New Journeys

Finding joy in the evolution of others

JANU: Being in joy is not necessarily a function of surroundings, relationships, economies, technology, but one more of at peace with intimacy with the True Nature and the Larger Life. Now, the incarnate experience is part of that life. Perceiving it in this way in your consciousness opens the door to appreciate and perceive the elements of peace and the Larger Life. The incarnate life on this world represents struggles in evolution, struggles in perception, trial and error so to speak. It is life realizing the full range of expression and wisdom.

So look for endeavors of so many to improve their lives, to understand it more, to express their best qualities, to be kind to each other, to sacrifice, to give, and to enrich. These elements exist continuously. Look for these things and cherish them. They are more evident observing people than circumstances. The news media is biased, but contains some of them. Their proportion does not represent general reality.

Be sensitive to elements of goodness and integrity in the individuals. Allow blessings to support these qualities. That is a service, to bless goodness and desires to be free. Become sensitive to perceptions of struggles to evolve. Namaste.
June 18, 2023                                                                      Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross

Love the Larger Life into consciousness

JANU:   We are loving the Larger Life into our consciousness. In the light of this, the darker areas of confusion, doubt, frustration, ignorance become gently filled with light, which is the Truth of Life. Once again, one feels or experiences potential and fulfillment coexisting. The preference of the Larger Life is who you are, as who you are, who we are. No limitations, ongoingness of life in eternal motion. Namaste.
June 17, 2023                                                          Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


A spark of light in a dark tunnel

JANU:     To a glimpse a light while traveling through a dark tunnel, one must open their consciousness to the Light within them, for it has always been there, no matter how dark the journey seems to be. Many worlds are going through and have gone through this, you see.

Today’s journey brings us to such a one, whose light in the population has diminished for some time, in their perception. Encouragement is the key, whether in group or individually, and evidence of this is convincing. Be open to a dream, a vision, a moment of insight, to that which would give you peace, happiness, joy, whether in your own life or that of another. These are seeds from the Larger Life, which is your Nature. Serving yourself and others is serving Life, for they are one. Your resource for this journey is endless. It takes only one moment of light to open the door to understanding, solutions, successes, victories, strength, and a love that won’t be denied.

The Earth is such a world. Traveling the Larger Life serves humanity as well, for these sparks of light exist everywhere, only to be touched. So, touch a light by desiring it, placing great value in hope for it. Allow yourself the experience and remember those you’ve already had. The Larger Life is full of these. Take the journey to other worlds, including your own, and feel the power of true peace. Namaste.
May 22, 2023                                                                      Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Peaceful world sets pace of changes

JANU: Progressing once more among the worlds of the incarnate life and those beyond. Today, let us embrace a world of a pinkish hue nestled in a cluster of galaxies but an isolated solar system. And this world is a captured world, born of the system but captured into orbit after formation. The pink hue is only significant in the sense that many worlds have a dominant cast and this one is chemistry based. The hue was acquired after formation and contributed to by the lives upon it.

A pleasant environment, peaceful, not beset with violent storms at this time. Its formation was otherwise. As a result, the consciousness and relationships of the inhabitants do not have a violent frame of reference. Let us bring into view the norms for this world. The sun is warm. The sky is clear. The atmosphere is still. Humans would find this boring and tedious, but the inhabitants on this world have, as a result, a more peaceful relationship with each other and with the creatures. The desperate need for survival is not challenged to the point where they struggle amongst each other to gain ground. Their sense of time is less limited, for there is no concern as to what tomorrow will bring to challenge them.

They challenge themselves to a degree. Their challenge to understand any dynamics of nature and their role within it. They are hypersensitive to nuances of change and therefore temper their desire to create and change in pace with the nature around them. Much of their existence is airborne. Still, their whole world in consciousness is their physical reality. Soon to come, nature will provide a stimulus to go beyond. Their transition from incarnate reality to its Larger Life is worth watching. Namaste.
May 18, 2023                                                                Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Bring harmony to the vehicles

JANU: Harmonizing of the vehicles, from the personality-ego point of view, is one of support and enrichment. In the presence of the opportunities of challenge, employ this. It opens the door to assisting others in the same direction as an opportunity, not imposing upon what they choose. Through this activity, one will become more conscious of their Nature, what they are as a being, and the presence of the power and beauty of life. We encourage this and will remind as requested.

Let this be so. Be at peace. We are one. Namaste.
Mar. 21, 2023                                                                                               Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


World with rapid transition & rebirth

JANU:    Ownership of life contributes to exploring other worlds in the sense that we are one with the record of life. Life remembers everything and the opportunities to explore are born of the records and experiences of that to be explored. This includes our own path as well, you see, for there are no secrets in the Larger Life.

The world of interest this morning exists between two others in the same system. Between in the sense of distance from their sun. This planet revolves around its sun twice a day, in your days. It is quite small and rotates every thirty-six hours, has one moon which is part of its collective mass determining orbit and orbital speed.

This world decays more rapidly than the Earth, for its contribution to life exists in the form of transitional experiences. Yes, we mean the transition from physical to non-physical existence. It is time for mastering conscious incarnation and transition to the point where it is considered routine, therefore accessing and contributing to life in a more dynamic way. Though the realms—as you might put them it seems—include incarnate life, but the role incarnate experience plays in their overall life pattern contributes more directly through the conscious transitional experience to reach other realms. A whole new dynamic and relationship in life with the incarnate reality, more integrated with the other realities, you see.

Think in terms of this as an evolution in continuous consciousness. No longer the veil, you see. Less repetition of life journeys, gaining wisdom more continuously, exploring larger opportunities without interruption, identifying with neither reality. Their consciousness and the memories of their being seems a larger life on its own. Part of the beauty of life. Namaste.
May 17, 2023                                                                     Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


A world mastering adaptability

JANU: This next world we approach is larger than the Earth. It is younger than the Earth. Its civilizations and nature are going through primitive stages that are quite different than the Earth’s history, for the environmental and natural conditions not only are different but varied. The accommodation for living is part of the growth process, the evolution in consciousness causing the major concentration of adaptive behavior. The storms can be intense and varied, from arid to much geographical upheaval. Physicality of any civilization changes with the tides. As these changes are so prolonged, physical adaptation is required.

The population, the inhabitants, are older than those of Earth’s but the challenges have been greater. As a result, the power to adapt has opened the door to a wider array of experience, wisdom gaining, and adaptive creativity. Earth’s population could learn much from understanding these changes and what it takes, for humanity on the Earth struggles with adaptation. The beings of this other world are mastering it; therefore, their researches, their quests in consciousness more easily adapt to other realities of life. And their adventures of adaptation move more in the flow of life, and they gain ground more rapidly.

In due course, their adaptation will minimize physicality dependency which will lead to new adventures of freedom to explore life. They have already visited other worlds in consciousness, and in their new lives, their new realities, their visits are no longer needed to be physical, the interesting combination of realities being explored in whole new ways. So, understanding the reality of adaptation, and the freedom and ability to do so, is one of the gifts of this observation. At the least, this understanding brings hope to potential, should this element of reality blossom on the human journey on Earth. Namaste.
May 12, 2023                                                                Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Group of worlds explore their potential

JANU:    This next world we speak of belongs to a group of those that combine their talents, their gifts to explore life’s potential as a group. The scale of their venture is not easy for many to own or relate to. They reach into what, for some, is the void of consciousness, of potential, of reality and expose themselves to themselves as Life itself exploring itself. Realizing potential as a composite of possibilities, they embrace life as if they were that life, for in truth they are.

These worlds have moved through, evolved through a wide variety of paths. They are not similar species. They leave those identities behind and find themselves as themselves uniquely. Their adventure, their quest continues to blossom, remaining a vision toward the unknown but grasping more and more. They experience a freedom that few do, freedom from old ways, limited ways, repetition, confusion. Their potential yet to be realized but free to realize it. We relate to this. It is ours as well. Namaste.
May 14, 2023                                                        Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Observing the Earth

JANU:  The other world we observe at this time is none other than the Earth. What we see here is the complexity of the diversities of life, finding their footholds in what seems to be uncontrolled chaos, cross-purposes, a huge range of conflicts and cooperations. The journey of life for this world came from mostly potential but the influences of other existences is sprinkled throughout. But still left with the challenges, and opportunities to make use of these and evolve is still in play.

When studying the potentials and manifestations of other worlds, the journey of Earth has its own footprint in Life, but is still connected, not just in physical patterns—life patterns—but in consciousness and the creative forces that enrich manifestation. The challenges of the moment come and go but the seeds spring forth as a result to sprout and grow. That potential is an evolving reality for what therefore manifests from this is influenced by so much.

The cycles of evolution, evolution in consciousness, experience and wisdom have so many eddies and currents as to be confusing but clarity grows through experience. And Earth’s commitment to survive, discover, understand, and contribute will see it through. The suffering along the way has its pearls as well. Rich with motivation to overcome and enjoy the rewards. The lessons to be learned have benefits far-ranging, even beyond the human journey.

Open the eyes to what is to come. Have the courage to meet it. Humanity is never alone. It is part of a larger family. Namaste.
May 20, 2023                                                        Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross


Ancient network of cultures: Sumerians

JANU: The Sumarians, an ancient culture, bordered on this type of journey, the exploration of other worlds. Their science did not include knowledge of the planets but their memories of the previous existences played a role in their return to ancient knowledge. They belong to a group of those with such memories and were beginning to explore exchanges. Reaching into these will reveal, from time to time, connections to our journeys. Be aware of these significances and the threads of connection in other cultures. The network of life is larger than you know. Namaste.
Apr. 29, 2023                                                                                 Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross