“Go forth and sin no more”

JANU: We are concerned with many of life’s situations, including peaceful co-existence. Life allows what you call outrageous behavior by humanity. Temporary moments in time within the larger picture of life. Wars and battles and conflicts seem never ending, unless you can see through them and beyond them. They continue within the parameters of existence, within the limits of free will. And there are limits, our brother. Humanity is allowed to police itself, to discover the truth of its choices, to re-organize, rebuild, rejuvenate, process choices and behaviors, to learn what it may. Humanity is still exploring, testing its limits, understanding its view of life, its vision. Even if humanity destroyed itself on the Earth, life continues. The spiritual reality of human beings continues. So all is not lost, our brother, with outrageous behavior, except opportunities to realize the Truth of Life and serve it.

So, even with the existence of suffering, life is ongoing and precious. The moments of joy, loving relationships, endearing children shine a light upon the so-called darker side of humanity, revealing it for what it is so that others may see and understand the alternative, free to choose the life they desire with opportunities to see the difference. Two sides of the coin, so to speak. When one chooses to own their choices and the results of these, life is enriched.

“Go forth and sin no more” is a great revelation, speaks of forgiveness and the freedom to rebuild, restore, and start anew. This is a blessing of life. Be at peace and begin again. What a grand answer to life’s challenges. Namaste.

Dec. 9, 2015                                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The process of receiving the Truth

JANU: For this evening’s journey, let us explore an understanding of that which pertains to the embrace of a larger life. What this means is: exploring the life you have in a larger way.

The human experience in the physical existence has so much more to explore than most realize. The accepted limitations, boundaries, or conventions of physical existence need not apply as they have. How many times have you experienced conversation, behavior, circumstances, wondering their origin, deeper meaning, and your relationship with them? There is a capability within human consciousness to allow the answer to any question, any concern, to reveal itself in some way.

Asking and receiving is a delicate balance between declaration of desire and the allowing of life’s response while completely at peace. The responses to inquiries have always been there, hanging, so to speak, a breath’s distance away, lingering for an opportunity to imprint the consciousness. Listening is one thing, our brother. Receiving is quite another. Inquiring and knowing to be seen as, known as one reality, one moment. Each the truth of each other. Not two separate things at all when you’re at peace.

The rest of you, the total you, your True Nature, your complete being has access to the Truth of Life, which some call the Light. How can the truth be harmed in any way? But understanding and perception and application is an evolving reality. How well do you know your personal agendas, preferences, passions? You can see why life is a process. Truth in the eyes of the beholder varies greatly, so when communicating, and even thinking to yourself, where do you begin? A great revealer of this process is the results, the fruits of the understanding. Much is revealed, but never stop trying to see more clearly and then move on. Namaste, our brother.

Nov. 9, 2015 B                                                                Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Our achievements are blessings for everyone

JANU: Much of what humanity has created to this point is based on fear. Much of the rest is based upon integrity and a belief in the sanctity of life and the needs of others. Would that individuals could perceive the collective reality of the human journey. Life is complex, in the sense that many realities co-exist and, you might say, bump into each other from time to time.

Rational mind prefers linear thinking and life to behave in this way. But it is not. Your own evolution is not. Your own thought processes are seldom that way. So, to understand your journey in life, when seen in this way, brings greater tolerance, forgiveness, and patience with the course of your own life and those of others.

Life is fluid and changing, elements modifying each other. Even our relationship is not fixed and evolves through change and experience and deepening understanding. Humanity would fare well to relate to each other in this way. A tight grip on any part of life will limit you and eventually challenge you. Moving with the flow of life has the same complexities, but when in the flow you change to meet them. Your innate nature, our brother, is intended and designed to succeed, to continue, to explore, to understand, and to support life.

Peace is more powerful than struggle and it is possible to struggle while at peace. The longer range the planning, the anticipation of what you will meet and what you will be will not hold the answers for you, our brother. But a growing consciousness and intimacy with life this very moment opens the door.

Trust in your insights. They will come. Trust in the power and the presence of life itself. It is always with you. Trust in the spirit of another, born of the one life as are you. Be grateful for the wisdom you have gained. It is a blessing for others as well, for we are all resources for each other. Namaste.

