Difference between individuality & uniqueness

JANU: Exploring and engaging the larger life is a significant threshold in the evolution of consciousness. Becoming aware of this means becoming aware as this, no longer identified just as an incarnate human but not eliminating it, either. When one is conscious as a provincial community member and then begins to travel the world, their perspective changes. Their former identity takes its place in the larger reality. And the larger reality is a larger identity, our brother.

So, as we move these journeys into the larger life, allow the natural transition of identity, sense of being, your role in life to evolve. You touch life and life touches you in new ways. Much of this you have done before. So much is memory re-awakening, but not limited to this. You will become aware of many you have known, and know you. There is both a personal and a universal reality here, co-existing. The need for privacy to survive the incarnate life, the human experience, becomes irrelevant.

There is a difference between individuality and uniqueness. Uniqueness does not mean ‘separate from’ but ‘one with, uniquely.’ Your hand is unique to the body but one with it. Living the incarnate life uniquely can be seen in the same way, for the truth of who you are is one with all of life. So, your place in life is unique and that uniqueness is part of the richness of life, as is everyone else’s. This understanding translates well into successful incarnate life, or any life, our brother.

So, you see, the larger life is far more than a phrase. It is a fuller and richer experience than individuality. Allow this into your thinking and your experience. Namaste, our brother.

Feb. 25, 2016                                                             Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross