The beauty of oneness

JANU: Welcome on a journey of exploration into the seeming vastness of life beyond imagination. At what point is this revelation meaningless in terms of the finite perceptions of life? The primary principles of life might seem to have less awe-inspiring reality than life’s creations, for in the human journey the interaction of creations is focused upon as the magic of life, interactions that can be described, emulated, repeated, and have meaning. How does one see, then, beyond this magic to appreciate the beauty of Pure Being? The human journey is an opportunity to realize the scope of this and find meaning in potential.

So let us continue our explorations with this in mind, that meaning and being are one. See not the incarnate life as a departure from the beauty of the rest of life. In oneness, beauty translates throughout all creation, all realities, and Pure Being is another perspective of the one Life. The one Life infinitely varied and countless shades of meaning and purpose and beauty. Find this in everything. All of it is wonderful. All of it tells stories of Life.

There is magic and beauty in one form or another everywhere. Whether time/space or not, it matters not. There is a unity in all of life, in the midst of unlimited diversity. See your existence in this way as well, your thoughts, your feelings, your desires, your ambitions. And in people’s struggles as well. When you are at peace, you are one. Namaste, our brother.

Feb. 19, 2016 B                                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Creation, creativity, and potential

JANU: We are Janu speaking, born then of the desire not just to know but to be, to experience, to create. Let there be a manifestation of the unfoldment of potential of life, the perpetual existence of what can be. We reach into these things to bring light to them, that others may find interest, for experience is gained on that which is but it continues on that which comes. And that which comes is manifested through experience and wisdom of that which is. See not these two perspectives as strangers, but two sides of the same coin, directly connected. The changes to come, the new realizations, are one with that which has been realized.

Only superficially does one leave that which is behind to make way for the new. A deeper understanding transcends this. There is one life, which includes everything. Only your attention wanders, the focus of your desires, for duality mind is shaped this way. But superconscious mind is one with everything. And both of these realities are yours.

Realizing potential employs this path of union. Let there be, then, patience with, acceptance with the full range of being. Creativity is not separate from that which has been created and the Life behind both. Be more balanced in perspective. Past, present, and future are one. They are the one Life. Be at peace, our brother. Namaste.
Feb. 10, 2016                                                   Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Understanding the path of awakening

JANU: Today’s journey in memories reveals the struggles of humanity to survive, to grow and prosper while incarnate. The questions that have arisen due to this review of memories are the reason for the veil, the wisdom of it, and the growth in consciousness beyond the need for it, the role of religion, and the laws of the land. All of this was brought about to help ensure the maintenance of the inherent integrity and dignity of consciousness, of the True Nature, of the spiritual being. A life without these models of understanding and integrity clearly leads to chaos and self-destruction. But the temporary measures of social order and religion, philosophy, theosophy are meant to be grown beyond, as building blocks.

The veil reveals, through experience while influenced by it, of the need for integrity and order, and the freedom to be and explore life’s potential. Not in chaos and destructive patterns, for life in the physical is a duality of this, re-creation through destruction, the tearing down and the building up, the confusion and the clarity that comes from experience, direct observation. How many would continue with this experience, our brother, without the veil? The veil is an opportunity to mature through experience, with a desire to see more clearly, to understand, to realize potential. Little by little, the veil is needed less and less, as the understanding comes and the mastery of life. Religions are part of this as well, although misunderstood, misinterpreted, and misapplied. Original design and intent is lost through time, so they too decay, making room for a freshness and greater clarity. Part of the path of awakening, our brother.

All of this serves the true purpose of life. Part of the awakening of humanity, proclaiming its true state and growing spiritual maturity. For the adventures are endless. The gifts of the journey are unfathomable all at once. So as you survey and explore life, keep this in mind to maintain perspective and appreciate the magic of it all, the gift of it all, the achievements yet to come, especially as humanity begins to discover and connect with other life forms, other worlds, other consciousnesses. The larger Family of Life is on its doorstep. Be at peace, our brother. All is well. Namaste.

Feb. 8, 2016                                                                     Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


A perspective on security

JANU: We are focusing this evening on the security that so many are concerned with in their lives. Security speaks to people in many different ways, mostly survival, the reliability of same, personal economy, family, and well-being. The security we focus on this evening has to do with beliefs, nature, laws of life, and peace. Even these are appraised with unchanging perception.

True security, our brother, is the ongoingness of your nature, your True Nature. The physical existence is always temporary, yet if this is all you are conscious of, it is your whole world and describes your security. The current weather situation challenges this, causes many to wonder.

Balance the perceived needs of the physical existence with the reality that you cannot die. The death of the body has occurred many times, yet here you are. Not easy to own this and find peace in it, if your identity is limited to the human journey. These journeys we take together, our brother, speak of the larger life, a larger reality, a larger understanding that includes the human experience, even though temporary.

Enjoy the moment. Make the most of it you may, but with a balanced view and values that include many possibilities. Live in the Now and own who you are. Namaste.

Jan. 22, 2016 B                                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Flexibility in your life

JANU:    For this morning’s journey, may we assume the position of explorer once more and reach into the fabric of life. The patterns of color, light, the currents of life are a tapestry in constant motion, evolving and morphing, if you will, into unique realities. It is well to see the human existence, a lifetime, in this way. Nothing fixed, permanent, concrete, except life itself, which is changing but always present. Choosing to see your life in this way frees you from dominance of any one pattern. Dominance in the sense of limiting your awareness of countless possibilities and the freedom to choose them.

As you build towards your future, allow this flexibility in your perception, in your plans, in your expectations, and even your achievements, for they can be seen on so many levels, in so many ways. The theme here is flexibility in your relationship, not only with your life but with your nature as well, your perception of your nature. And as you achieve this, allow this in others, in your appreciation and understanding of their life.

Now, patterns can be built and sustained but not natural for them to remain so, for the life that they are is in motion. Flexibility and stability co-existing as one, allowing for each other, depending on each other. Not just physically, but your thinking as well, your emotions, your philosophy and perspective, and what you hold true in the manifested life.

Many with beliefs hang on to them as anchors in a troubled sea, but are inflexible until forced to see differently. But even in this scenario, much is learned, experienced, and wisdom gained.

Consider your relationship with the reality of being flexible, changing and in motion, understandings that come and then are replaced. Your greatest strength and peace is to be in motion with life, adapting, perceiving in new ways as the revelations arrive, adaptability and the strength it offers. Now, flexibility is not suggested as changing with the wind or by the whims of others, but with wisdom and the inner guidance of who you truly are. Consider this carefully as being added to the principles of life that you value. Namaste.

Jan. 5, 2016                                                                     Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


The so-called Big Bang

This has been addressed before from a different angle. Please check out Understanding the Big Bang for more.

JANU: For this morning’s journey, let us assume a focus of the creation of this universe. Your scientists have said that the beginning of the universe sprang from nothing. This does not capture the reality of the moment, for the forces involved were non-physical and out of these began physicality for this universe. The culmination of the changes in these forces, which come from a reality beyond energy and forces, was a threshold of configuration initiating the spark of physicality that is still maintained in intimate relationship with these forces, even to this moment. For the physicality, you see, and its energetic nature are maintained by these subtler realities.

Even the moment of initiation was not instantaneous, for when understanding the initiation, everything is a process. Time/space being the result of a process of the true nature of life. From a human perspective, it is imagined as being instantaneous, the culmination of a sequence of processes, non-physical yet still process. Your birthing into a physical body is process, not unlike what occurs at the beginning of a universe, the moment of creation of a star and its activation. This occurs continuously in life, as it must be, for the patterns of life are one. So, in this understanding, the so-called Big Bang event never ceased.

Much in life seems instantaneous from the human perspective, but from the larger consciousness it is still process, some call ‘the flow of life’ even though much of it is beyond time/space. The continued new expressions in the universe as it unfolds and expresses are part of the process of life that begins the universe. They are all one. Many levels of reality with a common pattern of initiation and preparation for being.

Even so-called ‘death’ can be better understood from this point of view, but life continues, our brother. So the thought of beginning and end, cycles of existence, is a limited perspective. Namaste.

Dec. 3, 2015                                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Sanity in the midst of confusing changes

JANU: The at-one experience is begun in small ways, for the revelations of understanding and experience can overwhelm the human consciousness, but it does change perspective on the Order of Life as a system. For some, the embrace of a larger identity that includes the human experience is feared as a loss of certainty as to who they are, for they cherish what they know and are uncertain about anything else. For the awakening person, the identity is already shifting and they are more comfortable with the change, but also impatient and a bit unwise in their zeal.

The larger life is always there. Time does not diminish this reality. There are thresholds of awakening and when each is neared there can be an underlying anticipation of this and the human can feel a growing sense of urgency to fully realize the threshold. The guidance of your True Nature is particularly useful at this stage. Evolution in consciousness can be a bumpy road with confusions and challenges to what you’re used to in ways of thinking and perceiving. Old capabilities being changed by new ones.

So what do you center on, hang on to, our brother? Confidence that the Truth is, and is at the heart of it all and the flow of life. Desiring the best for others and a willingness to serve and uplift brings sanity to confusion, remembering that they have their path as well. Inspiring without interference is an interesting balance. Namaste.

Nov. 20, 2015                                                                                 Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The soul’s journey

JANU: The existence of the incarnate souls of humanity, for the most part, is far fuller, far richer than one might think. Incarnating does not shut down, so to speak, these beings from the fuller life; the incarnate experience is an addition. Monitored constantly, the incarnate experience continuously enriches the True Nature. Humanity sees themselves as separate isolated beings, private, in some ways secretive in the safety of their own thoughts and feelings. The rest of your being is everything but. By comparison, seventy to one hundred years of incarnation, and in many cases less, is but a moment. But a rich one.

Your soul is imprinted with rich memories of many experiences, has wisdom and perspective your incarnate life can benefit greatly from. The soul or True Nature is intimately involved and connected with the human journey, guiding it but not controlling it for the choices and the processing of the human consciousness reveal much. Many ask “Why does God allow this and allow that seemingly terrible occurrence to take place?” Because you are loved, our brother. Loving is allowing and the freedom to choose.

Life exists to fulfill the choice, to gain the experience. Being unlimited, beyond time and space, patience seldom experienced in the human journey is the norm. The process of awakening expands the identity, changing your perspective and your understandings to think more eternally, more inclusively, and more lovingly about yourself and others. Life continuing on and on, for your larger identity, opens the consciousness beyond the limitation of one sojourn and nothing more. It encourages having goals larger than one lifetime and discovering goals you’ve already had that are.

Some might think that the challenges of the incarnate life are quite enough to deal with, to understand and master. This is true from a certain point of view. But to understand the mysteries of incarnate life that seem to have no answers, one must awaken to larger possibilities where the answers exist and enhance the incarnate life. Life is so much larger and complex and knowable. Whatever you choose, be grateful for the beauty of it and explore. Namaste, our brother.

Nov. 11, 2015                                                                                 Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Include adventure and discovery in your life

JANU: It can be amazing how much of life there is to explore, not only on the Earth but everywhere and every when, including all that you are.   Society has a tendency to honor and elevate explorers, for they have the courage of adventure and to bring new understanding and enrichment to humanity. The same is true, our brother, for everyone because everyone is an explorer. Discovering how parts of life function. Discovering unknown parts of life. Discovering unexplored capabilities in their own nature. Discovering new perspectives that shed light upon old mysteries. From the smallest part of life to the largest, humanity is explorers. The experience of this keeps wonder alive in the consciousness, invigorates the imagination, and propels the body into greater health to meet the challenge.

Now, part of exploration is the sharing of that gained to enrich everyone’s life who has an interest. Now, as you have said, many unkowns are ‘yet to be revealed.’ But when you discover them, is sharing part of your destiny? And the manner of sharing is as diverse as the people. The point of all of this, our brother, is to be an adventurer, a discoverer, a revealer of the Truth of Life.

The sense of adventure keeps the creative spirit alive in your life. There are no limits to this, for discoveries exist in potential in every reality and there will always be more for the reason that life is still evolving and changing, as do the inhabitants of life. Your explorations are never separate from life, in which we are all one and connected. The nature of oneness compels this. The many and the one are the same.

Listen to your heart. Allow your imagination. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to discover something new to your experience? Find peace in living life as fully as you may. Namaste.

Oct. 30, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The beauty of life

JANU: Let there be, then, a noble and defining thought that expresses the will of the being, the entire being, as a single entity in a life of collective consciousness, vast and diverse. And this thought includes the beauty of the system called “life.”

How can such a system of life emerge from the creative spark or thrust of Life? How can a system that works so well, and continues since the beginning, not be a thing of beauty? When viewing life in this way, even as part of it, perspective changes from the smaller reality of human conflicts and some ignorance into the more eternal thoughts of the flow of life and its magic. The potential of any consciousness to be more. Life is a beautiful system that self-regenerates, re-invents, re-models, explores its potential in so many realities. One can begin to grasp the meaning of ‘eternal life’ and what makes it eternal, yet still at one with the minutia of the moment. Oneness is reality and it lives in everything, everyone, every reality.

A growing awareness of connection with all of life is a miracle in itself. A conscious rational mind that incarnate life utilizes is wonderful yet limited. To appreciate and experience the beauty of life in everything one must become more conscious and aware of the totality of their being, and the beauty of being so much more than just human but includes human, which is part of the flow of life. Life is freedom, beyond the constructs humanity imposes on its life. The rules of society, including spirituality, cannot contain the beauty we speak of. See not just the people around you and their lifestyles. Begin to see the beauty in their existence and their potential. Everything makes life richer and becomes your heritage as well.

You talk of peace. It is behind everything. All of it born of love. Namaste.

Oct. 26, 2015 B                                                Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross