Awakening 37: Rebirthing

JANU: We are moving straightaway, then, into the next phase of awakening, described as “rebirthing.”

“What is meant by this?” you ask. Rebirthing is the moving into your true identity, your true consciousness, your true being. A natural and, yes, comfortable transition into something far more established as a part of life. Now, religions refer to something like this as being ‘born again.’ True, but a limited understanding. A reality larger than they understand. Now, the human consciousness does not create this. It already exists. The human consciousness opens to it, lets go of limitation, smaller identity only, endeavoring to make the human identity larger than it can be. It was never intended to be ‘universal consciousness’ on its own, but it can evolve into a growing measure of rebirthing, with expanded values, perceptions and concepts, free of time/space limitations, although they can embrace those as well. Not just understanding peace, but experiencing it, being it.

You ask for indications of a rebirthing experience. They begin by subtler and more expanded awareness of what matters to you. Understanding others in a more liberal way, freer of judgement and limited perception. No longer identifying others by a type of personality, but as beings with amazing potential and life heritages that command respect, that are relatable. Even identity, which is a limitation concept, becomes less important to you. Social status, gender, species are only of the moment. Your interests are no longer isolated but include more and more of life. Your senses are expanded and their reach expands as well. Your worth is no longer based on performance but more on that you exist and are an expression of life itself, eternal in nature, free to enjoy at last every moment of existence because ‘everything is all right.’ Namaste.
June 6, 2016 B                                                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series, exploring the process and experience of awakening, in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see right sidebar.