A larger view of awakening

JANU: We recognize then the relationship between the True Nature and the human consciousness. This relationship exists in many ways based upon opportunities at hand, in terms of expression, circumstance, potential, and, in some ways, the wisdom of others. Be aware that discarnate consciousness and incarnate consciousness, in reality, can have similarities, depending upon the degree of awakening.

Your musings about common usage of the word ‘soul’, the Theosophical approach of Lower Quaternary and Upper Triad, Monad, are different perspectives and, during the sojourn, inspire different relationships. The True Nature, our brother, in its fuller meaning encompasses many realities of spirituality. Our journeys explore a more conscious relationship of unity in consciousness, a more direct connection, elevating the conscious existence in the incarnate life, little by little, into a more complete reality. But each one’s journey in this direction of understanding and reality is colored by many factors. In some circles, social consciousness; in others, there is religious doctrine; in others, profound insight and awareness of the nature of existence; in others, the understanding of potential that all life possesses. And all of these are in motion, our brother, changing, evolving, experiencing, and reconfiguring.

Be aware of this when engaged in discussion and exchange of views and experiences. Be at peace with all of it and listen. Everything you encounter is allowed by Life. Open to the larger view, and everything has its place and its cycles. Namaste.
Aug. 23, 2017 B                                                                            Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 30 contains all prior attunements in this series.


True Peace, a key to loving

JANU: Peace is a key reality, our brother. It belongs in the forefront of every endeavor. Regarding life from this perspective opens so many doors or thresholds, so to speak. Some would say love is the key. It is, our brother; however, without peace its full meaning is unattainable.

You ask, “What is peace, then, that makes it so important?” It is divine balance, our brother. True Peace brings evenness of mind and balances all so-called agendas and motivations and brings symmetry and depth to understanding. What expressions of life do you perceive without judgement, free of bias, all of the hidden truths and elements intimately without condemnation? Seeing everything for what it truly is. No good or bad characterization; just ‘isness’ and understanding.

Can you see your own life and all of its elements in this way? See the wisdom behind everything, how and why life continues, no matter what. Watch the peace of a plant growing from seedling to fruit and to seed again. Everything has its cycle of beginning, ending, and rebirth. One way or another, life continues.

True Peace is a key, our brother, to loving. Namaste.

Aug. 18, 2017 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 29 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Taking the larger view of humanity

JANU: We are journeying with you, observing the human drama. Each one on a journey of their own. These journeys include relationships, experimentation, exploration, wondering, and changes. The human journey has many course alterations, adding to the diversity of experience and wisdom gaining. The range of this diversity seems without limit including self-annihilation, magnificent creativity, and a deepening embrace of life. Each one is free to choose their changing path in life.

It is worthwhile, at times, to take the view of the collective human and appreciate its substance and evolution. The value in this, our brother, is the peace it brings and even-mindedness. This serves well when exploring the reality of other civilizations and cultures and species on other worlds, in other realities. The journey into the Larger Life has these kinds of depths.

As this perspective broadens and deepens, new patterns of consciousness and understanding emerge. Be aware of this in the life around you and in your own. Namaste.
Aug.16, 2017                                                                                  Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 29 contains all prior attunements in this series.


A universal perspective

JANU: When considering one’s station in life, meaning their circumstance in every way, one needs to consider the beauty and the ugliness as self-described, not only in others and circumstance but within as well. Now, can one truly evaluate themselves and others without this? Life itself allows all of this and registers it all. Embracing yourself and others, and your circumstance and theirs, in the manner life does is an ideal worth pursuing. It transcends duality, right & wrong, good & bad. Love replaces fear and doubt and confusion, for it is the vehicle of insight, peace, and understanding. Judgement occurs in the midst of preferences, for preferences do not allow all faces of life. One can take a different journey of experience and expression without finding fault with another’s. Like countless blades of grass, life has a tapestry, yet the lawn is beautiful and endures while consisting of the differences one blade to another. Namaste.
July 21, 2017 B                               Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 27 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Being in command of your life

JANU: We are warming up to, so to speak, our next mini-threshold in these journeys, having to do with commanding your life in the midst of challenges. From the human perspective, it takes courage, a trust in the truth behind the challenges and your ideals, determination and commitment balanced with a peaceful footing. Now, being in command of your life only from a human consciousness perspective has its pitfalls if certain issues in consciousness prevail; therefore the need for re-unification consciously with the wisdom of your True Nature.

Developing insight as the need arises is life transforming. It brings about a richness of perception and understanding. Awakening to the many elements of life is one thing, but a conscious relationship with your True Nature while incarnate is yet another. Many around you do not understand this yet, so be patient with them. Be like a rock but move with the flow of life, maintaining integrity, clarity of thought, and a growing perception of the purpose and beauty of the flow of life.

You are a team of attributes in your True Nature which is part of the Larger Family of Life. Teaming up calls for understanding, responsibility, patience, and commitment. The so-called ‘rules of engagement’ are changing, as needed. Be open to the truth at the heart of everything, including your own nature. Namaste, our brother.
June 30, 2017                               Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening set 26 contains all prior attunements in this series.


More on the Larger Life  

JANU: We are enumerating, if you will, on the subject of your interest: the blending or merging of the larger life with the incarnate human experience. We are one in reality but not well understood by many. Faith in this reality is one thing, but knowledge of its reality is another. Conscious choices prevail when administered by truthful understanding.

A purpose of these journeys is to bring to the consciousness this larger reality. Journey into the larger life consciously and deliberately, with a growing purpose and commitment. After all, this is more who you are than just the human experience. The art of listening goes a long ways toward a growing understanding and the wisdom that comes from it.

Bridge the gap that is an illusion. Find deeper peace in a larger perspective. Understand each other to the benefit of all. Re-acquaint yourself with your larger family, not incarnate. The human experience is only one of many. Your larger family of life has embraced these, a reality of richness, of understanding, and wisdom. Experience the meaning of oneness. Namaste.
June 13, 2017                                Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 25 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Exploring identity

JANU:    The trajectory of the human journey encompasses many journeys of identity. As humanity awakens to its True Nature and more and more what that means, the perspective and experience of many incarnations, not always human, will be resource. Not easy to manage at first, but will help a great deal when exploring other worlds and species. Awakened humanity is the composite of many identities. When traveling abroad, parochial views give way to other perceptions, other realities. Such will be the case when an awakening humanity engages other worlds and other realities.

Being prepared for these changes is one of the functions of these many journeys. Your frame of reference for appreciating and interacting with other perspectives will be visited by many changes in your sense of being. Personal experience is only one of many sources. The experiences of others can be appreciated when letting go of the limitations of identity, or only one identity, we should say. Identity that sets you apart from others sets you apart from their experiences as well, their wisdom, their perspective.

Consider the path carefully of the meaning of identity and its range of possibilities. Explore this as well as your own. Namaste, our brother.
Mar. 24, 2017 B                                            Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 19 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Finding sanity and confidence for today and the future

JANU: We are opening then to the question of the day by so many: Where is the sanity in life today, with everything that is going on—politics, war, poverty, suffering, disease? Where is the heart and soul of life?

We’d say this to each one, our brother: All of this you request lives within you, is your nature and the nature of life. No matter the occurrences in the outer life, have this as your foundation. From that perspective, you can see through the illusions of the day. Find your peace there, and then bring your peace to the life around you. Infuse the external life with that of the internal, of larger life. The miseries, challenges, and difficulties of humankind are self-created, but they are created from the life that’s centered in the True Nature. These occurrences, these choices, are meant to bring wisdom through experience from a range of life.

But there come times when each one says, “There must be something better. I am no longer happy or confident in today.” These awakening series are meant to answer those questions, and encourage people that they already have the answers. Rediscover them, own them, and apply them to your life, transforming what the outer life has become into a reflection of expanding inner life full of creativity and, yes, love.

Patience with each other, encouragement between each other, service between each other, sharing of wisdom, experience, and confidence. These are the earmarks of an awakening society. Let it be known through your life patterns that this is so. So many hunger for it. Even in the midst of apparent insanity, your potentials are a bright future. Discover them. Commit to them. Manifest them, and change your life. Namaste.
Mar. 20, 2017                                        Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 19 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Inclusive reality

JANU: We are sequencing, then, that which belongs to the arc of time into a unity that transcends but includes the elements of such. We speak of awakening as a process, the processing of elements that build a foundation of understanding, compatibility, and the reality of oneness. Let us now delve into that which is inclusive reality.

Human separation consciousness explores life with boundaries, limitations, countless identities and descriptions, personalities and egos. Strange it seems when one is presented with inclusive reality to where it is all of that, previous perception applied or exists. It still exists, our brother, but is included in a consciousness beyond identity, but includes all identities, and all possibilities. Focusing upon one element of inclusive reality is still valid, but the perspective includes so much more. The oneness describes the connection, at all times, between all elements of inclusive reality.

Therefore, where does the human perspective of identity come into play? Inclusive consciousness is what we speak of here. Linger as this. Be this. Your world of consciousness no longer subject to injury, dissolution, the so-called ‘ravages of time.’ You become, you are, timeless limitless being, no longer requiring individual identity, that being only a small portion of your reality. You are more alive than you have ever been, in your awareness, for you are one with everything.

We don’t just mean the so-called ‘fifth dimension.’ We speak of beingness beyond questions and answers. Inclusive consciousness includes all questions and all answers. They are always present. You are part of each other, freer in consciousness than you have ever known. Linger in this, our brother, as the journeys continue. Namaste.
Mar. 7, 2017                                                    Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 18 contains all prior attunements in this series.


The inclusiveness of reality

JANU:    There are realities, our brother, larger than your True Nature and the adventure of journeys you are experiencing, which the True Nature is experiencing as well. Being ‘born again’ so to speak, a phrase others use, is a limited understanding, for in the larger life there are realities that are new to you. Not to everyone, but to your being.

As these journeys take on these new realities, it will be like a door opening to a larger life, putting everything you have become aware of or considered in perspective. Time/space reality, our brother, has its links to larger realities. So imagining a barrier or border around time/space is a limited point of view. It is one life, no matter the range, the scope of it, and everything is connected in some way. So, as you open to and experience new vistas, none of them deny the existence of the rest of them.

So, you see, any identity based upon one reality can bind you for a time to that experience, which is useful to explore and experience it. But there is so much more, as you are discovering. Namaste.
Feb. 27, 2017                                   Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 18 contains all prior attunements in this series.