The power of choice

JANU:   There are those who speak of peace and say they are against warring, violence, hatred, cruelty. It has been said that challenge is an opportunity to become stronger through choice, through evolving in consciousness, through caring for others. Well, if evil (so-called) challenges peace, then where, without evil, is the challenge to evolve, to gain wisdom, and create more wisely?

The challenge is to discover and understand more of the creativity of life that is harmonious, masters challenges, and understands the dynamics of living, creating, and loving. Life is so much more than destruction, cruelty, and warring. Wasting opportunities, resources, can seem wasteful when trying to discover more of life. There is much wisdom to be gained in exploring these dynamics and more, which allows for wiser choices, the paths to achievement, the nurturing of resources in consciousness collectively speaking.

What is peace, then? The harmonious relationship with life and all of its systems, including your own. How many have been lost with warring, starvation, disease, deprivation, suicide? Why does Life permit such behavior? Because evolution in consciousness comes from choice, creators of our own destiny. Which do you choose? Can you understand your choices and their outcomes before they are made?

Being grateful for every moment of life opens the door to more. Choices breed outcome. Choosing wisely is a challenge and an opportunity. Ponder this and your True Nature will help guide you. Namaste.
Dec. 16, 2023                                                              Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

This follows directly from the concepts of Enriching Life.


Enriching life

JANU:   Enriching life has possibilities within and beyond imagination. True Peace is one. What does that mean? How is that expressed? Touching life in meaningful ways.

A lot of resentment exists in society at this time, for many reasons. Fame, fortune, power, wisdom, opportunities, influence, economics and health, achievements or the lack thereof. True Peace contains gratitude for what has been achieved and what can be achieved. Wandering through the corridors of one’s existence, one’s life path, being grateful for any achievement, no matter to what degree, opens the door of opportunities to add to and magnify these, not based upon the path of others. Being an inspiration for the achievements of others is being grateful for their achievements. For the path of peace is connected to all paths of peace. So gratitude is a unifier and enriches life by way of past achievements through opportunities that are mutually beneficial.

So, how does one enrich life? By being inspired and inspiring. By discovering realization and understanding. Revealing others has opportunity to enrich life in some way. Bringing light where there is darkness. Revealing the Truth of Life. Expressing conscious union by being it. Union with your True Nature is a path to union with more and more of life, a growing confidence in the beauty, the magic, the potential, the nature of life.

True power is in harmony with the flow of life, which is part of everything, being in wonder of it all and loving it. Namaste.

Nov. 13, 2023                                                                    Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Exploring self-awareness

JANU:    Enumerating the discourses of the past, your challenge for the new vista of peace-mongering, the stronger struggle for evolution in the consciousness and affairs of the world, reaches thresholds and reversals. The peace you seek is the peace you have known. Reaching into the barrel of topics for exploration, let us assume that there is, in the beginning, a source for these, but they evolve as well and the flow of opportunities, new points of light, continues.

Life itself is the great communicator. It communicates with itself, through all of its expressions, creations, through the development and processing of understanding and the structure within and because of no structure. To understand the nature of life, one must become more conscious as it. The perception of distance or separation among the realities of life is a limitation.

Let us continue to explore not just realities of life but the nature of it all. To know one’s self, live and be as one’s self. The consciousness grows in inclusiveness. A never ending journey of absorption, of observation, of change, of expansion, of identity. Does Life identify with its own Nature? Once more, a limited point of view. What is self-awareness? Explore this. Namaste.
July 4, 2023                                               Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


World conscious of & living its potential

JANU:    As we focus upon the beauty inherent in the potential of life, we notice this manifesting on other worlds, one in particular. No one lives in fear or anger, but has gratitude for the promise of challenges and opportunities. For they are keenly attuned to a life lived in the promise of potential. Their peace is in the form of enthusiasm to discover, evolve, create, connect, and experience and understand love of life. That means each other, for they see each other as life manifest, life in motion. Their existence is joyful, with well-being, filled with vitality. To them, life is a presence, a partnership, responsive, intimate, and revelatory.

Humanity has this potential, with moments of experience, but the plight of many, recounted so often, is discouraging. Therefore the need to discover one’s own True Nature and see beyond the din of anger and frustration. Those consumed with the need for power do not understand True Power. Their power model takes from others, rather than enriching them, for they are isolated in their identity and do not realize the rest of life is their identity. Growing into this understanding is restorative in so many ways.

The Larger Life understands this and assists where and when possible without violating the order of life: its symmetry, its diversity, its potential. Individual realization leads to group realization and the journey into the Larger Life. Be in peace and namaste.
June 25, 2023
Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


The meek shall inherit the Earth

JANU:    Worlds go through cycles of existence. They decline as others rise. The Earth is in decline in some ways. The peace we speak of is undeniable. For it to dominate a world, it must have opportunity to blossom. No longer just a dream but roots in the culture. The creatures of Earth are ready to respond to the energy creations of civilization. “The meek shall inherit the Earth” refers to this. The levels of anger and frustration are born of decline in confidence of the power of peace. Interpretation of power is limited.

Humanity’s journey does not consciously include the Larger Life, or peace, creativity, oneness, mutual love and support, true freedom to be. These are the norm, but not common. The destruction of worlds is part of nature through the evolution of resources. The re-creation and expression of life in motion seem to contradict this, but life in motion is nature, whose nature is change.  

Express it in this way. A larger, more intimate appreciation of life changes perspective. With intuition and insight guiding the way, no longer the need to blindly stumble into the future, but to realize potential as a consciously larger system of life. Humanity’s potential, as with other species on other worlds, has its beauty. As each one sees this, their commitment to the beauty of life becomes a way of living.

So let us not become angry or frustrated at the destructive elements of civilization, but choose to see clearly and find the beauty of potential. Life is larger than destructive emotions and perspectives. Choose the Larger Life and all it can be. Namaste.
June 21, 2023                                                       Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Being ambulatory in consciousness

JANU: ‘Ambulatory’ comes to mind. Not just in the physical sense, but in consciousness as well. There are correlations in life patterns. All of life is connected. What does ‘ambulatory’ look like in consciousness? It is the freedom to move in any direction, to explore and discover life everywhere. Time and space not an obstacle but an opportunity. Exercising this freedom strengthens it.

Explore your interests with wisdom that the True Nature possesses. Be at peace with the results, and understand them. Explore life’s connections and their contributions. Be sensitive to the ripples and currents of life. What seems like chaos and randomness has purpose, outcomes, consequences, and opportunities. Reach into the fishbowl of life and experience it. Be open to identity that is larger and larger, more inclusive, more ambulatory, more free. Understand challenges and perceived limitations as opportunities.

All of these come into play, and more, when exploring other worlds, other realities, and your own nature. Remember, each one you meet is life in motion. Cherish everyone. Namaste.
June 5, 2023                                                         Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Finding joy in the evolution of others

JANU: Being in joy is not necessarily a function of surroundings, relationships, economies, technology, but one more of at peace with intimacy with the True Nature and the Larger Life. Now, the incarnate experience is part of that life. Perceiving it in this way in your consciousness opens the door to appreciate and perceive the elements of peace and the Larger Life. The incarnate life on this world represents struggles in evolution, struggles in perception, trial and error so to speak. It is life realizing the full range of expression and wisdom.

So look for endeavors of so many to improve their lives, to understand it more, to express their best qualities, to be kind to each other, to sacrifice, to give, and to enrich. These elements exist continuously. Look for these things and cherish them. They are more evident observing people than circumstances. The news media is biased, but contains some of them. Their proportion does not represent general reality.

Be sensitive to elements of goodness and integrity in the individuals. Allow blessings to support these qualities. That is a service, to bless goodness and desires to be free. Become sensitive to perceptions of struggles to evolve. Namaste.
June 18, 2023                                                                      Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross

A spark of light in a dark tunnel

JANU:     To a glimpse a light while traveling through a dark tunnel, one must open their consciousness to the Light within them, for it has always been there, no matter how dark the journey seems to be. Many worlds are going through and have gone through this, you see.

Today’s journey brings us to such a one, whose light in the population has diminished for some time, in their perception. Encouragement is the key, whether in group or individually, and evidence of this is convincing. Be open to a dream, a vision, a moment of insight, to that which would give you peace, happiness, joy, whether in your own life or that of another. These are seeds from the Larger Life, which is your Nature. Serving yourself and others is serving Life, for they are one. Your resource for this journey is endless. It takes only one moment of light to open the door to understanding, solutions, successes, victories, strength, and a love that won’t be denied.

The Earth is such a world. Traveling the Larger Life serves humanity as well, for these sparks of light exist everywhere, only to be touched. So, touch a light by desiring it, placing great value in hope for it. Allow yourself the experience and remember those you’ve already had. The Larger Life is full of these. Take the journey to other worlds, including your own, and feel the power of true peace. Namaste.
May 22, 2023                                                                      Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Peaceful world sets pace of changes

JANU: Progressing once more among the worlds of the incarnate life and those beyond. Today, let us embrace a world of a pinkish hue nestled in a cluster of galaxies but an isolated solar system. And this world is a captured world, born of the system but captured into orbit after formation. The pink hue is only significant in the sense that many worlds have a dominant cast and this one is chemistry based. The hue was acquired after formation and contributed to by the lives upon it.

A pleasant environment, peaceful, not beset with violent storms at this time. Its formation was otherwise. As a result, the consciousness and relationships of the inhabitants do not have a violent frame of reference. Let us bring into view the norms for this world. The sun is warm. The sky is clear. The atmosphere is still. Humans would find this boring and tedious, but the inhabitants on this world have, as a result, a more peaceful relationship with each other and with the creatures. The desperate need for survival is not challenged to the point where they struggle amongst each other to gain ground. Their sense of time is less limited, for there is no concern as to what tomorrow will bring to challenge them.

They challenge themselves to a degree. Their challenge to understand any dynamics of nature and their role within it. They are hypersensitive to nuances of change and therefore temper their desire to create and change in pace with the nature around them. Much of their existence is airborne. Still, their whole world in consciousness is their physical reality. Soon to come, nature will provide a stimulus to go beyond. Their transition from incarnate reality to its Larger Life is worth watching. Namaste.
May 18, 2023                                                                Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Bring harmony to the vehicles

JANU: Harmonizing of the vehicles, from the personality-ego point of view, is one of support and enrichment. In the presence of the opportunities of challenge, employ this. It opens the door to assisting others in the same direction as an opportunity, not imposing upon what they choose. Through this activity, one will become more conscious of their Nature, what they are as a being, and the presence of the power and beauty of life. We encourage this and will remind as requested.

Let this be so. Be at peace. We are one. Namaste.
Mar. 21, 2023                                                                                               Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross