Elaborating on the destiny of humanity

JANU: Once more, it is time to elaborate upon the destiny of the evolution of humanity and the Earth. This would be understood more clearly with conscious awareness of other civilizations on other worlds, for there are patterns here of similarity. But humanity is not there yet, for this kind of exploration. Here and there, journeys of this nature are taking place, but not publicly. The paths are not identical, but the outcomes relate. But Life is Life, no matter the coloration or the moment. We all have life in common and it is our medium, our commonality of communication and destiny. But the goal in life is not sameness. It is fulfillment of potential, of diversity, with the commonality of life. One Life, countless faces.

Exploring the search of humanity for life elsewhere in this so-called universe is part of looking for fulfillment and destiny, for that is part of it. But there is so much more to become conscious of and as. A mixture of teamwork, cooperation, and individuality and diversity, mixed together as part of the symphony of Life.

Taking your cue from intuition. Being inspired and then processing opportunities to find meaning, purpose, and fulfillment. Always evolving, always growing, always in motion. Fulfilling time into timelessness (LINK to what is discarnate life like? posted 28 June 24). Identity expansion into patience and commitment. Appreciating the limitations of identity into a single sojourn. Becoming ‘conscious as’  reality beyond this. Finding peace in the midst of exploration and new thresholds. Owning that identity is temporary, serving a limited purpose but ready to allow it to expand into something more. Entering thresholds of discovery, exploring them, mastering them, and moving on, all at the same time. Namaste.
May 14, 2024                                                                          Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

 To fully explore the concepts here, check categories Other Worlds and Destiny. Also, Destiny of Humanity compiles many of the early journeys on the subject.