New Journeys

What is awakening?

JANU: Where is the passion, then, to awaken? The joy of discovery, the freedom of understanding, the love of service, the enrichment of life? Awakening is a natural process, available to everyone. “Awakening to what?” many may ask. The Truth of Life, of one’s existence, of relationships, each other and the rest of life.

Awakening brings peace through revelation. It brings harmony to all the systems of life. No longer contradicting each other, but working together in harmony, every one of them evolving. There are systems of life beyond the physical body. Awakening touches them as well. Life without this is like a dream state, full of confusion, contradictions, misrepresentations, misinterpretations. Life can be exhausting, instead of invigorating.

True power is life in motion, evolving. What is the connection, the coexistence of everything? What is the reality? Who are you? What are you? What can you be? Deciding to know is a step on the path of awakening, without preferences in the face of the Truth of Life.

Simple joys, if only for a moment, have far reaching effects. They are a wonderful foundation for awakening. Find them in your own life. Inspire them in others. Namaste.
Sept. 2, 2024                                                   Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

See also: categories Elements of awakening, Footsteps on the path of Awakening and collections Awakening-a series, The Awakening of Humanity, Awakening into the Larger Life, Awakening and the Human Journey. Or just explore this website!


The role of patience in awakening

JANU:   We are exploring life and its wisdom. The evolution of humanity seldom takes into consideration the evolution of everyone’s True Nature. This is a so-called team effort, with one part more conscious than the other, temporarily. The wisdom of life is continuation in a realization of its potential in so many ways. The journey of the True Nature in the human consciousness is evolving.

The True Nature has the patience the human personality seldom does. It has to learn that, and its merit. The sense of urgency comes from the result of the veil isolating identity to one sojourn. When one compacts attention into limited time, many opportunities go by unnoticed. Life is richer than most realize and coexistence of its elements requires much patience to engage.

Consider carefully impatience and limited identity. Allow awakening of the consciousness, in every direction. So much is omnipresent to be awakened to. No need to create what already exists. Be an explorer of life, as well as an enricher. Namaste.
Sept. 1, 2024                                                   Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Finding meaning in challenges|

Editor’s Note: This was done shortly after the devastation Hurricane Helene caused near my home.

JANU:    A tsunami brings change. A hurricane brings change. The elements of existence are modified to embrace life and new opportunities in a better way. Change is unsettling, brings confusion, wonder about outcome and how to deal with it, the expense of resources, the recovery of peace of mind, compassion for the neighbor.

Ongoingness, continuation has two faces, at least. One is everything the same, again and again. The other is the letting go of patterns to embrace new ones, to explore and discover their potential, to understand, to make the most of it to gain wisdom. For more challenges and changes are coming, the method of evolution. Find peace and confidence that Life is alive and well and evolving.  Namaste.
Sept. 27, 2024                                                     Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Mastering change through awakening

JANU:    The realization of the coexistence of challenges and evolution, the flow of life, opens the door to a deeper understanding of co-creation and these challenges to evolution. Awakening affords the opportunity to manage change, challenges, without waiting for the destructive hurdles that can ensue forcing change. So change in harmony with the flow of life is the key, through insight, understanding and acceptance.

The destructive side of challenges is cause and effect, from life patterns that have become fixed. Frequent inquiry into the need for change and the openness to understand it and embrace it is a more peaceful path in the flow of life. Learn the signs, the language of change: encouragements, the insights, and the desire. You are life in motion.

Challenge thoughts and desires of sameness, continuations of any one pattern in life. Become a conscious being in motion, not blindly but with insight and wisdom. Your True Nature is the doorway to achieve this. It is you. Awaken to the larger reality of being. Namaste.
Aug. 31, 2024                                                  Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Systems of life 

JANU:  The tree is an example of your request to explore life and serve as well. The tree explores its environment, takes from the earth and gives to it, is nourished by it, the Earth. And serves the Earth with vegetation, organic material. A system of life that endures. Humanity and the like do this as well. The efforts at refinement have eddies in the current of life that seem like reversals, contradictions, and destructive. The physical universe is the same.

A system of life includes change, evolution, modification, energy expenditure, all of these things and more. But life goes on. Realizing potential is not a path without these things, but the potential is Life in motion as it is realized. So where is the fault in life’s processes? What ideal might you profess that is superior?

Your True Nature evolves as well, realizes potential, changes, creates, enriches, and is nourished by the processes of life. Timelessness and time/space coexist. Enlightenment reveals this, and its benefits, the processes, the evolution and the enrichment of each other. Viewing life in new ways from time to time is challenging and calls for the patience for insight to reveal its nature. Namaste.
Aug. 30, 2024                                                   Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


The purpose of this sojourn

JANU:   We are engaging the inquiry: Sojourns and their mission, their purpose, mainly this one.

The scope of possibilities reign supreme. Any one sojourn has a mission of realizing potential, not always a particular outcome but to evolve as a co-creator, to become more conscious, to embrace life. Now, embracing life is not limited to incarnation, but it is part of it and it coexists with the larger Life. Your True Nature has more than one evolutionary journey evolving.

So, when exploring a so-called mission for a sojourn, understand that it’s more than the benefit of humanity, but includes that. Allow the consciousness to expand; identify with more of Life. As your True Nature, own it, so to speak. The frustration will dissipate. Think not in terms of time, only, to evolve. Think more in terms of opportunities, both potentially and present.

The package of life, so to speak, contains more than you know. Be more conscious, in an inclusive way. Find peace in achievement. It is powerful. Harmonious existence clears confusion and apparent contradiction. See all of it as the evolution of Life. Namaste.
Aug. 27, 2024                                                                                Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Life is an adventure. Enjoy it!

JANU: In the adventure of life, much more productive wondering and exploring about potential, in understanding, in consciousness, in creativity, in the elements of being and the vast range of the reality of living life. Much for humanity to consider and, with the considerations and the explorations, the generation of even newer and more beautiful opportunities. A nature of life yet explored by many. They sit and contemplate possibilities. Life is a platform, a foundation without limitations for exploration, manifestation, realization, and being. For some, documenting imaginations can help focus and continue into a far reality these wonderings.

Imagine life in new ways. See yourself overcoming limitations, what lies beyond them, and what is in your grasp in this moment. The past has its merits but don’t be limited by them. The future has its potential, but keep them as open possibilities, subject to change and evolution.

Life is joyful. Love the adventure. Allow it into your consciousness. Be an evolving co-creator. Allow understandings to build upon each other and so-called failures to find resolution. Be the resolver of challenges and open the door for more. Life is an adventure. Enjoy it! Namaste.
Aug. 16, 2024                                                                                              Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Serving and being life

JANU:    Service is an opportunity for those who progress along those lines which we have demonstrated. Service is an alignment of, an attunement to, the conditions of reality. Reality for many in this environment of Earth, their confidence or faith in the future—and the future can mean today or tomorrow.

So let us focus on this. Becoming conscious of and experiencing the beauty of the moment of life—its eternal nature, its strength, its depth, its presence, its destiny—brings peace and confidence to those who discover it includes them. So let us inspire a sense of being part of Life itself and all it is and can be. It puts challenges in perspective, realizing they are not all-powerful. They are subject to the power of Life. Cast the Light, the Truth of Life, on all you see. Without judgement, condemnation, or ridicule, but with love.

What is more powerful and omnipresent than Life? There is peace in this. Honor, contribute to, and love Life. It is who and what you are. It is who and what everyone is. Be the Family of Life, with each step. Namaste.
Aug. 28, 2024                                                   Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Solutions to desires

JANU:    Looking for answers to inquiries begins with a concern for solutions, paths to victory, procedures, formulas. Far too rigid for the flow of opportunity to speak simply. Let us forgo these and proceed with what is truly in the heart to be part of: a loving and caring exchange that inspires both. Each concerned with each other, as well as themselves. Look for basic desires, emotions, wonderings, solutions that lead to more. Step by step approaches, allowing for time for them to evolve.

The magic of service is the first step taken without requiring an observable conclusion or outcome. Potential has many faces or possibilities. What is important is what is in front of you. Be at peace in the quest, allowing the elements of life to combine in a natural way. Solutions have a harmonious nature. Pay attention and allow. Namaste.
Aug. 11, 2024                                                  Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Message for Humanity: Choose your life wisely

JANU:    Peace seems to be an overused word with confusion as to depth, meaning, and true power.  As one observes humanity and today’s human environment and social realities, it’s not easy to see vast examples. One asks the question “Why is there so much anger and struggle for power and dominance, when working together for mutual benefit could create so much more that benefits everyone?”

From one point of view, it has to do with enlightenment, awakening to the larger life, not only of humanity but individually as well. Humanity’s potential is coupled inextricably with its true nature. Everyone has present within themselves larger, simpler, more powerful, and constructive understanding as to the nature of their own life and Life itself.

When one observes another or themselves gaining a moment of true understanding and freedom, the joy is obvious. When one gains power over others, power that takes and consumes, revelation is not the same. But that scenario seems more available when one is angry, frustrated, and impoverished, than the beauty and power of the inner and larger life, a loving life with patience, tolerance, and love.

How does one, then, embrace the difference, to the benefit themselves and others? By desiring it more than anything, recognizing its significance an unlimited possibilities. Seeing results little by little that bring encouragement and inspiration. Choose, with wisdom that evolves, the life of your desires and all that goes with it. The inner life is filled with simple solutions that are powerful, not complications or manipulations but a light of clarity. Easier to reveal to others, mostly by example.

The Family of Life, so to speak, in its way, is eternal, omnipresent, and evolving. Choose wisely. Your choice is not alone. You are loved. Namaste.
Aug. 18, 2024                                                                       Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross