JANU: Profound is the experience of total freedom. “Freedom from what?” you may ask. From ritual, from common life patterns, from repetition, from identity, from expectations of others, from isolation, from the limitations of time and space, from mis-emotion. Being at peace is freedom: freedom to be, freedom from the sense of loss. Everything you need, you already have through your True Nature. You have access to any part of life. Be at peace about possessions, security, and well-being. Leave ignorance behind. Embrace enlightenment. Live free. Namaste.
May 26, 2020 BP Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross
New Journeys
Mastering life patterns
JANU: Understanding life patterns and relationships with them, is movement in the direction of freedom. Freedom to have a full identity to be attuned to and aligned with, whatever you desire. Self-imposed routines, habits, disciplines, biases, and the like, can be life patterns that box you in, so to speak. Self-imposed. Societal rituals. Common practices and behaviors. Conscious of them or not, they are imprinted.
Introspection in harmony with your True Nature can be revealing. This movement in consciousness is best taken peacefully, patiently, with insight, allowing many aspects to be revealed. A growing freedom to make choices that are thoughtful and wise. Now, this does not mean being devoid of any life patterns, but not being owned by them. And the ones that you employ are chosen in freedom and understanding. When attempting to discover new understandings and realities, life patterns can interfere, when owned by them. So, you see, there is wisdom in mastering this. Namaste.
Oct. 23, 2020 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross
Be sure to read the previous journey. Also, the reader may wish to check out “Transforming Life Patterns.”
True peace while engaging life successfully
JANU: Salient to today’s journey is the mitigation of life patterns that tend to negate the sense of self-discipline or control. Being critical of one’s condition unreasonably does not bring balance to life’s relationships, privately or with others. So, where does balance and reasonableness appear?
There is merit in observing life and its expressions with an attitude of ‘isness.’ When one attempts to navigate the waters of a stream or river, it becomes wise to understand and tolerate the eddies and currents, to navigate, take advantage of, and learn from through direct observation. Be forgiving of what seem to be conflicts or ‘underminings,’ for strong is the one who navigates life and what it includes successfully. And by that we mean: conscious survival, contribution, and intimacy. Still a free being, inspired and inspirational, generous and receptive, persistent and patient. Find peace while engaging life and awakening. Namaste.
Oct. 22, 2020 B Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross
Be sure to return for the next post, further examination of this concept.
Manipulation of life patterns
JANU: Realization not only of potential but of the manipulation of one’s life expression gives more freedom to be that must carry the wisdom of the larger consciousness of the True Nature. So, in choosing this path of discovery, do so as a united being, for there are outcomes, influences, that the human consciousness is unaware of.
Altering manifestation gives rise to unlimited creativity but wisdom is in harmony with the influence on other life patterns. Life is a system, an integration of coexisting creativity. Choose wisely what you ask for. One does not walk through life in isolation. This is not the nature of existence. Everything is connected, yet there is still freedom for creativity. Use projection to see possible outcomes with the manifestation of potential. Listen to the wisdom of your True Nature. Continue to explore and discover. This serves evolution and enriches life. Namaste.
May 13, 2020 BP Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross
This is the part of a series on dealing with one’s life patterns. As this has been discussed in earlier journeys, you may wish to check “Life patterns-Fluid identity” as well as return for the next four posts.
JANU: It is a heavy burden to place leadership of a society on one person. Leadership is relationship between all members of a society. The qualities of consciousness in the society inspire those qualities in leaders. So what we look for here is the evolution of the leadership, the sense of this, in the society itself. The integrity of individuals on their finest qualities, or lack of it, can be seen in their police forces, their military, the degree of intrusiveness of the laws of government. There is the root of it. A society gets the leader it deserves.
So let us focus upon the enlightenment of humanity, each one developing leadership in managing their own lives. As this evolves, observe the changes in social creativity, well-being, prosperity, and kindness to each other. This is true power that brings out the best in everyone. Namaste.
Nov. 3, 2020 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross
This is a topic discussed several times this year. The reader may wish to check Choosing leaders and Supporting Leadership.
Manifesting miracles
JANU: Peace resembles most closely life beyond the veil. Time/space is a reality as part of the Larger Life, to be explored, understood. You ask for conscious reunion. Time/space is part of this, not as an entity but as an attribute of the Larger Life.
Mastership means being at one with it. The challenges in the physical body are best seen as opportunities to merge, consciously, the physical experience with the Larger Life. Challenges of the moment seen more clearly from the larger perspective. The wisdom and the motivations for them are indicators, are feedback as to relationships. Choose to master these challenges. It is part of the reason for their existence. Let us accomplish this with one voice, so to speak. Manifesting so-called miracles is normal. Namaste.
Mar. 9, 2020 BP Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross
More on Miracles
JANU: Miracles. What are they? Throughout time there have been phenomenon categorized as such. Some have been called nothing more than “speeded up” normal events. Much more to it than that. A miracle can be a thought of genius, a moment of forgiveness, freedom from enslavement—self-imposed or from another. Every heartbeat is a miracle; miss one, and see if you don’t think so.
What makes a miracle possible is the alignment of, the engagement of creative elements. “And what are these?” you ask. They are thought without doubt. They are the focus of consciousness unrestricted. Unlimited thought. They are the creative forces of life organized and manifested. They are life in motion. They are not limited to physical life.
Miracles occur whether perceived or not. If one could perceive all of life, one would understand that all of life is a miracle. The joy, the wonder, the amazement of witnessing a miracle applies to every moment of life. Living in gratitude and appreciation of the moment brings peace and an openness to be conscious of more of life, whether yours or another’s, of what has been and what will be. Find peace in this and freedom from frustration, anxiety, any fear.
Allow your sense of identity to be that free. If life is always in motion, does that not include your identity as well? Your thoughts, your perceptions, your intimacy with everything. Namaste.
Oct. 20, 2020 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross
Challenging times are opportunity to reassess
JANU: We agree on this: service and inspiration, untainted motivation for awakening, becoming conscious as, without glamour, entertainment, or other distractions. Let us return to this on our journeys, as we have before. In these times of stress, suffering, and restriction, let us serve peace of mind, goodwill, patience, and confidence in resolution. Times such as these are catalysts for achieving or returning to these qualities when so many are distracted with complex motivations for their thoughts, behaviors, and relationships. Life, in its wisdom and intimacy, provides opportunity to reassess and make wiser choices. Integrity, truthfulness, honesty, sacrifice, kindness, commitment, understanding, patience, even-mindedness, true peace are foundations to build and evolve one’s existence on and with. Namaste.
Oct. 16, 2020 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross
Exploring life systems
JANU: Rambling can be a distraction. Even when searching the so-called unknown, focus can be revealed for there are elements of your being with many interests. The quest to awaken can touch the jewel of Life and any of its facets. Which one shines in you?
Exploring inner space brings a peace. But focus can be more than one-pointed. Systems of life can be a focus. Invisible service is a system of life. Angelic Host another system. Many involved with the ongoing creation of an evolving universe. Learn of the systems of life.
So, let us focus upon awakening of humanity. Humanity is held in an embrace by those who cherish the raising of consciousness.
Let invisible service be one system. Direct example another. Evolving traditions another. Record keeping, including memories, form foundations to build upon. Humans tend not to have considered themselves as nature, but nature includes all of the Earth. So Earth is a system of life, of which humanity is a part. Explore this as a system. Namaste.
June 2, 2020 BP Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross
The reader may also wish to check out the Category “Life systems.”
Loving a life: basis for wise blessing
JANU: We are enlisting, if you will, those qualities, those forces of life in existence, pronounced as blessings, predetermined to accomplish tasks that bring peace, balance, order, symmetry, and well-being, along with the wisdom gained from experience. To be in harmony with this is a worthy achievement, and worthy of its benefit to others, and the creatures of the world, as well. The protocols of life must agree. By this we mean: combine with, be in harmony with all circumstances.
Loving the life of another is the foundation, for this is in harmony with wise service. Confidence in the outcome is justified because a love of life is employed. And what is more natural than this? Namaste.
Oct. 9, 2020 B Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross