JANU: We are fostering then delving into the dance of life a few are engaged in. This being ‘mastership and service.’ They both go hand in hand, for they enhance each other and they are one in more ways than some realize. These quoted words, “let the greatest among you be the servant of all,” are wise. When this is your theme, your model for awakening, the cart never gets before the horse. Perspective is maintained, priorities honored, protocols enhanced, and the Light expands.
The goal isn’t mastership alone. The goal is serving life, which is the source of the blessings and the mastership. For none of these exist without life itself. And what is the value of mastership without service? It becomes self-serving only and must be called something else.
So, the journey begins, you see, with the love of life, the love of service, and all that that includes. We know it is difficult to love in a balanced and masterful way the expressions of life that seem the opposite of your desires. But that will come in time, our brother, as the human consciousness evolves.
Consider carefully what threshold in your life you observe life from. The more evolved you are, the clearer the vision, the more you see and understand, and this changes how you relate to what you see and understand. Being ‘above it all,’ or removed, is not the perspective here. The larger perspective is to be in service, one with it all.
How can you truly love one part of life and not another? Loving and agreeing with are not the same. Being on the path of life, in the midst of so many dichotomies and changes, is a privilege. So much to learn and understand and grow in service to. This is rich indeed.
Patience beyond description. Compassion without limit. Understanding without rancor or condemnation. These are some of the hallmarks of mastership through a life of service. And mastership, our brother, is only the beginning. Namaste.
May 29, 2015 Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross