Awakening 44: What happens to me?

JANU: Peace again, our brother, is part of the path to victory in awakening. One might ask, “When awakening, what becomes of me? Do I still exist?” Yes, our brother, but in a larger way.

Within the human experience, the consciousness can have several identifications: human being, philanthropist, engineer, designer, musician. Many identities but you are still you. When you awaken more fully, the identity expands to include much more. The identity has the capacity to interface with the human journey, but many other realities as well. What happens is that you become something more, our brother, more than you were aware of before, more possibilities. Nothing of the human identity is lost, you see, but understood more clearly. No longer limited to reacting to life experiences, but responding in a more complete way. You are still you, our brother, but you are more.

The me in ‘what happens to me?’ becomes a larger reality. The only thing that diminishes is ignorance. Your love for life and your own being expands, deepens, through understanding. In ignorance, these are only words. In awakening, they speak of a life that is more alive. It is stepping into the sunlight for the first time. Whatever your interests, you become more aware. More is revealed, not just of the life around you but the life within you. A growing freedom and presence. Being ‘born again,’ returning to all you have known. Physical experience is only one of many.

Allow your consciousness to adjust and settle into the experience. Patience is a challenge for many, but it serves you well and allows peacefulness. Functioning in this way while incarnate is a process. Balance is a good monitor of your progress, your pace of awakening. Namaste, our brother.
June 14, 2016                                                                                                Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the process and experience of awakening in a direct and organized manner. It is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journey of awakening. For previous entries, see right sidebar.