Developing consciousness

JANU:    ‘Presence’ is a reality to be explored and understood. Now, the perception of the presence is subject to consciousness, sensitivity, attunement, relationship, experience, as all of life coexists in all realities, in one way or another, at least. Establishing presence, specifically the True Nature in this moment of interest, is not creating presence, or attracting it, or establishing it, but more to become aware of it.

Now, what elements contribute to this? How does one become attentive to that of which they are unaware? By desiring to know more of life, ultimately to experience it and be a conscious part of it. And, in turn, for it to be consciously part of your life, your experience. Now one is not alone or isolated in this quest, for the Larger Life, in one way or another, registers the desire and responds in its way. One can sensitize one’s power of perception through commitment, repetition, acknowledgement of insights, observations, and intuitions, whether in oneself or another, the desire to explore observations and experiences in a fuller way. When one has challenges, unexplained, that seem unresolvable, even painful, explore possible solutions and understanding.

Part of one’s nature is to be inquisitive, to discover, to explore life and to master it. Ignorance is not a guarantee of non-existence of other realities. Choose to know. Choose to be. Have the patience of peace, the wisdom of timing, the endurance of unending commitment. Life always responds.  Choose to be alert to those responses and recognize them for what they are. Reach into your potential. Draw upon the wealth of opportunities and blessings. Be a finder while seeking. Build upon revelations. Allow them to be a foundation for future discoveries. Consciousness builds on itself. Namaste.
July 2, 2020                                                                                                  Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Conscious coexistence is life in motion

JANU:  Keeping a watchful eye on the evolution of awakening is part of service. Collective consciousness in the way of the larger Family of Life is mindful, is aware of the living reality of the unfolding of life’s potential. It is part of the DNA, so to speak, of an awakening being. So, let us be aware that the co-reality of being is no surprise to those living it. Awakening registers universally, instantly. Life is conscious, not just of its own creations but as them. Conscious coexistence is life in motion. Namaste.
July 14, 2020                                               Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Why the ‘night of human consciousness’?

JANU:    Salient points to be made when discussing the night of human consciousness. The first point: It brings imaginings of an alternative life. Secondly, it brings into view the nature of existing consciousness. Thirdly, individuality becomes the theme of achievement.

So what beckons the imagination to awaken? It is original thought and original being, the source of life and the power to create. For with the darkness comes isolation, disconnection, and loneliness, and fear. The veil experience, in its way, brings about the search for Larger Life and meaning. The hope and imagination that life has something better to offer, answers to the unknown. Self-examination is a springboard to the Larger Life. The clues to this are the diversity of the lives of others. Much to consider. Namaste.
July 17, 2020 B                                                          Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Remembering the future

JANU:    The subject is ‘remembering the future.’ “How can this be?” you might ask. If the past, present, and future are present in the Now, so is the potential and, in that reality, potential reflects the future and vice versa. The practical side of this is ‘the future is this potential.’ The present is there to realize and experience the future. The Now is the source of all; therefore, embrace it.

The NOW reality takes the confusion, the doubt, the blindness out of the future. And building the present into a future reality opens possibilities of exploration and efficiency that can’t be matched behind the veil of separation and limited identity. So, putting one’s attention upon the future is valid, has merit, and gives foundation, direction, integrity to the present. Consider this, and namaste.
July 17, 2020                                                                 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


More on experiencing the Now

JANU: The Now experience that you seek comes on the heels of the transition from predetermination perception to the natural flow of life progression. As revealed previously, past, present, and future are elemental realities tied to the Now. But the human societal consciousness, so conditioned to these elementals and perception of reality, is conditioned by those life patterns without a frame of reference for the reality experience of the Now. But it is possible, through focus and integrity, to move beyond those limitations.

Letting go of what is familiar to that which is not takes courage, faith, peace, and commitment. The Now reality includes everything, so identity must let go of limitation but perceive elemental realities as life patterns not identity. One’s own memories of these limited life patterns can be seen in this same way. Not as identity but as limited experiences from an identity of freedom, peace, and pure being. Not to be owned by those experiences. Even karmic attachment is a limited perception. These relationships hold sway when identity is limited to these for the conscious connection perpetuates them long past their creation.

Being in The NOW consciousness, all is observed as to its nature while at peace and truly free. We will continue with this, as desired. Namaste.
July 8, 2020                                                                                                  Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Mastering life

JANU:  When taking the larger view of any moment in life, one can see and appreciate a range of perspectives that bring sanity and wisdom to the observation. No matter the degree of perceived persecution, even to the taking of a life, there is an overview of understanding that leads to a balanced view of all that has taken place. Motivations, circumstances, outcomes, and the flow of life.

Response to such an observation is one of healing through love and patience, the injection of love and wisdom and understanding, the enlightenment of those involved, the encouragement of self-remedy and moving forward. Life continues, no matter what, wiser for the experience, empowered through forgiveness, enriched by understanding, strengthened by patience and commitment.

Living in the The NOW brings all of this to the fore. Denying nothing, embracing everything. Namaste.
July 10, 2020                                                                                                Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


From rage to peace

JANU:    Rage is the word. The basic emotion and frame of mind of so many boiling to the surface are the resentments of the relationships that have existed for so long in society. Rage penetrates reason, any sense of peace or balance or joy, becomes identity. Reasonable approaches to rage become desperate.

What these people in rage need is self-respect, a path to the future, and meaningful contribution to society. The elimination of social structures that interfere is a cherished decency, but it seems lost to them for they don’t see it in their society. The issues are strong on both sides. The challenges, self-created, are on both sides. The reality of ’sides’ has no merit, as it is with warring and social mayhem.

Humanity’s potential is better than this. Would that they would allow themselves to awaken to their True Natures. The solutions have always been within the larger reality of being. But the rage is noisy and the inner voice comes from a place of peace, balance and harmony, wisdom, love.

So, what models of peace can people be inspired by? What sense of true power, that gives and never takes, can be had? Where is beauty, sanity, and joy? Let these be the foci of conscious attention. For what your attention is on, you are connected to, and the connection is two way. Namaste.
July 7, 2020                                                                                                  Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


The wisdom of the True Nature

JANU: The True Nature we are appreciates another consciousness, another being, for what they truly are, what they are evolving into, with the patience and love of timelessness. Being created equal is not limited to the human perspective, but to the True Nature of everyone. The Family of Life includes those experiencing the veiled existence as well as those who are not. With that as the foundation, the freedom to be is not judged or condemned. Life has the capacity, the depth, to absorb it all and evolve.

Now, relationships are managed wisely with these foundations of understanding, each one choosing the elements of the relationships, you see. The choices of one may differ from the choices of another. These can be managed. There is wisdom to be had and employed through all of these. Choose the perspective of the True Nature and walk that path. Find agreement where you may and evolve from there. Namaste.
June 26, 2020 B                                                                        Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


The Larger Life is real and omnipresent

JANU:   Subordinate, then, to so-called divine destiny, humanity’s obligations to the flow of life are established by the laws of life inherent in life’s destiny to fulfill its potential. So, when we serve the awakening of humanity, this is what we serve. Each one’s perception of reality is a world of its own, in terms of parameters of existence. There is always a more inclusive reality that incorporates elements of life.

So, for our purposes here, let us reaffirm this. Whenever a sense of limitation due to ignorance ensues, being unaware of a reality does not negate its existence or influence, or yours upon it. Open the consciousness not only to understand but experience these larger, more inclusive realities of life and those who participate in them. The Larger Family of Life is a reality. It has tradition, heritage, and a future. And it is omnipresent. Connect with this. We are one. Namaste.
June 22, 2020                                                                                               Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Coexistence of spirit & incarnate life

JANU:   You call us the ‘spiritual being.’ And what does this mean? This is an attempt to identify ‘beingness’ as something removed from the human experience. The question might be “What is the source, the origin of physicality?” Are they really that separate? The perception of leaving one to embrace the other is an illusion. Merging the relationship of both to each other is closer to the truth.

The binary mind tends to understand by way of elements rather than unity. Limited identities. The physical body, the human consciousness, the incarnate life, and the Larger Life are one. A matter of perspective, from limited identity to oneness consciousness, all existing, coexisting, together. The human experience is as broad or narrow as one chooses, and that choice changes. Those who participate in the manipulation of realities to varying degrees are proof of this.

The so-called limitations of physicality are learned from those who are limited in their perception. This becomes the standard. But there are those among you who demonstrate otherwise, mainly through desire and repetition. But the perceived limitations of incarnate life are self-imposed, including ill health. Life patterns are the results of these experiences and limited perceptions.

How does one be convinced of, confident in, freedom to be? By choice. Experience is a great teacher. Choose to experience a measure of freedom. Love it into your life. Namaste.
June 10, 2020                                                                          Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross