
JANU: Numerous events in time and space beckon the call of the survivors of life. Mutual enrichment is the theme. Be enriched by enriching life, not just entities as yourself but beings of consciousness no matter the degree or nature. The purpose of enrichment, as you ask, is the continuation of existence on all levels of reality, the potential for life, which is beyond understanding at this time for most.

Now, enrichment covers a lot of diversity, meaning, and purpose. Allow your consciousness, your senses, your perceptions to touch and experience and understand, little by little, reality beyond reality—the vastness, the nature, the content, including time/space and beyond. Allow sensitivity to flower, your own Nature included. It’s there. It has its own existence. And all existence, whether physical or not, coexists.

Become conscious as  universal life to a growing degree, becoming one with the nature of reality. Perspective and purpose, meaning, understanding, contribution, benefit is all one. Being conscious as a physical being is only part of it. Being conscious as more and more of Life, and its True Nature, is another. The limits of physical life are not the limits of your True Nature.

What is timelessness? Sense its reality as you once journeyed through a singularity. Explore coexistence as life in motion. That is part of your Nature. Be One—an  expanding, exploring Being. Namaste.
April 26, 2024                                                                                              Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross