Can a creation know its creator? 

JANU: The subject is: Can a creation know its creator? The answer is “Yes,” according to the parameters of its existence. At a minimum, it can express the nature of the creator’s intent. It depends upon what the creation is endowed with. Is it sentient to any degree? Is it self-aware? Does it function by design? All of these determine responsiveness to being.

In terms of the human consciousness and physical reality, desire and attention begin the journey of reunion. Doubt sets the pace. Revelations spur the confidence to continue. The creator is continually aware of the journey.

Life is filled with creators and creations evolving, coexisting, with mutual benefit. Journeys are similar but not the same. The diversity of these enriches Life. The potential for all of this evolves as well, the looping reality of Life. All of life is connected, even though unique expressions are the reality of being. Namaste.
Sept. 22, 2022 B                                                          Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross