The symbiotic relationship of life on Earth

JANU: We welcome again the opportunity to serve, humanity for humanity as a species, as a consciousness, to serve the rest of the Earth and all of its creatures. But humanity also has a capacity to be served by these, as well. There is symbiosis on the Earth and it involves everything. Individuality, our brother, is only the first stage of a developing consciousness. Symbiosis is the next. And true oneness the next.

And the power to create is a theme through all of this. How else, then, does Life regenerate its creations and create anew? Life has always been and, by virtue of its nature, will always be. The destiny of cosmic consciousness is not to be removed from or be above all creation, all realities, but to be one with all of them, co-creator with all of life. So, you see, your destiny is the destiny of life itself. How could it be otherwise?

Now, this understanding seems ‘unrelatable,’ far removed from, remote. On the contrary, our brother, it is the moment. The Now is the past, the present, and the future. Time/space a small portion of the totality of ‘isness.’ So-called dimensional separations are an illusion for the convenience of human understanding. When understood in this larger and deeper way, you will understand and experience that wherever you are going, you are already there. Namaste.

Nov. 7, 2015                                                                                                     Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

Create something new in your life

JANU: As you hear from time to time a bemoaning of life, its circumstances and manifestations, be mindful of the fact that life is far grander than that and it is what is made of it. Some look upon inequity in financial wealth disparagingly, yet do little to create a new circumstance for themselves, partially through ignorance and lack of confidence. What we recommend here is for each one to create one new thing in their day, in their life, something they desire and, when realized, they will see themselves differently and choose to create more. Commitment, research, resources, a plan, a design. And realize that your power to create is supported by unlimited life.

Life is designed to create, to manifest, to make available experiences to gain understanding and wisdom to enrich itself. As a co-creator, you were created to accomplish this. Whatever you see around you in life that you are drawn to, create it according to your vision that unfolds as you begin. Expand your identity to include ‘a creator.’ The resources of life are waiting to be molded, activated, and fulfill your vision. The wisdom you were born with will guide you and what you create adds to the richness of life. You can do this. You need only begin. Namaste.

Nov. 10, 2015 B                                                             Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Understanding the CO in co-creation

JANU:    For this journey, let us include, as requested, a fuller understanding of the power to create. Certainly, you agree, this power exists. Your being and the universe is evidence. Predicting tomorrow from today is an adventure in itself, is it not? Realizing that one is co-creating in life every moment of every day and every night, whether awake or not. Much to understand here in how creation is taking place all the time. Your thoughts, your mentations, add patterns to the mental fields. Your evening dreams, filled with emotion, contributing to the nature of existence, remembered in the patterns of your memory the next day. Every cell in your physical body is generating fields of creation.

Your individual integrity is involved, but remember, all is one. All are connected. Many times, you hear a word or a phrase that you know is not your own making. You exist in the many fields of life and, with awakening, you become conscious of them more and more, from time to time. Life is everywhere.

When considering the power to create, you can see that your power of creating and its process are not separate from life. So, when one’s consciousness embraces creation, flowing in oneness with your own True Nature allows for a greater wisdom, a broader foundation of understanding on the many planes of life. So embrace the wisdom you already possess within you, even only for a moment, to succeed well in co-creation.

Understand the ‘co-’ part of that phrase and what that means. It is possible to perceive a vision of the impact of your creations before they are created, you see. Movements of life can be perceived, for they are based upon existing patterns of great subtlety and breadth. In the eternal Now, past, present, and future are one. Until co-creation, our brother, it is not based solely on an individual’s desires, but more of life than that. The ‘co-‘ part of co-creation is a worthy study, as is the truth of your being and your True Nature. Namaste.

Oct. 16, 2015 B                                                               Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Raising human consciousness

JANU: Understand this, our brother, raising the consciousness of humanity as a service is also by request. Humanity’s call to Life, some call ‘awakening,’ can also be a general and heartfelt desire for a better life for their families, for themselves, for each other. Longing for a society and leadership that is enlightened and understands, not just economics and politics and power, but truly serves what the public longs for. This is pervasive, and has been, and Life responds. Those with any degree of sensitivity become alert to a pull within themselves to contribute, to be part of this movement, as do we, our brother.

Raising the consciousness of humanity is not a decree from Life. It is a response to the true desires of humanity. The power to create a better life has its foundation in this. As we have said before, there are many fields of reality in life waiting for wise instruction sets and the truth of the heart is always wise, our brother.

Now, the True Nature plays a role in this, for it is the inner voice, the divine consciousness, the authority for being. So part of our service to this effort is alerting humanity to their True Nature, their true teacher, the true source of their existence. It is who they are, the ‘who’ that survives lifetimes and whose nature is eternal.

Raising the consciousness of humanity has many layers and levels of reality, the timing of which is also important, for nurturing a consciousness into the fruition of its desires takes patience based upon the ability to absorb the understanding and maintain integrity, sanity, and the confidence to proceed. So, in a true sense, the raising of consciousness is the function of the true desires of people. Our task is to help people become conscious of, to be aware of more of the truth of who they are and their potential capabilities and power to create.

The power to create is inherent within the True Nature. It is not a new technique for people to learn. It is a natural part of existing. And developing an understanding of ‘allowing’ is in harmony with, compatible with the power to create. In subtle and real ways, all of these things co-exist and are connected. Everything touches everything. Raising the consciousness of humanity is worthy to explore and understand. Namaste.

Oct. 17, 2015                                                             Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Time and timelessness

JANU: We are celebrating, if you will, each step, each achievement in understanding the natural path of awakening. These subtle movements are more profound than you know. Very subtle but powerful. The finite human measuring stick of a sojourn produces a sense of racing against time to achieve dreams and goals. A larger perspective of life and existence tempers this, realizing that the journey is not limited to one sojourn. It goes on and on.

Time and timelessness coexist in their domains of realization. Allow timelessness to bring a sense of peace as one walks through life. Many of our achievements together are not new to your experience but are being enhanced by reliving them. Balance and clarity, focus, peace, willingness, ‘allowing’ allows a flow of life through you without turbulence, the restrictions of frustration, impatience, forcing and willfulness. Some have a sense that these elements of impatience bring a sense of purpose, control, ‘aliveness,’ when, in fact, their purpose is limiting and self-defeating.

We speak of the power to create. To create what, in what manner, and with what result? Your life is more powerful and productive, meaningful, when all that you are is in harmony, cooperation, synergism. Timelessness, unlimited mind, open heart, joy in living, love of self and others, understanding, united within your consciousness, within your being, is a wonderful journey. Be in peace, our brother. Namaste.

Sept. 22, 2015                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The essence of life

JANU:    This evening’s focus is the essence of life. Essential life is represented by its imperative to exist. Realizing its potential is an extension of this. And the power to create is the faculty. The power to change and adapt is part of its wisdom. The power to think, process, experience, understand, and appreciate relationships is life owning its creations, absorbing them, building its foundation for re-creation simultaneously. There is a feedback system, a circle of life, what you have called the looping reality of life. Creation, manifestation, assimilation, re-creation changing and flowing in harmony with its own being. Everyone is part of this. Everyone’s True Nature is part of this.

This is essential ‘isness’ that allows all creation without judgment, condemnation. Pure ‘isness.’ No right or wrong. Complete freedom to be. Fully vital. Unlimited by any creation or reality. The true essence of life is present and essential for the singularity to all of the universes and beyond. Each one plays their role, serving the essence of life, contributing, magnifying, expanding. No one is insignificant, neither person or creature or nature.

This is conveyed to encourage an awakening of the sense of the reality of the essence of each one’s being. No one is smaller or larger, in significance, to another. The essence of your being, your significance, your contribution to life is eternal. Stand firmly in the Truth of your being, with an open mind, an open heart, and a loving spirit. Namaste.

Sept. 25, 2015 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Find the truth within to see the truth around you

JANU:    This power to create is present in the life of an individual when that individual is in harmony with, attuned to, at one with the True Nature. Creating in harmony with the flow of life gives longevity to and purpose for the creation. Now, some create without this advantage and their creations have destructive consequences in competitions among people, struggling for power. And there are many who create with harmonious motives with the flow of life, loving their families, respecting each other, and wishing freedom and prosperity, happiness, for those who seek it. The dance of life created in this way gives call to the power to create. And this call is answered with forces unknown, beings unknown, and the well wishes of others.

Some use power to give, others use power to take. A central difference in applying the power to create: Life makes available all the power you need to create. There is no need to take power from another person. Recognize the power another may offer you. Is it in harmony with the truth within you? And does everyone involved grow from it?

The power to create is not grandiose. A smile can be a huge moment in someone’s life. A moment’s peace and sense of well-being are grand experiences. A brief insight in a troubled mind works wonders, coming from within. These small gifts are grand, indeed. Holding someone’s hand who feels alone and without direction. Many provide these in their lives.

Encourage others to listen to their own still, small voice. It is their True Nature, that loves them. The truth of who you are would lift you into happiness, peace of mind, love of self, and the confidence to move on. The power to create a happier life has always been yours. Look within and find the truth so you can recognize the truth around you. Namaste.

Sept. 18, 2015 B                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross



JANU: We are opening at this time to a discussion on precipitation. By this we mean that process of engaging life in such a way as to bring about manifestation of your desires.

Precipitating is like being a co-creator, gently but deeply aligned with expectancy, with the power to create and the power of the Presence of Life itself, but the focus is not upon this. It’s upon the desire, knowing that, by some means, by the power and presence and flow of life, your desire and commitment will be realized. And the more this takes place, the more peaceful this becomes. When left to the natural resources of Life, along with your vision and your commitment, manifestations occur in a balanced way, which includes timing and manner. This occurs throughout the life, sometimes noticed and sometimes not.

Now, precipitation can mean a new creation. Are your desires being fulfilled by the creation of another? But to you it is new. There are those who precipitate experiences recklessly. Generally, these are self-destructive, eventually, but most are in the direction of a better life in harmony with natural order.

It is the power to create. This power is adaptable. Once again, calling for a growing wisdom and maturity. Life constantly re-creates itself, and does so in response to individual and collective consciousness and desires. And there are always consequences, and they help to guide you in better decision-making. Move forward with your power to create, while deepening your insights into consequences, tempered with past experience. All of life is a dynamic reality, but let your evolution in consciousness be dynamic as well. Precipitate consciously, in harmony with life. Namaste.

Sept. 14, 2015                                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

See also the next post on “Allowing.”


Co-existence of all creations

JANU:    Let us begin again by saying the power to create includes all persuasions of thought, perception. Life allows discord as well as harmony. So the choice is yours. The human perception of good and bad is one of interpretation based on motives and experiences. The flow of life is based upon the power to create. Creation recycles itself to begin again, to renew, and to modify.

So what is worth creating? Would you create a life free of challenge, discord, free of suffering, free of regret, free of any opportunity to experience that side of life, all of its wisdom and benefits through experience? What would you create? All of these have been created. What is bliss, then?   Is it free of these things? Or is it peace and deep profound consciousness in the midst of these? A consciousness that learns from every experience, every reality, and continues to embrace life. The joy from living is not just from that which is easy and trouble-free, but from living, understanding, serving, and loving the magic of all of it.

Experiencing the full range of life manifestation and mastering the experience is freedom. Freedom to be, freedom to choose, freedom to engage, freedom to serve, freedom to configure your life as you will. The power to create includes all of this. Condemning another’s choice, another’s creation, as not agreeing with your choice is a judgement. Humanity is an example of the co-existence of a wide range of life expressions. For or against, applied to your own life, calls upon the power to create what it includes.

So this study has nothing to do with controlling the life of another. More to do with supporting the flow of life and all it includes, without judgement, condemnation, but co-existence. This foundation is essential for the journeys we will take. How can life find fault with itself and survive? Namaste, our brother.

Sept. 10, 2015                                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Our achievements are blessings for everyone

JANU: Much of what humanity has created to this point is based on fear. Much of the rest is based upon integrity and a belief in the sanctity of life and the needs of others. Would that individuals could perceive the collective reality of the human journey. Life is complex, in the sense that many realities co-exist and, you might say, bump into each other from time to time.

Rational mind prefers linear thinking and life to behave in this way. But it is not. Your own evolution is not. Your own thought processes are seldom that way. So, to understand your journey in life, when seen in this way, brings greater tolerance, forgiveness, and patience with the course of your own life and those of others.

Life is fluid and changing, elements modifying each other. Even our relationship is not fixed and evolves through change and experience and deepening understanding. Humanity would fare well to relate to each other in this way. A tight grip on any part of life will limit you and eventually challenge you. Moving with the flow of life has the same complexities, but when in the flow you change to meet them. Your innate nature, our brother, is intended and designed to succeed, to continue, to explore, to understand, and to support life.

Peace is more powerful than struggle and it is possible to struggle while at peace. The longer range the planning, the anticipation of what you will meet and what you will be will not hold the answers for you, our brother. But a growing consciousness and intimacy with life this very moment opens the door.

Trust in your insights. They will come. Trust in the power and the presence of life itself. It is always with you. Trust in the spirit of another, born of the one life as are you. Be grateful for the wisdom you have gained. It is a blessing for others as well, for we are all resources for each other. Namaste.

Sept. 5, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross