The purpose of life

JANU:   The purpose of life is to be, to evolve, to realize potential, self-examination to reveal what some would call efficiency and waste. What is waste? The appearances of life expressions have superficial and deeper layers to be understood, engaged, and become what is. Observing that life that your being is one of includes associative reality.

Human consciousness is identified with its current perception. Expanding that reality includes a freedom to have a larger identity, not defined by only part of life. Realizing a larger reality of being includes awakening to the larger reality without the fear of any loss. Reaching a higher rung on the ladder of life does not mean the loss of the last rung of understanding. Life builds and builds and builds as the role of identity evolves. Survival is a function of concern for a limited identity. Allow your consciousness to expand and your sense of identity expands with it. Fears fall away, realizing that, through experience, an evolving identity transcends limitation.

Life is larger than a limited identity. Become that life. It is your destiny. Identify with continuation, evolution, expansion. Experience from this on the move.  Namaste.
Apr. 14, 2024                                                                                          Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

 Like many, I have struggled with this topic over the years, receiving similar but progressive insights. Try The Purpose of Life (2018), Life Purpose (2016),  Meaning and Purpose in Life (2015) or Meaning and Purpose of Life (2014) in whatever order pleases you.