More on conscious union

JANU: The range of human experience in conscious union with their True Natures demonstrates many variations, from unconscious to conscious, from occasional to continuous. Much of this exists from human discipline and desire, but much more exists from what resides in the totality of the being. Many have the richness of experience of not only many lifetimes but a rich journey between them. The promptings of the True Nature play a role in this, you see. The challenges and opportunities in living incarnate trigger these responses, for the True Nature, you see, is always conscious, for your incarnate existence is a part of that consciousness.

Conscious union is part of the path of awakening, not to be seen as abnormal but uncommon, a natural part of life, bringing peace to the confusion of ignorance. Yes, this is a private journey yet still connected to, at one with, the rest of life. Conscious union is allowing your identity as a human being to expand to include all that you are, and all that you can be. Namaste.
Dec. 21, 2017                                                                                 Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 6 contains all prior attunements in this series.


A transitional moment

JANU: We are favoring, if you will, this moment in the Archive of Time as it represents many transitional moments in the history of humanity that pertain to significant realizational thresholds.

The threshold of this time is true self-awareness and, through this transition, true awareness of each other. The common bond between entities is the true flow of life and its integrity. Presence is everywhere. You may shut your door on your neighbor but that does not block the presence, you see, of the True Nature and the integrity of their being.

This key moment in humanity’s journey will extend to other species as well. The consciousness of the animal world is grand and vast indeed. All so-called creatures have their presence to be known. Visitors from other worlds as well. And, in time, with further development, other worlds as well, for time and space are only a moment in the presence of life.

This transition opens the consciousness to the presence of everything, to the awakening consciousness. Isolation is an illusion, and temporary. Connection, oneness continues. Grow in maturity to embrace the larger life in a balanced and peaceful way and all will benefit. Namaste, our brother.
Dec. 18, 2017 B                                                                            Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 6 contains all prior attunements in this series.


The looping reality of life

JANU: This journey takes on the form of, the parameters of, willingness to serve. Let each one know that service has much to be understood. Not just the service rendered, but its result and the state of consciousness that allows it. So you see, service is a reality that has a looping quality, with benefit that transcends what some would call the mundane. No service that is true is mundane.

What is service then, but the transmutation of challenges into manifest destiny, not just for people, if you will, but for every part of life? Serving is being served. Giving is receiving. Loving is being loved. Understanding is being understood. This is the looping reality of life and service facilitates this, for service includes all of these qualities and more.

Even as we speak, the flow of life that allows this is being enriched, and radiating, and connecting and communicating with much more than you are aware of, for there are many who listen and are responsive to contributions of various meaning and depth. This looping reality extends to all of life, on every level. Part of oneness, being connected one with another. One is never truly alone with their challenges, their victories.

Be aware of this reality as you may. Grow in your understanding of the looping reality of life. Namaste.
Dec. 11, 2017 B                                                                            Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 6 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Profound respect and concern for others

JANU: We are enumerating a discipline for the day, that being profound respect and consideration for others. In today’s climate of social behavior, this theme would do well in serving humanity and its social consciousness. So much of consciousness is centered upon self as something separate from another, including all lifeforms on the Earth. Many speak of oneness and connectedness but seldom experience it, especially with a stranger, not to mention another lifeform. Now, some do, our brother, under special circumstances.

Connecting with another consciously and emotionally is a living exchange of the dynamic forces of life as they present themselves through living. Retribution or denial of intimacy is too often the case, for intimacy has a price, you see, and that is reciprocation. Moving beyond this is a liberation of the True Nature, what some would call ‘soul,’ for it lives a life that requires nothing in return. Altruism has its own reward and that is the love of your own being. And how many can truthfully say they own loving who they are? Many do not understand who they are, meaning their True Nature, that reality of their being.

This series on awakening endeavors to inspire this and return peace to the human experience. Be at peace and namaste.
Dec. 11, 2017                                                                                 Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 6 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Holding the ideal of awakening

JANU:    What we see at this time belongs to guesswork as to the management of awakening. As we have suggested before, awakening is not something you do; it is something you allow, which includes memory and a growing sensitivity to the presence of the larger life of your being.

Hold the ideal of your consciousness as an open door for your True Nature to reconnect consciously with the part of itself called the human consciousness. This seems a stranger to most, for they have been long without this connection consciously. But it is who you are, our brother; it is who we are. Hold the ideal that opens the door for your True Nature to be revealed to you.

We say again: we are one, always have been, always will be. Allow the veil to lift and be at peace. Namaste.
Nov. 24, 2017                                                                                 Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 4 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Conscious union  

JANU: We are moving closer to, our brother, conscious union. We are one, always have been and always will be. Once more speaking as one voice, made of many. This excursion into incarnate existence brings many opportunities to the fore. One discovers and experiences their own True Nature through these excursions. Subtly at first, unbeknownst to the incarnate consciousness but nonetheless suspected on some level. As the sojourn incorporates more experiences, challenges and opportunities, involvement of the entire being, the True Nature becomes known.

By agreement with the protocols of incarnating, the consciousness is only aware of the human experience. Returning consciously to the reality of our True Nature, the human experience benefits from deeper insight, understanding, and wisdom. The essential love of Life itself becomes known more fully. Engaging life consciously takes on many dimensions, many realities. And as one does, one realizes these realities are part of their Nature.

So you see, conscious union is not an isolated experience, but a more universal one, including the rest of life. Embracing conscious union is ‘touching the hem of the garment’ of your existence and, in turn, the existence of everything and everyone. Namaste.
Nov. 22, 2017                                                 Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 4 contains all prior attunements in this series.


More on a loving consciousness

JANU: We are Janu speaking, with one voice. This goes hand in hand, our brother, with a loving consciousness, remembering its nature. Reaching only for the mechanics, so to speak, the structures of life and their relationships is devoid of an even greater, more powerful reality. And that is a loving consciousness in harmony with the nature of life itself for, in that reality, all can be revealed. This is not something you create. It already is.

Remembering is awakening, you see. Each one has so many memories, more than they are conscious of, having traveled many journeys. Love them into your consciousness for they are yours.

A loving consciousness survives all challenges, all experiences and experiments with living. Forgiveness is for a consciousness struggling towards this. A loving consciousness does not condemn or judge; therefore, forgiveness is not an issue. A loving consciousness encourages others to forgive themselves and move on. Learn from challenges. Remember your Nature and live peacefully. Namaste.
Nov. 17, 2017 B                                                              Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 4 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Cooperation and collaboration

JANU: We are enumerating once more the benefits of collaboration between the elements of your being. Coordination of this nature is essential to the continuation of awakening for it reveals to all the elements of your being your collective True Nature, which includes your human journey. Collaboration affords each element of your being to benefit from each other, no longer relying solely upon each element’s contribution alone. We will continue to pursue this understanding and experience. One can understand, then, the need for fluid identity as they discover that their human experience is only a portion of who they are. But the human identity is useful as well as the others for it is a contribution to the collective, the total of who you are.

Everything matters. What we explore here is the perspective of how that can be. This is not only true for your own Nature, but the collective of humanity, the collective of True Natures, the collective of Life itself. Coordination, collaboration, shifting identities to support the need of the moment. This is the foundation for understanding the larger life. The larger life is you, and you are it. Oneness once again, an unlimited reality to understand and experience. Be at peace with this. Namaste.
Nov. 15, 2017                                                                  Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 4 contains all prior attunements in this series.


A journey of retrieval

JANU:  We are encouraging then at this time the playing of scenarios. The scenario for this journey embarks upon a path of retrieval. The recognition that we are one and, out of one, are many. The simultaneous existence of the elements of being and the unity of oneness is a collective reality that speaks to the dynamic diversity of life, which we represent. This is what awakening is, our brother, the journey of retrieval of the profound state of being in your consciousness that we are all one, united in the purpose of the evolution of life.

Now, for one element of our being, namely the human consciousness identity, to embrace this reality is a process of unfoldment. Impatience does not contribute; in fact, it pushes away, ignoring the process. Embracing and loving the process with profound respect and commitment is supported by all that you are. The revelation here is not of one philosophy or another, one truth or another, but an understanding of all of life and its synergism, of which we are a part. Wisdom, understanding, and compassion are a foundation for being part of the evolution of life.

Your resources are many. Surrounding yourself with some of them, many more are within and more still to be discovered and explored. We accomplish this as one, our brother, as we continue on these many journeys. Namaste.
Nov. 13, 2017                                                                  Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 4 contains all prior attunements in this series.


The steppingstone of conscious coexistence

JANU:    We are coming straight away, so to speak, to the point that acknowledgement and embrace of the coexistence and presence of all that you are is another steppingstone on the path of awakening. We are not speaking here of just understanding, or philosophy, but direct experience. This steppingstone is worth owning through experience. The peace we speak of so often truly begins with this embrace. Let there be, then, no doubt as to this reality, which leads to endless succession of those steppingstones.

Now, think not of this as a linear experience, as one step to another, but a simultaneous one, where the consciousness has many layers that coexist as well. Allow this to be your experience. Let these experiences appear on their own, by being open to them. Allow this to unfold peacefully, naturally, without preferences or limitation. Your True Nature possesses the wisdom for this, which is who you are. Namaste.
Nov. 8, 2017 B                                                                               Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 3 contains all prior attunements in this series.