Dealing with current challenges

JANU: Yes, greetings. We are Janu speaking, summing up, if you will, recent events, being the drought you are experiencing, the presidential election, and the consciousness movement with their challenge

What they all speak to, our brother, is change from complacency to life in motion. The politics of this nation will remain unsettled and in the long run the nation will be stronger for it. But not smooth sailing, you see. Everyone involved has much to learn and to experience to become wiser, for what lies beyond this government calls for expertise and adaptability. Your current drought has obvious challenges.

More and more the challenges across the nation will call upon everyone to sacrifice and support and be creative. The playing field is not level, but it can move in that direction. Isolationism is not the key. Thoughtful engagement is.

Be aware of developments. Consider them carefully but with peaceful mind and heart, balanced within a larger view. The insights will come, the visions, the strength, the courage, and a peaceful strength confident in the future and the ability to see the direction of developments insightfully. These journeys can assist you, but the decisions are yours. Carry on with what you understand, anticipating changes that are useful. Namaste.
Nov. 17, 2016 B                                              Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross