Finding balance in the incarnate life

JANU: We are aware of the struggles of humanity in the midst of an incarnate life filled with wide ranging experiences of brutality and beauty and wonder. We understand this, the path of life that seems to have too many potholes, ruts, hurdles, and reversals. This tempers the experience, broadens the resource of experience to develop the ability to see through situations, attitudes, behaviors, to the beauty of the life that allows this. They are minor in the larger view of life. All of these have beginning and end, temporary. But the love that allows this expression is permanent and, yes, eternal.

So choose wisely what you hang your hat on, so to speak, as a reference for stability in your life, solid foundation, and determination to continue the path to wisdom, peace, and enlightened service. The balance here is to be conscious of everything, understand its existence, and be steadfast with the truth within you. All is forgiven in the larger life. Misinterpretations, misperceptions, misunderstandings. It’s as a child learning to walk, behave in relationships, absorb the falls, rise up again and move on.

Be mindful of the path of improvement in the midst of reversals. The patterns of life exist simultaneously, our brother. They co-exist. But consciousness appraises them and chooses. Be conscious of the truth behind everything, including your being, and cherish the wisdom that comes. Difficult to do within the midst of challenge of pain and suffering, but choose to return to the balanced life. Find your equilibrium and continue. Help others understand this, as you may. Namaste.

Aug. 14, 2015                                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Owning more of life and who you are

JANU: Welcome to life beyond physicality. We encourage this for everyone, in a way and time that is right for them. This is the ‘larger life’ of infinite possibilities and eternal nature and helps the real elements of life to be put into perspective.

The physical trip to other worlds adds to the experience. But be aware, our brother, that many have been to these worlds before. Not physically, but intimately as well. But the human consciousness, when attuned to the larger life, in harmony with its True Nature, can experience and know many things. So much of society in the physical allow elements of their lives to dominate their experience from a limited perspective. One does not need to travel the universe physically to know it.

The pulses and rhythms of life are everywhere. Cataclysmic changes can be sensed long before they occur. One learns that consciousness exists in countless forms and realities, even though the common human perspective sees objects as little more than solid matter, for they are limited by the concept of time. Creation evolves in physical reality slower than perception can detect and faster than perception can detect. So to perceive life with a timeless consciousness makes for a larger life.

This does not negate the need for and the benefits of the physical experience. That can be added as well to the larger consciousness. But there comes a time when the view of life senses there is much more and begins to realize that your True Nature, at one with your incarnate consciousness, is not so limited. Life becomes more inclusive in understanding, contribution, and the flow of life that you are.

These words can only point a direction of exploration. They own nothing, but your consciousness can own everything. There are miracles of reality in the Earth experience. Communicate intimately and successfully with any creature of the Earth and experience a miracle that expands you in a moment and touches the life of that creature, bringing wonder to its consciousness. These opportunities are everywhere. Include more of life in what you own. A journey without end. And reward without end. Feel life around you. Choose to connect with it to understand and to serve as well. Namaste.

Aug. 22, 2015                                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Remembering who you are and all you have been

JANU: We are explaining at this time that which ‘seals the deal’ so to speak for attuned communication, and more than communication. A willingness and openness to merge with the True Nature unconditionally, truthfully. To communicate in this way, it is less and less listening only, but perceiving as one. Where the enlightened consciousness becomes the one voice, the one consciousness. It is who you are—who we are—the one consciousness that is. Intimacy. The elements of consciousness merging as one. The mind and the True Nature at peace.

The True Nature can roam all of life, all creation, and beyond. Not limited by time and space, you see. The conscious mind conditioned to separation from that reality by social consciousness and the life path of most others. Much of the awakening involves memory. Remembering what you have already known. The True Nature the vehicle for this.

A worthy question: What do you already know from what you have been and experienced? What memories can be awakened in your mind, in your consciousness? What wisdom is yours? What service to life, to others, have you already demonstrated? These are patterns of existence that are still yours. Once again, focusing and allowing awareness of the larger life enhances your consciousness, brings Light to your decisions and your thoughts, what lies within you, in your memories, in your life patterns, in your True Nature.

The memories are not limited to your current condition, circumstances, or society, or the Earth, or the human life. When they reveal themselves, allow them to exist as they are, without preference. This is part of the larger life of who you are. The outer life does not define you, but does add to your experience. Choose to know and to understand, and you will be grateful for living. Namaste.

Aug. 13, 2015                                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Which eyes of perception do you see through?

JANU: We are assembling at this time a bright focus upon the meanderings of human endeavors. Any of which are laudable for their achievements, primarily limited to the incarnate existence. What we explore this morning is humanity’s potential to create in a larger way, utilizing all of its understanding in the physical sciences, but also embracing the science of life in a larger way.

Scientific pursuit keeps bumping into, so to speak, the limits of its approach, not realizing that the larger science of life is where the answers are found. Not only in creation, but in the consciousness of the individual. How does one determine that the wall, the obstacle in their pursuit does not lie somewhere in the physical life, yet undetected, but in the larger life beyond physicality? So that pursuit in this area of life seems less fuzzy, imprecise, vague, but through the desire of awakening, becomes repeatable, trustworthy, and a doorway into larger truths.

The language and understanding achieved in one reality is not as revealing as in another. The structures of understanding must be allowed to grow and change, to pattern match, if you will, with the reality of larger venues of life. So it is internally with your own psyche, thought processes, range of sensitivity to subtler existence. Not so subtle, if you will, when achieved. Direct observation of concrete structures of physicality does not reveal their whole truth to the concrete mind. The larger truth of life includes physicality, but physicality on a much deeper perception of reality.

Life is everywhere, and in everything. No matter what reality you’re focused upon, the deeper truth and understanding has always been present. And the true part of your nature has always been there. So, in a sense, the question is asked: Which eyes of perception do you see through?

Aug. 23, 2015                                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The scope of life

JANU: Let us probe, then, the magnitude of life, its scope. Finite reality. Through all realities, including this universe and countless others. Can there be a common principle behind it all that looks like, to the incarnate mind, the ‘back door into everything? And the answer is ‘Yes,’ because there is a ‘back door’ so to speak to who you are.

How may we understand this so-called ‘back door’ to all of creation? What does it afford us? What does it mean? A singularity experience is a beginning of understanding, touching both sides of the coin of creation, the manifest and the unmanifest. Seeing life as a system, every reality of it connected. Systems continue to be, when they possess balance within themselves and, in association with other systems, they hold their integrity in balance with each other.

When we explore together, there is a balance within our integrity that makes possible all that we accomplish, experience, and understand. We do have a growing integrity of balance and the intimacy of oneness. There is some of this between couples in life, as the years go by and the balance of love evolves. Their integrities, their consciousnesses, overlap and at times appear as one, with similar understandings, perceptions, thoughts and feelings. We are growing in this way, our brother. Thinking carefully, you can recall evidence of this.

Understanding one element of life, you can begin to understand many others. In time this will extend to the consciousnesses of others and not just human. The scope of life includes all of this. How can there be such a vastness in creation yet still, we are one? Namaste, our brother.

Aug. 19, 2015 B                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

Link to Big Bang and one other from last cycle


Living your truth

JANU: We encourage others to gently look within themselves to find the truth to live by, relate with, and encourage by example in others. Is it possible to live a life speaking only the truth as you know it and as you live it? And yes, it is, our brother. Monitoring, when speaking, the integrity of your speech, its intent, and the reality of the one listening. The same is true for your inner thoughts and conversations, remembering that every moment of your life you are creating.

Even with humor, one must monitor its impact. For what is humor that hurts another? Even self-deprecation can be complicated. Lightheartedness can be a service to others and oneself. This does not suggest walking such a tight line in life that one may never offend, even unintentionally.

A harmless but active life is a worthy goal. But life can present you with unforeseen twists and turns and you do the best you can. Forgiving yourself is a good model for forgiving others. Every moment in your life is an opportunity to begin again. And, by all means, begin again. Encourage this in others, for living can be complicated and challenging. Renewing your life keeps life moving, flowing, and changing.

The truth as you know it is the foundation for profound communication. Always open to a new understanding of your truth. Allow your life to unfold. And being part of that brings peace of mind and a richness that will serve you well. Namaste.

Aug. 20, 2015

Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Another look at True Peace

JANU: How does one experience True Peace within, within the consciousness, within the being, as a foundation for engaging their lives? Meaning all that occurs each day. It is not achieved primarily by analysis, but more by choosing and allowing the peace that already exists deep within your being.

When you are at peace, all that you observe in life, including yourself, is seen for what it is, without judgement, condemnation. For those reactions to what you observe do not occur when you are at peace. Peace is not a separation from, a distancing from the movements of life around you, but a stable state within you of perception, without being ‘for’ or ‘against’ it. Pure love and peace go hand in hand.

Life itself, our brother, does not agree or disagree with social or individual behavior. This does not change your freedom to choose one path over another, to choose your relationships and the life you wish to live. But a peaceful relationship with your choices and your relationships allows you to be clear enough, perceptive enough, understanding enough, and patient enough to make wiser choices in harmony with harmonious timing.

Helping another wisely includes all of these, and more. Being of service, whether to others or circumstances or any part of life, is not defined by outcomes. Allow life to unfold as it will. Intimacy with life deepens when not ruled by reactive responses. Intimacy with yourself allows the truth of your being to come to the surface as experiences to understand, accepted for what they are: part of your journey. And grateful for them, for what you have learned. Wisdom is yielded from all of this; knowledge applied to experience.

More to understand, our brother, at another time. Namaste.

Aug. 11, 2015                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross



JANU: We of the Brotherhood of Light have presumed for a long time, time being a relative term, you see, that humanity would engage in pursuits of happiness that transcend current social relationships that are more a part of the past than the future. A worthy question on this pursuit is: What is happiness, and where does it come from, and what does it afford?

Happiness is a condition of consciousness. It comes from deep within and radiates from an individual that is unmistakable to others. Being at peace with life and who you are allows this.

Happiness extends itself into the lives of others. Even those who, in their ignorance, reject it are touched anyway. Their choices in life are enriched and their True Nature comes closer to the surface.

Happiness is a great liberator. And happiness creates after its own kind, without effort.

Happiness is a natural healer, bringing balance to the systems of life.

Happiness anticipates, with fondness, every moment and every day. Impossible dreams and adventures become as achievable, with the confidence that happiness brings.

Happiness brightens your aura and every part of your being.

There is a lighter side to life than the stifling effect of seriousness that sees no humor in living. Take a moment and choose happiness. Allow it to come from within you and enjoy the experience of it and how it changes your perspective, bringing an energetic freedom to enjoy life. Wishing everyone this experience, namaste.

Aug. 14, 2015 B                                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Dealing with the clamor of life

JANU: We speak today of the clamor that seems to permeate much of the life for humanity. Clear decision-making, a peaceful life rich with insight and understanding holds a backseat to much of this. When the clamor becomes the norm of the day, how does one then find peace and calm, insightful wisdom, clear thinking and focus united throughout their being as one? Of course, words are not enough. What they speak about is what’s called for.

Rejecting the clamor of humanity keeps your attention on it and connected to it. So what do you put your attention on, our brother? Your inner passions and desires that your True Nature shares with you as you walk through your day. Goals that are larger than the moment. Begin to perceive your life in a deeper and larger way. See through the clamor to the truth behind it.

The news media is filled with the superficial clamor of life. As you walk the incarnate life, see the truth behind the clamor, not based upon the opinions of others who are living the clamor, but your own innate faculties, the truthful perception. Wherever you observe life, choose the truth behind what you see, with your integrity intact. Human life is noisy, with some peace here and there. Add to the peace and live your truth. Namaste, our brother.

Aug. 21, 2015                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Understanding destiny

JANU: We are agreeing once more to embrace more of the Truth of Life. For this morning’s journey, let us pursue the interest in that which belongs to so-called destiny.

What is destiny, then, but the capacity to live and create and to be? So destiny is not the destination in the limited sense, but the whole path of living, experiencing, creating, manifesting, and serving life. Loving is part of destiny, but love with vast understanding in meaning. Even when coupling in incarnate life, the passion for each other evolves and deepens into a larger reality than just the partner, you see.

Destiny is potential fulfilled and the creation of new potential. So destiny is better understood when seen as a moment to moment reality. Grow in your awareness of your growing potential as a being of consciousness and intimacy with your becoming. There is no stopping point, for life moves on, as does your destiny. Your destiny, our brother, is not separate from the rest of life. They are one, with mutual benefit every moment.

Understanding the nature of your destiny and its evolution reveals purpose and meaning and even that is changing. Observing another in their life is limited by recognizing a trait or pattern and defining them by it, for even that is changing. Understand, your life is a path of destiny that cannot be defined by one moment of it. Everything is flowing and in motion, changing and growing, evolving, embracing a new expression of oneness and of being. The more you understand your own life, the more you appreciate the uniqueness of another and their destiny.

Endeavor to be at peace as a foundation for accepting and embracing all your destiny can be and the changes that occur in others, whether they understand them or not. You are the Truth of Life. Live it as well as you may. Allow happiness and joy to find you, live within you, and encourage you to continue. Namaste.

Aug. 6, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

For previous journeys on this subject, see Destiny of Humanity