Elements of beneficial exchange with others

JANU:    Being a mirror for others finds harmony with them being a mirror for you. Exchange of understanding without condemnation, judgement, or preference. No right or wrong, no agree or disagree, just the isness of being. Consistency in the consciousness, in the integrity, in the clarity of perception and understanding supports the freedom of both. Love is the foundation for allowing the freedom to be and explore life in one’s own way, to perceive in their own way. To understand, in their own way, your existence and you theirs, where the exchange enriches life and each other. Finding fault with another is finding fault with yourself and your life patterns that are part of evolving.

Be conscious of the reality that life is always present. One is never alone. Each walks their path with their True Nature. Life records everything, but loves as well. Life is patient but also in motion, is evolving and responding to the evolution of each one’s desires. Connecting with another consciously and spiritually is a profound opportunity to grow in consciousness. Namaste.
July 27, 2022                                                 Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross

 Editor’s Note: This came after reviewing some of the material available from Ramtha, who speaks of being mirrors for each other. 


More on mastering challenges

JANU:    Protuberances outline our focus of harmony. Challenges such as these coexist with the ideals you strive for. Distractions have their purpose. They provide opportunities to exercise clarity and focus. Welcoming them is wise. They are opportunities for exercise in disciplines and desires, to be free and master your nature. Blessings in disguise, to see more clearly the nature of everything, including your own Nature on all levels. A Master maintains peace in the midst of these. Wisdom gained through experience guides the life. Namaste.
July 8, 2022 B                                                     Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross

Editor’s Note: This was first discussed in Mastering Challenges.  For a more ‘current events’ approach, see journey taken on Jan. 6, 2022


A beneficial exchange with another

JANU:    The moments of enlightenment during today’s exchange are encouraging to both of you. It’s rewarding to observe and experience and own the path of wonder and discovery of another. It is also their path to freedom, discovery, enlightenment, and growth. Both benefit, in different ways. Life is enriched and the results can spread to others, for the field of discovery, the energy patterns, are not confined. Life touches life. Be alert for other opportunities. Grow in consciousness, in harmony with others. Namaste.
June 1, 2022 B                                           Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross

 Note: This followed an open and enlightening exchange with a repairman, not someone I would usually have expected to think along these lines.


Be aware of awakening in society

JANU:     Yes, it is true, awakening is occurring around the world. Not with special people, anticipated by the public, but by common people. As with many of the great ones of the past, there is a camaraderie, to a degree, in consciousness and an understanding that in time humanity will evolve to their proficiency and beyond.

These are transitional times and not all so-called miracles are understood as to their nature. Allow your evolving perception to become conscious of these. Namaste.
Apr. 21, 2022 B                                                                          Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Life patterns to resolve conflicts

JANU:    Dressing the wound, so to speak, of injuries between human beings takes forgiveness most are unused to. Peace is not the solution of violence for wars still fester in the emotions and thoughts of many, for various reasons. Inner peace and the beauty of life heal these wounds. Inspiring people into this understanding is a service that enriches life. The times are right for change and what motivate change between people becoming weary of the challenges brought by anger and pain. People bring these challenges to themselves, not understanding True Peace and True Power in harmony with Life. Those who begin to understand and experience this change serve by creating this life pattern and maintaining it.

Consider this carefully on our journeys. We have many more life patterns to build and maintain. Namaste.
Apr. 8, 2022 B                                                                                              Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Struggle – part of path of awakening

JANU:    Invention, discovery, the quest for knowledge and understanding, peaceful beauty, and sharing. All laudable goals. The journey into the incarnate life on Earth seems to be in the way of all of that. It’s not. It is in addition to. These other wonderful qualities and experiences can find expression and application amongst these other challenges. For others have lofty goals as well, reaching for what they perceive is a better life. There are confusions in consciousnesses of the incarnate life because lofty ideals do not exist separate from the full range of life opportunity in general.

Learning to overcome what has been called the “Dark Side of Life” is a satisfying achievement. But ‘no challenge’ tends to bring idleness, a lack of enthusiasm for discovery.  Reaching for goals that seem to be out of grasp is a challenge as well. A journey such as this supports awakening, keeps motivation to overcome frustration and disappointment.

You are never alone. Others struggle in similar ways. Lovingly encourage each other to continue. It’s part of the path of awakening.
Apr. 22, 2022                                                               Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Dealing with distractions

JANU:    Employing the elements of wisdom is an undertaking worthy of practice. While incarnate, repetition is involved for familiarity and remembrance. When distractions get more attention than these disciplines of wisdom there becomes a shift in connection. Not completely, depending upon the endurance of the shift, you see. So let us return, by choice, to strengthen these disciplines on the path of wisdom and awakening.

The invisible, so-called, world or reality is invisible to the incarnate consciousness, unawakened, although the incarnate life is still influenced, just not understood why. Let the attention discover why. Time spent on a distraction can limit you, unless one chooses to benefit from wisdom gained by way of the involvement. Then the distraction becomes less of a distraction and more of an opportunity. But that takes interest in that path, in that way.

Climbing the rise of a hill, a challenge to the crest, is a journey not forgotten because the memory is there. Take time to review such climbs and what they reveal. Be at peace when trying to remember and the memories will become clear. Namaste.
Apr. 18, 2022                                      Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


The balance between peace and struggle

JANU:   A summary of wisdom regarding the balance of peace and struggle in human civilization is focused upon the short and long term views of core beliefs and desires. It’s easy to be peaceful when all is well. But when all is well, motivations are calm. During struggle, motivations are renewed and introspection and creativity are reborn. The challenge is, in the midst of peace, to be motivated by a clear vision and commitment to potential and enrichment of integrity. So look upon the current balance of peace and struggle in human civilization and choose wisely your focus for investment of contribution. Namaste.
Mar. 8, 2022                                                        Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Human destiny and the veil

JANU:    Outwardly Ukraine is the point of interest. Inwardly, the evolution of humanity, its survival, its awakening is at stake. Loving and caring for each other is humanity’s path to freedom. Hold this focus. Own it. Be consistent, persistent, and adaptable. See this blessing in motion. There is power in this. Fundamental, basic, primal during this human experiment. There is wisdom behind the veil and wisdom overcoming it. Awakening is a process with persistence, commitment, and process. We are all part of this. Namaste.
Mar. 1, 2022 B                                            Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross



JANU: Benefiting from a blessing is a life pattern worthy of gratitude. The experience brings a joy to be shared with others. It is natural to wish blessings for others, for the human journey is one that all are included in, incarnated on one world. Blessings flow constantly as Life encourages, lovingly, the evolution and happiness of all creatures. A simple desire to lift many. Namaste.
Dec. 8, 2021 B                                                                       Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross