Music of the Spheres

JANU: We are listening once more to the echoes of life, the eddies and currents, reflections, vibrations and movements some call the ‘music of the spheres.’ A symphony, indeed, constantly being written, developed, refreshed. This symphony, our brother, is not only heard in this universe but other realities as well.

Beyond most understanding, universes communicate with each other and this one is no exception. These communications extend well into the region of the consciousness of sentient life. One tends to hope one’s assumed understanding of their universe is the model for understanding others. They are as diverse, our brother, as life is in your own. The consciousness of this universe is not created solely on its own.

All of life is one, our brother. All of life gives and receives, one way or another. To understand, to experience this, we have suggested embracing humanity as a collective life, moving globally as one life, one consciousness of many. This truth is not limited to the human experience, you see, but exists in universes and subtler realities than physicality. The perception of living alone is perception, life mirroring consciousness. Moving from collective human consciousness as one body of life to that of that world’s and systems of life throughout the universe is not the whole story, you see, but the beginning of it. And the music of the spheres is an expression of this. Discordant tone is an illusion within a larger truth, for Life is not designed or constructed to annihilate itself but be one with all of its realities.

So, as you confront each challenge in life, see it and understand it and embrace it in this larger way. Absorb it and own it. It is part of life, part of living, and you are one with the power, the wisdom and, yes, the love, to be enriched by all of it. Walk through life this way, whether incarnate or not. Always be larger in consciousness than any circumstance. Remember, True Power is at peace. Namaste.

Mar. 2, 2016                                                                    Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Kidney disease and past life impact

This is a request received from an individual, responded to by Janu and the Brotherhood of Light, and presented here to provide a more personal connection to these journeys. The response given is directed to that particular individual, and is presented for research purposes only. All health concerns should be referred to a licensed healthcare professional.

JANU: We are examining this condition as described for this one in the location given.

What we see here at this time is one who has narrowly escaped a condition known as sclerosis of those ducts that describe kidney and liver function. We see some bladder distension and minor irritation. The polyps in the bladder you refer to are not well described at this time, although we see these formations on the horizon. The right kidney you refer to suffers from a green substance somewhat viscous, interfering with motility. Although not prevalent in the left kidney, that natural sympathetic response between these organs may contribute development, you see. This right kidney is under increased pressure and therefore painful. A back pressure, so to speak, needing relief. There is a hypertensive condition. We see some spasm in the ureters, in the linings, triggered by a cellular chemical imbalance or deficiencies. The word “neuroplasty” comes to mind.

The trauma you anticipate from the anesthesia for this procedure comes from a time when you barely hung on to life when under medical treatment in the late sixteenth century. The confusion at that time, and the perception of pain controlling measures, improperly placed blame for your traumatic experience, when in fact it was due to sepsis following the procedure. We would suggest at this time that reinforcing that fear could produce unwarranted negative outcome, causing you to feel that your fears were justified.

Now then, as to cause and remedy. We see a certain lactose intolerance and to that of sugar as well. We see a system unable to cope successfully with certain food substances. Whole milk products are particularly troublesome, causing a bilateral confusion to various systems that induce endocrine and immune system balance. Coffee one other such. And, of course, smoking byproducts constrict vessels, contributing to the hypertension. We see the need here for detoxifying regimens, electrolyte and blood chemistry rebalancing, mild exercise, and the practice of deep breathing exercises out of doors during early morning, some midday, and early evening hours with focused visualization. The rejuvenating effect of purging the lungs and a transference of vital energies brought into the system through the breathing, you see. Allow yourself to accept and feel this pranic energy bring heat and a tingling sensation indicating rejuvenating influence through vital life support throughout the body. See the body bathing in, from the inside out, detoxifying and purifying itself.

This systemic approach will bring more balance to the systems, where one does not detract from the other nearly as much, robbing vitality from each other and being in competition rather than cooperation. These eliminative systems suggest an overloaded response to a body not in harmony or cooperation.

We see also beneficial to you a repeated tone of a single tube from a windchime, approximately 18 centimeters long and 3\4 to 1 centimeter in diameter. Allow this tone to strike a chord within your energy fields. Gently strike this device and allow it to decay in its ring without striking again until ready to absorb the next striking, you see. This will cause a response as well in the pineal gland, which will allow more light into the systems, into the bodies. Allow your being to strike a responsive note as if it were behaving like this chime. See your chakras finding alignment, purifying themselves of disturbance, and the rod of life centered through them finds harmony, fuller vitality, and a greater ability to sustain the body.

We understand your question may well be “Should I engage in this procedure that has been scheduled?” We find no fault with this procedure, for its purpose is information gathering, but understand this with clarity that these procedures do not address cause. The decision is yours, as always. Make it from the wisest, most informed position possible. Seek wise counsel, not to exclude that of your own heart and inner knowingness. The more sterile procedures of this day render obsolete the sepsis of earlier times. The anesthesia of old was not the problem, dear one. But you are correct, this condition needs looking into. We see no pathology here that you cannot overcome. Take advantage of good medical opinion, but do so with the advantage of a larger, more holistic point of view. We wish you well on this journey, dear one, and have confidence in your physicians.

July 24, 1997 E                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

For other inquiries of a health nature, see Health Issues 

Please remember that all content is presented for research purposes only. All health concerns should be referred to a licensed healthcare professional.


Memory of life mastery

This is a question received from an individual, responded to by Janu and the Brotherhood of Light, and presented here to provide a more personal connection to these journeys. The response given is directed to that particular individual, and is presented for research purposes only.

Q:        I have been trying to develop my knowledge of self through observation and discipline, and skills with my hands and mind, such as painting and drawing. I would like some observations or comments on the path that I am following.

JANU: The one in question, who seeks this understanding in the areas described by him, comes to us from a time when he was master of the art of soliloquy. We would suggest to him the return to this art form for revelation and remembrance of his connections with the larger life. His pursuit on his current path is laudable. And now we speak to you directly, dear one.

You knew King Arthur’s court. You knew the Shakespeare environment. Your path is the mastership of the tradition of the excellence in your being. Your brightest years lie before you in enlightenment and service to life. The key to this is your return to the tradition of your journeys and your knowingness through conscious recall and acceptance of who you are. We cannot be more clear on this than that. The scope of your being and your many travels is far larger than your current associations. This group with whom you associate at the moment you have served before. Not all at the same time or locale, but at different times, each one. Your gift to life is the delicate dance or beauty of the presentation of your mastership of it. This you express to some degree through the art you mention, but the greater expression and gift is through your life consciousness as you touch the lives of others. All in your group have known this touch from you. It is in their memory, in their record. We would have you know this and begin, in a more accelerated way, the opening of your heart, your consciousness, your memory to your tradition of service, so long established.

Your tradition extends through many star systems, the Pleiades being one, and a few not known in your star charts. The timing of your arrival in your world coincides with the accelerated changing and lifting of consciousness of humanity, to be an inspiration of the perception of finding the beauty in the symmetry, the balance, the harmony, and the destiny of these changes for humanity. For the details of change will bring confusion and fear to many not so attuned. And you reveal to them the dynamic of the symphony of change that keeps one’s heart and hope open to its beauty.

It is our honor to serve you in this way, dear one, assisting your return to your full estate. We are the Brotherhood of Light, and so are you. You have many counterparts that await your return to awareness of them. Much to be done in these times in your world. Now is the time to begin that which you bring to the magic of change. There is much more to discover but your beginning awakening and inquisition will precipitate the rest. Namaste.

Sept. 24, 1998 A                                                          Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

 Please remember that all content is presented for research purposes only. All health concerns should be referred to a licensed healthcare professional.

For more Personal Attunements


The reality of death

This is a question received from an individual, responded to by Janu and the Brotherhood of Light, and presented here to provide a more personal connection to these journeys. The response given is directed to that particular individual, and is presented for research purposes only.

Q:   Having been present at my mother’s death, I feel I didn’t do enough for her, and I am haunted by my memories of her fighting for her life. Did she want to die? Was she supposed to die that day? Where is she and is she OK now? Does she have any message for me?

JANU: We are examining this circumstance of passing, of regret, of self-recrimination by family, and of the path of the beloved who has passed recently.

These many elements you describe are the fruits of an understanding that prevails today in so many, that life ends with the physical body. There is much conjecture about the ongoingness of life but when the moment approaches and arrives, the moment of truth, the truth of your perception is revealed. And the reality of your emotional and philosophical centering comes into play. Your beloved has not died in the sense of the ending of any aspect of her life save the physical journey. When one perceives one making the transition, what is it that you perceive but your beloved experiencing the failing of the physical and the identity shift from mortal being to immortality. Her demise is of her choosing and agreement between the her you knew as a personality and the soul and the spirit that she still is and always was.

There will come a time when you will embrace the fuller truth of the reality of the ongoingness of life and the freedom of each one to shape that experience. When your beloved appears confused and in fear, know for certain that the larger truth of her being is not in fear, is not confused and uncertain, and is that which continues into further adventures. This is true for you as well, dear one. Take this time and this lesson, this experience, to journey into the fuller understanding and ownership of it for your own life experience.

The loss that you feel and the self-recrimination, imagining your lack of fullest support for your beloved, is second guessing the situation. The what-ifs are never ending. One accomplishes what one may in the moment. If you had had this experience countless numbers of times, your contributions and your relationship with it might be somewhat different. But you have not, and you did and felt and said what was with you at each moment. Time spent with the what-ifs is not fruitful, for they have no reality. Be grateful and at peace with what you were able to share during that time. Your beloved knows your heart, even as we speak.

Now, as to her journey, where she is and her contentment. There will be, in due course, after some time of adjustment, a reconnoitering into re-embodiment. Her return will be in approximately seven years. Could be as early as three. There is a desire in the soul to re-engage the human experience rather quickly. She will return as female once more and engage in an adventure and locale she had entertained while in this most recent embodiment. Her enthusiasm for life and her re-connect with humanity is strong.

Her message for you at this moment is: Feel her enthusiasm for life and her next journey and see your own in this way. Be enthusiastic for what lies before you. Make the most of the rest of your life. And understand that her passing and the fear that you perceived was not the fear of the soul and her true being. Just a lack of understanding and embrace of what, to the personality, was the unknown.

The timing of the passing, as you requested, is the product of agreement. The agreement primarily in the beginning and proceeding of the process, not so much the exact moment. As to her desire to pass, the soul was expressing enthusiasm for the next adventure. The ego or personality concerns and ties to family can bring a tugging in the other direction and some confusion and a sense of losing contact. Thus, the fear. Preparation earlier in the life, in the larger way of understanding, the levels and realities of life, would better accommodate the passing experience.

She loves you dearly and always has. Be happy for her freedom and her joy for her next adventure. She is at peace and filled with joy and enthusiasm, and wishes you the same. She will visit you from time to time, to lift your heart and to help you free it of your doubts and regrets. They have no basis in reality from her point of view. Allow her to assist you in her way.

Greetings from the Brotherhood of Light and you will know the truth of life, for it is your truth as well, dear one. Good morning and namaste.

Feb. 28, 1997                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

More Personal Attunements

Please remember that all content is presented for research purposes only. All health concerns should be referred to a licensed healthcare professional.


Living at peace in the flow of life

JANU: We are assuming the responsibility for prolonging and fulfilling the opportunity for that which comes most naturally: living consciously and at peace. We explore this reality with you, not as something new but a return to the fuller experience, the fuller life, taking nothing away from common experience but adding everything to. Being at peace always, and conscious, and engaged, insightful, and alive more fully is living with presence of being. Much is said of this way of living but it is still unfamiliar to the many who speak of it.

Let us engage this then ever more fully. The physical body will thrive and serve well for as long as needed. Deadlines are artificial living. Urgency is an illusion. Replace these with evenmindedness, a sense of timelessness yet filled with profound engagement, service, and a growing wisdom. These are the hallmarks of successful living, giving yourself the freedom to love life.

Large corporations and governments provide services but consume much and convince societies that the consumptions are in their interest. Well, the planet is not convinced of this, and neither are we. Balance, measured involvement, and consumption that is renewable are worthy goals. Insatiable appetites, consumption with waste, demanding replacement rather than renewal, squeezing the last drop of goodness from everything brings peril to the shortsighted.

Even these journeys, our brother, on a strict and demanding time scale is mismanagement. They are inexhaustible when allowed to flow as they will. Be at peace in every pursuit and life’s bounty will flourish, even more grand than you imagine. We linger with you always. Namaste, our brother.

Feb. 17, 2016                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


The larger Family of Life

JANU: We understand the motivation to awaken, to evolve, to contribute, to serve. These are, shall we say, desires of the spirit within the incarnate experience. But not limited to that. Difficult for many to understand that Life itself has these desires by way of its progeny. Individual movement towards achievement is not just individual, you see, but the threads of Life woven continuously.

Many humans tend to perceive life in terms of the timetable of sojourn, but in time, through awakening, see life in a larger way, more intimately, enriching the perspective by way of appreciating the endless motion of life. Achieving this perspective softens the perceived pressure of the limitations of time and incarnate energy. The pressure of living gives way to the effortless flow of ongoingness. Effortless in the sense of being alone in one’s desire to experience life. Being part of the system of life, enriching it, being enriched by it, brings balance to one’s worth or perception of it.

Fundamental principles of living are the foundation for endless journeying, discovery, and fulfillment. We have taken, and will take many more, wondrous adventures. With a maturing perspective, capable of much more. The Family of Life is vast and includes far more than physicality, but in wondrous ways it is all connected and communicates. You’ll awaken to an identity that includes the human experience but by no means limited to it. Welcome to the Family of Life, which you have always been a part of. We are one. Namaste, our brother.

Feb. 17, 2016 B                                                Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Incarnation and the veil

JANU:    There is, for humanity, this experience of rising above the circumstances of incarnate life to manage them more wisely, to understand their truth, to be the master you are destined to be by nature of who you are. Identity shifting is still a challenge. Personality-ego, physical body, pain and suffering, limited understanding and command of life are not who you are. They are self-imposed limitations on freedom of expression while incarnate. We would have you see this. Once again, the common experience but not the normal one.

You ask, “Why, if the larger reality is who I am, don’t I seem to possess it?” You choose, our brother, to walk this journey with the veil, heightening your sensitivity to, appreciation of, and intimate understanding of the wisdom of life itself. It is one thing to be, yet another to realize the potential of the beingness. Walking the incarnate life with the journey of remembering and repossessing, so to speak, your potential brings great wisdom and a tempered relationship with the innate power of the life that you are.

Relationships, service, struggle, victory hint at the range of the experience and the wisdom that it gains. Why not embrace it? It is the game of life you have chosen, with many victories to come and many victories already gained. Life becomes richer for it, for everyone can draw upon the wisdom everyone gains. Your experiences are not yours alone, and neither are your challenges. The same is true for your victories, your wisdom, your love of life.

Journeys in consciousness touch everyone, bringing confidence that their journeys they have not recognized as such are wonderful and develop them as they may. We all journey together, no matter how brief they are or how profound they seem. Grow in your understanding and experience of the meaning of oneness, not just you one with life but life one with you. Be aware and find peace. Namaste.

Feb. 19, 2016                                    Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Overcoming barriers in consciousness

This is a question from a conversation with an individual, responded to by Janu and the Brotherhood of Light, and presented here to provide a more personal connection to these journeys. The response given is directed to that particular individual, but also seemed of benefit to all seekers. It is presented for research purposes only. For more of this particular conversation, see Healing, past lives, Kuthumi 

Q:        I feel as though there’s a barrier between me and the conscious awareness of what you speak of that is within me. And I still feel the need of something to dissolve or remove this barrier. Is there any technique or any method that you can suggest that would help me to get rid of this feeling or to access this knowledge that you say is within me on a conscious level.

JANU: Simple put, dear one, but profound in its nature and the true path towards what you seek. And that is: to acknowledge the barrier and love it with all your heart. Own the barrier, for in truth, dear one, it is of your own making. No part of life, in its truth, denies you access. None. Any denial or barrier is of your own making and for a purpose. Own the reason for it, and the experience of it, and love your way through it by resolving it in this way. This has always been the case and the truth for any seeming obstacle of your desire. Spend time with this, not in frustration, not in struggle, not in forced determination, but in your acceptance of love that barrier is a divine creation of yours. You had reason for this, dear one, as each does. Accept the purpose of it. Command it. And when you no longer have need of it, through the mastery of its wisdom, it will cease to be. This is the direction for mastering any such experience.

Once again we restate: no system of thought or practice can own your own creations. Only you can do this, dear one. It is a natural command of life. You commanded its beginning. By the same authority, as its creator, you command its resolution. This is mastership, dear one. And it is your path.
Dec. 24, 1998 A                                                              Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

for more Personal Attunements

Please remember that all content is presented for research purposes only. All health concerns should be referred to a licensed healthcare professional.


The beauty of oneness

JANU: Welcome on a journey of exploration into the seeming vastness of life beyond imagination. At what point is this revelation meaningless in terms of the finite perceptions of life? The primary principles of life might seem to have less awe-inspiring reality than life’s creations, for in the human journey the interaction of creations is focused upon as the magic of life, interactions that can be described, emulated, repeated, and have meaning. How does one see, then, beyond this magic to appreciate the beauty of Pure Being? The human journey is an opportunity to realize the scope of this and find meaning in potential.

So let us continue our explorations with this in mind, that meaning and being are one. See not the incarnate life as a departure from the beauty of the rest of life. In oneness, beauty translates throughout all creation, all realities, and Pure Being is another perspective of the one Life. The one Life infinitely varied and countless shades of meaning and purpose and beauty. Find this in everything. All of it is wonderful. All of it tells stories of Life.

There is magic and beauty in one form or another everywhere. Whether time/space or not, it matters not. There is a unity in all of life, in the midst of unlimited diversity. See your existence in this way as well, your thoughts, your feelings, your desires, your ambitions. And in people’s struggles as well. When you are at peace, you are one. Namaste, our brother.

Feb. 19, 2016 B                                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


The matrix of life

JANU: We are focusing at this time on the negotiations between sentient life and inorganic reality. This subject is due because the interface between the two lacks refinement. We would suggest at this time that this curiosity you have about the matrix of life come into play. This matrix, so to speak, lends itself to resolving these two into a working system which generates more complete life.

We would say at this time that the matrix is both organic and inorganic, physical and non-physical, present and not present in the same sense. The matrix is as a thought in the stream of life, allowing potential to intertwine with itself, to share and merge. For all of life, our brother, has potential of its own making, of its own kind. The matrix of life is like the grid of orientation, the address of everything in every reality. Beginning to appreciate this opens the door, or should we say doors, to so many possibilities. The physical body, our brother, is physical, mechanical, electrical, chemical, energetic, many of the properties, characteristics that you see in inorganic matter. The arrangement is different, the relationships of the elements are different, but the elements are the same.

The matrix is the key to understanding what these differences have in common. The consciousness has the ability to travel the matrix and connect with any configuration. Wisdom is gained. Strength in the relationships of your own bodies with each of their elements is enhanced. ‘Human’ doesn’t begin to embrace the vast miracle of this network of life. We would have you see this, no longer the gulf, division between physical so-called organic life and non-organic and subtle realities. The matrix of life locates everything and everything is accessible. Namaste, our brother.
Feb. 11, 2016                                                                      Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross