Angels & Masters

This is a question received from an individual, responded to by Janu and the Brotherhood of Light. The response given is directed to that particular individual, and is presented for research purposes only.

Q:        Please explain the difference between Angels and Masters. Have Angels been human and then Angels again? Have Masters been Angels and then Masters again?

JANU: Masters and Angels, then. What a divine subject to pursue. And in the light of truth may we understand in this way. From your point of view differences, yes. From the larger life the differences come together in one Light and one Love, in harmony with the essential nature of life. The differences exist for different perspectives of service depending upon the plane of expression, you see. These journeys into the lower realities in frequency call for, allow for, the fulfilling of a range of options in service. Each path of service an opportunity of unique character for growth, for expansion of consciousness for fuller realization. For both are life, dear one, and both loved equally of the Father of Life.

One assists the other in the missions for there is synergism, linking, bonding, oneness, common purpose and one knows the other. The mission statements or focuses call for a continuity of involvement that supersedes a random or arbitrary shifting of nature, you see. The perspective of each, in truth, of true reality, true identity, true beingness does not see these differences as distinct as you do, dear one. There are aspects of each that can exhibit and express in Angelic or Master-like manner. The differences you see are the paths of service, not the differences in true nature, for an Angel or a Master is more than their path of service. As a carpenter or an engineer are seen in your world as two distinct realities, in truth they are more alike than they are dissimilar.

You would benefit greatly to love both equally, honor both equally and be grateful to life for both equally. See neither path as one above the other, greater than the other. They are life loving life, serving the expansion of realization and loved equally, for in the perception of commonality, the connectedness, the oneness of life, they are one. Categorize not, judge not one profession of individual fulfilling that profession from another in your world. Think you not the carpenter cannot absorb and learn from the experience and skill of an engineer and vice versa, enhancing as they will their own chosen path of service, in an engineering or a craftsman way? It is the symphony of life. Can a drummer be a flutist and vice versa?   To a degree they can. But their commitment to the honoring of their path of service does not accommodate the abandoning of one for the others. And it is not their will to do so for their joy and their happiness is in their chosen service.

The question you pose embraces, is based to some degree on a perception of this or that, of separation, of confining limits of identity and reality. And from those limits the answer to your question is no, dear one. From the larger life all things are possible. The angels you love and hold dear in your heart and are with you always are masters in their own right. Honor them in this way, as do the so-called Masters of your reference. All paths of service and all beings of Light, so fulfilling, are the family of life and are equal in that family and in that knowingness. Honor each with equality as they honor you. See them as one in the Light and in the truth of your understanding. As they see all peoples in the same way.

Namaste our sister. The peace that allows the embrace of the truth and the freedom to be one, be yours. Good day. We are the Brotherhood of Light, all the Light. One with the Family of Life.
June 18, 1996                                                                      Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

Please remember that all content is presented for research purposes only. All health concerns should be referred to a licensed healthcare professional.

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