Loving all of life

JANU:    We welcome again the opportunity to journey as one into the Truth of Life. As you can see, our brother, being of a loving, forgiving, and agreeable nature brings peace and freedom to be. Experiencing the application of this without limitation or qualification is the path of expansion and pleasant return to that which you have known. Living as a human can be challenging to this point of view, but only if this point of view is unexplored.

Witnessing the experiences you had without regret, as you head into the future and embrace these opportunities, is liberating. Confrontation need no longer be a battle, so to speak, but the fulfillment of opportunity to embrace life in freedom and with peace, with insight and wisdom. You have been told that everyone is already perfect. Embracing life in this way reveals the truth of this. No longer blinded by the perception of deficiencies and mistakes, but seeing the potential of success in everything and everyone. Walking this path in life, you will find good company. Namaste.

Jan. 29, 2016 B                                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Owning memories

JANU: We exploring the memories that occur to you, and, for this exploration, those that you would change. But change them not, our brother. They are your journey through life, pearls of experience containing wisdom and understanding. Be grateful to have had them, for they speak of the human condition and the life that ensues from the evolution of consciousness. Be grateful and move on, knowing that there is no right or wrong to these, good or bad. They are experience and, in their way, reveal your future. They inspire new vision, commitment, purpose, different steps on your path of exploring life. Be aware of the fruits of these moments. You are divine being, spirit being.

Would you have a lifetime with nothing to learn from? Nothing to reveal choices? Own your memories. They enrich your life, your consciousness, no matter the memory. Through these you can love others as they are, with compassion, patience. Love yourself the same way. All of these, whether violent or not, enrich you. Do not reject them, or put your stamp of approved or disapproved on them. You have grown greatly from them. This is true for everyone, our brother.

Find peace in your integrity, no matter what. Bring joy where you may, forgiveness where you may, understanding where you may. Reflect what you’ve learned for others to see themselves in the mirror of life. And life is a mirror to see truly what is. Everything is all right in the presence of your honesty and truthfulness and love. Namaste, our brother.

Jan. 18, 2016                                                    Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


The soul’s journey

JANU: The existence of the incarnate souls of humanity, for the most part, is far fuller, far richer than one might think. Incarnating does not shut down, so to speak, these beings from the fuller life; the incarnate experience is an addition. Monitored constantly, the incarnate experience continuously enriches the True Nature. Humanity sees themselves as separate isolated beings, private, in some ways secretive in the safety of their own thoughts and feelings. The rest of your being is everything but. By comparison, seventy to one hundred years of incarnation, and in many cases less, is but a moment. But a rich one.

Your soul is imprinted with rich memories of many experiences, has wisdom and perspective your incarnate life can benefit greatly from. The soul or True Nature is intimately involved and connected with the human journey, guiding it but not controlling it for the choices and the processing of the human consciousness reveal much. Many ask “Why does God allow this and allow that seemingly terrible occurrence to take place?” Because you are loved, our brother. Loving is allowing and the freedom to choose.

Life exists to fulfill the choice, to gain the experience. Being unlimited, beyond time and space, patience seldom experienced in the human journey is the norm. The process of awakening expands the identity, changing your perspective and your understandings to think more eternally, more inclusively, and more lovingly about yourself and others. Life continuing on and on, for your larger identity, opens the consciousness beyond the limitation of one sojourn and nothing more. It encourages having goals larger than one lifetime and discovering goals you’ve already had that are.

Some might think that the challenges of the incarnate life are quite enough to deal with, to understand and master. This is true from a certain point of view. But to understand the mysteries of incarnate life that seem to have no answers, one must awaken to larger possibilities where the answers exist and enhance the incarnate life. Life is so much larger and complex and knowable. Whatever you choose, be grateful for the beauty of it and explore. Namaste, our brother.

Nov. 11, 2015                                                                                 Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Fulfilling dreams

JANU: We are encouraging at this time the fulfillment of life dreams, the ambitions of living that transcend the mundane and the routine. This does not mean ignoring daily commitments and responsibilities, but it does mean having a dream to explore, master, experience, to fulfill, that provides some joy in living. Consider carefully, then, what you would enjoy being or doing that has the magic for you of fulfillment. Whether for yourself or for others, the magic is the same. It brings you the peace of accomplishment, memories to take with you, memories to revisit and still find the joy in them. These make your life richer, in one way or another. And one dream can lead to another.

These experiences change your perception of yourself and of life. Encourage this in others. What a grand gift for each one! Help each other realize their dreams, and everything they do takes on a new flavor as they become more generous with each other, wanting to share and uplift. Dreams of this nature are inspired by your True Nature and add greatly to the flow of life. What a wonderful accomplishment to have in common with each other. A wonderful way to replace wars and mayhem and anger and frustration. Fulfilling a dream can be a breakthrough for any lifetime. Namaste, our brother.
Oct. 22, 2015                                                                                 Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Current attitudes towards holidays and humor

My journeys sometimes result from something witnessed on the morning news. These two are prime examples of that. The first reflects upon the holidays that have been conveniently re-scheduled to fall on a Monday and allow for a long weekend with sales, etc., and seems apropos for Veteran’s Day, as well. The second was triggered by my reaction to a news clip concerning yet another prank between celebrities.

Is Columbus Day just another holiday?

JANU:    What we see here are social traditions that bespeak of moments in human history that delve into the human psyche as a path of achievements to unite humanity in the cause of building upon its evolution. The point to be made here is the drifting of significance in the conscious minds from achievement to complacency. Many would be hard pressed to tell you the original core meaning of such celebratory traditions. Similarly, religious traditions fall into this. Taking the time to ponder these and be enlightened by not only their meaning but the experiences that created them.

Your own life path has many significant turning points and more will come. These patterns of life can guide you, bring confidence, and a kind of peace from understanding all you have accomplished. And it includes wisdom gained from so-called mistakes and wise choices. Yes, life is an experiment in consciousness, in creation, and evolution. The past is as much a part of your life as the present and the future.

When one contemplates progressing in life, moving on, so to speak, the question is: What is moving on? And what is the motivation? So, as another holiday is being experienced, what does it mean to you?

Oct. 11, 2015                                                                                                Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross



JANU: The focus this morning on human social commentary is humor. Humor at the expense of another degrades both parties and leaves the observer uncomfortable, without fond memories of the participation of both parties. Humor at the expense of yourself lightens the consciousness of others and bolsters their respect for you and opens them to allowing themselves to be as open and honest, freeing themselves from stifling seriousness.

As with warring, the former promotes unending revenge, getting even so to speak. And where does it end? It eventually collapses on itself and both parties are rejected by the observers. This certainly has nothing to do with being kind to each other, nothing endearing about this at all. Humor that brings lightheartedness lifts the consciousness and endears people to each other.

Be alert to the feelings that are produced in you when witnessing humor. Putting down another is never humorous. Encouraging people, by example, to laugh at themselves is uplifting. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.

Oct. 14, 2015                                                                                                Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Being unlimited

JANU:    Coalescing understandings into vocabulary takes getting used to in the beginnings of communication. Even though words hold meaning for the human listener, they say so little about the understanding they are generated from. Each one’s life has far more meaning and potential and service to life than all of the vocabulary that tries to describe it.

Humanity is concerned with self-worth, the worth of their lifetime, of their day, of their thoughts and feelings. Realize this, that your worth is already beyond that. In truth, your contributions to life, your existence, are eternal. They are not limited to one sojourn. They continue on and on, as do you. In time, more of humanity will understand themselves in this way, and all of their contributions, their existences survive past incarnation. Accepting who you are as an eternal being opens the consciousness to the truth of that existence. And the memories return and the wisdom and the capacity to be and to create more life, more opportunities for each other.

We are aware of this, our brother, and see this in ourselves as well. Why would we not continue to serve humanity and all it can be, appreciating every moment of your existence from an eternal point of view? And appreciation of all that you are brings a peaceful happiness and joy at being part of life.

Leave thoughts of limitation and life spans and timetables behind. They do not contain your future. They put limits on the unlimited truth of who you are. They serve a very small purpose in the affairs of society. Nothing more. You are unlimited being. Live like one. Namaste.

Sept. 11, 2015                                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Remembering who you are and all you have been

JANU: We are explaining at this time that which ‘seals the deal’ so to speak for attuned communication, and more than communication. A willingness and openness to merge with the True Nature unconditionally, truthfully. To communicate in this way, it is less and less listening only, but perceiving as one. Where the enlightened consciousness becomes the one voice, the one consciousness. It is who you are—who we are—the one consciousness that is. Intimacy. The elements of consciousness merging as one. The mind and the True Nature at peace.

The True Nature can roam all of life, all creation, and beyond. Not limited by time and space, you see. The conscious mind conditioned to separation from that reality by social consciousness and the life path of most others. Much of the awakening involves memory. Remembering what you have already known. The True Nature the vehicle for this.

A worthy question: What do you already know from what you have been and experienced? What memories can be awakened in your mind, in your consciousness? What wisdom is yours? What service to life, to others, have you already demonstrated? These are patterns of existence that are still yours. Once again, focusing and allowing awareness of the larger life enhances your consciousness, brings Light to your decisions and your thoughts, what lies within you, in your memories, in your life patterns, in your True Nature.

The memories are not limited to your current condition, circumstances, or society, or the Earth, or the human life. When they reveal themselves, allow them to exist as they are, without preference. This is part of the larger life of who you are. The outer life does not define you, but does add to your experience. Choose to know and to understand, and you will be grateful for living. Namaste.

Aug. 13, 2015                                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Conscious merging with your True Nature

JANU: We are one. Establishing this frame of reference for communication and insights is a beginning. Being conscious as one entity is a co-existence of many elements of consciousness. Just as your physical body and brain, which is your physical body, and mind, which transcends the physical reality, co-exist as one, independent in many ways but nonetheless at one, mutually beneficial, each needing the other for the experience and the particular journey. Unique to the entity, you see, or unique as the entity. It is not unlike this, being one in consciousness with and as your True Nature. How can it be otherwise? But the framework evolves, becomes more sophisticated, more capable and the understanding unfolds in a natural way.

In time you will hear the voice of others as they explore this evolution in consciousness, and you will learn from each other. When leaving the body, the human imprint remains but no longer dominates consciousness, for all you have ever been and done, on any level, is imprinted. You may call memory, if you wish. For nothing is lost but remains a resource to draw upon and to add to.

Your True Nature journeys with you through life and, little by little, your relationship as one explains itself, reveals itself. And you realize you’re a larger being in a larger life with larger opportunities and a larger service. Continue, our brother. We are one in this. Namaste.

June 4, 2015 B                                                       Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

Be sure to check out the latest page on awakening, as those four also relate to this journey.


Investing past wisdom into a brighter future

JANU: Illuminating the past, as you have been pondering, to gain wisdom for investing in the future brings a balance and peace to the life, for wisdom brings gratitude and leaves confusion and doubt, recrimination, behind. So, when living in the Now, choose wisdom and all that comes with it. You will come to know many along the way who are doing the same.

The form your experiences will take, or have taken in the past, is not what you carry forward. The aches and pains and missteps seen from one point of view as regrettable, from another are appreciated for the wisdom that is gained. For the richness of this can yield for an investment in the future greater wisdom, greater gratitude for living and its countless opportunities, wiser choices. In this way, past experiences lift you, make you stronger, greater clarity of mind, and a greater appreciation and insight into the miracle of life.

So, allow the memories to come. Reach deeply into the wisdom they offer. Let them be added to your foundation of understanding and you will see where they fit into your choices, your relationships, your opportunities to achieve. This is why the memories come to the surface, to reinforce wisdom and to see what’s coming for what it is, or can be. Walk life in this way, our brother. Your memories are transformed into a brighter future. Namaste.

May 6, 2015                                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Understanding the purpose of memories

JANU: As the memories come to the surface, they are opportunities to appraise life and gain more insight into these experiences. You ask, “Why do they occur? Why do they return when they do?” It is an opportunity, our brother, to review your life and assess and learn and resolve any turbulences. One moves forward from these with greater clarity, as a foundation for wiser choices.

Their purpose can be confusing at times, for there are a number of levels, nuances, that describe their content. Be conscious of your thoughts and emotions when reviewing and reliving these. Remember, you are not judged by these. They are an ‘isness’ in your Earth experience.

As you mature, your journey through life on the Earth is filled with experiences. Some you say you would have chosen differently if you had known. These are not mistakes, our brother. They are experiences to learn from, to gain insight, not only of your world, but of your own consciousness and what you take into your next journeys. It is the path to wisdom. And what would you gain if all choices were perfect, in the sense of no disturbance and no regrets? They are the richness of the journey and they reveal much for consideration. So do not reject them, but understand them, and be grateful for them. Namaste, our brother.

Aug. 13, 2014 B                    Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross