made laws is to organize experiences, expressions, manifestations that unfoldments and developments are understood. Make sense, if you will. But where do these come from, and why do they exist, and why do humans perceive life as only made of these? Maturity of consciousness through awakening can see beyond these, through these, into larger view of life that includes these, understanding their merit, the wisdom of their existence, the nature of their presence. Awakening is not a path to escape them but to own them, not be owned by them. For relationships to work between people, each must understand their relationships, making sense to them, with outcomes that are logical and sensible. Awakening reveals a deeper understanding of these, the layers of reality, the interactions, the currents of life.

Life is as a symphony, our brother, melodies within melodies. Each one is an instrument, orchestration, timing, interplay, with a growing common understanding of the melody of life. Not just for themselves, but others can enjoy as well, adding to their symphony.

And what of life beyond laws and rules and so-called order? Beingness without form or borders. What potential exists or can exist beyond these? Some think it is pure thought, but what’s the nature of the thought? Awakening to the truth of this allows one to be free to observe all creation, all rules and order from any perspective, with unobstructed understanding, and free to engage creation in any way. Not just one point but many simultaneously, in any progression or order desired. Great wisdom comes from this, and peace not found when limited to one truth to the exclusion of others. Find peace when in harmony with all of life. Namaste.
May 30, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see right sidebar.