“The Staff” serving the awakening of humanity

JANU:    Assembled then here is what you would call the ‘staff’ of an organization to, as you put it, serve the awakening of humanity. More then a proposal, a welcoming of those who have incarnated back into the family of the larger life. Most of these beings have been incarnate on the Earth and serve on other worlds. They understand through experience the reality of this. Some have mastered this while incarnate. Their qualifications, then, you see, are sound. At your request, they have opened to communication in support of this process. They would speak at this time, our brother.

JR:            Welcome. May we proceed?

THE STAFF:            Yes, brother, we speak. We speak as one and we speak as you. For desiring this service to humanity makes you a partner in this and welcome. We perform in this way not just for the Earth, but other worlds as well. Significant thresholds in consciousness are on the horizon and being accomplished here and there in the universe.

Understand that the awakening of humanity is part of a transition in consciousness wherever it exists. We encourage humanity to become aware of their connection with this larger reality of awakening, of returning home so to speak, a home which in reality they never left. We as group consciousness have never lost connection with those who have ventured into this journey of life called incarnation.

We welcome attunement to what we are attuned to, which is all that lies beyond the veil in either direction. “Welcome home” does not mean leaving incarnate life, but means becoming aware of that life and its place in the flow of life. At first, just be open to experiencing the presence of the Family of Life and the comradeship. The rest will come. The movement into awakening is much larger than the Earth experience. And as each one achieves more and more of this, we all become one consciously.

Serve well, our brother. We are with you.
Aug. 17, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.Awakening II set 3 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Transition into and out of incarnate life

JANU: Stimulation is the key to many human endeavors. The journey of incarnate life begins with this. The incarnating experience, the transition into physical life, is stimulating for the consciousness responds to the experience. Now, one tends to imagine a virtuous agenda is the stimulus, is the motivator. Not strictly speaking. It exists within the complexity of the consciousness, but as you examine the many human endeavors, even procreation, the stimulus, the motivator is that of pleasure. The agenda of procreation and family and continuation of species is there as well, but not alone. For some, the reality of transition out of the body is stimulating as well. The pleasure of regained freedom, expanded awareness, enhanced journeying, and broader associations are motivators. But much more exists in the experience, beyond the moment. The journeys into and out of the incarnate life have a drama to them but moving in and out of the human experience in consciousness is undertaken by many from time to time. The motivations here are varied as well. Some are framed in a sense of escape from the pain of living. Others are the excitement of possibilities.

Where does this leave us, our brother, in these scenarios? Life is complex, varied, with patterns of experience and memory varied as well. Many are similar to each other and many are not. Hence the mystery of it all. Living in the moment, whether incarnate or not, is the richest for it savors all possibilities, all memories, all potential. Incarnating is as wonderful as passing on and can be revealed in consciousness no matter your state of being.

The range and beauty of life is beyond description. Anticipate enjoying it all. Embrace the next moment as the next frontier of life. Be at peace, and namaste.
Aug. 16, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 3 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Becoming aware

JANU: Becoming aware of each other, no longer limited to the humanity of another but becoming aware of their essential nature, their integrity, their capacity to be loving and understanding, their contributions and commitments, their heritage, and their true power. Of course, all of this applies to becoming aware of who you are, our brother. Who you truly are is not a separate thing from the incarnate life. Long and deep histories are recorded in the memory of the True Nature, which can enrich the incarnate journey. Those having difficulty and trouble, if you will, with society are in some ways lost to this, but not permanently. The redemption is in the spirit, the True Nature, of each one. Inspiring redemption, in yourself and in others, goes a long ways towards becoming more aware. Employing those qualities in the incarnate life, salvation and redemption, forgiveness and acceptance, beginning anew is a prime feature of awakening.

Becoming aware that you’re already free beyond social traditions, becoming aware of that in others is the leadership we refer to, to lead a nation into freedom. There have been those in Earth’s history who have accomplished this, and they return from time to time, to begin again and to inspire. Several have already returned to the incarnate Earth life to lead once more in different ways. They have the capacity to be aware of what lives in the heart of individuals that want to serve. They can be met in consciousness to participate. The reckoning we spoke of earlier is useful here. Life is not dormant, our brother, and is rich with opportunity. Namaste.
Aug. 15, 2016 B                                                                            Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 3 contains all prior attunements in this series.



JANU: This morning in your time, in a sense which is ours as well, we begin with a portrayal of human destiny that speaks to the surmounting interest in freedom. For many, freedom means to exist at all. For others, freedom means the acquisition of wealth. And for a growing number, freedom means to be conscious beyond the norm, no longer limited to social consciousness, dogma, religion, convention, traditions. Free to understand and explore life, unlimited. And for everyone, the freedom to realize their best destiny, to include all of their potential.

So freedom is the theme here, our brother. Freedom to associate and, yes, collaborate with all of life, to experience what lies beyond the Earth and beyond physicality, to engage the consciousness of another being from another world, realizing the enormity of the potential of evolving in this larger reality of life. Conventional thinking in human society tends to be limiting and of slow pace that freedom would rise above.

But where is the model in society for this kind of freedom? How does one begin to explore in this way? The model, our brother, lives within each one and, as we have said before, is their own True Nature. Once again, the reason for awakening, becoming conscious as a True Nature that includes, in part, the human experience. What is this True Nature we speak of so often? It is who you are, a free being, part of a larger life, free to explore, free to consider everything, free to choose and create, free to love without condition, free to evolve without end. So, consider this when choosing to awaken: awaken into a freedom that already exists within you. Touch the consciousness of others and their freedom. Move together in the flow of life, free to perceive each moment of your day with a new perspective.

This does not deny the value of social order within traditions. They are part of life as well. But they are not all of life, and they evolve more fully with a consciousness that is free. Their mysteries understood. Their patterns of repetition, seeming without end, are enriched into something larger.

Ask yourself what it means to be free whenever you choose. Free to be healthy, to be resilient, to care about another, to love who you are. See the Earth and its human population as a caring part of life, radiating, touching the life and lives of other worlds and realities, becoming an evolving blessing. Globally concerned with the human population but no longer limited to just the Earth. Species, population, throughout the universe is vast indeed and this is one of countless universes. Cherish freedom. Then share it as you may. Namaste, our brother.
Aug. 15, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 3 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Proficiency without judgment

JANU:    We are cementing relations, if you will, on this series of journeys, establishing protocol, and earning respect for proficiency. You admire those in the professional music industry. Musicians you see as masters of their craft and lifting the spirits and consciousness of those who enjoy these arts, do inspire one to excel as they may in their endeavors. So it is with these journeys, our brother, mastering the craft, if you will, becoming proficient.

There are those who dabble and those who push themselves to excel. And all of these have worthy involvement. Realize, our brother, that their involvements have history, in most cases. Remember, life is not linear but can appear so, briefly. The growth into proficiency is not limited to the achievements in one sojourn, so comparisons have little merit. Even self-appraisal in the moment does not necessarily reflect the past or future achievements. So, enjoy the moment and the involvement and be grateful for it. For it remains a part of life to be drawn upon in one way or another. Consign not ‘awakening’ to degrees. Each moment of experience has merit.

So it is with others you meet and observe and serve. Encouraging others does not exclude encouraging yourself. Be sensitive to the achievements of others, whether they are aware of them or not. Namaste, our brother.
Aug. 10, 2016 B                                                                            Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 3 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Understanding the journey of awakening

JANU: Awakening, our brother, is an inclusive journey. It is not a choice against incarnate life, but a choice to expand it. Your interests and desires become more diverse, with greater depth, layers of reality, and a greater capacity for well-being on every level. All of your resources at play. The integration of the incarnate life into the larger life, being already a part of it, but in consciousness, you see. The larger life seems a mystery, but the incarnate life has mystery as well, yet to be understood and experienced. We tell you these things to broaden your view. As you embrace another truth that broadens your view, life responds by connecting you with that view that you may explore it more fully and in ways that open you to other realities. A mystery, our brother, is only something unknown to the one observing. But everything is known.

