New Journeys

Subtle realities and service

JANU: Enormous powers exist more subtly. Such it is with your own Nature, for the more subtle your consciousness the less effort to initiate the motion of life.  The more complete the peace, the deeper the relationship with the forces of life, of expression, of creativity, of being.

Challenges in the veiled existence create the desire to reach deeper into solutions and the meaning of life, the meaning of existence. Challenges do not occur on their own. They are part of the movements of life, the connectivity, the interaction of life patterns, patterns of expression, intent and desires. Greater power and influence calls for greater maturity of wisdom. There are consequences to everything. Consequences are manageable, but they are a constant. Even wisdom exists in degrees that are changing.

Without guarantees, life is still lived. No need to condemn one’s self with what some would call mistakes, shortcomings. Life is like an experiment to see what works through application. We are all free to embrace change. A great service is to be kind, understanding, patient, and to inspire.  Namaste.
Feb.4, 2022 B                                                             Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Integrity and the Truth of Life

JANU: Enormous is the influence of the Truth of Life, sometimes called the Light. When conscious of, and at one with, that reality everything falls into place while in motion. The nature of your being an unlimited relationship with life, the purpose of expression on any scale. Varying degrees of connection. The maintenance of integrity, not just physically, but life itself. Even a void has integrity. Integrity throughout the being embraces change and its truth. So, let integrity be a mark of your presence. Be the Truth of Life, especially when meeting challenges. Namaste.
Feb. 4, 2022                                                                      Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


The larger reality of performance

JANU: Performance is mentioned from time to time. A more enlightened view of that reality speaks to natural evolution of being, for performance is in motion as well, as is that which receives it. The evolution of performance is as natural as attuning, as being, as identity expansion, as is service. Become your ideals. The evolution of performance liberates limitation. Embrace more of life. Be its potential, which is your own.

All of life evolves. Be an enricher. Meet challenges in this way. Simply choose to be. Namaste.
Feb. 3, 2022 B                                                                               Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Ritualistic preparation

JANU: Configuration, a consideration of concern of the incarnate mind that deals with borders, limits, arrangements, connections, and order. The Larger Life is not limited to these elements in the same way. Creativity in the subtler densities has an element of automatic configuration with creative thought. Energetic relationships differ from physical ones from the incarnate point of view and experience.

So ritualistic preparations become the focus more than the reality of the moment. What your attention is on, you are connected to in that moment. Being at peace while attuning is more allowance and agreement than ritual. We are always one and together. Be conscious of this through the connection of attention. Choose to be and, in that moment, you are. This evening’s journey represents this. We are one and strong and involved and conscious.

Engaging these creative forces of life strengthens their relationships, anchors them. The rituals of preparation are there to convince the limited consciousness that the Larger Life is real. Once experienced, convincing is not needed. Place your attention on what you desire and allow it. Namaste.
Feb. 2, 2022 B                                                           Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Identity Expansion

JANU: An interesting point of view. “Welcome, stranger,” one might say as the human consciousness returns to conscious union with the True Nature. Getting to know one’s True Nature once more, while incarnate, is part of the revelation of life to itself, for the incarnate life with its protocols is an exploration and experience adding many perspectives and understandings to the True Nature.

There can be a sense of separation, loss of a larger reality, behind the veil. But that is a perception, not the whole truth. Conscious union is a path of gradual awakening to the larger truth of one’s nature. We are one in this, with the guiding wisdom of management.

Let us assume for the moment, then, awakening is a process of identity expansion beyond being human. The nature of the wonderings within the human identity reveals, as they change, movement on the path of awakening to a larger identity, to a larger life, to a larger truth, to a larger being. Embracing a new insight, making it a part of your consciousness, a new way of perceiving your life and seeing yourself, experiencing the change expands the identity with understanding. Individual identity comes from new experiences that are understood and applied. These new understandings, insights, when embraced and applied, shape the consciousness.

Consider insights thoughtfully, carefully. Explore them. See what they reveal about who you are and more will come as you grow into them. Namaste.
Jan. 31, 2022 B                                                     Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Change brings freedom

JANU:    Performance, again, is the focus. We are one with change, but change is variable: the rate of change, the complexity of it, the diversity of patterns. It is difficult to perceive any coordination with the elements of life. At times, change can occur undetected by the human consciousness. Embracing change, even when non-specific in perception, brings freedom from being stagnant. Live life in motion. The adventure is always fresh and liberating. See change as freedom to walk the road of life renewed.

Embrace renewal, re-purposing realization of potential in new ways. Freshen your relationship with life through change. Find peace and freedom in this. Look forward to it with anticipation. Flow with it. We are one. Namaste.
Dec. 29, 2021                                                                       Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Life patterns Part 2 

JANU:  Touching life patterns involves more than you realize and includes touching your own, to better know who and what you are. Touching life patterns during your incarnate existence in your location tends to be ignored when reaching for the Larger Life. Your current sojourn is part of that Larger Life. The veil is a condition of focus, keeping your attention in a particular reality. Associations give insight into their depth and this includes the Larger Life. So see them as one. Being conscious of a life pattern requires focus, peaceful attention, non-reactive involvement but responsive in a larger way.

Touching life patterns has an intimacy and a respect for life in motion. Desire and attention attract these. Together we are strong with the integrity of being. Namaste.
Jan. 17, 2022 B                                                       Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross

 Editor’s note: While this is a more active approach to the concept of touching life patterns, be sure to check out Part 1, for a description of the state of being of touching life patterns.


Life patterns Part 1

JANU: Seeing more of life is to be more in harmony with it, for the conscious connection connects life patterns. Or, we should say, lets them touch each other and influence each other. Being at peace is a beginning. There is no ending. The incarnate journey, you see, is in addition to other protocols, other realities of existence and their pattern touchings. All of life evolves through all of these and, in this way, all of life is part of your experience and contribution.

These touchings are opportunities to enrich the evolution of life. It matters not the apparent significance in a comparative way, for touchings are not isolated from other opportunities. Subtle beyond current consciousness is the depth and range and nature of these. Evolving in consciousness also means evolving in the ability to be conscious of touchings. Through these pattern touchings, all of life is known, experienced, understood, and assimilated. For how could a memory no longer be part of you. These are permanent records.

Consider this carefully. Pay attention and touch life. Namaste.

Jan. 17, 2022                                                           Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


A living tapestry

JANU:     The Dance of Life can also be understood as a living tapestry of life, made up of countless life patterns that are in motion. This tapestry pulsates, moves, evolves, continues, and realizes potential. A living tapestry, beautiful to behold, rich with resources. Loving, understanding, always embracing. This includes all realms.

The True Nature is part of this as a contributor and is never alone for the tapestry and the Nature sustain each other. Sensing its presence replenishes. Mutual absorption has a vitality. Wisdom through experience permeates this and can be drawn upon with integrity. Consciousness expanding; expanding identity realization; endurance; diversity; countless journeys of exploration. Everything changing. Even truth evolves, including love, taking on larger and larger and deeper meaning. Being in harmony with life enriches. Namaste.
Dec. 23, 2021                                                      Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Energy transference

JANU:  Once again predisposed to speak on the subject of transference of energy from one part of life to another. This is accomplished through focused accumulations and pathways between source and destination.

Now, realize that different types of energy can have form, but the forms are still energy. Seeing physical manifestations as having only physical properties is a limitation. Everything is energy and can be manipulated. The forms that these energies follow are a product of modeling consciously with patterns of existence.

Now, energy can be created from several sources. Cycles of existence can be designed into a manifestation no matter the level of existence. Prevailing patterns of existence can be allowed to play out by way of the many properties of existence or progressions can be set in motion. A consciousness with follow through not limited by doubt of outcome can be achieved. The energies of existence are programmable, but doubt can interfere with these. More to come. Namaste.
Dec. 7, 2021                                                 Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross

 Editor’s Note: This was triggered by my continuing fascination with the demonstrations of energy manipulation.