Welcome home to the larger family of life

JANU: We are warming up to the idea that the joy of inner communication brings about a confidence in the self amidst the circumstances of life that overcomes doubt and confusion. You would say, at this point, that many in humanity attribute this experience to different names: the presence of God in the life, the presence of Jesus in their life, true for other religions as well. Something divine, something present and wise and powerful and, above all, loving. And there are those who awaken to the point that ‘deity’ takes on new meaning, new reality. We refer to, at times, the larger life, the larger you, unlimited consciousness, and Oneness.

For some, faith in this for the time being is sufficient, for the joy and the confidence is the result. For others, understanding includes this but moves beyond it, understanding that the previous is part of that larger life. No one, our brother, is locked out from the inner divine, the inner joy, and the wisdom and love. They need only choose it and embrace it. It is their legacy, their birthright.

When that inner confidence and connection is present, there is the confidence that all things are possible. When you observe individual lives and their circumstances, it is not difficult to see that this simple reality would profoundly change their perception of the new life and their experience. Everyone is powerful in the truth of their being.

Fear not the future. Embrace it with full expectancy of a wonderful and illuminating life. This is the peace we speak of, that conscious embrace and the inner knowing of the larger life that you already are. The larger Family of Life includes everyone. Welcome home. Namaste.

Mar. 3, 2015                                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The magic of life at your doorstep

JANU: We are encouraging a climate for a peaceful humanity. What might such a climate be, then, our brother? We speak often of the larger life and the larger family of life. For humanity to perceive their existence, their physical existence and world, as a life larger than they currently do, it would open the door to a larger life perception beyond physicality, you see.

So the key here is to have a larger view and appreciation of their current opportunity for existence and building a fuller life. Some of the resources for this are wasted greatly and misunderstood, not only not building on these but not correcting them as well. Materialism and technology and the illusion of power have blinded them, not all of them but most, to the deeper and fuller perception of the reality of the moment and the system of life of which they are a part.

How can one abuse another, take advantage of, injure and deprive, when one is in full capacity of awareness of the beauty of that individual, the magic of their life, their potential of creativity, and their innate and natural love? And the beginning of this, our brother, is to perceive this truth within themselves. How do you relate to another in these ways without common ground? The common ground is there, our brother, but unseen.

So you see, a measure of the larger life is in the physical one as well, and an opportunity is to enhance it, drawing upon the True Nature of the larger life, not limited to physicality, you see. So useful inspiration through insight and an awakening consciousness is to inspire humanity to a larger and deeper appreciation of what they have on their doorstep, so to speak. Everything humanity needs—for wellness, and happiness, and rich and diverse exploration and discovery—they have always had.

Find the miracle of life and all of its magic within your being and, as you do, look for this in others and enhance each other’s lives. Namaste.

Feb. 28, 2015                                                                                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


What would you change or add to each day?

JANU: We are Janu speaking, remembering these negotiations with life—and by ‘life’ we mean countless manifestations, beings, and realities. Many grew weary of the sameness of each day, the seemingly constant burden of the struggles to continue and asked the question, “Is this all there is?” and “Why bother?”

The answer is no, this is not all there is. It’s just all you’ve allowed and settled for. Return to the spark of living and the magic of it. Let your imagination run free as to the kind of life you desire. Imagine, visualize, the experience. Remember, any change you project in your life begins instantaneously and then, with follow through and commitment, unfolds. The norms of society are not your guidelines, the limits of your endeavor. They are just the platform to express your unfolding vision.

No, you are not an island in life. You are connected to many others. And you share your lives as you create them. But your vision for your life and what it includes can exist at the same time as that of others. Life is never limited to a ‘this or that’ perspective. It’s ‘this and that’ and that and that. There’s room in life, so to speak, for the vision of everyone. So with sensitivity for others around you, your dream can be and so can theirs.

Allowing your vision to include supporting others in new truth, you will find that you are being supported in your vision even as you support theirs. Allow your dream to unfold as it may, for the movement of life is process and the flow of life cannot be stopped, our brother, but it can include countless creations, including yours. So bring creativity to the routines of your day, and they can become an adventure as well.

So, ask the question: What would you change in your life? What would you add to your day? What would you choose? The little changes are as important as the so-called large changes. They both have riches for you to embrace. Namaste, our brother.

March 3, 2015B                                                                                   Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Challenges are opportunities to be free

JANU: For this morning’s journey, let us explore and comment on the scope of the human journey. It has been beset with many obstacles that are seen as challenges to gain strength and clarity in the understanding of its own nature, realizing potential through overcoming adversity. The magic, so to speak, here is the overcoming. Difficult to convey the reality that the adversity and the overcoming are, in the larger reality, one reality. Two sides of the same coin, as we have said. Instead of seeing challenges as a drain upon your time and energy, see them as a reminder to call upon more that you have within you.

It is in Life’s interest for you to succeed, but what does ‘succeed’ mean? It means mastering not only what is in the challenge, but your own perceived limitations. And being one with Life, your victories in this area are resource for others, for there is no part of your life, and your experience, and your being that is not known by Life itself. You are never a ‘victim’ unless you allow it, and even then new opportunities and challenges come to you. The true power for this comes through True Peace, for when in that state of consciousness, you are in harmony across the spectrum of your existence. Which also means you are in harmony with the Life that you are part of. Claim your true power. Realize that challenges are opportunities to be free. Namaste.

Feb. 23, 2015                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Meaning and purpose in your life

JANU: Why does it seem universal among humans that their life have meaning? And what is meant by this? For a life to have meaning, meaning that satisfies that desire, it includes a path of self-discovery, understanding, and mastery. It includes having a positive contribution to the life of another. It includes enriching life in some way. It includes a legacy of contribution and understanding and, in a subtler way, a foundation for the continuation of the being, the spirit if you will, the adventure in consciousness.

It is useful to expand the desire for meaning in your life to entertaining what would give you meaning and purpose, specifically, for any creation, any contribution has a spark of desire and a vision. Life does not design your purpose for you but provides unlimited opportunity for the manifestation of your true desire. Now, your desires and your path to realization are filled with many interactions with others and their desires. Not even limited to other people, but the system that life is. Even while pondering such possibilities, the interactions continue, on one level or another. And, when understood, even these can inspire your vision.

Meaningful purpose need not be the entire sojourn. Even a brief moment of fulfillment can bring peace and satisfaction with having made the journey. For the contribution, our brother, is timeless and never wasted. It is another pattern of creation that life records and benefits from.

So, be sensitive to opportunities to fulfill your desire for meaning in your life. Call upon your imagination and creativity and the power of life itself to fulfill. Profound meaning need not be defined as that which others are aware of, but which brings peace within you, empowerment, and joy. And know this, our brother, your life has meaning, whether you are aware of it or not. And your life is far larger and richer than one lifetime.

Mar. 1, 2015                                                                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Being true to your integrity

JANU: We feel that it is important to point out that even from our vantage point, and yours as well, every nuance of the flow of life is not known ahead of time nor, should we say, in advance. Potentials can be read, trends, patterns, and interactions. But there is a freedom to life, to consciousness, to expression, decision-making that allows life to be unlimited.

You ask, then, the advantage of a larger perspective and view of life than humanity generally currently experiences. The purpose is to take full advantage of, wherever possible, the opportunities of this flow of life; to pace your life according to the needs and challenges and opportunities and capabilities; to serve life that these changes in the flow are enriched and made available to everyone. Absolute terms such as ‘the answers to everything’ are a limited point of view, for the answers are changing, our brother. They are in motion, as we have stated. And they are changing for the reason that the flow is changing, the freedom of life to move and be. So, what would be the final answer to any question? With the countless nuances, involvements, and relationships, how can there be? The point of this journey is the realization that nothing is fixed. Opportunities abound. And the view of life is ever changing. It is not the nature of life to be ‘stuck,’ if you will, in one pattern.

What is permanent, if you can describe it in that way, is life continuing. So, even in your day and its activities and experiences, be flexible, adaptable, as you hold tightly to your dreams and desires, and relationships. Allow your perceptions, philosophy, and performance to adapt. Not give into, but accommodate, contribute to, and raise the consciousness to a fuller understanding and intimacy with life. Moving this way in the flow becomes simpler and more effective when peace is the foundation for accommodation with the opportunities of the day. Be true to your True Nature, to your ideals, your integrity, and your authority for being as you accommodate life. Namaste.

Feb. 27, 2015                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Connection to your True Nature

JANU: This evening’s journey serves the purpose of bringing into clearer view some of the anomalies of living that seem random at best. Very little of your life is ordained, which is why so many experiences seem random at best, without hierarchical patterns. That is the magic of life, the beauty of it, that it constructs itself, and your constructions are life unfolding. So the guidance you seek in your decision-making and understanding are in many ways your own constructs. By ‘you’ we mean the total you, the True Nature, which includes your incarnating systems.

When you look outside of yourself for answers, the results can be quite confusing, which observations to accept as answers that are viable, that are useful. But when you seek within, you employ all that you are, including the external observations. As a co-creator, you attract what you are focused on. When you have what seem to be large questions about yourself and the universe, the physical life so to speak, the understanding is more complete, with many layers, with employing your True Nature. The more you do this, the more conscious the connection and the flow becomes stronger. Remember, what your attention is upon you attract into your life. With your attention on your True Nature, even for a moment, more of you is active in your life.

Insights are a natural part of existence and being. Expect them. Trust the understanding they bring and wisdom ensues. Namaste, our brother.

March 5, 2015 B                                                       Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

See also the page The True Nature


Conscious connection with your True Nature 

JANU:    Living in the world of your day, this day, it is possible to bring peace to human consciousness and, through this, a measure of greater peace to Earth and its creatures. This peace we speak of centers in and upon the True Natures of humanity and the awakening of humanity. What you are beginning to experience is a more conscious working relationship between the two.

The True Nature and the human experience have a destiny that includes a more conscious relationship. Achieving a measure of this in your own life serves this destiny of humanity. How can you be insightful and speak of and act energetically in this area without direct experience? So you see, a blessing for one becomes a blessing for many. This has been the process of awakening for the human experience. So the joy in awakening, our brother, becomes a joy that includes many.

So continue your interest and pursuit of such emerging, with a deeper understanding and embrace of its purpose. Achieve this guided by wisdom. Namaste.

Feb. 25, 2015 B                                                      Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

See also the page The True Nature


Understanding and living life as a system

JANU:    We are Janu speaking, sailing once again straight into the storms of life. Humanity, not being immune from these, is a fertile field for mastering the turbulences they have created. Humanity will come to realize eventually that their collective consciousness and behavior and relationship with the Earth contribute to the conditions that they struggle with. There are those in your world who are mastering a harmonious relationship with nature that includes understanding and communication.

Those who consider the Earth only as a resource to be consumed think they get away with it with no price, almost always coupled with being wasteful, and they continue. Part of the problem here, you see, is the lack of perception and direct correlation, having yet to understand the Earth is a living system of which they are a part.

Of merit is this systems approach to understanding life and your own existence, as discussed in the movie “Mind Walk,” seeing the Earth, humanity, and the entire solar system as a life system with balance and equilibrium. One need only become aware of what is around them as a living system, extrapolating from this that life they are unaware of, or only vaguely aware, is a system as well. This would do well as a basic principle in exploring life, reaching for the stars, so to speak, and embracing the larger Family of Life. Even humanity’s own creations are systems in their own right.

Consciousness, awakening, so-called prayer, energetic reality and contribution, time/space, subtle realities are elements, among many more, of the systems of life. Understanding and appreciating this reality is a worthy path. Namaste, our brother.

Feb. 25, 2015                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

“Mind Walk” is a 1990 movie starring Liv Ullman, Sam Waterston, and John Heard. It is based on The Turning Point by Fritjof Capra. This film touched me profoundly, and continues to do so.


Researching consciousness

JANU: We are awakening this morning to the reality of absorbing the next phase, or wave, of human endeavor to expand its dominion. There are those currently in your world researching, experimenting with the reality of expanding consciousness. They do so with a determination that they will master themselves and life, the life that they suspect exists. These researchers belong to a group of individuals that are truly pioneers, experimenting, researching, exploring, and discovering without knowing the result, only growing suspicions. We encourage these, when their motivation is one of benefit in an altruistic sense. Not to gain power over other nations and groups, but to free humanity from ignorance and endless cycles of frustration, depression, anger, and violence.

These groups have our blessing and their backgrounds are well founded in this area, well founded from other lifetimes and existences. These will be among the first groups to seriously engage the worlds and other realities. And their research will lead them in the direction of discovering and engaging the consciousness of other creatures of the Earth as well, and life will improve. They do not know what they are doing yet, but they will. Humanity is awakening. So be it.

Feb. 15, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross