War or Peace?

JANU: You have been preoccupied recently with the issue of constant warring in human history and alternatives. Shall we say at this point that living peacefully individually is one thing but when groups of society, local and national and international, wrestle with resources, economics, power, the challenge seems beyond control to not have warring. As we observe other worlds and their cultures, this is not unique to Earth. But others have risen above this with models of living that are mutually supportive to the factions of that society. A major contributing reality is awakening to the truth of your being, which does not seek individual power and advantage over others, but functions quite well, we would say, in the larger life.

Awakening plays a role in this path of peace, but “awakening to what?” we have asked before. Awakening to the truth behind and at the heart of, at the cause of all conflict and greed. Accomplishing this reveals how more can be gained individually and collectively when the elements of society, those species combine resources, combine genius, imagination, creativity, into a mutually beneficial society. Waste virtually disappears. Resources blossom. Warring solves little, but is wasteful, not only in resources but in people as well. “And to gain what?” we say. A piece of land? Part of a world you don’t own anyway? No one does. It’s all illusion and self-destructive.

Societies work best when all of its components work together, take care of each other, combine the genius in each other. The challenges of warring are resolvable but it takes insight, honesty, and courage to choose a better way, explore alternatives, possibilities. Peace is a powerful resource. It is a position of greater strength than any warring can produce.

Consider those children and those adults who knew nothing but warring and conflict in their lives. What is their model for a different life? What do they employ to change things? The so-called hidden truths of being reveal everything, you see. Let the vision to a better life come from deep within you. Have faith in this. Demonstrate it by application and its fruits. Namaste.
Mar. 2, 2017                                 Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 17 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Expanding your consciousness

JANU: Expanding the consciousness is a basic theme in realizing potential. Awakening is this adventure. Exploring this reality does not mean turning your back upon incarnate life, but expanding your consciousness to be aware of its more profound realities and possibilities, as well as the larger life.

So then consider: What does an expanded consciousness reveal about the incarnate life? It reveals the root of its reality, which is the foundation of not only what it can be but what it is, beyond human understanding. The so-called laws of life or properties of the currently perceived incarnate life become more fluid and alterable.

How then does one know an element of truth directly, without conventional communication? Many struggle to understand more, to push the boundaries of perception and experience. When one wishes to remember a name or experience, seemingly forgotten, the more the struggle the further the answer seems away. Yet when you let go of the request, at some point you remember. This is true, our brother, when expanding consciousness. The postulate is made. The pattern created, of inquiry, the desire to know. Then it is released through the systems and realities of life that you are, to have their way. Micro-managing your experiences and awakening is counterproductive. Make your desire known then release it, remaining alert to the response, even while considering something else.

Your desires are part of life and are recorded, so to speak. There are many memories from many sojourns and discarnate existence. No need to re-invent them. They are a repository of experience and wisdom-gaining. Allow your consciousness to pattern-match with these as needed. Effortless inquiry, our brother, but in harmony with the flow of life always in motion. Whatever your understanding or awareness, there is always more. Being at true peace agrees with these realities, is in harmony with them. Namaste.
Feb. 28, 2017 B                                Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 17 contains all prior attunements in this series.


The future of consciousness

JANU: We are looking into, if you will, the future of consciousness. Future is an interesting perspective when one considers that beyond time/space past, present, and future are one. Yet life evolves, changes, expands, and embraces more of its potential. So what is the future of consciousness, founded in this understanding? It is part of life’s own awareness of its potential and the wisdom that is realized.

When contemplating the so-called Larger Life, reality does not ignore the smallest reality. So, to truly discover the future of consciousness, even the singularity must be allowed to reveal its reality. Awareness does not exclude any part of life. So, as we journey into the Larger Life, all that means, our brother, is all of life, excluding nothing. Unlimited being, unlimited consciousness is not exclusive in any way, but completely inclusive and foundationed in the power of True Peace, allowing all of life its truth.

When considering your universe, many think only of its seemingly vast physicality and a few of the energies involved. Science is exploring beyond this but it cannot be explained in the terms of physicality. There are those who are opening to nonphysical insightfulness. The Truth of Life is revealing its nature more and more. Namaste, our brother.
Feb. 24, 2017 B                               Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 17 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Finding joy in awakening

JANU:    We are savoring the moment, so to speak, rich in detail, rich with life, rich in scope, rich in depth. The element of life your attention is upon is the joy, the reality of being one with the larger life, your larger nature. The associations are many. The collaborations are unlimited in variety and their contribution to life.

By far, most of your existence is beyond time/space. Each physical sojourn is so brief in the scheme of time but the memories linger always and are timeless. The joy is from the richness of limitlessness. Yet, when looking upon each sojourn, one sees the patterns of evolution, of consciousness, creativity, the patterns of life. A living repository of life in motion. Any sense of loss is left behind, for nothing is lost. The patterns of incarnate life are retained and their reality can be explored, as you have many times.

These expanded journeys reveal inclusive consciousness of a rich life. The power and presence and reality of True Peace is part of your memory of being. Find joy in awakening, our brother. Namaste.
Feb. 22, 2017 B                              Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 17 contains all prior attunements in this series.


What does freedom mean to you?

JANU: We are realizing freedom, unlimited by limiting principles, protocols, and procedures, which all have their place. The freedom we speak of here has to do with formless consciousness, being. Some speak of the freedom to be, but to be what, our brother? One form or another? One principle or another? One identity or another? But what is doing the being, you see? Consciousness identified with the realities of borders and form, structure, hierarchies is limited reality. This limited reality, even incarnate existence, does not require that consciousness, Pure Being, is limited to that.

What is formless life, our brother? A difficult concept for the incarnate consciousness identified with form and structure. The limitations of the body seem to defy this understanding. How well is existence understood? The existence of what?

Seeing identities as transient experiences, free to move from one reality to another, is a beginning. Simultaneous awareness of many realities is a freedom. Time that is fluid, co-existing as many moments of it, is a freedom. Time and space completely fluid, manifest and unmanifest, is a freedom. Health and ill health, always in motion, to be chosen is a freedom. Ignorance and understanding as a choice is a freedom.

How free is your life? What freedom do you own? Nothing is required of you by Life itself. Freedom to choose, to be, to create and un-create, to change. What does freedom mean to you? Namaste.
Feb. 20, 2017                               Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 16 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Universal being or identity

JANU: We are moving along the path of awakening and service, reaching out into the depths, so to speak, of the meaning of life and its endless opportunities—some call challenges—to evolve, to master, to become one with.

Identity shifting is a grand one for a sense of identity limits you to that identity. So what term would best describe or represent unlimited identity? Being one with life is a good beginning, for that includes all perspectives, all so-called identities, all understandings, all wisdom and knowledge and True Power. The glue that holds all of this together, our brother, is a love of Life, of which you are a part. The peace we speak of so frequently is an element of this. I am, We are one. Being one with all of life plays no favorites, no comparisons, no good or bad. Pure Being, a subject we have alluded to but never moved this closely to. A grand opportunity, our brother. Being a consciousness no longer limited to any identity, called ‘universal being.’

Identifying your consciousness as one being or another, one reality or another, limits you. This is not a bad thing. It helps you explore a reality, being intimate with it. But it limits you to that reality at the same time, our brother. For some, a sense of identity is also a sense of security and familiarity and purpose. All true, but limited. So, when asking yourself the question “Who or what am I?” consider carefully any limitations you are programmed by the example of others to accept. This sheds a larger light, does it not, on the words ‘freedom’ and ‘peace’?

Dwell on this. Grow in your experience of its presence, its reality. You will not be the first, or the last. It is the path of awakening. Namaste.
Feb. 17, 2017                                Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 16 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Living in peace

JANU:    The theme today is peace, the peace that makes these journeys possible. Peace in the presence of any challenge brings resolution, success, and strength. Peace is a powerful tool on the journey of awakening. And when one discovers new vistas, new opportunities and challenges, in a sense peace is the victor here and it is part of you. Exploring the reality of peace in your being brings great revelation into the nature of life. Peace-filled living, adventures, service, and embrace lifts the tone, if you will, of every experience. The Christ has been referred to as the ‘Prince of Peace.’ What does this suggest to you?

No longer thought of as an absence of violence, but a powerful engaging reality, the kind of power that facilitates everything. Your journey through life is complemented by this. Peace is a condition of consciousness that allows people to embrace each other, your ideas, your philosophies, your cares and desires, your passions, and leaves fears behind. They are replaced and no longer needed. The health of the physical body and the emotions are maintained with the presence of this.

Everything in your being enjoys peace. Everything in your being has, in its foundation, the need for harmony, mutual support, and a oneness as peace understands. Life is in you, around you, everywhere. Peace is part of its nature. How can oneness occur without the reality of peace? Ambition without peace creates many eddies in the current of life and the struggles ensue, leading to more. Seeing the light at the end of any tunnel is through the eyes of peace.

Consider what the word means to so many. Not well understood. True power is channeled by true peace. Allow this to be part of your life and everything improves. Namaste.
Feb.14, 2017                                 Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 16 contains all prior attunements in this series.

Be sure to check out the category “peace” as well as the collection of earlier journeys on PEACE.


Memories and patterns

JANU: Recapturing a memory of a current sojourn is not unlike recapturing a memory of a past one and, beyond that, of another reality. You allow it as a natural experience. Attuning to something, to a memory, is not a technique as much as the thought behind taking a next breath. It’s that natural. It’s effortless.

The memory includes perspective, perceptions, experience, like meeting an old friend, discovering a part of yourself. Of course, there is wonder as to meaning, source, interpretation, but at times just enjoying the moment, the beauty of it and its clarity. These seem ‘out of the blue’ without a larger context. Some are brief. Some linger. Once recalled, can be returned to, to experience more fully. They can be triggered by many things. See them not just as hallucinations but real and valid memories, patterns of life that continue to exist and are part of your larger reality and experience. In time, these open doorways to memory can be stepped through and continue to unfold as your interest continues.

Now these memories are not limited to personal experience. They can be those of others, of circumstances in the memories of others. One can explore past, present, and future by way of these patterns of life, even patterns of imagination projecting creativity. Discernment of source, meaning, and relativity can be explored. Being aware that the memory or the pattern is yours or another’s is known.

These are the records of life, our brother. Everything is recorded. Care must be taken not to confuse these patterns with your present orientation and frame of reference. There are many realities in life. Discerning each one and their relationships is part of sanity. Choose to know which is which and the truth becomes clearer and your wisdom deepens and your life finds balance and meaningful purpose. Namaste.
Feb. 10, 2017                                 Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 16 contains all prior attunements in this series.

Other journeys concerning memories, that might build a foundation for understanding are Owning memories, Memories from “Awakening a Series,” and More on Memories in this same series.



JANU: Awakening, then, quickens communication across the strata of life such that mutual benefit occurs. When speaking of human consciousness, one must also consider consciousness of other forms of life, other realities, when pursuing awakening and enriching life, and being enriched by it. What is communication, then? What can it be? Communication occurs when life touches life beyond words, but includes words as well. How does a mother know when her child is in pain or confused? How does anyone know anything they are not privy to? Exchange of understanding and experience and good will, becoming aware of the patterns of life created by its creations that exist as life interacts between and within creations.

Patterns reveal themselves, their nature, their structure, purpose, and capacity. People speak of ‘lifeforms.’ Patterns of existence that come and go are ‘lifeforms’ and communicate with each other and have offspring. Life is rich beyond imagination. See the patterns in your own life. Understand them. Change them as you will. Replace them. A thought is a pattern, our brother, as is an emotion. They are configurations of life in motion.

As you experiment with communication, create patterns through inquiry that are revelatory. Patterns in your consciousness, created by experience and your True Nature, are miracles of communication. See these as elementals. Create them with wisdom, tolerance. These energetic patterns are everywhere. They are part of awakening, our brother. As your sensitivity grows, all is known. Life is precious. Be respectful, patient, and loving. Namaste.
Feb. 9, 2017 B                               Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 16 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Order and limitlessness

JANU:    Part of life’s richness are these qualities of order and limitlessness. Now, don’t confuse limitlessness with chaos. More limitless order, cause and effect, balanced creativity but balanced in a limitless way. Life interactions, patterns of life, are still patterns, which can be replicated, codified, replaced, terminated or begun anew in limitless ways. Your thoughts, inspirations, insights, imagination are part of this as well. The more awakened, the more conscious you are, the more aware, order can be perceived in the midst of unlimited possibilities, expressions. Not just in physical life but the rest of the Orders of Life. Change in the flow of life is part of this as well, but limitlessness and diversity have no bounds, so everything is possible. But order is a component with such diversity, nuance, subtlety, it is unlimited as well.

Order does not fly in the face of freedom. But freedom and order are two sides of the same coin, so to speak. So, do not see order as limiting, but facilitating freedom of expression, creativity, and existence. Explore both elements of reality. Each has much to teach. They live together in harmony. Witness your own existence. Namaste.
Feb. 8, 2017              Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 16 contains all prior attunements in this series.