Building a foundation in this way of understanding draws you closer to the realities you consider and are drawn to you. In time, the distinction between incarnate and larger life fades as all that you are, integrated in your consciousness once more, becomes your identity and your world. And by ‘world’ we mean the sphere of your understanding, the reality of your consciousness. It seems, in your memory, that much of your being beyond the physical life, and including it, you have been what some would call a ‘loner.’ There are episodes of this in your experience, whether incarnate or not, but it is your way of focusing without distraction. Once understanding is achieved, you share it with others. This is your path of awakening and you hold no patent on this, so to speak, you see. Just one of many approaches to observation, listening, and contribution.

So, you see, awakening is not just the purview of discarnate life. Its potential is present always. You ask if there is awakening in the larger life. There is, our brother, for why wouldn’t there be, if life is constantly evolving, expanding, and creating. So this journey of awakening while incarnate, and the lessons learned and achieved, serve well in the larger life as well, you see.

So the journey of awakening is ongoing, as is the journey of life. Making the transition from the body is not the end of anything, except that particular incarnate experience, and even the essence and memory of it lives on within you. So passing on is not a tragedy, in that sense, just life changing. As the commercial in your media says, or asks we should say, with a light touch here, “What’s in your wallet?” What is your perspective? What is your take on life, on your life? Namaste.
Aug. 10, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. (Add appropriate set) contains all prior attunements in this series.


Opportunities through Earth life

JANU: This second phase of the awakening series, titled “Associations and Collaborations,” outlines to a degree that needed not only in understanding but in experience and the transformed consciousness that are in harmony with the larger life that the total you, the complete being, chooses. Make no mistake, our brother. The life and experience of all that you are, guided by the True Nature, is a choice and a wise one that grows and evolves with the experience and understanding that comes with it.

The True Nature that we are is ancient. By comparison, the human journeys are far more recent. Other incarnate experiences led to the human ones by way of the experience of other travelers of more recent association. By way of research based upon desire and interests, it became known that the Earth presents an opportunity for many kinds of service. And many have taken on the mantel of conscious integration of the larger life of each one merging with the Earth life, raising the consciousness of the world and that of the planet as well. By ‘world,’ we mean its population. Now, this service and its result benefits all the creatures of the Earth in many ways. And understand this, our brother, certain species of the Earth have asked for this assistance, in their way, for humanity has the potential to lift the consciousness and serve the evolution of the Earth and all that it includes. Anchored in physical bodies, they are one with the planet and deeply connected.

So, you see, the associations and collaborations of this series are demonstrated through these. Many such opportunities exist in this Earth experience. So, you see, the reality of the larger life and the True Nature are involved and are present. As you commit to and take seriously the awakening, give the same respect to the opportunities it allows.

Physical life and so-called spiritual life are one. Your human reality and so-called identity, and the rest of what and who you are, are one. We are one, our brother, and are on this journey in this way, as are many others. Namaste.
Aug. 9, 2016 B                                                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 3 contains all prior attunements in this series.


The process of awakening

JANU: We are acknowledging being conscious as all that you are. This is a blanket description, if you will, of awakening. The faculties of the elements of your being becoming one, contributing to a collective consciousness with the perception that transcends many levels of reality, individually or simultaneously. Understanding life, those who live it, and, by way of this, more of who you are. This is not a transition of consciousness, but an expansion of it, a merging of it.

The ‘who you are’ identity requires no approval from another. It is your identity, regardless, and its beauty is inspiring, even to itself. Wherever you are in your human identity, this is yours to experience. What grander teacher to others than to be and live in the truth of your being! There are many others, our brother, with the same or similar understanding, living their truth, not needing to prove anything to anyone, but at peace with this and moving on. One does not become static to admire oneself, but moves on into the rest of life, expanding in every way, realizing that all expansion is described in your potential. Even life itself, our brother, is alive in this way.

Humanity has accomplished many things under the veil, but awakening enhances all of that. A horse wears blinders so as not to be frightened or distracted. Awakening gradually removes those blinders, as one matures into a larger reality of life and the vision broadens, as does the understanding. And you understand that, and see that, life is richer than you knew.

We seem to dwell upon these elements of awakening, but as we have said, awakening is a process to be absorbed and understood and be acclimated to. These steps are intended to be helpful. As you take part in this process, many others are as well, and slowly you become aware of each other and learn from each other and serve each other. It seems at first they are few and far between that share your journey, but in time you perceive, you realize life is rich with this. And more and more, any desire to return to the veil experience fades away. We journey together in this way and all are welcome. Namaste.
Aug. 9, 2016                                                                                   Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 3 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Normalizing awakening

JANU: We are normalizing, then, the perceptions of awakening into as matter of fact reality as possible. Awakened or ‘identified as all that you are’ is normal, the common experience in the larger reality Family of Life. The human consciousness interlude is an exception or alternative to this that begins with the veil. As we have explained before, the veil is not created by you but agreed to, as part of the contract of incarnation. For incarnation is a structured reality to help ensure common experience, at least at the onset, that individuals relate to each other, for consciousnesses that incarnate are diverse in their backgrounds, capabilities, understanding.

So awakening, our brother, is not a departure from normal. It is normal. It is by far the most common experience. Now the human experience is a precious one, rich with opportunity to advance evolution, in the larger reality of life, a component and element. As we have said, it is normal and desirable to open to a new relationship with the human experience of walking through the larger life at the same time. Far more opportunities that are richer in potential. There are, of course, adjustments to be made in integrating all of these experiences. This is why there is process: time to adjust, time to consider, time to merge, time to measure results, time to be in balance, build confidence and enthusiasm, and history of success.

So, as we have said it is normal, common, in the larger life to be aware of all that you are and your potential as part of the flow of life, life in motion. Unlimited realities, fascinating journeys and encounters, every moment and opportunity to discover not only what exists but your own potentials. You are awakening to normality, what you have always been. The human journey is temporary, our brother, a moment in time but a rich one. Do not be owned by it but choose to own it, as another element of wisdom to be added. Namaste.

July 18, 2016                                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.


Willingness to allow

JANU: ‘At will’ is the theme for this journey, meaning: “What are you willing to be? What are you willing to allow in changes in your life?”

When engaging the larger life, what role does your will have to play, and how does it engage and interact with the willingness of countless venues of life, beings, worlds, realities? Are you willing to have what some humans would call a small or insignificant role or do you require importance? How diverse is your willingness to be part of life? And are you willing to respect the will of another, even the flow of life? What are your desires, as opportunities become apparent?

Even this journey, our brother, evolves. Willingness is not static or fixed. It is very fluid. Listening to life, no matter how it’s portrayed or embodied, is as important as expressing your involvement, your being, your desires. Being compatible with the rest of life does not mean being invisible. It is still choices, our brother. And what makes a wise choice?

This understanding is worthy of consideration. When negotiating, counseling, making agreements, contributions, and new associations, allow listening and understanding to blend with expression and decision-making. Listening, our brother, includes far more than words or thoughts. It is an experience filled with sensations, impressions, responses, and touches all that you are. The human mind is dominantly binary, one thing and another. The larger life, the larger consciousness, the larger reality is a mixture of everything, with selected involvements and relationships and, yes, associations.

What we refer to here is a departure from consciousness with borders, limitations, individuality, separation to one with inclusion, breadth and depth far-ranging and adaptable. Not everyone can embrace this in the same way or at this point in their lives. But this is all part of life, our brother, that includes everything.

Whatever journey the consciousness is walking, see the beauty behind it and in its destiny. Your willingness and theirs play a role in the larger life. Be true to your example of being. Allow them theirs. Share what you may. Be as allowing as the flow of life. Embrace the larger life and its realities in this way. Namaste, our brother.
July 8, 2016                                                                                    Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.