Gain wisdom thru experiences of living

JANU: “Where does wisdom come from?” you ask. It comes from experience. Wisdom predicts future based upon results of patterns. Wisdom results from choices. Wisdom has no one face, but is as diverse as all experiences, individually and collectively. Yes, wisdom is rescuing those young boys in Thailand and they will grow wiser. So condemn not the paths of human experience, but encourage wisdom gaining.

Awakening helps facilitate gaining all the wisdom an experience can deliver. The freedom humanity longs for is always available, by choice. Profit from everything, our brother. May your profit elevate your consciousness, evolve your character, and inspire others. Be at peace. Namaste.
July 9, 2018 B                                                            Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


Normalizing conscious co-existence

JANU: We are normalizing then that which connects up the elements of being. What is so-called ‘channeling’ then, our brother, but the coordination of and cooperation of the elements of consciousness throughout the being? Benefit takes place, not just to the being, but to life itself. The more this occurs, being at peace is conscious union with the coordination, the co-existence consciously, with all that you are. For through this reality, conscious union with the larger life is enhanced. Let there be, then, this normalization, which is a state of being, you see, more harmonious than without it.

Wisdom is not limited to a portion of life, but is owned, so to speak, by all of it. All that is gained in the evolution of life belongs to life, for it is made of it, continued by it, enriched by it. The Family of Life is more vast and diverse than most are aware of. It is a blending of individual responsibility and collective reality, coexisting, flowing together. Namaste.
June 29, 2018                                                                                 Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life contains prior attunements in this series.


Understanding truth

JANU: Surrounding then this opportunity to explore lies an atmosphere of truth. The wisdom you seek, our brother, exists and the awakening consciousness co-exists with this, consciously. So proceeding with this understanding, let us survey that which deems itself to be ‘truth.’

Exploring truth, for most, is a simplistic and limited perception of reality. What is not truth, our brother? The eye of the beholder, so to speak, interprets what it observes and experiences. Life is such that all forms of truth can be explored, providing experience, outcomes, observations, limited understandings. For truth is unlimited, you see, as are realities of existence, of creation.

Wise is the one who pursues truth, not hanging onto any one expression but always open to the truth behind it. For life expresses layers of reality, you see, so select the truths you are aware of and apply them to support your chosen paths of experiencing life. But truth is not a fixed or static reality, you see. It is in motion, evolving, revealing depth and variations.

Peace is truth, our brother, with many expressions. ‘Being at peace’ cannot be contained in one interpretation or expression. It is larger than that, as is ‘truth.’ Live life understanding that there is always more to understand, more to be. Namaste.
June 28, 2018 B                                                                      Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life contains prior attunements in this series.


Co-existing with Nature’s proclivities

JANU: We are celebrating once again, if you will, the so-called climbing of the mountain into the Larger Life. Understand this, our brother, the Larger Life includes the incarnate life as well, but in a deeper way, for the incarnate life is richer than most know in the subtleties of life, the rich dynamics, the power of peace, the pervasiveness of love, and rich opportunity to evolve and awaken further.

Human tragedy, as such, is the natural unfoldment of life’s anomalies, fed by circumstance and human agendas. Nature’s proclivities for process, change, dynamics have their natural course. Wise is the individual who understands these dynamics and makes wiser decisions to co-exist with them and continue their journeys. There are alternative solutions to everything, our brother. Awakening is the path to this, not just to be more aware, but to make wiser choices.

“And where does wisdom come from?” you ask. It comes from experience, understanding, and the great reservoir of your True Nature. The power of listening opens the door to the inner flow. The potential for this is always present. Namaste.
June 8, 2018 B                                                                         Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 15 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Answers to profound questions still evolving

JANU:    The incarnate life is a mixture of the cruel to the sublime. Navigating this field of reality teaches one many lessons as to the nature of existence. Life allows all of this, our brother. It is the source of wisdom gaining, one of many, through experience and growing understanding. All of this is neither good or bad. It is all life in motion, changing its path through destiny. The flow of life moves on, and you are part of this. Serving life is living it, learning and experiencing all you may, helping each other navigate life in motion.

All creatures have their expression of this. Collective consciousness includes it all. The longevity of the life that is this system of worlds is younger and older than others. When asking the question, “What does it all mean? What is the purpose? What is the outcome?” realize the journey is not finished, our brother, and the answers to all of these questions and more is still evolving.

So enrich life as you may. Find peace in the midst of it. Namaste.
Mar. 27, 2018 B                                                                            Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


Being willful

JANU: Enormous is the will, not just to survive the incarnate life but to be your potential. Will takes many forms, our brother, many expressions. The Earth has will. All of matter has will. The will to be. Add any descriptor you like, the will is behind it. Life itself has will, or it wouldn’t be. Allow your will to be. Whatever blessing you choose, whatever service you render, whatever understanding you pursue, whatever healing you require, whatever peace you embrace, whatever love is one with life.

Will is the arbiter of co-creating. The wisdom of its application nurtures it. Will comes from life’s intrinsic vitality. See no manifestation more powerful than the will to be. Being happy is willful. Expressing love and kindness is willful. Allowing life to express its beauty through you is willful. You are the will of Life to be, as we all are. Namaste.
Mar. 21, 2018 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


Understanding the manipulation of matter

Editor’s Note: We discovered some untranscribed tapes, which included this. It is presented as an example of how far-reaching our journeys can be, and also underscores the need to start where you are and reach out from there, rather than jump way ahead of yourself.

JANU: This is a challenging concept for the human mind as you have requested: The nature of matter on the atomic level, including the pathways of mutation and manipulation and the wisdom of its design.

Let us proceed then with the wisdom of its design, this being fashioned after another design held in balance in another venue of life. Its mate, if you will, resides in a cluster of understanding and reality best described as the transition from the Fourth to the Fifth dimension. This reality is held in balance by the same powers that cover the manipulation of the parameters of existence of the atomic structure of the manifest reality, the Third dimension if you will. This trans-dimensional structure gains access to the parameters of life that govern assimilation of life’s journey by its creator, if you will, which in turn enlightens or benefits all of creation in one way or another. Such it is with the design pattern for third dimensional atomic structure and the similarity does not end with this feature.

The wisdom of design also includes, to a degree, self-vitalization and maintenance. The stability of the properties of your existence physically are supported by this and can be changed incrementally, whether it be on a micro- or a macro- level, you see, or scale, we should say. The wisdom of the design includes this possibility but with strict adherence to alignment with the collective integrity and destiny of your dimension being required. To even manipulate your own physical structure unwisely has ripple effects across dimensions and other attributes of your own vehicle.

What then would be a circumstance of wise manipulation? We would say that this occurs when the wisdom of the living conscious structure of your reality is witness to the need for such a change. This can be ascertained by frequent attuning to that wisdom within a single atom for the mutation of the atomic structure of life on even a small scale, as you would perceive it, can act like a cancerous growth in Life’s fabric.

There is much to be considered in the alteration of this design and its integrity. Better, then, you see, to influence change within the design parameters of evolving existence and all that that entails. Namaste.
Aug. 1, 2003 B                                                                     Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


A purpose for living

JANU:    The reality you pursue at this time, the nature of the relationship within the being of the human consciousness to the True Nature, the larger you, shall be explored more than once, you see, for that is a significant portion of awakening your larger identity. The relationship is a peaceful one, harmoniously participating in the larger life of so many realities. Your human experience is but one of many. We together, as a larger reality, have many interests, involvements, collaborations. It has always been thus.

You inquire as to the purpose of awakening the human consciousness to this larger truth, when the larger you already knows. The wisdom gained through experience in various stages of consciousness reveals more of the tapestry of life. It has always been our interest. Enriching life is a worthy purpose and opportunity for all.

“How does one enrich life, then?” you ask. By living it, experiencing it, being part of it, understanding it, and being instrumental in its evolution. In so many ways, each one is one with all of life more than they know. The human consciousness is only part of this. The larger you, the larger we, is not just enriching life but being enriched by it, to understand and appreciate the so-called ‘ripple effect’ of all that you are on every level throughout life.

How can one consider that life is without purpose? Taking on the responsibility of incarnating, embracing a sojourn and all that ensues, enriches life without even knowing it. Self-preservation, from the human perspective, is much more than survival. It is continuing the investment in the enrichment of life through engagement and experience, which contributes. So, you see, the purpose of incarnating is not just about a singular achievement or awakening, but to enrich life by living it. Namaste.
Feb. 19, 2018                                                                                 Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 11 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Owning it all

JANU:   That is the theme for this journey, owning it all, so to speak. Owning all memories, all experiences, all attitudes, utterances, everything, without denial or regret. Peaceful absorption of the records of life fully enrich the journeyer, reclaiming power and the freedom it brings. Owning it all gives access to it all and the wisdom is revealed. Honesty, integrity, perseverance, clarity, sovereignty: living in this way is grander than the veiled human consciousness, isolated from the Larger Life.

The courage to allow this into your consciousness is a choice made in the presence of your True Nature, which endorses this choice. Denial of the truth gives your power away, strains your integrity, delays realization and wisdom-gaining. Life includes everything, our brother, the bliss, the joy, the sorrow and the sadness. Owning it all sets one free.

You ask of the Middle Way. The Middle Way does not avoid the dichotomies of life but owns them all, for all of them are part of life.

Claim your power by owning all of your experiences. Namaste.
Feb. 14, 2018                                                                                 Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 10 contains all prior attunements in this series.


The desire of the True Nature

JANU:   Overcoming any regret for having lived the incarnate life frees the consciousness to rise above and own it all. Owning your experiences gains you the wisdom of them. And through wisdom comes clearer choices that benefit the journeyer and their associations.

Integrity exists whether incarnate or not, whether awakening or not, and all of life has integrity, or it wouldn’t continue. Yes, all creations can be manipulated, modified, altered, transformed, but life’s integrity allows this. The so-called Laws of Life are fluid. Integrity allows this, for the purpose of expression, creativity, and wisdom gaining.

The Middle Way that you endeavor to understand is one with everything, is the source of all dichotomies, and is ‘living in the Now.’

The desire of any True Nature is to be, which is fulfilled by engaging more and more of life. Awakening is part of this, our brother. Even the True Nature is awakening.

Be at peace, without regret. Honor your integrity. Namaste.
Feb. 13, 2018                                                                                 Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 10 contains all prior attunements in this series.