The diversity of life

JANU:    Trying on, for a change, our trajectory of inquiry to include other species of  life incarnate, in a sense, extraterrestrial. There are those that exist with human characteristics and those you would not recognize. And yet these are sentient beings with prolonged life spans. As a result, their evolution in consciousness and incarnate experience have a real wisdom pattern evolved in different directions by way of continuous opportunity.

Some telepathic with a lifestyle to match. Some see in a different light spectrum, relating to life in different ways. There are those very sensitive to energy and direct knowing. There are those in a state of peace, without wars and violence. There are those who self-levitate and the perspective that comes with that. And, yes, there are those who are aquatic and see life differently, using their fluid environment as a medium for communication and interaction. The point of all of this being the diversity of life is rich and extends beyond this universe. And there are those energetic beings where one universe is not a limitation.

What these all have in common is the nature of Life itself.  Beingness beyond identity is a reality. Identity is a rich field of opportunity to explore elements of life, at one under the umbrella of Life itself. Identity has the illusion of uniqueness, separation, isolation, and, with humanity, the competition for power and resources and control.

Life is so much larger than this, but includes this as well. Worthy of exploration is the question “What really matters and what is your relationship with it?” Namaste.
Nov. 28, 2022

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