Awakening 33: The co-existence of many realities

JANU: Transmutation and mutation of the laws of life is the subject this morning. Some might say that our arrangement of communication is a violation of the physical laws of nature. Understand this, our brother, that with the so-called ‘laws of life’ and the transmutation of these, the alternatives co-exist. Unawakened, you choose to agree to these, without exception. As you awaken, you become conscious of the co-existence of many realities and free to engage what you choose.

Sometimes this is accomplished without understanding as to how and why, but as awakening occurs and deepens, the understanding arrives and the accessibility to these alternatives of co-existence. Proof of this lies in the demonstrations of two individuals you have observed. Their abilities in this area come from beyond the limits of their current sojourns. The elements of their consciousness and being embrace these alternatives and, as with our communications, make them available to incarnate life. So the lesson here, in awakening, is that what seem to be true and permanent in the ‘laws of life’ are mutable. The co-existence of many realities is the theme here. As you awaken, you become conscious of them and what your attention is on, you are connected to.

Understanding is one of these realities. See understanding as something within the mix of your being, and not separate from you. Put your attention on understanding and it will become yours. Think larger than your human experience and identity. Be at peace with being one with all of life. It is natural, even though uncommon. But times are changing, our brother, and you will see more and more of individuals with the capabilities of these two, and more. The proof in this is the nature of our journeys and the understandings that come. This is the path of humanity, the reason for a bright future. It will contribute to the end of any need for conflicts and warring. Namaste.
May 31, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see right sidebar.