Sept. 5, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

Keys to mastering challenges

JANU:    Let us continue our journey this morning to include past references of a scathing nature to the troublesome and painful challenges of living. This occurs when there seems to be no recourse and the challenges keep on coming. What we are achieving here, our brother, is recourse in the form of insight, inner strength, that has always been available. It is the nature of your being to overcome these. And not only overcome but understand and become wiser for it. These are your goals in the midst of challenge. And when you’ve learned to read them, the solutions are seen.

It is the purpose of a challenge to strengthen you with the experience and the understanding that lies at the cores of these. This information is universally needed, for when have challenges ceased to be? Or life, for that matter?

We know you suspect that life outside the body is freedom from these. Not so, our brother. Life outside the body is evolving as well, and challenges are needed. And focus and peace open the door. Not just in your quiet times but in the midst of the challenge. These keys, and others, will bring you success. And this applies, our brother, to challenges of all degrees. Meet them this way and become stronger and stronger and master them. Namaste.

Sept. 4, 2015                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Peace: a position of strength and a rich life

JANU: We are addressing the concerns of the day for humanity. Virtually every aspect of human society, with all its cultural elements, is changing in the direction of being at peace with each other.

When looked at globally, the disturbances that seem to dominate the media will be of less and less interest to humanity, with a preference for peaceful alternatives, creative alternatives, enriching alternatives, productive alternatives, more efficient and less wasteful alternatives. These changes are slowly becoming a theme of interest for individuals and organizations, for they are beginning to see that cooperation is far more productive than competition. Vast resources are consumed by competition for power, influence, possessions, and the domination of nations. The genius of many are lost in wars and other activities.

More peaceful pursuits are richer, more durable, more universally beneficial in their productivity and the well-being of people. Generations of children brought up in this way, learning methods and systems of cooperation, peaceful but powerful pursuits, are needed. Social and business activities designed with this in mind is the best teaching example for young minds.

Remember, people are connected to whatever their attention is on. And they give energy and life to the continuation of these disharmonies. As we have spoken of before, life is made up of many systems that survive and flourish when in harmony with each other. Being at peace in this way is a position of power and is far richer. So, yes, choose wisely what your attention is upon and learn the power of True Peace. Namaste.

Aug. 26, 2015 B                                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The nature of life

JANU: The nature of life is no small subject, but simple in its profound simplicity, in its True Nature. Simply stated, life is. What it manifests, what it becomes is far more complicated, diverse, and ever-changing. So when focusing upon the nature of life, realize that you are talking about the principle of being. Even its potential for diversity is growing.

The nature of life is beyond description with words, our brother, for words are designed to describe the realities of life, not its essential nature. They can only hint at a direction of reality, and that is ‘being.’ But you see, even the nature of life is before ‘being.’ Even ‘isness’ is a limitation.

How does one, then, embrace freedom from time/space? For wherever you look, the statement of ‘where’ suggests position. Even among so-called dimensions, it suggests hierarchy, structure, form. Your journey through a singularity hints at this, that the true nature of life has no size, or shape, or limitation. All of that comes from life and exists at one with life. Even time and duration and antiquity and future are products of life. How does one describe non-creation?

The purpose of this exploration is to reveal to the finite mind that it’s awakening, that the primary source of being is at profound peace, and the peaceful life we encourage, the peaceful consciousness we encourage, is a measure of that. And it is easier to perceive that all endeavors are part of the one life. It is possible to have a fundamental perspective of a reality of infinity, timelessness, limitlessness, and oneness. It keeps the door of inquiry open, the yearning for connection being fulfilled always, a growing understanding of love that has no limit, a profound peace and a sense of being that continues.

Life finds no fault with you. Only love you have yet to fully understand, but still benefit from and emulate and embrace. No matter what you become, what path you take, life finds no fault with you. Nothing to forgive. Be at peace, and namaste.

Aug. 9, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Creating a brighter future

JANU:    Welcome, then, to this new avenue of pursuit for humanity, creating a bright future even as we speak. How does one, then, describe a brighter future than the present? It is accomplished, our brother, by being one with the present and enriching and enhancing it in so many ways: owning the conditions that have been created by humanity and choosing alternatives by identifying, recognizing the elements of life already contributing to these alternatives. So, you see, creating a brighter future is already in progress.

Support everything you perceive within and without that looks like the path to a brighter future. Encourage current contributions, individually and socially. When observing a moment such as this, allow the consciousness to expand and touch every such moment with support. Be more observant in the unfolding of each day. These many sparks of Light, so to speak, at work then in your consciousness that they synergistically grow and evolve and mature. Contribute to the raising of human consciousness with fresh insights, new understandings, and the description of possibilities to be taken advantage of. Endeavor to be always truthful and honest, with sensitivity to the consciousness of others.

These moments of Light are of equal worth, not holding one moment of enlightenment worth more than another. That kind of judgement divides and stratifies, does not unite into oneness. Even a brief moment of uplift or happiness brought to another is a pearl and has results past the moment. The creation of a moment of happiness continues on.

Anticipate solutions to challenges. Expect them. Remember, peace is not the absence of activity, but activity that is in harmony with all of life. So be at peace and enjoy life more and more. All of the systems of your being will be brought into harmony. Inspire others in the same way. Namaste.

July 27, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


A network of service

JANU: The theme for this evening is service. Forming a network of service, etherically, that combines to unite the lives of everyone in one form of service or another. The forms of which you might not even recognize as such, for each one has their own slant on life and ability. The degree of suffering in the world is by human choice, not clearly understanding the ramifications of their choices. We are not qualifying the type of service, just the expression of it.

It is true; one feels better about themselves and their life when helping others. There is a reason for this. It is a basic nature in life that renders one in harmony with natural True Peace and natural uplift, as life responds to the service. A moment of connection with uplift and joy, even a moment of rest from the stress of living, restores faith and confidence in solutions. This network of service brings a general reality of peace for others to draw upon. When considering reality on this scale of service, there is much inspiration and even planning. But planning is only the beginning, our brother. Insight, inspiration, and follow through every day become the norm.

There is plenty of opportunity to go around, our brother. Becoming an Angel of Light, so to speak, in the human drama is a very real consideration. Laughter does not come amiss, even lighthearted banter. Humanity can transform itself, more rapidly than you might consider. Good lighthearted feeling is contagious. Do your best and we will explore this further. Namaste.

July 22, 2015 B                                                                      Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Progress on the human journey of awakening

JANU: We are raising the consciousness this evening to include the condition of the awakening of humanity. This evening’s understanding and observation of this is founded on the principle that there belongs to each collective of a species of consciousness that the collective understanding of this subject is available to all servants with commitment. The seeming social distractions from awakening seem to belie current reality.

It is a service to continue to see and serve the progress humanity is making in its rejection of violence and embrace of wanting something better, more peaceful, more powerful in each one’s life. Caring for the well-being of the Earth and its creatures, and its ecosystems, its children and their education, collectively humanity is advancing. Seven percent, if you can measure it that way, which is a grand step forward. Humanity is fearing less and less those who would destroy the serenity and the peace and the power of the people’s dreams. Violence no longer feared has no future.

Be alert, our brother. Life, in the form of the creatures of the world, its weather patterns, its energetic realities, is powerful indeed and it has the ability, to varying degrees, to direct its own True Power to strengthen those who are in harmony with it. So, instead of being against mis-creations by humanity, be in harmony with the natural forces of peace that do exist in the world. Learn of them. Be sensitive to them. Serve them as they serve you. And this is not done being alone, our brother. There are so many who serve humanity, whether incarnate or not. Be confident in the power of this, its growth, its depth, in the presence of your life and the Earth that loves you. A better life is already on the way. Namaste.

July 23, 2015 B                                                                      Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

Sanctuary in a moment of time

JANU: We are holding this moment in time as sanctuary for a peaceful mind. The rest of the incarnate being benefits.

The sanctuary of the moment is a wondrous thing. It is like a zero point for everything to reset. It is not a denial of the incarnate experience or condition, for in the sanctuary of the moment the truth of all realities is known and brought into balance. Your so-called vacations from the work-a-day world are attempts to achieve this. The difference here is the sanctuary of time is transportable, so to speak, into the activities of the day.

Peace is found in this way. The beginnings of rejuvenation, the gentle insights into what is, fresh perspectives, and communication or direct knowing with the larger life, and release from entanglements that put demands on you. A moment of freedom to just be, which is the greatest freedom of all and far more powerful as an influence from living. Namaste.

July 9, 2015                                                                            Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross