New Journeys

Developing recall

JANU: Assembling understandings into a coherent foundation of understanding, bringing order to elements of reality—perceptions, understandings, experiences, and wisdom—is a refinement of memories not limited to any one sojourn. Recall is a skill worthy of development.

Memories are not forced into consciousness, but they are attracted to it when valued and allowed, connected to purpose and need. Many times circumstances are triggers to memory, or one will trigger another as in recalling a chain of events or experiences. Focus on recall, then allow it. Allow the voice in memories to be felt.

Your desire to remember who you are and all you have been is strong. These memories include states of consciousness that fulfill its desire. Be at peace in this. Namaste.
Dec. 28, 2020 B                                         Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross

 This is a direct corallary to previous journey “The role of memories.” 


The role of memories

JANU:   Reminiscing can be therapeutic by clarifying perspectives on realities of the past. One can add more constructive or positive understanding to a memory that didn’t seem to have one, bringing balance to what has been disturbing or regretted. Repairing a memory, so to speak, fulfilling its mission of enlightenment. Time matters not, for everything is now. Memories are as well.

Bring patience, understanding, encouragement, forgiveness, blessing to memories, which are life patterns that still have vitality for they still exist. Memories belong to the substance of being, the foundations of wisdom and decision-making. Relatable life patterns to those of others. These patterns have more in common with others than you may realize.

The role of memories in fulfilling life, finding freedom and happiness, moving on and evolving, is profound. Cherish them, for they are as jewels in the darkness of confusion and regret. Even these journeys are life patterns recorded in the memories. Namaste.
Dec. 22, 2020                                                            Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to go back to Mastering Memories II. 


More on being at peace

JANU: ‘Regulator’ comes to the forefront again. Being at peace regulates, if you will, the elements of being into a harmonious reality that generates consciousness of a balanced nature. Equilibrium suggests vital reality without disturbance or contradiction. Being at peace has its own dynamic nature that corresponds to natural life imperative of being. In this way, Life embraces variations for the purpose of expression, evolution, realization of potential, wisdom and understanding, and a foundation for advancing the manifestation of potential.

Being at peace is a reality of being that supports awakening and harmonious return to consciousness from the confusion of incarnate existence. While incarnate, being at peace engages that life from a perspective of continuity of being that brings coherence. Contemplating the reality of peace is a worthy journey. A fundamental in group work. Namaste.
Dec. 21, 2020                                       Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross

 More on this concept may be found under category of ‘Peace’ as well as the 2018 post “Understanding being at peace.” 


Taking a stand

JANU:    Taking a stand and holding it is the bedrock of freedom. Integrity, commitment, achievement. Each one in the current political climate must take a stand and hold it, no matter what else others are doing. ‘Falling in line’ does not describe this.

This is also true in one’s journey into their own destiny. We have taken a stand on the path of awakening to include these qualities no matter what. Every day must stand on its own. So be it. Namaste.
Jan. 12, 2021                                                                  Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Comment on the Inauguration

JANU: Looking forward on the day of reckoning does not ignore the past for they are both connected. One perspective is determining what to do but the other side of the coin, so to speak, is determining what not to do. The results of each are compared as a reminder and a confidence builder. When one makes a decision, is there clarity on what it is based on? Both sides of the coin are wisely considered. This contributes to an appraisal of progress made. So focus upon gains to be made and gains that are made, without condemnation or retribution but well-being and peace, full of confidence and determination. A comment on the moment on this day.
Jan. 20, 2021                                                                                Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Mastering challenges

Editor’s Note: This came the evening of Jan. 6th, following the riot at the Capitol. Seems appropriate to share it on the morning of the inauguration of a new administration.

JANU:  Let us focus, for our part this evening, on human society. The issue this evening in the nation’s Capitol is more systemic so we shed light on the cause, not just the symptom. The potential and promise of humanity far outweighs the challenges. Most see only the challenge, which obscures the solution. Finding and achieving peace in the midst of chaos requires the overcoming of fear and anger.

Those who gain power over others through intimidation and fear ultimately will self-destruct, for these realities are self-destructive by their own nature. Any profit is temporary and costly. The illusion of this power cannot survive on its own. Only true peace reveals true power, which only gives and never takes. Let there be peace and the richness that brings. Namaste.
Jan. 6, 2021 B                                                  Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Loving from perspective of integrated being

JANU:    Loving others from the perspective of integrated being–True Nature engaged–allows perception of them as oneself. What they are living is only part of who they are and temporary. This allows others in their own consciousness to be perceived without bias, but within their understanding. Holding each other dear as a complete being encourages embracing life, including incarnate life, with a growing clarity. Everyone benefits. Move slowly but consistently in this direction. Namaste.
Dec. 16, 2020 B                                            Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Penetrating insight

JANU:    Penetrating insight is a gift in the sense that it predisposes one to wisdom on any subject or circumstance. Insight is to be understood as a predominance of sensitivity to elements of reality that keeps pace with its evolving changes. This includes insight into one’s own nature, motivations, agendas, predispositions, biases, behavior, perceptions. Awakening turned inward helps clear the path of evolution in consciousness and the True Nature.

Some perceive that close scrutiny does not allow for so-called wiggle room of experimentation, excursions into possibilities. Not true, for this so-called wiggle room in the journeys of life allows for its diversity to bring flavor, texture, and substance to Life itself. So, let us be mindful on these journeys of understanding that tolerance and discipline go hand in hand.

We are one on every step of the way. Namaste.
Dec. 9, 2020                                                     Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Being an explorer

JANU:    Exploring can be an artform. It calls upon intuitive ability, a harmonious relationship with life forces, open-mindedness, and respect for the nature of things. You call yourself an explorer; you aspire to this. Allow these qualities, and more, to exist. Nothing is permanently out of reach. Explore limitations in perceptions, confidence, and understanding. Let us explore at this time.

Creativity occurs on many levels, in many ways. Creating happiness and peace of mind, even if only for a moment, is creativity. Bringing that to the experience of another creates that in both at the same time. It has memory, healing properties, peace of mind, confidence in the joy of living. It inspires the same thing in another, for it is natural to share joy, humor, light-heartedness, possibilities. Be mindful of this when walking this path. There are many forms of service that enrich life. None are insignificant. Namaste.
Dec. 8, 2020 B                                                    Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Time for humanity to clean house

JANU: What portends to be the challenge and opportunity of this so-called pandemic is an opportunity to stand down, to a degree, in many areas like personal and social interaction, human endeavor, and relationship with the Earth and Nature and each other. Humanity is in some ways responsible for the pandemic’s existence by its energetic creations in these areas of society. It does not yet understand its power as a co-creator in the energetic life of consciousness, creativity.
Yes, there are those who live peaceful lives that are productive and serve life, but they are part of the larger society and are exposed to some degree to its challenges and its benefits. A good time to go within, ask questions, and listen. Understanding exists, solutions exist, alternatives exist.
The world of politics and governments is an example, demonstrating much in the way of discerning confusion and misrepresentation, but not the only one. Warring is accepted as a normal part of life. Normal, no. Common, yes.
A time for humanity of introspection, wisdom gaining, and wise choices. All of humanity are co-creators, creating life patterns at all times. Be more conscious of motivations, influence, outcomes, relationships in every area. Time to clean house, so to speak. Namaste.
Dec. 10, 2020 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross