Merging with the True Nature

JANU:   Having wondered as to understanding the nature of the True Nature and its relationship with the human consciousness, let us explore this.

The True Nature has always been part of the life experience, incarnate and discarnate. It is the part of you that transcends time/space but, at the same time, is conscious of and present in every moment of the incarnate life. Not to be thought of as a separate being, but as who you are. The incarnate life experience is absorbed, imprinted, in what you might call the memory of the True Nature. In time, when acclimated to the truth of this, the human identity will expand to include the Eternal You. Your remaining incarnate is initiated and maintained by the True Nature. The True Nature is your permanent identity. How can your human identity be your only perception when you have had others? As you become more aware of your other journeys through life, human identity will find a different role in your consciousness.

Your True Nature records all of your journeys. Now, it is possible to function in the human incarnate life, in societies, with a larger sense of identity, but it takes getting used to for it will change and enhance all of your experiences and, to varying degrees, relationships. You’ll become more conscious of your relationships in spirit as well, benefiting from wise counsel. You will become aware of sojourns that you have had. All of this with the help of the True Nature. Why not join the larger life and the rest of who you are? Namaste, our brother.

June 20, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Models of changing awareness

JANU: Be it known that there are individuals and groups of humanity around the world embracing awakening with a vision toward spreading this Light, with a concern for the awakening of all of humanity. Awakening is a process of many forms and countless elements of understanding and inner and outer change. These individuals and groups around the world are mastering their own consciousness and growing together, sharing insights, supporting each other through times of confusion or misunderstanding.

These awakenings are growing and, to a degree, those who oppose this are becoming more and more aware that this will challenge their model for living and thinking and feeling, realizing that they will slowly lose their grip on the lives of others. More and more people realize the true power of consciousness and connection with each other. When change occurs from within, it touches others and is more powerful and contagious.

As this consciousness grows, of enlightenment, there will be a change in focus for the media. No longer seeing the destructive side of unenlightened individuals as powerful and fearsome but as self-destructive, weakening. Seeing those who live in the Light, and the fruits of their existence as the true power from within. Realizing that sharing their stories will inspire others to claim that power for themselves. Paying it forward, so to speak. Social organizations and media will awaken as well and cast their net into the sea of life to be part of these changes. And many of their workers secretly welcome the change.

How to reach for and grasp the reality of this new direction is the question when not understanding the alternatives or how to begin. The models for this change are everywhere, unspoken moments in individual lives where the heart, the consciousness, and the True Nature are given their due.

Helping others selflessly is rewarded with joy and peace of mind and a glad heart, anxious to do more. Peace of mind and satisfaction with the life you have lived have no price and you are richer for it. Serve each other and marvel at the outcome. Namaste.

June 18, 2015                                                             Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Why we need each other

JANU: The subject for this morning: understanding why people need each other. Yes, you can live alone in a lifetime with no associations but aspects of your being, of your consciousness, will devolve. Service to others is a key ingredient to wellness, not only physically but emotionally and mentally as well. You might call this a kind of co-dependency, but this benefits everyone and makes you stronger and more well-balanced.

Now associations in the discarnate life and the other realities are equally important for, collectively, life is imprinted with all experiences, and wisdom, creativity, love, and this resource contributes to any deficiency in any area of an existence. Not only do humans need each other, they need the rest of the larger life as well. And the larger life evolves with each experience of each individual. So, being at one with the collective, the larger life, allows you to be a partner, a player, in its flow, in its reality and the destiny of everyone.

We are not speaking here exclusively of what you would call sentient beings, but all of life whether you understand it or not. Life is your servant, as are you. Even when alone for a time in your sojourn, the life within you and around you is your partner, your comforter, your sustainer. Even the unawakened and the misguided and the confused and frustrated are part of this as well. The boredom with life that some experience comes from a life of sameness, without change or flow or creativity. Conscious connection with the larger life, the larger you, and the needing and serving of others, brings light to that boredom, making every moment seem worth living.

Service is like a channel of life moving through you, uplifting you and those you serve at the same time. So let the power of life move through your life as you reach out to help, to uplift. Your needs are not private or unknown. Allow the flow of life to move through you. Namaste.

June 1, 2015                                                                                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


A larger understanding of humanity

JANU: Reaching then into the flow of life called humanity, we would convey an understanding that humanity as such has a long history and the current human experiment in life is not the first. And there will be others to come. Much planning and building and service to the human journey on the Earth has occurred. The source of human existence and therefore the reason it will continue is from the architects of life of which humanity is a part.

A lengthy and strong tradition of life is humanity’s background. It has overcome many obstacles and crises and thresholds of achievement long forgotten. And in every instance, humanity has demonstrated its mettle and this is part of the reason the architects of humanity are committed to its survival and its evolution. Its service to life has always existed and will reach new thresholds in times to come. As humanity awakens, the understanding opens and the command of its faculties, its capabilities, will bring much into play. The current unrest and warring, conflicts and struggles, are a small part of human history, and even a smaller part of its future.

And as humanity of the Earth discovers and connects with humanity of other worlds, this network of life will become more profound in the flow of life. Humanity has demonstrated it is a survivor with capabilities yet to be realized. Base not your bonding to human destiny, and the destiny of those who incarnate, the beings of Light, the eternal natures, on only one sojourn. Understand the larger reality of humanity and, through that, the larger Family of Life. Many are involved with human destiny that are not human. The Family of Life is vast, diverse, and in motion.

Think in an unlimited way. Live in an unlimited way. Understand in an unlimited way. And be unlimited. Namaste.

June 5, 2015                                                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The pursuit of happiness

JANU:    Elemental though it may seem, the pursuit of happiness is a powerful journey and it belongs to everyone. The pursuit and realization of happiness supports everything included in your life.

You ask, “What is happiness, then, that is such a powerful element of living?” It contains exuberance, sense of freedom, a love for all possibilities that enrich your life. It is the elementals of your existence, the principles at peace with each other, full of life, confident and generous to others. Happiness naturally is open to sharing for benefit and enjoys the happiness of others, especially their release from the entanglements of their own choosing.

You ask, ”How does one pursue happiness, then?” It is a transition by choice from a gloomy, trouble-filled life to the peace of true freedom. Freedom from restrictions, rules and regulations imposed by society, by those who have yet to achieve the freedom we speak of, a society where people do not trust each other, full of suspicion and fear. When you choose to walk the life, the inner life, true freedom is found.

A happy person has a rich humor, patience, tolerance, and refuses to be entangled by the complexities of life or owned by them. They are not ignorant of these things. They appreciate very well what they lead to. But they choose to cope with life and its complexities with a light heart, a clear mind, and a confidence in a bright future. They easily see solutions where others do not. Happy people enjoy good health, for in a very real way, every element of their being enjoys this happiness as well.

Choose to be a happy person and others will be drawn to this, for they long for it as well. Help them understand who they are and what they are capable of. It is far easier and more natural to create a life of lightness than one of darkness, which must be maintained at every turn and is rich with self-destructive elements. A life of happiness does not need constant repair. It is in harmony with the flow of life and Life itself.

Choose to see viable, healthy solutions to challenges, to opportunities, to relationships, and to your understanding of that which is unknown to you, soon to be revealed. Grow in your awareness of what draws you into, and keeps you in, a life of darkness: isolation, confusion, frustration. The alternative, our brother, is very powerful and life-sustaining. Be at peace. Live in happiness. Be a light to others. And be grateful you have lived. Namaste.

June 4, 2015                                                                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Physicality is not limited to physical matter

JANU:    Humanity’s consciousness of incarnate reality is somewhat limited. Gross physical density is only a part of it. Because the True Nature of the incarnate human has many levels of consciousness, when applied while incarnate physical reality expands greatly. Physicality, commonly experienced, is limited to physical creativity, but creativity has many realities, and when applied to the awakened human, one with their True Nature, physicality can be created, manipulated, modified, altered, or continue unaffected by what some would call natural deterioration or decay.

Some marvel at what appears to be the ability to levitate heavy objects, but they are no longer heavy, you see, during manipulations of other realities of physicality. The materialization of objects from one location to another; the foreknowledge of events, even in the physical; the seeming creation of life, animated life, where there appeared to be none; the changing of colors intentionally; the manipulation of weather, movement of storms, and shields from destruction. The list goes on and on, our brother, the possibilities that include even determining, to varying degrees, the length of a sojourn.

Awakening to the larger you, the larger life, the larger truth of being has unlimited rewards. Is ignorance really superior to the wisdom of knowing? Why wait for technology to visit other worlds, exchange understandings, learn from each other, when all of this and far more can be accomplished when at one with your own True Nature? It is not isolated from the rest of life as much of humanity thinks they are. Be not so in awe of unlimited possibilities that you hesitate to engage the smallest ones, so to speak, at your doorstep. Namaste.

June 9, 2015 B                                                                       Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Communication beyond words

JANU: We are summoning up that which pertains to your query on models of communication: the use of words, verbal speech, and the graphical representation of such. When relying upon one form of communication, or identification, the faculties for alternatives grow weaker, leaving one limited to the effectiveness of that communication or identifiers. A human being is a human being, no matter what it is identified with or as.

So how does one relate to and understand a part of life unnamed, but exists just the same? And how does one recognize or identify a part of life observed for the first time, and nameless? This speaks to the powers of perception and the range of consciousness that can appreciate a first encounter. So much of recognition is based upon memory, past experience, so much so that identification is compared to these and that which is recognized is similar.

So how does one observe that which is unique, for the first time? It comes through experiencing the nature of that observed, touching it with your consciousness, with no requirements for the character of performance. Such it is, our brother, when being exposed to a new understanding, such as we have accomplished, that is unique to the experience and the memory. When we begin each journey, the very beginning of the understanding and the path to be taken is like this. The words are secondary to this.

But what of unique experience that words do not describe? This is in the direction of ‘direct knowing,’ pure insight. Can you know a thing without words? And you ask, “Why would one care?” Because, our brother, there is so much to understand that words cannot describe. The source, the origination of a mother’s love for a child is beyond words. Many patterns of life are such. They are understood through intimacy of experience.

You ask, “How does one who understands this experience convey it to another?” Words are a beginning, but they are not the experience. There is a reality of touch between beings, not physical but in consciousness, not verbal or graphical but the intimacy of connection. When one looks at another in a caring moment and understands, they experience the life pattern of another and they understand. No words were needed. You observe an animal and its behavior, but more than this, you experience a moment of what is living within, what their experience is, and you get a glimpse of their life pattern. Words are useful, our brother, but don’t let them get in the way.

June 6, 2015                                                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Conscious merging with your True Nature

JANU: We are one. Establishing this frame of reference for communication and insights is a beginning. Being conscious as one entity is a co-existence of many elements of consciousness. Just as your physical body and brain, which is your physical body, and mind, which transcends the physical reality, co-exist as one, independent in many ways but nonetheless at one, mutually beneficial, each needing the other for the experience and the particular journey. Unique to the entity, you see, or unique as the entity. It is not unlike this, being one in consciousness with and as your True Nature. How can it be otherwise? But the framework evolves, becomes more sophisticated, more capable and the understanding unfolds in a natural way.

In time you will hear the voice of others as they explore this evolution in consciousness, and you will learn from each other. When leaving the body, the human imprint remains but no longer dominates consciousness, for all you have ever been and done, on any level, is imprinted. You may call memory, if you wish. For nothing is lost but remains a resource to draw upon and to add to.

Your True Nature journeys with you through life and, little by little, your relationship as one explains itself, reveals itself. And you realize you’re a larger being in a larger life with larger opportunities and a larger service. Continue, our brother. We are one in this. Namaste.

June 4, 2015 B                                                       Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

Be sure to check out the latest page on awakening, as those four also relate to this journey.


The Truth lives in everyone

JANU: We are rich in the knowledge that the Truth lives in everyone, as the primary reality, tolerating unenlightened excursions into life to gain experience, which always adds to the Truth within. Understanding the complexities and nuances of incarnate life and the primary nature of Truth is still unfolding. The challenge and opportunity here is to grow in consciousness in awareness of this complexity and to choose to see the difference so that, even continuing on the incarnate journey, the Truth is revealed, understanding deepened, and maturity develops. In the play, so to speak, the dance of life, but not of it.

That kind of equilibrium is very useful. When observing life, and seeing Truth, how deeply is it perceived? The experience of the incarnate life serves mastership greatly. All realities of life that are embraced and experienced contribute to a growing consciousness. As awakening continues, all of these can be accessed to contribute to a more complete you. Do not underestimate the contribution to your existence, your being, of the incarnate experience. Allow that life to reveal its Truth. And you are not the only one that benefits, our brother.

Even misperceptions, misunderstandings, are rooted in the Truth of life, for that Truth allows them, you see, to continue the path of discovery and reveal many things about the layers and processes of consciousness. Grow more flexible in the embrace of opportunity and the results. Namaste.

June 3, 2015                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Mastership through service

JANU: We are fostering then delving into the dance of life a few are engaged in. This being ‘mastership and service.’ They both go hand in hand, for they enhance each other and they are one in more ways than some realize. These quoted words, “let the greatest among you be the servant of all,” are wise. When this is your theme, your model for awakening, the cart never gets before the horse. Perspective is maintained, priorities honored, protocols enhanced, and the Light expands.

The goal isn’t mastership alone. The goal is serving life, which is the source of the blessings and the mastership. For none of these exist without life itself. And what is the value of mastership without service? It becomes self-serving only and must be called something else.

So, the journey begins, you see, with the love of life, the love of service, and all that that includes. We know it is difficult to love in a balanced and masterful way the expressions of life that seem the opposite of your desires. But that will come in time, our brother, as the human consciousness evolves.

Consider carefully what threshold in your life you observe life from. The more evolved you are, the clearer the vision, the more you see and understand, and this changes how you relate to what you see and understand. Being ‘above it all,’ or removed, is not the perspective here. The larger perspective is to be in service, one with it all.

How can you truly love one part of life and not another? Loving and agreeing with are not the same. Being on the path of life, in the midst of so many dichotomies and changes, is a privilege. So much to learn and understand and grow in service to. This is rich indeed.

Patience beyond description. Compassion without limit. Understanding without rancor or condemnation. These are some of the hallmarks of mastership through a life of service. And mastership, our brother, is only the beginning. Namaste.

May 29, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross