A better life

JANU:     We are surveying the events of the day, as to your concern about the discord between nations and peoples. The issue here is that they lack a superior model of existence. Physical force is the epitome of their sense of power. Destructive power as an ultimate model for resolution of differences is from ignorance. They have yet to perceive that that sort of power doesn’t build anything, but destroys each other. How can one appreciate true power in the face of this, when that’s all they know?

True power does not destroy but coordinates, unifies elements of life, mutually beneficial. Humanity could behave this way, as well, with the proper vision and understanding. True power is appreciated from within, with a consciousness beyond the physical. True power than, more fundamental than physical-only reality. Each one’s True Nature is an example of this.

“So, where does awakening to this come from?” you ask. It comes from the within that is connected to everything. Not religion. Religion is inspired by this, without understanding. Going within, so to speak, connects you with everything, including who you are, the who you are that lives in this way. Most are not even convinced there is a reality, a viable reality, available to them other than physicality and they model this to each other.

Part of the reason for this service is to support this option of the awakening of humanity, that the truth that lives within each one can be heard and experienced, and manifested. It is all coming. The letting go of a limited perception can be easy or difficult. The choice belongs to everyone. So let us continue to support the spark of Light, the insightful moment that answers the question “Is there a better way?” Physical force not seeming to be the answer. Namaste.
May 21, 2019 B                                                            Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross

Experience the coexistence of realities

JANU:    Entanglement speaks of relationships, associations, but with many realities the configuration constantly changing. So it is with the flow of life, divine entanglement. Attempting to isolate oneself from patterns of life, seemingly undesirable, and choosing patterns of life that are more pleasant flies in the face of entanglement. So what is the larger view of this, in the presence of limited perception? Identity is key here to this understanding, for identity suggests one condition of existence separate from another. The larger view here is, in the Larger Life, everything coexists. Now, one can navigate through the reality of entanglement by way of focus, attention, and harmonious relationships, but all patterns still exist and coexist, quantum reality and intelligence.

Now, this reality of relationships can be explored beyond this simple explanation. Fear becomes replaced with larger understanding, moving beyond concerns for survival for the True Nature does not succumb to anything less. Exploring life is an endless journey. One must have an open consciousness, for nothing stays the same. The changes are life in motion and are still life. Namaste
Feb. 26, 2020 B                                                                                            Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


The nature of attuning

JANU: The nature of attuning is what many will want to know, as they begin or enhance their journeys.  Key ingredients are focus of attention, openmindedness to awareness of thought beyond the incarnate consciousness, the willingness to consider and embrace alternative perspectives, and a desire to reunite consciously with one’s larger being. The energetic systems of the being are realigned, focused and strengthened with repetition, especially with experiences that make sense out of inquiries that one is exposed to, including their own.

Slowly, one realizes that the larger reality of being is who they are. The incarnate experience is only a portion of that reality, limited by the veil, which is temporary. More and more of life’s circumstances, including one’s well-being, are understood more clearly, their nature and their remedy. One is exposed to the finer protocols of life, which are called for when observing others and being sensitive to their natures. Being able to listen without preconditions other than integrity and truth.

One does not make demands when attuning, but allows expanded consciousness and experience. When one realizes that life has layers of truth and meaning, with their own harmonious relationships, then personal identity slowly expands to include more of life. Projection of scenarios into the future, based on potential and current trends, reveals possibilities to explore. This eventually becomes more and more a way of living, a way of life, and anything less is not as satisfying. Conscious reunion slowly returns, with the rest of their nature, and more and more they speak with one voice. And this is only the beginning of transformation of consciousness in that entity and lifestyle. Namaste.
Feb. 27, 2020 B                                                           Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


This is the time of changes

JANU:   Diligence spends its time prolonging progress. Progress, then, speaks of progression. The awakening of humanity has its phases of development. The current phase is the hint of realization that there is more to life: wiser, brighter, more powerful, richer, more understanding. And not only this, but a richness that cannot be described without it. One cannot dabble in the mud without getting muddy, but it is time to think differently and realize that it is possible to create a new experience. One begins to realize much has been forgotten and chooses to remember.

One must be diligent to experience this change and, as memory begins to return, the changes are part memory and something new and, in time, realizing their own being created them. They are more than ‘human beings.’ This is a time of changes. Namaste.
Feb. 27, 2020                                                                Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Leadership in American politics

JANU:  Assembled, then,  are those forces that bring about change. Directing change has to do with conscious focus and a sense of need and opportunity.

A clear example of this is the need for leadership in your land. We refer to the one called Joe Biden. His presence and influence is not perfect but will lead the way from the darkness that exists. An important decision for him is his running mate for it will influence the direction of leadership for time to come. Our blessing for his leadership is the wisdom to make this choice, which means there is one such capable of this to be chosen.

Decisions such as this lay the foundation for change, that changes the lives of so many. The awakening of humanity is the prize. Hold this situation in the Light and the freedom it affords. Namaste.
Mar. 11, 2020                                                                      Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Supporting good leadership

JANU:    Enormous responsibilities are judged so by the capacity of the one perceived responsible and the significance of what is involved. As one takes upon such a responsibility, a blessing is called for: of courage, confidence, insightfulness, commitment, and integrity. These are some of the qualities one looks for in the responsibility of leadership, whether leading one’s life or others. Wise choices in supporting such come from those who hold such ideals in high esteem. Good leaders have these qualities. The purpose of the blessings is to support these, to inspire the consciousness of the leader. Their own True Natures are in play.

So align oneself with such as these, with your own integrity as your guide. Remember, love is that life force that binds life together. Be one with this. Namaste.
Mar. 11, 2020 B                                                                Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Identity within Awakening

Understanding and experiencing the reality of the Larger Life sometimes challenges the individual’s sense of identity. There is definitely a need for shifting one’s identity, in order to fully experience different realities. In an effort to help the reader grasp some of the challenges and solutions, my journeys in awakening that deal specifically with identification are collected into this grouping: Identity within Awakening.

Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


The Process of Awakening

As it is our desire that each person take their own journey of awakening, it seemed prudent to provide a little guidance as to the ‘how’ of that journey. The Process of Awakening pulls together some of my own journeys dealing with the process itself. It is hoped that these may serve as inspiration to others.

Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Awakening to the rest of who you are

JANU: Exploring the Larger Life, then, includes the nature of the so-called ‘dimensions’ or realities of life. Incarnating is part of this and it brings about intimacy in exploration. So what is the nature, then, of physicality, of the so-called ‘third dimension’? Its nature is energetic and is composed of principles of life that create and allow the perceptions of density, fragility, and manipulation of the creative principles. Identification with the experience limits perception to those parameters of existence. But, for more and more, this is not enough. Inquiries are made as to the nature of things, the how and why of existence, the true beingness behind the manifestation. This is why many create deities as source of unexplained questions of reality. Partnering with deity to somehow rise above ignorance.

So, you see, the reality of this plane of expression is a nature that is co-creative. Understanding and connecting with, utilizing, the forces of creation can be haphazard when unawakened to the larger reality of life and one’s own True Nature. Being a more conscious co-creator enhances exploration and experience in this dimension of life. Identifying as a physical being is confusing when reaching for one’s spiritual nature and a conscious co-reality. Penetrating the veil of the incarnate experience is a challenge that seems insurmountable, but the solution to this is part of its nature and is part of the journey of an evolving consciousness, which becomes wisdom.

So, reach into this opportunity with enthusiasm, anticipation, and the growing freedom of consciousness and direct experience. We are one in this. The True Nature is the journeyer, which includes all that you are, all that we are. This is part of service, to inspire people, and oneself, to awaken to the rest of who they are. Namaste.
Feb. 6, 2020 B                                                        Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


More on the concept of deity

JANU:    Deity, then, what is the scope and depth of this reality, longed for by so many? Self-created examples, what is it in the nature of each one that is so longed for? Desire is for the revelation of truth, the experiencing of truth, no matter the inquiry or reality. Even the sense of returning home, that safe place where all is well and safe and secure from distortion and misrepresentation. Attempts at this behind the veil include conflicting motivations, cross purposes, learned distortions, social consciousness.

The struggle for enlightenment is not easy without a role model. And where does one find this? Desperately searching through observation of others, looking for a hint at this, when the reality of this is one’s own True Nature. No one can bring you to this point, to this role model for your existence but your own desire and attention, your own integrity.

Love the truth into your life, the truth that, in reality, is still evolving, expanding, refining. Allow the Truth of Life, some call ‘the Light,’ to bring you peace and well-being. A life filled with satisfying discovery and experience and intimacy with who you are. Others sense and respond to this kind of integrity, these qualities of being, for they long for these as well. Be at peace, and namaste.
Feb. 7, 2020                                                                                                  Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross

This concept has been discussed previously. See also What is a Deity, Understanding Deity, and Co-Creation and Deity.