New Journeys

The balance between peace and struggle

JANU:   A summary of wisdom regarding the balance of peace and struggle in human civilization is focused upon the short and long term views of core beliefs and desires. It’s easy to be peaceful when all is well. But when all is well, motivations are calm. During struggle, motivations are renewed and introspection and creativity are reborn. The challenge is, in the midst of peace, to be motivated by a clear vision and commitment to potential and enrichment of integrity. So look upon the current balance of peace and struggle in human civilization and choose wisely your focus for investment of contribution. Namaste.
Mar. 8, 2022                                                        Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


The Family of Life

JANU:    Brotherhood is the theme here. What is meant here, in a non-gender specific reality, has to do with association, connection, coordination, cooperation, conscious union. Those who incarnate are a brotherhood. The incarnation is gender specific, the connection is beyond that. The veil encourages an identity, a gender specific identity, focusing on differences, identity differences. The larger Truth of Life is on beingness, our True Nature, our timelessness, our infinite potential, and our co-creative abilities and performance. This collective reality is inclusively known as life partners, collective being, even a community of many perspectives, a family of life, if you will. For even as incarnate gender specific identities, we are all the Family of Life in equality, sovereign dignity, and potential for enrichment. Take what you have learned and experienced from incarnate existence and create from it an enriched family of life. Namaste.
Mar. 2, 2022                                                    Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Human destiny and the veil

JANU:    Outwardly Ukraine is the point of interest. Inwardly, the evolution of humanity, its survival, its awakening is at stake. Loving and caring for each other is humanity’s path to freedom. Hold this focus. Own it. Be consistent, persistent, and adaptable. See this blessing in motion. There is power in this. Fundamental, basic, primal during this human experiment. There is wisdom behind the veil and wisdom overcoming it. Awakening is a process with persistence, commitment, and process. We are all part of this. Namaste.
Mar. 1, 2022 B                                            Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Service Protocols

JANU: Responsibility for outcomes lies in the integrity of causation. By this we mean: the motivating forces of life in motion to have self-interest that pertains to preferred outcomes. The nature of service can be understood in this way. One must be conscious of motivations, preferred outcomes, integrity. Let us assume that, for the moment, these elements are embraced outcomes of life patterns, creative forces, unlimited diversity. Like outcomes are less certain, for there are considerations, movements, that are unknown to the one who serves. Consequently, life patterns with motivation must be employed with respect for unknown influences and potential.

Consider this carefully when considering service. The inherent wisdom available must be present and respected. Namaste.
Feb. 7, 2022                                                 Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Being and creating Light

JANU  Being the light in a reality of light finds shadows of darkness that seem permanent, self-perpetuating, ignorance for many reasons. Our pursuit of enlightenment, of innate creativity, true peace, and joy of living radiate their own Light wherever they are.  So what we pursue here is the radiation of the Light of Life, falling upon whatever it may, revealing its Truth. Understanding, compassion, joy, and love create Light, our light, and can be seen whenever desired. The catalyst to this lies within the purview of the True Nature of everything, so be not only the Light bearer, but a Light bringer, a Light creator. Understand, experience, grow, explore the reality of the Truth of Life. We are one in this. Serve life by creating Light, the Truth of Life. Be a beacon whose nature is to radiate, not to control or interfere, just to be. Join with others doing the same. Namaste.
Feb. 21, 2022                                 Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Everything is ok. Be at peace.

JANU:   Destiny is a term perceived as something inevitable, hopefully grand and glorious, wonderful and magical, with unlimited possibilities. In reality, destiny is a fluid reality with vague subtleness and redirection. Life is predictable; destiny not so much but it exists. The True Nature is in motion. Its destiny is fluid and an adventure. Insightful, degrees of foresight, even purpose, and its expressions are fluid. A ribbon cannot be tied around these things, nor would you want them to be. The beauty and joy of exploring life is its unlimited potential.

You ask the role of disappointments and frustrations and moments of seeming disconnect. As we have said before, they are times of reflection, consideration, evaluation, a process of understanding. But all of that is part of life, part of destiny, part of the flow. Commitment, follow through, patience, and a bit of faith keeps one in touch with the constant presence of being. “Everything is ok,” is a true statement and frees one’s consciousness from disappointment and frustration and disconnect. We are one and at peace. Namaste.
Feb. 9, 2022                                                                    Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


An analogy for achieving conscious union

JANU:  Bringing consciousness of the Larger Life to the incarnate experience is part of the goal of incarnating, for such a journey elicits potential, discovery, realization, and manifestation. The veil journey can be a very rich one. See it as an opportunity, not an impediment. See past or through the challenge into the potential of achievement. Impatience, speculation, wonderment, are reactions to a misinterpreted opportunity. Our journeys are designed for evolution, realization, achievement of conscious union. See the light above the clouds, not just that which filters through. Unite the two. Namaste.
Feb. 18, 2022                                         Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Mastering the veil through awakening

JANU:    Peace brings insights to deal with challenges as opportunities. Choosing to be free of worry, negative anticipation, is attainable. When choosing to enjoy life, the opportunities for adventure, discovery, creativity, healing, and upliftment are vast. Have a dream, a desire, fueled by imagination. The Larger Life is within you, around you, alive and in motion, full of vitality, unlimited layers coexisting as one. No secrets to the consciousness that has the wisdom to be one within. Do not identify with destructive challenges. Master them through the liberation of peace, insight, and the freedom of desire to enjoy living. You have never been alone in this. The veil is not permanent. Its existence is fluid. Master it through awakening. Be the creator you have always been. The Truth of Life is permanent and evolving. Namaste.
Feb. 23, 2022 B                                Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Make no judgments of worth as all enriches Life

JANU:     People do not realize, whether their identity is incarnate life or beyond, that life is enriched in any case. Being conscious as your True Nature during incarnation is an option in this area. Individually speaking, this is one point of view in a larger consciousness. Humanity is appreciated as a collective, a group with elements of influence and experience, but life is enriched by all of it, each in their own way and as a group. There are collectives other than humanity, some larger, some smaller, and they come and go. But life continues. Any part of collective consciousness can be elevated to a larger consciousness, expanding their perspective on enrichment.

The journey for each collective or individual is known. When one says ‘there are no secrets in the Larger Life,’ does not mean there are not unknowns from one level to another. Base not your observation of merit on differences between groups and individuals. They all enrich life. Be cautious about evaluating worth of one part of life from another. That is a limited point of view. The truth is much larger. Namaste.
Feb. 10, 2022                            Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Move beyond limited perceptions of physical differences

JANU:   These differences in human physical appearance and gender ought to be understood from a societal experience but not identified with or judged in any way. Far more important is their True Nature, their spiritual reality that transcends these differences. Choosing to appreciate and understand these in a different context of a more universal reality is available in the psyche. These trends in social structure are part of a new illusion in the human condition.

Any preferences restrict true understanding of the flow of life and its potential. Practice being this freedom, freeing your own consciousness and inspiring others to their freedom as well. There is so much more to life to understand and experience and live than a life with preferences of a restrictive nature. Namaste.
Feb. 9, 2022 B                         Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross