The symbiotic relationship of life on Earth

JANU: We welcome again the opportunity to serve, humanity for humanity as a species, as a consciousness, to serve the rest of the Earth and all of its creatures. But humanity also has a capacity to be served by these, as well. There is symbiosis on the Earth and it involves everything. Individuality, our brother, is only the first stage of a developing consciousness. Symbiosis is the next. And true oneness the next.

And the power to create is a theme through all of this. How else, then, does Life regenerate its creations and create anew? Life has always been and, by virtue of its nature, will always be. The destiny of cosmic consciousness is not to be removed from or be above all creation, all realities, but to be one with all of them, co-creator with all of life. So, you see, your destiny is the destiny of life itself. How could it be otherwise?

Now, this understanding seems ‘unrelatable,’ far removed from, remote. On the contrary, our brother, it is the moment. The Now is the past, the present, and the future. Time/space a small portion of the totality of ‘isness.’ So-called dimensional separations are an illusion for the convenience of human understanding. When understood in this larger and deeper way, you will understand and experience that wherever you are going, you are already there. Namaste.

Nov. 7, 2015                                                                                                     Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

Understanding Service and Self-service

JANU: A worthy focus this evening: a completely selfless purpose for these journeys. It brings up the question of service and self-serving and how do the two find balance and oneness in your own consciousness and the larger life? Honoring the larger life through the life that you are is the theme. That’s the union, the oneness, the purpose. So, you see, awakening is not just for humanity, which you are currently connected to. As humanity awakens, the larger life becomes richer, with a broader foundation and deeper perception of reality.

Your desire to serve through these journeys is out of necessity and reality. Self-serving, for if you are one, how can you serve and not be included? You are not the only human trying to awaken further, to become more conscious, not only of who they are but what love is and, yes, sharing destinies. And, yes, the reality of a child and what lies before it.

So serve without fear, our brother, loving the opportunity and the path of discovery, of greater service. Honor your True Nature. It serves as well as it serves you, grateful for the opportunity, always improving little by little, and continuing. Desiring this for everyone in a perfect way, allow Life to reveal its Truth to you and through you. Namaste, our brother.

Oct. 19, 2015 B                                                Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


A broader understanding of networking

JANU: We are looking into, so to speak, the reality of networking as a strong part of life. Networking takes many forms, the most important of which is collaboration, group enlightenment, individual and widespread service. And working in consciousness by way of the Internet and other means maps the human consciousness for everyone to explore and promotes global thinking and behavior. Couples, fond of each other, loving each other, network their lives. One starts a thought and the other completes it and carries it further. Communities benefit from networking. Artists, musicians, physicians, and many other disciplines benefit from this. But many are still consumed with individuality, more than collaboration, cooperation, and mutual interests. Yet, individuality is still a primary ingredient in effective networking.

There are those in your world whose consciousness includes other worlds, other species, other humans as well. This networking is the beginning of contact with other worlds, not endless years from now, but right now. Misinterpretation is far rarer than verbal communication and does not interfere with the free will of choice. Integrities are maintained and bonding develops on many levels. The competition and power struggles between people of the Earth gives way to cooperation and the theme becomes ‘all involved benefit.’

This kind of networking, our brother, can occur more frequently on the Earth, as people become more altruistic and globally concerned. Awakening benefits everyone in ways not seen in advance. Catching up with the reality of oneness that has always existed, networking has always existed. Grabbing so-called power and land by national leaders are methods of the past and will be left behind. Thinking in terms of and behaving to lift humanity in brotherhood is the way of the future. Why not join with so many other worlds, growing in this? So much to learn from each other. Namaste, our brother.

Nov. 1, 2015                                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross



JANU: We of the Brotherhood of Light have presumed for a long time, time being a relative term, you see, that humanity would engage in pursuits of happiness that transcend current social relationships that are more a part of the past than the future. A worthy question on this pursuit is: What is happiness, and where does it come from, and what does it afford?

Happiness is a condition of consciousness. It comes from deep within and radiates from an individual that is unmistakable to others. Being at peace with life and who you are allows this.

Happiness extends itself into the lives of others. Even those who, in their ignorance, reject it are touched anyway. Their choices in life are enriched and their True Nature comes closer to the surface.

Happiness is a great liberator. And happiness creates after its own kind, without effort.

Happiness is a natural healer, bringing balance to the systems of life.

Happiness anticipates, with fondness, every moment and every day. Impossible dreams and adventures become as achievable, with the confidence that happiness brings.

Happiness brightens your aura and every part of your being.

There is a lighter side to life than the stifling effect of seriousness that sees no humor in living. Take a moment and choose happiness. Allow it to come from within you and enjoy the experience of it and how it changes your perspective, bringing an energetic freedom to enjoy life. Wishing everyone this experience, namaste.

Aug. 14, 2015 B                                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Why we need each other

JANU: The subject for this morning: understanding why people need each other. Yes, you can live alone in a lifetime with no associations but aspects of your being, of your consciousness, will devolve. Service to others is a key ingredient to wellness, not only physically but emotionally and mentally as well. You might call this a kind of co-dependency, but this benefits everyone and makes you stronger and more well-balanced.

Now associations in the discarnate life and the other realities are equally important for, collectively, life is imprinted with all experiences, and wisdom, creativity, love, and this resource contributes to any deficiency in any area of an existence. Not only do humans need each other, they need the rest of the larger life as well. And the larger life evolves with each experience of each individual. So, being at one with the collective, the larger life, allows you to be a partner, a player, in its flow, in its reality and the destiny of everyone.

We are not speaking here exclusively of what you would call sentient beings, but all of life whether you understand it or not. Life is your servant, as are you. Even when alone for a time in your sojourn, the life within you and around you is your partner, your comforter, your sustainer. Even the unawakened and the misguided and the confused and frustrated are part of this as well. The boredom with life that some experience comes from a life of sameness, without change or flow or creativity. Conscious connection with the larger life, the larger you, and the needing and serving of others, brings light to that boredom, making every moment seem worth living.

Service is like a channel of life moving through you, uplifting you and those you serve at the same time. So let the power of life move through your life as you reach out to help, to uplift. Your needs are not private or unknown. Allow the flow of life to move through you. Namaste.

June 1, 2015                                                                                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Explore life, moving on without regrets

JANU: Much of exploring life is ‘deciding to know,’ attuning to realities, accepting them for what they are without disturbing them. Agreeing to incarnate involves much more than incarnating, you see. Being a presence in another reality has already changed that reality, and every moment changes it further. Understand this, our brother: service to life can co-exist in more than one reality at a time. Much can be set in motion to support the flow of life and enrich the harvest of experience.

A thorn, so to speak, in the side of living appears to be not knowing, understanding just out of reach, or so it seems. Understanding something different or new to you at this time does not require pushing, impatience, demands, but allowing an embrace of what already is. It takes no effort at all, our brother. The effort is in keeping things from you, which is of your own making.

As you move through life, be aware of interactions with others and the experience that leaves behind in them. Mistakes can be a blessing, as they can reveal so much. The ‘trial and error’ success in living is an honorable path. Regret them not, but learn and move on. Dwell not with regret. Understand all of your creations and move on.
June 3, 2015 B                                 Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The Solarization of the body for well-being

JANU: We are tailoring this journey to the needs of the many and the few. The few with needs they understand and the many with needs they have yet to understand.

Proceeding in this way, we embrace what is called the solar wind. Now, science sees this as the rapid movement of charged particles, radiations from the sun to be protected from. These are not the only radiations from the Sun. The Sun has life giving properties, energies that are not influenced by the magnetic fields of the Earth. They have to do with what we call the ‘solarization’ of the cells of the body, enhancing in a balanced and perfect way, not just the body’s immune system but the energy fields within and around the body that are a life force of balance and repair. These conditions have been present since the beginning of Earth’s journey, in some ways conditioned by the realities of each world, especially those supporting life.

Our service to this reality consists of clearing the atmosphere—and we don’t mean just the air—the energetic atmosphere to complement this flow, which is essential for well-being. There are many factors in nature, in life, that contribute to well-being. Namaste.

Apr. 22, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Graceful service and living (Service)

JANU:    An aspect of service that one desires to be effective is the call to acknowledgement of the grace of life. What is grace, then, but life’s continual service to its creations and the grace of acceptance without condemnation or harsh judgment? Behind all service is a love for life, and that includes everyone, no matter their philosophy or predilections.

So, this evening’s theme is the grace in service, whether recipient or provider. Effective service includes grace. Being graceful is moving with the flow of life and its imperatives. The grace in service has the power to return consciousness to the fundamentals of life and those aspects of the nature that belong to everyone’s potential. The receiving and giving of love has so many realities that it cannot be captured in a few words, but the experience is unmistakable. Brings peace to the mind, loving acceptance of the self, and the true worth of your own nature.

When one says another is graceful, they are described as having a flowing, symmetrical, and harmonious movement, not just to their animations but to how they live and relate and perceive others. So let there be a reality of grace in everything you do for another. Let your life grow in gracefulness and inspire that in others, including all the kingdoms of life, all of them.

Mar. 10, 2014 B                Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


The path of peace and human engineering (Service)

JANU:             Service this evening speaks to the need for human engineering to include the path of peace. Now, what do we mean by ‘human engineering’? What we speak of here is human destiny realized through human intuition, insight, choices, and change. The path of peace needs to be part of human engineering as it constructs its future, its awakening, by its desires, interests, engagements, and choices in life. And, yes, humanity is engineering its future, but not always with a conscious plan of ideals and goals, achievements in consciousness, and compatibility with the larger life.

A path of peace in this scenario will quicken and enable humanity’s ability to have a vision for its future. It will help it realize its potential more fully. Now, the path of peace is realized, developed through a growing harmony with the creative fields of life that facilitate and support creation. The harmony must include consideration for the well-being of others, even other species, other worlds, for this will come into play. And even choices made in this time will have their influence in times to come, for the enlightenment of those humanity will meet and interact with.

Let us consider then the path to peace as an integral part of the human engineering of humanity’s future.

Jan. 10, 2014 B                                      Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


A new future for Egypt

JANU:   Shall we say for this evening that the service to be engaged in will change the climate of Egypt, its culture, its sense of public unity, national identity, and purpose in the world. What we serve this evening is a growing common vision as each one is capable of perceiving and understanding. The people are looking for leadership, not domination. They want the peace that allows their lives to unfold in a meaningful way, families to prosper, and business to flourish. This is what they long to hear from their leaders.

Egypt’s long history seems to no longer be enough for the people, including a history that they are not aware of—the history older than the pyramids. Their common vision for their future will include a grasp of potential, some of which was envisioned even before the pyramids, you see, for there were and are those who live in the Now.

Hitler had his eyes on Egypt, not fully understanding what he was sensing but the power intrigued him. But his vision had no place in the future of Egypt, a distorted vision filled with lust for power and domination.

The light and the jewel that was Egypt will not return in the same way as it was, for Egypt has a new future. The light in the jewel will be in the people, not in statues and temples and things made of gold.

Dec. 16, 2013 B                      Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross