New Journeys

Living in the Now with freedom 

JANU: The Light is descending upon the reality of the moment, perception of which begins with the freedom of being. To many, this is a fearsome possibility, for the unknown in the veiled existence has much uncertainty. Confidence in the freedom of being is found in the conviction, the hope and desire that freedom brings the truth, the diversity of life, the ongoingness of life, with strength and beauty, clarity and joy, understanding, peace and love. The incarnate life has all of these but the challenges are not seen for what they are, only as confusion, frustration, and life being against you.

Freedom is powerful, indestructible, full of conviction, confidence, and determination. It is in harmony with the Truth of Life. Living in the Now, perceiving in the Now, expressing in the Now shines light upon all of life. Choose to see into the truth of everything. No one is ever alone in this. All of life is connected. Embrace the Family of Life. Namaste.
Dec. 9, 2022                                                                                   Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Living in the Now – 3

JANU:   Being in the Now consciously is powerful, for it combines the illusions of separateness into one all-inclusive reality revealing the connection of everything, the presence of everything, of all perceptions, all desires, and all potential. Opening the consciousness to The NOW  is a reality larger than individual identity, of any sense of separation, isolation.

Creativity is thwarted by isolation. Individual identity continues this. An alternative to individualization is the freedom of oneness. Nothing to prove, justify, regret, or make claim to. ‘Isness’ is peaceful and has its own pattern. Engage life more fully in the Now. Namaste.
Nov. 25, 2022                                                                  Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Living in the Now – 2

JANU: The concept of time is worthy of exploration. The social understanding, and scientific as well, has integrated the perception into so much of life experience.

So what is time, then, but that which proceeds? Time is used to measure the speed of progression, the history and the future of progression, but it is imprecise, subject to interpretation and shifting points of reference. Even time, understood in this way, is fluid.

Without a reference, what is time? And if there is a reference, it is also in motion and fluid in its foundation of existence. How does one perceive progression without reference? Life in motion is the reality, but time is part of life as well and is in motion. So it is a temporary frame of perception, to give the illusion of stability, regularity, repeatability, so-called measurement.

Being in the Now resolves the issue of time, for past, present, and future, so to speak, are one. The perceptions exist but simultaneously in the Now. The division of the Now into these three terms of reference, one loses the coexistence of these three and their relationship in the Now. There is a tendency to dwell in one of the three to the point of frustration, lack of control, and futility. The nature in each one to explore and discover feeds progression. So, you see, there is the Now of the future, the Now of the present, and the Now of the past. And each of these three find common ground in the Now.

What is peace, then, but the harmonious relationship between all of the elements of life, of consciousness. These three find peace as their nature is included in the all-encompassing Now. So be at peace in the moment. Namaste.
Nov. 22, 2022                                             Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Living in the Now

JANU: Consciously living in the Now reveals the Now reality of the flow of life where past, future, and present are one. There is a profound peace in this, for focusing upon that which has happened and that which is yet to happen is living in the past and the future.

Being in harmony with life is being in the Now. Healthy body and healthy consciousness find their balance and harmony in the present. Intimacy with life is in the present. Forgiveness, love, harmony, the richness of life is in the present. Life in the present has no need for wars, manipulation, repression, violence, deception because in the present the truest reality exists, as is the consciousness of Life itself.

Live each day to the fullness of this. Your intuition, your True Nature, the Truth of Life are always present. Become aware of the total you and live life as that. Namaste.
Nov. 20, 2022                                                     Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross

 The concept of ‘living in the Now’ has been a recurring one. So much so that a collection of journeys titled The NOW has been compiled, which the reader may wish to peruse. 


The evolving circle of life

JANU: Exploration of the Larger Life (the macrocosm) includes the microcosm as well. Gross manifestation and the microcosm are one. An insight and a grand design initiated by that insight speak to a chain of life, for the macro creates the realization of the micro, which continues the cycle of life, the realization of potential, and the evolution of potential, for all of life is in motion.

Observe your own existence in this way. The incarnate sojourn is the circle of life, for that which survives the sojourn is a pattern of life that continues. The sojourn is but an element of that pattern and brings to the fore Life’s compulsion to be. See each day as an opportunity to evolve your pattern of life and its ongoingness, rich with opportunities that evolve and continue. Be sensitive to, cognizant of, and engaging of each day’s flow of life. Be at peace with this with a consciousness that welcomes with gratitude. Namaste.
Nov. 19, 2022                                                       Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


The path of evolving wisdom

JANU: Numerous events will occur as each so-called threshold is crossed in the evolution of consciousness, human behavior, social responsibility, and creative genius. The wisdom behind all of this is an evolving constant through the progress of time. Reach into the depths of memory, desire, experience, and embraced opportunities to see more clearly the dynamics of evolution.

We say these things to bring forth awareness of momentum, wisdom-gaining reversals, and victories. It is a composite of the realities of life. Everything is an opportunity to grow. Remember, wisdom evolves through all of this. It is a shining light in the darkness of the veil. Desiring presence of wisdom in your determinations, in your desires, and in your deeds will always serve you on these journeys. Growing within your being, your consciousness, are elements of wisdom to be applied to your processes of overcoming limitation. Namaste.
Nov. 16, 2022                                                  Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


What is Life?

JANU: Ranging, then, in overview of the persistence of Life itself, let’s explore motivation, ongoingness, evolution, and even purpose.

The first question: “What is Life?” To humanity, it is the tangible. To other realities, it is energetic. To others, it is possibilities. To others, it is universal and cosmic existence. To Life itself, it is movement, beingness. It is all that there is and all that can be. The manifest consciousness is still discovering this and will always be.

Existence without beginning or end is beyond the scope of perception. Beginning or ending is a limited point of view and a small possibility within Life and its expressions. The purpose of life is to be. “Being what?” is a limited perception but worthy of exploration, for all of this enriches Life and opens opportunities yet to be explored.

Incarnate life self-imposes the veil, so to speak, for the purpose of focus to fulfill the potential of experience, evolution, wisdom, and the cycles of life. The concept of self-destruction is limited to the consciousness that entertains beginning and end. Identity is a limited concept in a life with no beginning or end. It is transient, determined by interest and engagement of opportunities. Namaste.
Nov. 17, 2022                           Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross
This question was first posed in May of 2017. The reader may wish to read that initial answer on page 106 of Awakening II .


Elements of freedom

JANU: Freedom is where the inquiry, the wonder, and the knowing are one.  To wonder is to reveal. To imagine is to create. To be is to evolve. To serve is to be served. Growing is becoming. And peace is harmony.

Choosing freedom is liberating into ongoingness. Consciousness flourishes and this enriches life. The True Nature is omnipresent. Experiencing life feeds consciousness, which feeds creativity, which evolves life. Be at peace and namaste.
Nov. 12, 2022                                                       Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross



JANU: Freedom is a concept and experience strange to many still identified with life patterns gained through incarnate life. Freedom belongs to the True Nature, your spirit. It is always available although you are not always conscious of it. Choosing freedom puts incarnate life in perspective, reducing frustrations and dissatisfaction with dimensions. Experiencing freedom liberates consciousness from fixed patterns. Not only seeing them for what they are, but understanding their nature.

This process of liberation and perspective includes an opportunity for many. Not seeing the woods for the trees, so to speak, identifying with incarnate existence, civilization, and nature is confusing. The nature we speak of can be put in disarray, as well, by the behavior and life patterns of civilization. Life is a conglomeration of many paths. These experiences are a part of evolution.

Each one is free to desire change and awakening to the Truth of Life. Much sorting out to do. With each challenge, begin anew and be free. Namaste.
Nov. 9, 2022                                                       Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross



JANU: ‘Exploring the richness of life’ has many connotations, some physical, some energetic, some consciousness, some theoretical, some scientific, and some social. What we explore today is theoretical.

Theoretical physics dominates the scientific community, for it is based upon third dimensional understanding of reality. Exploring beyond the envelope of conventional wisdom and experience opens doors through theoretical postulates into possibilities yet explored or understood. The richness here is the open door, the inquiring mind, the experimental nature and creativity.

Some would contend that theory is vague, misty, unproven, not demonstrable or repeatable. But that’s not its purpose, you see. Its purpose is to explore the unknown, to wonder about life, to stretch the imagination and the consciousness, to explore with collaboration, cooperation, and sharing. What we speak to here is potential, on every level. Theoretical approach to discovery and exploration is in harmony with life in motion. It stretches everything in the human experience and eliminates stagnation.

It is life in motion. New designs, new creations, new understandings, new standards of living, new health benefits, new prosperity, new freedoms begin with theory, wonder, and possibility. This is part of the richness of life. Namaste.
Nov. 11, 2022                                            Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross