A larger perspective

JANU: Integrity as an explorer of the Larger Life is essential for understanding, clarity, wisdom-gaining, and service. Integrity maintained not from fear but to honor life, fulfill destiny, and serve by example. We are one. Awakening reveals the nature of one’s own existence, one’s potential, one’s legacy, the depth and scope of purpose, the insight and wisdom of the True Nature, a larger identity that is flexible and unlimited, the true power of peace, and the Family of Life, the magnitude and diversity of this physical universe, which exists among many, not to mention the Larger Life beyond physicality. The potential of awakening put into perspective. Namaste.
Mar. 25, 2021 B                                                                             Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Understanding life patterns

JANU:   All along the path of awakening there emerges what some call ritual, but others call life patterns. The function of a life pattern is to ignore distraction and build or develop layers of depth of meaning of possibilities. Life patterns can be long standing, longer than sojourns, or seemingly instantaneous, for the flow of life, the evolution of creation, is not limited to any one pace. Life has unlimited diversity—countless unique properties, opportunities, changes—coexisting. Ritual can lead to its mindlessness. Living in the Now is a coordination of the form of life with all that has been and all that will be. See these journeys in the same way. Tradition, unending change, wisdom-gaining, and enrichment. Be at peace with all of this and more. Life is dynamic, eternal, and at peace. We are one. Namaste.
Mar. 23, 2021 B                                            Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Challenges are an invitation to grow

JANU: Justification for commitment to awakening resides in the reality that conscious union with that which is already united in other ways brings about peace, freedom, an enriching experience for the True Nature, and conscious co-creation. Human-only identity brings challenges that can be bewildering. The solution to challenges is understanding their reality and their life process. Insight—or inner sight—is enhanced by awakening to the larger reality of your being. The nature of an opportunity delivered by a challenge can be known. The path forward is more peaceful with accomplishment.

Embrace challenges. They contain within them the opportunity of enlightenment and mastership. Engaging challenges marshals forces, for life benefits from the evolution of consciousness through experience. Challenges are an invitation to grow. Namaste.
Mar. 18, 2021 B                                     Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


More on presence

JANU: Self-conscious is the term here, being aware you are aware.  “Where does presence come in?” you ask. Presence is defined as salient existence attuned to the nature of expression of being. Presence expresses potential. To sense presence, one is also sensing potential in nature, vitality, life patterns, possibility of agenda, purpose, intent, and invitation to relationship. This is not created by individuals but the flows of life, the creative forces, the vitality of potentials, the attention of those involved. Namaste.
Mar. 10, 2021                                                        Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


A sense of presence

JANU:    Reminiscing is one thing. Progressing potential, manifesting the future, living in the Now broadens consciousness and perception and understanding. The past, of course, is part of this. The Now reveals them as one. The point being, in all of this, is to have a sense of presence no matter the reality, for even time/space is only part of the Larger Life. So focus on experiencing presence when considering the realities and your relationship with them and with each other. Be at peace in this and so much more is revealed.

All elements of being are unique to each other, yet they are still one, each with integrity in a coordination of realities. Such is life. A sense of presence removes barriers to perception. Throughout the being, focus on presence. This is reality. Namaste.
Mar. 9, 2021                                                                Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Breaching the veil

JANU:   Breaching the divide produced by the veil is a monumental concern when considering awakening. The consciousness embraced in incarnate life has much to evolve into to breach the veil. It stands to reason that the challenges are many to merge the two in understanding and even-mindedness. ‘Flipping of a switch’ is not realistic. Maintaining perspective that is balanced, healthy, and at peace is crucial. Trust in the wisdom of the True Nature and the Orders of Life is wise. We of the Brotherhood, including our Nature, are united in this. The so-called masses have a tradition in this direction most are unaware of. Fear has no place in this. Choose understanding. Namaste.
Jan. 11, 2021 B                                                   Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Awakening questions

JANU: Awakening is the pursuit here, is the theme. The goal of awakening is to be conscious. And, then, conscious of what? And, once conscious, then what? What does it serve?

Is it not life becoming conscious of itself, self-aware and realizing the fullness of potential? Always becoming something more.

What is all this thrust to expand, to grow, to evolve, to mature, to create, to experience, to understand, to be? What is behind all of this? And what is its destiny?

Is there a reality aside from all of this?

What makes the question profound, or an answer profound?

Is there a reality other than life?

Is cause and effect always the case?

What is the nature of everything?

What is reality?

What is the full range of the nature of love?

And what is true peace?

What binds the coexistence of dimensions, subtle realities?

And what is the source of these questions?

Nov. 23, 2020                           Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Recognizing awakening  

JANU: Fostering awakening brings into play the various modalities as they play out through the diversity of human consciousness. It is difficult, to say the least, to wrap a ribbon around awakening and describe it. And why would you want to? Life is larger than that. Go with the flow. Appreciate its motion. Identify with the diversity of life. No boredom here, you see. Even so-called repetition contains changes. Be that kind of observer.

How does one recognize their own awakening? By the revelations, the surprises, the wonderment, new understandings, and the evolution of happiness and peace of mind. See the future in the lives of others. Namaste.
Aug. 21, 2020 B                                                       Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Decide with desire to be more awakened

JANU: Reaching into, then, the fullness of understanding, let us present the richness of that which seems to be an inordinate response to the quest for awakening. Life itself is the attracting force of the return to consciousness. So, allow your perspective to embrace this perspective, no longer just a part of life, a part of your being, but the nature of Life itself. Awakening is a strong force and it couldn’t be more natural or omnipresent. Decide to awaken more fully. It is your birthright, your heritage, the legacy of your Nature. Allow yourself to embrace and be the larger life you have always been. The veil sponsors limited identity and limitation.

This realization is not technique driven, only desire. Namaste.
Aug. 12, 2020 B                                                                Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Potential, awakening, and the future

JANU: Elements of reality bespeak of destiny that describes peaceful creativity, harmonious relationships, immeasurable diversity, realization of potential. And not just of humanity, you see, but Earth itself and all of its creatures. It is a package, and the True Nature is a part of this. And understand this, for destiny is not a mystery just to wonder of. It is the fabric of life on so many levels.

What we speak of here is awakening and all that that means. Becoming conscious of and then conscious as. Looking not just for miracles but becoming them, being them. For the potential of life is no less than this. The future and the potential are one. The potential is the future. So, the question is not just “What is the future?” but “What is the full reach of potential and how does that evolve?”

The source of your life is within and from there all is realized, for the within is the Larger Life. Namaste.
Aug. 10, 2020                                                                  Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross