Gathering the Light to support Light workers

JANU: This opportunity to proceed is in the area of service best known as the Gathering of the Light for and by those who’ve already begun to shimmer with its presence. Our service this evening is to those so inclined as to, with a growing purity of motive and heart, wish to bring that which is needed for the advancement of your civilization. For they are beginning to understand that the entire world is in need of such and all the species.

Now then, let us focus on this enhancement of what has already begun. We, this evening, contribute to the bringing of Light, the Truth of Life, to the understanding and to the hearts of all humanity. Become, then, with light and live it, at one with each. In truth, the duality of life in your world is mastered first within and then without. The conflicts and confusion of purpose, worth, destiny are resolved in this way. Embody this truth for everyone by radiating the knowingness and your ownership of this reality. Be the master of your destiny through resolution and the mastery of duality. The life that you walk no longer a battle between light and dark but the mastery of the gifts of each into one truth. This key to freedom will bring you to a new threshold of understanding and service.

We conclude this at this time, thanking you for this opportunity to demonstrate that which we know and that which is. Good evening and namaste.
February 2, 2000 C                                                                                       Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


Moving human hearts from fear to love

JANU: Alert once more to the beckoning for an evening service, that which comes by the honored tradition of the completing of a day’s journey, what better way to complete a cycle of life than to serve it. Let us now proceed on this journey of service. Never underestimate the power of the Light to achieve that which is needed.

Service this evening shall include the concern for the human race in this time of change that quickens so much fear. Tonight we serve the hearts of humanity, bringing such love as alternative to any fear. Let us begin at this time. (extended pause)

Humanity cannot embrace its destiny with fear in their hearts. Only the love that unites the self with the truth of life that exits everywhere will heal this forever. Let the fear expressed by others always remind you of this alternative, for many have yet to realize there is one. People will ask you “How do I achieve this love and freedom?” By acknowledging its truth and reality that has always existed within them. Choose freedom, by the same authority that you have chosen fear. You are the power that placed fear in your world. That same power realizes love. In other words, dear ones, choose. And choose with passion and conviction and commitment and with deed.

Those with remorse from their previous actions will be free, for in this love of their choosing they forgive themselves. Only love can accomplish this, because love finds no fault and condemns none. It unifies life and expands it. Preach this, to all who will listen, by your example. Namaste.
July 15, 1999 A                                                                          Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


Processing regrets

JANU: We welcome this opportunity to proceed along the line of borrowed regrets. What is meant by this is: regrets are borrowed from old traditional thinking, finding fault with the process of living and learning.

When something occurs, an experience, and regret ensues, turn the coin over and learn from this. Turn it into a blessing of understanding, change, insight, and meaning. Regrets are old patterns of thinking, and resolve nothing, and continue themselves in unending circles.

Learn from everything, every experience. Deny nothing. Embrace the truth of your path in life. Move forward with the wisdom gained. Forgiveness is a wonderful substitute for regret, for oneself and for others. Be patient with the learning process. Re-create your life, moment by moment. Observe others in this same way. Learn and move on, grateful for the opportunity to grow. Namaste.
Feb. 25, 2019 B                                                                                             Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Quality as a theme for all endeavors

JANU: The theme chosen for this evening by your query is quality in consciousness, by way of the integrity of the total True Nature. And even ‘quality’ as a descriptor has many flavors.

So, what is quality, then, in the truth of life pursuit? It is an even-minded and balanced experience, which affords meaningful appraisal of any element of the truth of life. Quality has endurance, connectedness to larger and smaller elements of life. Quality is a revealer of substance and the endless layers of meaning to the many realities of life. Quality is in the moment and in the changes and in the evolution and creativity of a maturing consciousness. Quality is.

Choose then to apply quality as an evolving and growing understanding to decision-making, to relationships, to thought processes, to your emotions, to your utterances bringing peace to your journeys. Quality and clarity of perception, ‘til quality is a theme, not a fixed state but a living evolving reality that carries your journey into a brighter future and a brighter moment, which is now. Be ‘quality’ on your path without a fixed notion of its presentation.

Even your True Nature is evolving in this way, for life itself is in motion in this perspective. But this theme will serve you well and everyone you relate to, every circumstance you contribute to, every enrichment you contribute to life. Namaste.
Feb. 5, 2019 B                                            Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Freedom from ignorance

JANU:    We are celebrating with you the demise of ignorance. The future of humanity, the future of human potential is a greater freedom from the current limitations and concepts of physical life. Each one will magnify individual discovery, adding to the tapestry of reality that others may peruse. Potential, peace, desire, willingness, freedom, confidence, wisdom gaining are on humanity’s doorstep. They need only walk through any opening that is presented. A love of life and their own True Natures paves the way to success.

Enriching life is the theme, for what isn’t life? So personal enrichment is an element of unlimited enrichment. It is one thing to demonstrate phenomena. It is quite another for each one to experience their own revelation. Ownership comes from experience and understanding, undeniably so. Stepping out of the abyss of ignorance into a greater life, which is the Truth of Life, is everyone’s prerogative.

Be no longer a prisoner of obsessions, misperceptions, and limitation. Be the free spirit you have always been. Rediscover your own nature. This is a journey that you are never alone on, for you coexist with everything and everyone. Namaste.
Dec. 3, 2018 B                                                                                  Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


Potential, networking, and synergism

JANU:    We are savoring with you the delightful edibles of life, the consuming of enrichment based upon revelations of the Truth of Life. Human potential breathes these expressions of life into existence by way of desire, opportunity, and the triggers life brings to experience. Human potential is one of many throughout Life, and worthy of much study. How does one study that yet unmanifest? It is done through insight, the sight of an open consciousness with a passion for discovery, and the consideration of possibilities. Yes, integrity is key in this, that the focus remain pure enough that the flow of life finds expression.

Human potential and the Larger Life are one, you see, and as potential is realized, the life becomes larger still. They are hand in hand, one. This reality extends itself to many other venues of life, not the least of which we are about to explore in the region of Andromeda. There is a synergism to all of this. So far as potentials are explored and realized everywhere, the network of Life is enriched and unified. For Life is the composite of all of these, not just humanity.

Individual potential and discovery, networking with others, respect for every journey of becoming, and appreciation of the beauty of it all. The integrity of each journey brings to conclusion each opportunity and prepares for the next. Live as one, our brother, in the integrity of life, this networking of its elements, and the synergism of it all. Namaste.
Nov. 27, 2018                                                                    Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


The Creative Imperative

JANU:    Imperative it is, our brother, the Nature of Life. So often spoken so ill of by those unaware of its perfection. The creative imperative, the essential nature of everything is expressed throughout every reality. Peace in motion, the Truth of Life some call Light. The creative imperative with unlimited potential, an ‘isness’ that transcends all that is.

Can a creation describe its creator, in terms of its own creation? Your existence is the proof of its truth. Not limited by any form or energy or consciousness or pattern of any kind, but the essential nature of all that is. Even time and space are its creation, and that is only the beginning. What grander purpose to be part of and serve? Life itself. Give credit, gratitude, and love where it’s due. Namaste.
Sept. 3, 2018 B                                                          Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life contains prior attunements in this series.

Editor’s note: Be sure to check in tomorrow for a fuller discussion of the question posed in here.


Replacing confusion with revelation

JANU: We are sublimating then that which confuses to that which reveals. Revelation is the key to being one with the Truth of Life in such a way that responds to and performs peace of mind, joy in life, profound anticipation for the future. Confusion is ignorance leading to random speculation that feeds itself and continues itself. Revelation, then, is discovering fed by a desire to know, faith in the wisdom and love of life and the integrity of one’s own divinity and True Nature.

Begin there, with your journeys of exploration. There is always more to explore in deeper and diverse ways. Have confidence in solutions to everything. Find strength in your revelations for they always lead to more. Success is fed by success. When in doubt, review successes. Find strength in them, and focus, and see how they lead to the future. Connecting everything up, our brother, Life is continuously evolving and all are part of it. Namaste.
Aug. 23, 2018                                                                                 Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life contains prior attunements in this series.


Life is, and it is who you are

JANU: Enamored with Truth, your long quest to discover and experience the Larger Life is a quest achievable. As with any journey in life, our brother, the process of discovery, of expansion, that provides ownership and meaning occurs deliberately, for all of the journey, all of its elements, are part of the ownership, you see. One sojourn does not complete the journey. Neither does a moment. But the process, you see, is the miracle of awakening.

Live this truth. Convey it to others. Patience, persistence, commitment, engagement. Value the richness of every twist and turn, every moment of discovery. Life is, our brother, every moment of it. Observe, engage, and enjoy everything. Life is growing and creating constantly. Be one with this. It is who you are. Namaste.
Aug. 22, 2018 B                                                                            Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life contains prior attunements in this series.


A universal calling

JANU:    Peak interest in the expression of information amounting to established principles in the direction of maximizing potential results in a growing mass effort to realize that potential. What we show here is the determination of Life itself to evolve. We are part of this, which includes your life journey as well.

So the issue or focus here is not just the awakening of others and the self, but the larger effort or imperative, compelling of the True Nature of Life. It has always been there but, as awakening ensues, the ground becomes more fertile for expression. We of the Brotherhood of Light do not lay this responsibility on you alone. It is distributed throughout life, engaged by those who welcome it for it lives within them and walks through their lives with them.

This is not your imperative alone. It exists in others. Help each other discover the truth of their own life, their own Nature. Encourage them to do so. Encouragement in time takes the form of one other expressing the calling from within and sharing what they have learned about it. Namaste.
Aug. 17, 2018                                                                                 Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 19 contains prior attunements in this series.