Life patterns

JANU: There is in life a vast array of what you might call ‘life patterns’ to draw upon. Many established by other species, other worlds, and other realities. One pattern is direct knowing, on any subject. Another life pattern is the ability to roam the universe, and more, at will in consciousness. Another life pattern is to manifest whatever is needed, and not just physical items but energies, ‘mock ups’ if you will, or grids for virtually any purpose. Another life pattern is to be free enough, open enough, to love all of life. Another life pattern is the Now consciousness, which is an opportunity to visit any part of the past or the future. Another life pattern is the ability to manipulate physicality, including levitation, transformation, and reality shifting by manipulating vibratory rate, to include invisibility, relocation of items from dematerialization and manifestation, to become conscious of more of life, its truths and its realities.

Being incarnate does not mean you are limited to the physical experience, but can experience more than one reality simultaneously. Consider the term ‘unlimited mind’ and what that can mean: Consciousness that can touch any part of life, anywhere, at any time. The protocols of life carry the wisdom to allow these things, the freedom to be and the wisdom to choose, in harmony with the natural flow of life that humanity is capable of.   Namaste.

Jan. 9, 2015 B                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross



JANU: Predetermined at this time are the events of the day to include a tempering of tensions in the world to allow for cooler minded resolution to disturbances in the affairs of humanity. You ask, “Predetermined in what sense?” It is in the sense of the ongoingness of inspiring humanity to compromise with each other.

Throughout the universe and life, compromise is the balancing reality. Ideologies that do not allow for this are destined to encounter conflict. Successful leaders of nations in the history of the world have been adept at compromise. For you to gain what you need, others must gain what they need. And, not living in total isolation, compromise is essential. You ask, “How do you compromise with terrorists?” This includes containing their aggression by understanding their motivations, the root of their ideology, in finding compromise. Compromise does not mean the destruction of either party, but it does mean understanding each other when your proximities compel it.

Examine every day in your life and you will see that compromise is the path to success for everyone. Namaste, our brother.

Jan. 10, 2015                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


What is justice?

JANU: We are opening this morning to a climate of retribution, for this limited gain by attack and revenge, neither of which is justice, still plagues many humans.

What is justice, then, that so many seek through violence? The only justice in life is True Peace, for it ends the cycle of violence and reprisal. And those cycles perpetuate the energy and consciousness of anger and revenge, for the one who is angered and attacks retains those patterns, even when so-called vanquishing takes place, only to look for opportunity to attack once more. How is that justice? Only True Peace, and the love it is a medium for, is true justice for it gives the attacker nothing to push against, find fault with, and justify their anger. Justice is the freedom from violence harbored in the feelings and minds of people, and only this ends the cycle of violence.

Is the risk to life and limb worth this reality we speak of?   It is, our brother, for the physical body is not what you are and is not what lives on to experience more of life and to contribute more to life. How can one be truly in love with life when living in anger and intolerance? Justice is balance in life, and balance does not mean retribution, which perpetuates imbalance. One can disengage from imbalance at any time. What some might call the price of this is worth it, for True Peace is true freedom to enjoy an unlimited life.

There is more than physicality to violence. It includes hurtful feelings, attitudes, psychic attack, labeling another person as this or that. Yes, even your common speech can be a form of violence, imbalance, and injustice. The balance we speak of comes from within, from your True Nature, and the True Nature of life itself. Allow peace in your life, in every form and find freedom. Namaste.

Jan. 7, 2015                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The path of awakening is not linear

JANU: We are sublimating the notion that humanity has a collective consciousness that has a seemingly insurmountable path of awakening. The truth is that humanity is not far away from major insights, key changes in philosophy, behavior, and awareness of much more of life. The path of awakening for humanity is not linear or constant in its pace, but there are many opportunities for humanity to achieve large gains rapidly. When one considers the path of awakening as incredibly slow and questionable, it bypasses hope and belief in miracles by comparison, and the power of life to achieve. The pace of awakening in the past does not describe the pace of awakening in the future.

Generally speaking, once humanity begins to consciously be aware of and connect with the subtle life, the interest and desire will move rapidly forward, accelerating the experience. It is well to view the path of human awakening as one filled with significant opportunities and what some would call miraculous changes. When an individual focuses on a new endeavor with passion and commitment, that endeavor reveals itself through manifestation and the ownership of experience, realizing that the individual, when passing from the body, continues on with even greater freedom to explore life. The fear of so-called death takes a backseat to living. When one becomes awakened to and in ownership of their larger true faculties, overcoming obstacles, including ill health, become only an opportunity to demonstrate to themselves the power of their larger truth. Accepting nothing as permanent, as far as limitations are concerned.

A true moment of insight can change a life, especially when one is open to exploring the insight and manifesting it. Expect miracles of awakening and a richer life. No longer seeing the self as a victim walking through their life, subject to whatever happens, but as a powerful co-creator with insight into opportunity and the path in front of them with clarity, making choices in advance of circumstance, recognizing when the flow of life is freely moving through their experience. And gratitude fills your perception, realizing you were never alone walking your life and meeting it.

See your awakening as an integral part of your life, which it is. Enjoy the power of True Peace and its dynamic reality. Namaste.

Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Becoming more self-aware

JANU: We are surveying the notion that humanity is ready for significant change. Change in the area of understanding that each one is more than they see and in doing so realize that each one they observe is more than they see. A greater awareness of self in this manner brings awareness of their condition of being, and by ‘condition’ we mean personality and ego, emotions and circumstance as a result of their choices. Greater understanding of these things individually brings about forgiveness of self, freeing one to move on in new directions unencumbered, in a growing generosity when observing others, no longer condemning them and in so doing contribute to their continuing in their circumstance. In time, becoming clear enough in their perceptions to begin to become aware of the larger Family of Life, and begin supporting each other in more meaningful ways. Self-recrimination is replaced with understanding, patience, and the freedom to move on in new directions.

Yes, many humans are generous with each other but many more to follow. And in time people will grow in understanding and appreciating their links to each other.

The reality of oneness is a profound journey of its own. The co-existence of individuality and oneness can seem impossible to resolve, but that will all come with understanding your True Nature and how the larger life functions. This understanding will revolutionize human relations and society. So, let us support this threshold, this change for the awakening of humanity, that each become more self-aware to the truth of their nature and their circumstance. Namaste.

Jan. 3, 2015                                            Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Perpetual life

JANU: We are welcoming this opportunity to discover, if you will, the meaning of perpetual life. There is reality, our brother, larger than, more inclusive than what you understand as life. Difficult for many to grasp that this reality has always been. There is existence in this sense not described by time and space, or dimension, or energy, or manifestation of any kind. All of these things are what you would call ‘the thought’ that has always been this reality we speak of.

All creations have cycles of existence, from the infinitesimal to the scale beyond imagination, but the reality we speak of is not described in this manner. More the capacity of understanding is in the area of awareness of such a reality. Not separate from what you understand or are aware of, but included within it, in a sense within it. An understanding of oneness, only more profound. The importance of understanding this is that it places in perspective all of creation and the question of beginning and end. These terms have no meaning, do not apply to the reality we speak of, but they are put to rest, so to speak, for peace of mind that pursues the meaning of life and its duration.

So find a foundation in your perceptions when viewing the conflicts you see around you, that they are in no way a permanent reality, that all have cycles. For life is much larger than these, including your physical existence and individual identity and traditions of life experience. And all these co-exist simultaneously as one. Yet the integrity of each element of life, of creation, is supported, is maintained for its cycle of existence and contribution to life.

Dec. 30, 2014                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The Council of Corrections and Alignments

JANU: The Council of Corrections and Alignments exists to ensure the purity and quality of life’s creations, in the sense of honoring protocols of integrity in the flow of life. For many who come to these understandings, there is much confusion and uncertainty as to proceeding in a beneficial manner in the natural order of life. This Council endeavors to bring clarity to decision-making, intention, and influences upon other integrities that co-exist. Our arrangement of service is subject to this, and we always endeavor to meet these protocols. In a very real sense, this Council is formed by and maintained by life’s natural integrity. Do not misunderstand. The opportunities of life, your choices and experiences, are relatively unlimited but do not include the loss of integrity of life itself.

This Council does not make itself known, directly. But understanding its contribution to the Family of Life has merit. Its influence is not unlike each one’s ‘still small voice’ of inner conscience, that so-called sense of right and wrong, acceptable/unacceptable, creative/destructive. And it goes much deeper than that, our brother. Your very existence is part of the flow of life. Their well-being, on all levels, is part of your integrity, in harmony with the source of your being.

Consciousness and conscience are not necessarily the same. The first is ‘being aware of.’ The second is your True Nature. Honor them both with your perceptions of life, your choices, and your contribution. Awaken continuously and become all you can be. Namaste.

Dec. 29, 2014                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The saints that live among us

JANU: There are those in your midst around the world who have become saint-like, not by the authority of any religion or church but by their True Natures. They live a life that is not unlike, in consciousness, discarnate life, life in spirit. They are owned in no way by materiality. They are free enough in their own spirit to come and go as they choose to bring about change. Yes, they are in fact a ‘Brotherhood of Light’ on the Earth. They live to demonstrate to humanity and to the Earth that the reality of spiritual existence and physical existence can be one reality.

They will be known to those who aspire to the beauty and balance of their life. One does not need to advertise in any way the virtues of their being. They are known. All part of an awakening life, you see. No secrets. Everything revealed for its truth. Diverse abilities, masterships, combined in a common purpose is a brotherhood, you see. And, yes, some of these are female in their manifestation. How can there be balanced expression, involvement, and relating to without both, in the world of duality?

The diversity of these enable them to draw upon many resources in life for support. There is a quiet strength to their demeanor, which includes selfless service. They are, in fact, peace on Earth. No longer limited to ordinary cycles of birth and rebirth. They are a calming influence for humanity’s struggle to find peace, to find the true power of being, not the clamor of the unawakened. Find comfort in the reality of their being, the peace that they know, and their connection with life. Namaste.

Dec. 26, 2014                                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Confidence to create a better life

JANU: At the present moment, may we journey together, supporting peace in a troubled world. Instead of addressing directly personalities and egos of humanity, we choose instead to foster a supporting relationship with the True Natures of each and their conscience. Through this procedure, inspiring revelations of the benefits of True Peace and what humanity can become together in this way. In large measure, humanity’s condition of True Peace affects the nature of and timing of off-world contact and interaction. Those others who visit the Earth are very sensitive to humanity’s condition in this area. It limits greatly their openness, interaction, and support.

Humanity finding peace with each other is becoming crucial in the evolution of humanity. But True Peace is yet to be understood widely, certainly not as a powerful way of living and way of loving. So, the task is at hand to convey this understanding in many forms, many ways. Not as a teaching but as an inspiration. As True Peace becomes expressed in the lives of people, the results of which will be observed as proof of the merit of such a change in the ways of living, human suffering and homelessness, destitution, families in starvation and ill health will no longer be ignored as much as it is. Lifting each other becomes a way of life and not just waiting for the grief of others to find your doorstep, but being sensitive to the needs of others.

One form of this uplifting is inspiring the homeless that they have the ability to change their lives through a change in attitude of self-confidence and, yes, thoughtful introspection, encouraging people that they can do more, helping them find a path to accomplish this. The possibilities are many and reveal themselves to those who want to know. When someone is helped in this way and re-masters their life, what better witness to others who need inspiration?

Dec. 22, 2014                                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


The flow of life

JANU: We are holding the focus for this morning’s journey, that being the dissemination of what some would call ‘the will of God.’ More appropriately called, in the larger venue of life, the ‘flow of life.’ What is the flow of life, then, but a movement of change? Most collective life realizes its potential and every part of human existence is part of that flow, that evolution, that realization.

Now, holding the focus for the flow of life does not mean controlling it or managing it, but being in harmony with it, understanding its true being, its true power, its nature. The flow of life is a constant, but rich with countless nuances, for the flow of life is expressed in every reality. A universal constant for virtually all universes, with some exceptions, for life has a cadence, a rhythm, a pulsing, an ebb and flow. But there is always change, always life in motion. The ebbs and flows are natural occurrences, allowing for redistribution, balancing, expression of potentials left behind, in a manner of speaking. So even the flow of life, our brother, is very dynamic. You ask, “What about the flow of life in the individual being?” The patterns exist there as well. As opportunities come and go, decisions and commitments are changed, completed, making way for new ones.

The flow of life is inherent. The flow of life is owned by no one. It is part of every experience, to be benefited from and contributed to by living in harmony with it. A life in harmony with the flow of life is advantaged. Doors of opportunity seem to appear from nowhere and open. Obstacles, unbeckoned to life’s movements, soften and, in some cases, disappear. Helping others freely beckons opportunity and a rewarding joy in giving and, at times, enjoying the fruits in the lives of others. Caring for animals is a strong part of their finding peace in living. Nature responds universally to human assistance.

Your contributions to the flow of life move downstream, so to speak, and enrich where they may. Others wonder at the miracles bestowed on them, not realizing that they found them on the flow of life from the contributions of others. The flow of life is life in motion. And without change this does not exist. So, when you contemplate your existence, allow the sensing of the flow of life in and around you, and its influence of change and opportunity. Namaste.

Dec. 28, 2014                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross